Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2055 There is a cursed blood

Chi Feichi felt that the angle of Hui Yuan Ai was very novel, so he thought about it carefully, "When that incident happened, my mother was not yet born. Neither she nor I knew the specific situation, and there was no way to know, but when my mother grew up, I heard from my grandmother and other people that Edwin does have this tendency. He is very smart and has a maturity that children of the same age do not have. Maybe he is similar to you and Conan..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

No, she and Edogawa got smaller.

But listening to Brother Feichi, she can imagine that Dewen's maturity is definitely not as simple as "children sometimes have amazing performances". It should be that they started thinking about the relationship between people and life earlier than their peers. one type.

"And when he was five years old, he lost his sight," Chi Feichi said. "There was no external injury, and the cause of the lesion could not be detected. Under the blow of blindness, he had already had some mental problems at that time. However, people did not pay attention to the impact of mental problems at that time. What can be known is that he has self-destructive emotions... Do you still remember the Elizabeth you met in Jiangshenyuan? In terms of time, Dewen died in the fire In the second year, Elizabeth's daughter Sophia also set a fire in her original home because of mental problems and burned herself to death."

"Grandmother... that is Mrs. Anastasia, she has been to Egamihara, right?" Hui Yuanai recalled, "When Edogawa and I went to Egamihara Hotel, we saw her, her husband, and the child. The photo, but you seem to have taken the original copy."

"That's right, my grandmother and Elizabeth should be able to chat very well," Chi Feichi said, "because they both suffered from children's mental problems, and also had children who died in the fire, and the time gap was at most one year. "

Haibara sighed, and suddenly thought of a key point, "Wait, Brother Feichi, in the photo of Mrs. Anastasia and her family that Edogawa and I saw, Mitchell...his eyes are a bit strange, as if focal length..."

"Mitchell also lost his sight around the age of five," Chi Feichi said softly, "My grandmother had five children, and my mother was the youngest. My grandmother gave birth to her as an advanced mother when she was forty. Her previous four children were all boys, and they all had some physical problems. Edwin and Mitchell were both blind when they were around five years old, while Neil and the fourth child, Rhodes, suffered from skin diseases. Disease is a disease that cannot be cured in a lifetime."

Hui Yuanai frowned, and already had an answer in her heart that she was unwilling to accept, so she asked Chi Feichi for confirmation with a glimmer of hope, "Is it...a genetic reason?"

Chi Feichi nodded slightly, "The doctors and pathologists at the time came up with this answer. It should be some kind of mutation in my grandmother, or a genetic defect in her family. The boy she gave birth to , there will be no health problems at birth, but as you grow older, some problems will occur in the body, and those problems are completely undetected before the outbreak."

"Only boys?" Hui Yuan Ai looked at Chi Kane who was joking with Isabella, heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled at Chi Feichi, "Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with the godmother's health, and neither , it means that the godmother did not inherit this genetic defect, if there is only a difference between male and female, then your body should also have problems."

Rather than saying that she was comforting Brother Feichi, it was better to say that she was comforting herself.

That's right, if this kind of genetic defect will break out in a boy, then Brother Feichi should be caught too. Since Brother Feichi is still fine, all she can think of is that the gene has changed again in her godmother, and some defects have been eliminated. It was corrected, so Brother Feichi is fine, as long as Brother Feichi's future children don't have another genetic mutation or intergenerational inheritance, then that child will be fine.

Gene mutations are very rare. It may have happened twice in the Field family, and it is impossible to repeat it in Brother Feichi...

Wait, if there is a mutation in her godmother's gene, and Mrs. Anastasia's problem with giving birth to a boy is also due to her own gene mutation, then the genetic inheritance of this bloodline seems not very stable...

Bah, bah, bah, even if Brother Feichi and future children may have genetic mutations, it may be a change for the better, just like her godmother is fine and Brother Feichi is fine, step by step to correct the existing genetic mutations. question.

"I hope so, but I'm not sure," Chi Feichi said honestly, "Just like I'm not sure whether mental problems are genetic, Mr. Fukuyama asked me before if anyone in my family had mental illness. Knowing about Er Dewen, it was some time after leaving the hospital that my mother told those things. In fact, she was not willing to mention the deceased brothers. Before this year, I never knew that I had four uncles."

"Wait..." Hui Yuanai raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows. Combined with the child's appearance, he looked like a little adult having a headache, "Mrs. Anastasia's five children, Edwin, Ni Er, Mitchell, Rhodes and godmother, Edwin died in the fire, godmother is still there, so what about the others?"

