Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2056 Isabella: Yangmou should be used

Hui Yuanai's heart became heavier, and he looked at Chi Feichi seriously and asked, "What about you? Have you ever resented why your godmother let you drive into this world?"

Chi Feichi recalled the mood and thoughts of the original consciousness body, "Yes, but the reason is not the blood curse, but they gave birth to me but they didn't care about it."

Hui Yuanai asked again, "How do you feel now?"

'Resentment' is a terrible emotion, especially in the relationship between children and parents, but she thinks that brother Feichi's resentment is not incomprehensible, just like she also thinks that the godmother's disapproval of Mrs. Anastasia has her own reason.

There are three generations from Mrs. Anastasia to Brother Feichi. The genetic disease has brought countless sorrows to the family.

Sickness torment, loss of loved ones, resentment between loved ones...

Each piece is heavy enough, but it makes the family experience it repeatedly and makes people helpless. It seems that the tragedy is already doomed, and no matter what the decision is, it is inevitable.

Even she desperately wanted this to end.

If you can't start with the godmother, start with Brother Feichi, whether it's a genetic disease, or pain and resentment.

"It's all over." Chi Feichi said with a normal expression.

Hui Yuanai couldn't see Chi Feichi's true thoughts from Chi Feichi's face, so she could only try to comfort her, "The godmother doesn't seem to be running away anymore, and there is no problem with your body, is there?"

"I don't have any problems with my eyes." Chi Feichi saw that Hui Yuan Ai was in a daze, paused, and added, "I'm not sure if it's because of heredity. Sometimes my vision is blurred, but it doesn't happen often."

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi's deep purple eyes, and suddenly realized that the heaviness and shock in her heart was because she was also a member of the family, so she asked in a low voice, "Have you gone to check?" ever?"

"The cause can't be found at all. It's not a problem with the optic nerve, or a disease in other parts of the eye." Chi Feichi said in a low voice.

"Is it the same for Devin and Mitchell?" Hui Yuanai asked.

Chi Feichi said 'hmm', "They are blind and can't find out the reason and where the problem is. I mentioned the eye matter to Yue Shui, but I haven't told my mother yet, so don't tell her for the time being, lest she think wildly .”

"Hmm..." Huiyuan Ai remembered Chi Feichi's mention of 'inheritance' to Koshimizu Nanatsuki before, and suddenly understood Chi Feichi's feelings and thoughts when he mentioned this, "Are you worried? Worried about the future children will also have genetic diseases."

"A little bit." Chi Feichi admitted.

Hui Yuanai hesitated, "Actually, she...should like you..."

"I know, but I hope she can think clearly." Chi Feichi looked at Hui Yuanai's frowning and pensive little face, "Don't worry, my situation may not be that bad, or I should have a way to solve it The problem is that nothing is absolute, and we still have to be mentally prepared for the worst.”

"Have you already figured out what to do?" Hui Yuanai cheered up, seeing that Chi Feichi just nodded and didn't seem to intend to tell her, so he couldn't help but said, "I can help too."

She has some research on biology and pathology. Although she has not studied genetic defects or genetic diseases before, she can start to understand and research, and maybe she can make a drug to solve the problem.

"If I can't figure it out, I will look for you." Chi Feichi said.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Brother Feichi doesn't think she's just a child and can't help, so he deliberately puts her off, right?

Over there, Isabella's conversation with Ikekana and Ike Shinosuke has come to an end.

Without waiting for Hui Yuanai to continue, Chi Feichi looked over and whispered back about the title, "In short, the royal family was also in a difficult situation back then, but because the Field Group developed better and better under the hands of my grandmother, in the end The decision was made by my grandmother to inherit the family property and title. Those people have been arguing all the time. My grandmother took out a part of the shares of the Field Group and distributed them to them. However, until my mother took over the group, they were still uneasy, because my mother married out. After my grandmother passed away, they believed that my mother should not have the right to inherit. Until this year, Queen Isabella took back the title of Baron Field..."

Hui Yuan sadly let go of the genetic disease in his heart, and heard Chi Feichi briefly say that Chi Kanai and Chi Shinosuke teamed up to clear those people out of the Field Group, and joined hands with Isabella to play the trick of "taking back the title and conferring on it again", so that The title falls on the head of Chi Zhenzhi, which also completely cuts off the possibility of those people competing for the right of inheritance.

Since Brother Feichi said he has a solution, she can trust Brother Feichi for the time being.

Of course, she will also start to pay attention to genetic issues, in preparation for being able to help in the future.

"Mr. Shinnosuke, Kana should have told you that the process on the day of the award is not complicated," Isabella smiled slightly, "Like you, I have been looking forward to that day for a long time. What I can do for Kana, There are only these matters related to fame."

Chi Feichi explained to Hui Yuanai that his mouth was dry. Seeing the three people's eye contact, he almost said "the layout has been a long time". He picked up his cold cup of tea, took a sip in silence, and prepared to listen in.

"Actually, I thought about giving the title directly to Feichi," Isabella saw that Chi Feichi had finished whispering with Hui Yuanai, and then brought the topic back to Chi Feichi, "After I've been to Japan."

