Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2064 Belmode, the snake spirit

"I'm not sure what's going on, but since she's someone close to you, always check to see if she's suspicious," Jane said solemnly, "I hope you will conduct further investigations into her identity, Madam said that her parents died young, But we'd better find out when and where she was born, who her parents are, whether she has any other relatives, where she has lived in the past few years, who knows her, in short, these can be looked up. In addition, I will help you in the afternoon When she was combing her hair, she got her hair, I hope that when you go to perform the task related to the laboratory, save the life of that scientist for the time being, and wait until he gives the test results." Chi Feichi watched and walked over Belmode, "Have you spoken to that one?"

Jane also looked back, "Not yet."

"Talk to that one, and then you do it, I will avoid suspicion," Chi Feichi said, "Of course, I will provide you with her information. I asked someone to apply for her passport to go abroad, and her household registration is on it. information."

"If that's the case, it will be much more convenient." Jane breathed a sigh of relief, "I will confirm her household registration information within three days, and after Umbrella's integration ceremony is over, you should be free to complete that task. I will go to the laboratory with you again sometime."

"Does the organization have her DNA information?" Chi Feichi asked.

"No," Jane shook her head, "But I've seen that the hair follicles seem to be in good condition, and it should be possible to determine her blood type. Although there are many people with the same blood type, if their blood is different, We can also breathe a sigh of relief, mainly because of the investigation of her specific identity..."

"Have you guys already started discussing the action plan?" Belmode came to the side, asked with a smile, and sat on the sofa next to Chi Feichi, and was very close to Chi Feichi, "It sounds like we are going to To investigate someone... Does Lark have this mission when he comes here this time?"

Jane looked at the distance between the two, and even though the bar was dimly lit, her complexion darkened visible to the naked eye, "It's nothing, it's just an investigation of a marginal figure, I'll get it done before the official action starts."

Chi Feichi: "..."

He can be sure that Belmode's snake spirit disease is intentional.

Where Belmode is, there may be a smell of gunpowder. In other words, it is Belmode's bad taste to tease others and watch others get angry, especially for women.

"Is that so?" Belmode turned his head and looked at Chi Feichi with a smile in his eyes, "Then what about my previous proposal? Lark, do you need my help?"


A young man actually intends to seduce her family, Master Fei Chi? She...she...fist hardened!

Chi Feichi looked at Belmode, who was full of eager smiles, with the same calm expression as before, "It seems that your progress is very fast."

More than ten years ago, when Akai Shuichi was still a young man in his twenties, Akai Shuichi's parents were already intelligence officers of the British MI6. Because of the investigation organization, Akai Shuichi's father, Akai Gotake, disappeared, and since then he has lost contact with others. And Shuichi Akai's mother, Mary, is preparing to take her child to hide from the organization's eyeliner.

However, the eldest son Akai Shuichi insisted on joining the US FBI and continued to investigate the organization. The second son also went to Japan incognito and became a Taiko celebrity. Only Mary disappeared into the sea of ​​people with her daughter who was still in her womb that year.

The organization knew part of the information about the Akai couple, so after many years, it was decided to let Belmode disguise himself as Akai Wuwu and sneak into MI6 as Akai Wuwu.

For this plan, in the past three years, Bellmode will put on Akai Wutake's face every once in a while, or help others disguise himself as Akai Wutake, and wander around the MI6 headquarters in London.

When Belmode was in the UK last time, MI6 intelligence personnel finally contacted the fake Akai Gotake. In order to cover it up, Belmode pretended that he had lost his memory, and used clichés to confuse the past.

Anyway, MI6 is a British national intelligence organization, and it acts cautiously. Because "Akai Wuwu" lost his memory, MI6 didn't really let "Akai Wutake" go back.

There is an acquaintance, there is an invitation to come back, but MI6 has been letting 'Akai Takeshi' rest, and talk about it after recovering his memory.

In other words, 'Akai Gotake' must recover his memory before he can regain access to MI6's intelligence or actions.

At the same time, in order to confirm the identity of Gotake Akai, MI6 thought of it immediately and notified Mary to come back to confirm.

Other intelligence personnel don't know much about Wuwu Akai. Belmode can still fool him with his insight, reaction ability and acting skills, but Mary, as Wuwu Akai's wife, cannot understand her husband.

The organization also thought of this, and planned to take the opportunity to get rid of Mary when the time came.