"My mother started to practice the life skills of blind people and do life training with closed eyes since she was a child. She was not blind when she was five years old. The family was very happy and held a big banquet on her sixth birthday. A year after that, the kitchen caught fire. For some reason, Neil was in the kitchen and died in the same fire as Edwin." Chi Feichi paused, "It is said that the investigation result was an accident, and Rhodes died of illness the following year. Porphyria broke out after the age of 20, and his health has not been very good. In the same year, Mitchell committed suicide..."

"That is to say..." Hui Yuanai took a deep breath, "They all passed away at a very young age, and two of them committed suicide, right?"

"That's right, when they died, the oldest was Neil, who was 21 years old, and the other three died before the age of 20." Chi Feichi looked directly at Hui Yuanai, and said softly, "So some people It would be said that there is a curse in our blood, which is indeed like a curse. In addition, after the old baron adopted his grandmother, his children died one after another due to accidents, and some annoying guys said that the grandmother was a witch. This special pair Purple eyes are also regarded by those people as a symbol of the blood of the witch, and some people with broken mouths say that both Edwin and Neil died in the fire, which is the fate that the blood of the witch should bear, even if they treat the witch as a joke People would also think that the purple eyes of the Field family symbolize bad luck and disaster."

"How could there be any witches? That was just an excuse in the witch hunts back then. Many innocent people were beaten into witches..." Huiyuan Ai retorted in a low voice, but he had nothing to say about the 'curse' can be said.

The successive tragedies are no different from curses.

Godmother and Brother Feichi both have a pair of special and beautiful purple eyes, which are imprinted on the bloodline genes, and there is a terrible genetic disease in the bloodline, those purple eyes are indeed like an ominous symbol.

Chi Feichi continued in a low voice, "Except for Dewen, whom my mother has never met, the other three love her as a little sister very much. After she was five years old, she lost three older brothers one after another. She thinks her grandmother is not good enough. They should be born, so maybe she wouldn't be born, but if they were not born, the pain of the four brothers when they were alive, the pain of watching her brothers die one by one when she was young, and the pain of her grandmother and grandfather losing their children one after another Painful, when she married her father, she explained that she did not want children and wanted her blood to end in her generation."

"What about after that?" Hui Yuanai thought about Chi Kanai's painful childhood, looked at Chi Feichi in front of her, and lowered her voice, "Did she change her mind later?"

"No, she took precautions for several years after marriage, but she still got pregnant unexpectedly. My father persuaded her, and they began to think that the children they could conceive with contraceptive methods were destined to be given to them by God," Chi Feichi recalled. What Chi Kanai said to him, "Maybe my mother couldn't bear it at first, she said, thinking that it was a small life, a small life related to her, she felt that she should not deprive this life to come to this world to see The right to see, maybe at that time, she understood my grandmother's thoughts a little bit."

Hui Yuanai asked, "That child is Brother Feichi, right?"

It is also difficult for her to judge whether to give birth to this child or not.

If she considers it as a pharmaceutical research scientist and rational thinking, this child should not be kept, and she should be killed as early as possible while the month is still early.

But when this kind of thing really happened to the people around her, she seemed to be able to understand the intolerance and entanglement of Ike Shinosuke and Ike Kana at that time.

If those two had decided to get rid of the child, Brother Fei Chi would not have existed. Thinking of this, she felt that it was right not to get rid of the child.

"Well..." Chi Feichi responded softly, "After I was born, my eyes were the same as my mother's purple pupils, as if reminding her of the curse of blood all the time. While taking care of me in those years, she was anxious because of worry, and also because of the I was not blind when I was five years old, but she still worried that sooner or later I would have physical or mental problems. She began to fear the day when she didn’t know when it would come, and also worried that I would one day She would resent why she let herself be born, so she chose to leave, avoid me, and avoid facing all this."

"So that's how it is," Hui Yuan Ai felt that her long-standing questions had finally been answered. She could feel that her godmother cared about Brother Feichi, but sometimes she couldn't understand the alienation of the Chi family couple from Brother Feichi. It's because the Chi family attaches too much importance to work, and they didn't expect such a complicated and powerless reason behind it, "Then what about Mr. Shinnosuke? Why did he leave your side too? The mother of the child is not around. As a father, shouldn't he be with you?" Are you with the child?"

"He was worried that I would resent my mother because of this, and only get close to him, which would make my mother even more sad." Chi Feichi said.

Haibara Ai:"……"

The reason is really...

Emphasizing sex over sons, Brother Feichi is really innocent.

Chi Feichi complained to Hui Yuanai in a low voice, "That's what they said, but I guess, he persuaded my mother to stay with me back then, thinking that after having a child, my mother would gradually open up her heart. Deep, has been living in pain, he felt that his lack of consideration caused his mother to suffer so much, and he began to regret the persuasion back then, so that time he wanted to stand firmly by his mother's side."

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