"Oh?" Ike Kana glanced at Ike Shinosuke and teased, "Has Shinosuke fallen out of favor?"

"You can put it that way," Isabella smiled and accepted the teasing, and said seriously, "I thought, if Feichi is willing to be Philip's godfather, I will make him one of the few marquises now. The Marquis of Field, there are always some old antiques with old ideas... No, I mean some old people who follow the tradition are willing to have enough kindness and respect for him."

The maid next to her: "..."

She has heard it.

"But he refused. I found out afterwards that he once had a godson. He was a smart, lovely, and talented child who surpassed many adults. Unfortunately, his fate was ill-fated. Knowing what happened to him, I I also feel sad for him," Isabella looked at Chi Kanai with serious and gentle eyes, "When Feichi rejected me, he said that he would only have one godson, I think their relationship must be very good, I can understand He, his family members passed away, it takes a lot of time to heal the pain in his heart, even... when he has other children, those children will accompany him and miss the departed family with him. "

It might hurt feelings to play dirty tricks, so she was thinking of plotting.

She can try to win Gana to her side, and let Gana think about it—whether to let Chi Feichi immerse himself in the past and miss his deceased godson, or to persuade Chi Feichi to accept another child as a godson, who can Has a child accompanied Chi Feichi to ease the pain?

If Gana hopes her son will be good, she should support her, and with Gana's help and persuasion, the possibility of Chi Feichi agreeing will increase.

Chi Kana heard the implication of Isabella's words, thinking about Sawada Hiroki who would call himself "grandma" while staying on the Internet, and thinking about Chi Feichi's character, he decided to leave the matter to Chi Feichi and Hiroki Sawada decided by himself, "Yeah, he has a very good relationship with that child. I think...he really needs time. After all, the godfather is a person who needs to be responsible for the child and must be treated seriously."

Isabella saw that Chi Kanai didn't intend to persuade Chi Feichi, she sighed inwardly, a little amused, wondering if she had made an appointment for her son in advance, "Indeed."


Before seven o'clock in the evening, the four members of the Chi family arrived at the banquet hall.

Most of the people who attended the banquet were acquaintances. Ike Shinosuke took Chi Kanai, Chi Feichi, and Huihara Ai to greet the acquaintances, introduced Huihara Ai to each other, and also introduced those people and each other's family to Huihara Ai , For those who are not very familiar, they also introduced to Hui Yuan Ai who saw Hui Yuan Ai's attention.

Yan Jiansan also brought Yan Qiufu to the UK and was also invited to the dinner.

Isabella arrived at the banquet hall at 7:30, greeted a group of people briefly, said something like a speech, and left the banquet hall.

The same was true for Philip who accompanied Isabella to the banquet hall. He gave a welcome speech like a little adult, cast a reluctant look at Chi Feichi, and had no choice but to leave.

Afterwards, Ike Shinosuke, Ike Kana, and Yan Jiansan chatted with acquaintances, and introduced several new faces to each other.

Hearing Yan Qiufu say that he was hungry, Hui Yuanai was also sent around to pick up random meals to fill his stomach, and there was also a six-year-old British boy.

Haibara saw that the topics that Chi Shinosuke and the others talked about were not only mutual compliments, but also some business information that was revealed to each other, openly or secretly, and some trivial things about the parents. The two children went to the dining table, still thinking about the genetic disease in their minds.

"Prince Philip spoke so gracefully just now," the little British boy said with emotion. "If I were to speak in front of so many people, I'm not sure if I would say the wrong thing."

"Me too," Yan Qiufu said with a smile, "When I performed in school, I was a little embarrassed. If I were asked to speak in front of so many grown-ups, I would definitely be nervous."

Hui Yuan Ai found that it was useless to think about genetic diseases, so she withdrew her thoughts and comforted the two children, "It will be all right when you grow up a bit."

She felt that Philip was very helpless. Philip should have wanted to stay just now, but as the crown prince, Philip was destined to keep a little distance from other people in public, and it was impossible to follow them around the banquet hall.

That's right, behind many bright lights, there may also be hidden helplessness that is unimaginable and irresistible to others, whether it is Philip or the Field family.


On the way Chi Feichi took the three children to the dining table, a middle-aged man in a decent dress came out, and when he greeted him, he looked straight at Chi Feichi with a bit of embarrassment on his face, "Mr. Chi, I... I think you should still remember me?"

Chi Feichi stopped, and stretched out his right hand towards the other party, "Of course I remember, Lord Glover."

How could he not remember the person who watched the original conscious body with a smile that was not a smile?

"Oh, thank God... no, I mean I'm glad you remember me," Grover said hesitantly, looking up at his three children, "Sorry to bother you, but I have something to say I want to chat with you, but I wonder if I can take a step to talk?"

Haibara Ai:"……"

It seems that Brother Feichi also has the goal of communicating, so she can help take over the task of raising the children.

At this kind of dinner party with families, children of similar age should be put in a pile according to their relationship by default.

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