This time, Belmode came to the UK because he received information from members of the organization that Mary had appeared in the UK. Belmode was going to disguise himself as Akai Wuwu to make contact with Mary. If he could pass the test of Mary If you can't pass the level of Mary, then just deal with Mary directly, and then use the reason of "Mary's accidental death" to deceive the past about Mary's death, and try to win the trust of MI6.

Of course, this was the organization's plan, and judging from what he knew about the plot of his previous life, this operation did not succeed.

As for his mission to London this time, it is mainly to take away the results of a certain laboratory, and then clean up the scientist who was coerced by the organization and had to conduct research for the organization.

In addition, he also needs to confirm whether Belmode's actions are successful. When Belmode needs help, he needs to assist Belmode.

"That person should have told you, right? I only rushed to England when I knew that woman showed up. I ran into her on the street with the face of Wuwu Akai, and told her that I lost the memory of the past, and Pretending to recall some things but not fully remembering them," Belmode took out the cigarette case, smoked a slender women's cigarette, bit it, and took out a box of matches from his pocket to strike, " That woman is not so easy to deal with, she asked me... no, I asked my husband to go to the old place to meet after thinking of everything..."

Jane frowned, "Is it the place where the two of them know?"

"Maybe, it's probably the place where they used to date, but don't worry, she also said that she will wait for me there, the organization has confirmed part of her whereabouts, and someone will follow her to find that place, and then Yi After that, I will go out to meet her, there are still a few days left, and I am ready to go on a date full of love and betrayal," Belmode lit the cigarette with a match and threw the match into the ashtray , with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said slowly, "After many years, I reunited with my beloved husband, but she died at the hands of her husband. The poor woman died with regret... I haven't encountered such a wonderful stage play for a long time."

The waiter came to the table with a tray, bent down and put two glasses of cocktails on the table one after another, "This is the Margarita and Bellini for two ladies, please take it slowly."

"Thank you," Jane watched the waiter leave, then looked at Belmode, and picked up the previous topic, "In this way, you don't have much time to spend with us. The task you have to complete is very important. Can we If you have an eyeliner with enough weight in MI6, it depends on whether you can succeed in this operation."

"I can't guarantee success. That woman is a British agent. She is very sensitive and difficult to deal with. I can only do my best," Belmode held a cigarette between his fingers and turned to look at Chi Feichi with a smile on his face. "However, I will be free in three or four days, Luke, that one knows that you still have family matters to deal with, and is worried that you will be too busy, so let me also see if you need help."

Jane looked at Chi Feichi, "I don't think it should be..."

Master Feichi also said that Belmod was "mostly being polite", but if that person really confessed that, Belmod would really not be polite.

Before meeting tonight, she still felt that Belmode could help or not, but now, it's better not to have more contact with Belmode.

Belmode knows how to release the charm of women. Her young master Feichi is just young and has little experience in dealing with women. If Belmod wants to make trouble, she is worried that her young master will be used or hurt by this woman.

"No, our matter is not in a hurry. It's not too late to do it when I'm free," Chi Feichi rejected Belmode. He didn't expect that there would be a problem with his actions and Belmode would have the opportunity to attack him. Shaking the pot, he said indifferently, "Now you should make good preparations for meeting that woman. If you have time, read the information several times, be ready to deal with emergencies at any time, and then confirm whether the manpower has been arranged."

"Yes, yes..." Belmode responded with a smile, and said again, "If there is an emergency, will you help, Lark?"

"Of course, that person mentioned it to me," Chi Feichi said, "If you need me to go somewhere, you'd better tell me in advance so that I can adjust the itinerary."

"There is nothing to help at the moment. I just want to confirm your attitude. In short, it won't be these few days when you need to take action. During this time, you should take care of your affairs," Belmode said with his right hand finger still With a cigarette in between, he raised his wine glass with his left hand, raised his hand to Chi Feichi, and said with a smile, "You have Margot to help you, so I don't need to worry about it. I wish you all the best."

Jane lowered her eyes and looked at the cup on her table, feeling that she was treated differently by Belmode.

Chi Feichi picked up the cup, touched Belmode, then raised the cup to Jane who was opposite, "Everything is going well."

He suddenly felt the difficulty of gin.

The core members of the organization have personalities, not to mention some people like to cause trouble, coupled with some old grievances, if there is no one to suppress, then suppress, and give them a step in time, don't say anything, just cooperate obediently, I'm afraid You have to play a few games first.

When he was in Japan before, he didn't have to think about it so much when there was gin in front of him, but now there is no gin, so he has to do it himself in order for the operation to go smoothly.

Miss the first day of gin.

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