Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2053 Can we be as tactful as possible

"If you only want the silver medal, I'll let him take it out." Ike Shinosuke said with a sullen face.

Already lost? Can't get it out? Then give him the same piece with your own hands, even the scratches, if there is one missing, start again, until it is exactly the same as the original one.

"No, I'm not a child anymore."

After Chi Feichi finished speaking, he found that he seemed to have touched Chi Kanai's sensitive nerves again.

He said that as if there was no longer any need for items related to his parents, like souvenirs, like some other connection...

Although this is also true, he really doesn't care about those things, but it will always remind the Chi family and his wife of those missed and obliterated attachments, which were originally the innate attachment of children to their parents.

Children will always love their parents unconditionally, even for some deep hurts, children will forgive again and again, still think that parents are the world, but love is also the warm water that boils frogs.

The child is easy to coax again and again, and when the next mistake occurs, the parents will still feel that it is enough to coax them, and they will habitually ignore their own mistakes.

When one day the child no longer forgives, or doesn't care at all let alone forgive, some people are surprised to find that there is so much love wasted by themselves, and so much love has been wiped away by themselves.

Some people don't know how to reflect in the end, and only think resentfully, why their children no longer love themselves without regrets, and what methods should be used to tame the child who can always forgive themselves.

He will not be glad that the Chi family couple is not the latter, because if the Chi family couple are such people, then it is impossible for him to get along well with the Chi family couple, let alone be lucky or not.

"That's right..." Chi Kane sighed softly, "It's still too late."

Hui Yuanai looked up at Chi Kanai's lonely face, hesitated for a moment, and remained silent.

She wanted her godmother not to be sad, but in that case, she didn't know if it would be unfair to Brother Feichi.

She didn't know what happened to the Chi family these years, and she couldn't say anything more.

Chi Feichi pretended not to hear Chi Kanai's low sigh, and added, "Diamonds like 'Midnight Jackdaw' are suitable as toys for adults."

Subtext: He still collects the gifts from his parents. It’s really just that he’s grown up and doesn’t like the little silver medal anymore.

Chi Kanai found that Hui Yuan Ai's mood was disturbed and depressed, so he perked up and continued following Chi Feichi's topic, "By the way, Feichi, do you like that black diamond?"

Chi Feichi thought of the cold black diamond, and said frankly, "I like it, every time I see the impurities inside, I feel like I have seen a mysterious and mysterious small universe."

"That's why your grandmother collected 'Midnight Jackdaw'. If it weren't for the rich and mysterious impurities, it would be better to collect other fancy colored diamonds with beautiful colors, or transparent diamonds that are transparent and free of impurities," Chi Kana laughed. He smiled and asked again, "Didn't you bring it here this time?"

Chi Feichi felt a little guilty when he thought of the black diamond he had thrown in the house at random and was put away by Nanatsuki Koshimizu, "No, I put it in the Mihua Town hut."

While talking, the guide led the four of them to the audience hall.

In the audience hall, apart from Isabella and Philip, there were also some servants and two members of the royal family.

The four members of the Chi family did not communicate any more, and saluted Isabella decently.

Etiquette is not complicated, men bend slightly to bow or nod, women's curtsy is just slightly bent knees, but here, you have to change your Japanese communication habits and speak English for a while.

Isabella also smiled and nodded decently, exchanged a few words with the four of them, got up and invited the four of the Chi family to drink tea in her private dining room, the reason was "Philip's recent Chinese homework needs to be checked by the teacher, we can Go and sit in the dining room for a while, I also want to see if Philip is serious about his studies recently'.

When it came to such a serious matter as the crown prince's schoolwork, the two members of the royal family politely left and only the servants followed to the dining room.

When we arrived at the restaurant, the other servants served refreshments and went out, leaving only one elderly maid.

When Philip saw it, he completely let go of himself. His body, which was sitting upright, leaned towards Chi Feichi, his eyes crooked with a smile, "Teacher, I..."

"Philip," Isabella reminded, "I told you, no matter how happy you are, don't sit staggering."

Hui Yuanai looked up at Chi Feichi who was across the table.

Her brother would sit upright no matter where he sat, wouldn't that be the reason why he was talking about it?

The person who was nagging might not be her godmother, but Jane... Thinking of Jane's nagging, her mind started to roar again.

"Okay, Your Majesty..." Philip sat up straight helplessly, still eager to share, turned his head and said to Chi Feichi, "Teacher, do you remember that annoying guy I told you on the phone before?"

Isabella explained to the other three members of the Chi family, "It is a child of my husband's brother's family. Although Philip is the crown prince, he and his father are also one of the candidates for the heir to the throne. His father is not in good health. If Philip commits a crime What was wrong? It was deemed that he did not have the ability to be the crown prince. I think the throne belongs to him in the end. That child is very smart and has a strong learning ability. Maybe I was too harsh on Philip before, and he misunderstood Philip a little bit. ..."

Chi Jianai understood in seconds. Behind the 'a little misunderstanding', the other party should be deliberately attacking Philip. "Then what happened after that? What did he do?"

"It's just a kid in his teens. He is young and likes to perform. He also has the ability to perform," Isabella smiled. "During that time, Philip often worried that he couldn't keep up with him."

"I'm not jealous of him. Although every time His Majesty praises him, it will make me unhappy, but his homework is indeed better than mine. Of course, I'm not worried that he will threaten me. Being the crown prince is so tiring..." Philip stopped Huatou raised his head slightly and poked his chin forward, "I hate his smug look. Every time he is praised by His Majesty, he is just like me now, and his eyes are full of arrogance... This is not an heir to the throne." Your Majesty will only do this to those who hate you."

Isabella smiled helplessly, "That child is indeed a proud person..."

"Arrogance." Chi Feichi corrected.

Isabella: "..."

Hey, she is maintaining the relaxed atmosphere of the conversation, can we try to be as tactful as possible?

"Yes, the teacher is right," Philip uprightly defended Chi Feichi's uprightness, "He is just arrogant, and an arrogant person is not suitable to be a king."

"So Feichi and you took advantage of his arrogance?" Isabella smiled, "He made a fool of himself in front of many people, that child was hit hard, and he still doesn't want to come to see me. "

Haibara Ai suddenly felt the smell of "Yingyang Weiqi", and exchanged glances with Chi Kane, and picked up the teacup in unison.

Be classy, ​​drink tea, watch a play.

"Not to take advantage of, I just told Philip that since I hate his arrogance, we should learn to be humble, which is the opposite of his arrogance." Chi Feichi looked at Philip, "For the advantages of others over ourselves, we should accept and admit it. pay your respects, don't you, Philip?"

"Yes, that's what the teacher said, and I did that too," Philip nodded solemnly, looking at Isabella calmly, "I'm acknowledging his merits from the bottom of my heart, and sincerely To praise his performance, I never thought that he would be so complacent that he would boast in front of everyone and be careless and unprepared, Your Majesty, I sincerely hope that he can perform well."

Hui Yuanai took another sip of tea and continued watching the play.

It's interesting to watch a group of people speak with a British accent, argue in that soothingly casual tone, or go back and forth with each other.

Isabella looked at the seriousness and sincerity in Philip's eyes, and knew that Philip regarded the status of "crown prince" as a big trouble, and wished that someone reliable could take her position as crown prince, so she could only smile helplessly, and looked at Chi Feichi, "Is there really no other intention? For a child, a proud...well, an arrogant person is willing to bow down to his opponent and repeatedly praise his strengths. Good thing."

Ikekana drank tea silently.

I get it, her son is teaching Prince Philip to play the game of "booting and killing".

"Isn't this really a good thing?" Chi Feichi looked directly at Isabella, "Philip needs to be confident and understand that even if he is the crown prince, he can't do everything better than others. Similarly, they have their own advantages and also have their own shortcomings. It is very important to admit the advantages and disadvantages of oneself and others, and it is also very important to accept these. In this era, or in the current situation of the royal family, what he needs now and in the future What he does is not to make any great decisions, but just not to make mistakes. At the same time, this is not an easy task, so he doesn't need to care about whether his equestrian skills are worse than others, that's not what he should do things to care about."

Isabella wanted to nod her head in approval, but she held back in the end, looked at Philip for confirmation, "Is that so..."

She thought that Chi Feichi was teaching Philip to kill opponents, and her words seemed to be accusing and questioning, but she had no objection to this, and even the result Philip achieved surprised her.

Now everyone thinks that Philip is modest and kind, at the same time acknowledging the merits of others, generous and confident. Compared with his proud opponent, Philip did it very well.

The method of using bloodless weapons is also a skill that a crown prince needs to master.

The fundamental reason why she asked Chi Feichi to be Philip's teacher was not to let Philip learn Chinese. It is of course good to be able to master a language, but what she valued most was Chi Feichi's influence on Philip.

Chi Feichi was very smart. At the beginning, she could see that her attitude towards Philip was not distasteful, and it also made up for the things she hadn't considered as a mother. It opened Philip's heart, and found the right method for their mother and son. Philip is willing to accept those rules. When there are outsiders, facing her is like facing a monarch instead of a mother. In private, their mother and son can have their own "secret time" and get along like ordinary mother and son.

This kind of life with both comes from the method proposed by Chi Feichi, and Chi Feichi can communicate well with Philip, and Philip is willing to accept the things he proposed.

What Chi Feichi said just hit the nail on the head, and she felt a bit like "Mr. Chi really understands us". If she wasn't the queen, she should be able to express as she pleases like this.

The only thing Philip needs to do well now and in the future is "not making mistakes". This is what she is trying to do well now and in the future. A person like Chi Feichi is needed to fill in what she can't give Philip, such as heart-to-heart talks regardless of whether the words are appropriate or not.

She wanted Chi Feichi to be Philip's godfather...

Closer to home, she thought it was a conspiracy to "grow and kill", but she didn't expect Chi Feichi to consider what Philip should do.

In this incident, Chi Feichi and Philip didn't seem to take the child's pride into their hearts. This mentality far surpassed that child's, and the pattern was bigger than she imagined.

She was suddenly very unwilling, could Chi Feichi really not be Philip's godfather?

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