Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2065 how could you understand

Jane's face softened, she picked up the glass and clinked with Chi Feichi, "Everything is going well."

The three of them took a sip of wine together.

After putting down the cup, Chi Feichi said unintentionally, "I thought you had a good relationship. Six years ago in the United States, Margaux was responsible for picking up Belmode, right?"

Jane looked up at Chi Feichi in surprise, "You said six years ago..."

Belmode put the cigarette between his fingers again between his red lips, and said with a smile, "His dissociative disorder has been cured, the two personalities have merged very well, and some things he did before are also remembered."

Jane put away her surprised expression and looked at Belmode, "You misunderstood, Belmode and I have only met a few times in action, and we have no friendship. The response in the United States six years ago was the instruction of that person, otherwise I really don't want to suddenly leave you alone in the hotel and run to pick up a troublesome woman..."

"In the end, not only was Luke found out, but also Lak found me in one step," Belmode said not to think it was a big deal, he smiled and said Jane's embarrassing things, and then said with emotion, "I should also be glad that it was Luke who went there back then, right? Otherwise, I might die there."

"You hid it so well, no one would die if you took care of it, but Belmode..." Chi Feichi raised his eyes to Belmode, with a little coldness in his eyes, "You don't want me to interfere with your actions ?"

Belmode was startled, "Why do you say that?"

"You talk about helping each other, but your behavior..." Chi Feichi stared at Belmode with a look of exploration in his eyes, "What good does it do you to let Margaux reject cooperation?"

Jane frowned and looked up at Belmode.

Did Belmod get close to the young master on purpose to make her feel repulsed by the cooperation between the two parties?

If you want to talk about the benefits or purpose of Belmode's doing this, it is like what the young master said, they want to carry out their own tasks, and they don't want to be involved in their tasks, and they don't want them to interfere in "Akai Wuwu returns to MI6". this action.

That person clearly said that they can help each other if they need it this time. If Belmode wants to exclude them from the action in advance, he must have a ghost in his heart!

Belmode was stared at by Chi Feichi with the gaze of 'I'll kill you if you can't explain well', his scalp was a little irritated.

She suddenly realized that she didn't seem to be doing things like this in front of a neurotic snake spirit.

Although she really hoped that other people would not interfere with her actions this time, she did...maybe...probably...maybe she didn't intend to use this for anything, but just wanted to tease Margo.

I didn't expect Lak to be so sensitive, and if Lak really suspected her, she would be in trouble next time. Once Lak's snake spirit disease develops, he will never take into account that person's intentions. Maybe he will kill her if he wants to kill her. , she has to be careful whether there will be poison in it when she drinks...

That's not a good thing.

Looking at Jane who looked at him suspiciously, Belmode suddenly laughed softly, "Luck, I just wanted to make a joke with Jane, if I did something that misunderstood you, it was definitely not my intention, and We have eaten skewers together in the mountains, watched movies together late at night, and looked after each other when we were unwell. I think we are very good partners. This time in London, we can still act the same as before. Shouldn’t we treat each other Be more enthusiastic?"

"A partner with a good relationship..." Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze from Belmode, picked up his glass to drink, "I hope you really think so."

He suspected that Belmode deliberately provoke Mao Jian to facilitate his subsequent actions.

However, it doesn't matter what Bermoder thinks, he just wants to remind Bermoder - don't mess around, and if he accidentally reveals something that arouses his suspicion, he will never ignore it.

If Belmode makes trouble for his actions, please ask Belmod to guess whether he dares to cut first and then play.

Belmode heard the warning from Chi Feichi's words, and said with a smile, "Of course, we are good partners."

Subtext: good partners will not hold each other back!

Chi Feichi didn't believe that Belmode would not hold back in secret, but as long as Belmode was calm on the surface, it was enough. He raised his head and drank the remaining whiskey in the glass in one gulp, and put the ice cubes in the glass. On the table, I pressed three banknotes under the cup, got up and said, "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

"I'll probably sit here for a while," Belmode looked at the wine glass on the table, "at least let me finish this glass of wine."

"You can do whatever you want." Chi Feichi took out his phone and looked down at the time. He quickly put away his phone and walked straight to the door. "In twenty minutes, I'll ask the people nearby to evacuate. It's best for you to leave before then."


Belmode responded with a smile, watched Chi Feichi go out, and then looked at Jane who was drinking with downcast eyes, "Margaux, have you seen that girl? His sister."

"Of course." Jane put down the cup for the time being, and looked up at Belmode, "If you ask that, you should have seen it, right?"

"I've seen her more than once. I also know which school she goes to, where she lives, and who her classmates are..." Belmode smiled. "She looks like a person."

"Yeah, it's very similar." Jane brought the rim of the cup to the corner of her mouth again, with a calm posture, "Didn't you remind Lak? I thought you two had such a good relationship."

If the relationship is good, shouldn't Belmode remind the young master long ago?

Whether Belmode wanted to see the young master's joke and didn't say it on purpose, or because Belmod cared about the relationship between the young master and Miss Alice and didn't dare to mention it casually, it all showed that the relationship between the two people was not that good.

Then, it was not unreasonable for the young master to suspect that Belmode wanted to move away from them.

She has the same doubts now.

Belmode didn't expect to be defeated by Jane. With a slight smile on his face, he looked down at the wine glass, and after a moment of silence, he sighed, "Lake...he's a little different from before."

"Really?" Jane asked back, "Which aspect are you referring to?"

"He was crazy in that state before, but he was still very cute when he was normal, but now his two personalities have merged, and the cuteness has completely disappeared," Bermoder picked up his glass of wine and sipped After taking a sip, he suddenly laughed again, and said in a joking tone, "No, sometimes people don't take human life seriously, they are crazy and dangerous, dangerous and scheming, and people don't understand what he wants to do. His other side, maybe he is not different, but after the integration of personality, it shows a little more than in previous years, and I suspect that his cute side has disappeared."

Thinking of the conversation with Chi Feichi during the day, Jane's eyes softened, and she paused word by word, "To me, the young master is no different, it's just that when you grow up, you will always have your own ideas and ways of doing things."

When mentioning Mr. Zhikang during the day, she clearly saw the corner of the young master's slightly drooping mouth, and at that moment, she understood that the young master cared about Mr. Zhikang's death.

Even if the young master is very calm, as long as she confirms that the young master cares about this matter, then the young master will not change, but his emotions will become more restrained, or in other words, he will be more able to see life and death.

The remaining……

No matter what changes happened to the young master, to her, it can only be regarded as a period of growth.

She knew the young master when he was still in the womb, and knew that one day he mischievously kicked his wife in the stomach, and another day he obediently kept quiet. She watched the birth of a soft little white ball with a small body wrapped in In the infancy, when the young master was babbling, she and Mr. Zhikang often circled around his wife so that his wife could always call them twice, competing wildly about who the young master would call his parents first after he learned to call his parents.

After Mrs. Madam and Mr. Shinosuke left, it was she who watched the little man grow up little by little, approaching her height a little bit, and in certain years, his height skyrocketed, and his body and personality became tougher a little bit.

She has been frightened by the young master's tyrannical "one-stop" help, she has seen the young master who is sensitive enough to see through her disputes with Mr. Zhikang, she has also seen the young master indifferently ignoring the pain of others, and she has also witnessed the young master's more neurotic period.

After seeing so many, she didn't feel that the young master had changed. On the contrary, she felt that the young master was in a more stable state now.

The ghost knows how overwhelmed she was when the young master suddenly changed his face and frightened her, woke up and didn't know anything, what to do...

But it was only the first time. After arriving, she was able to accept it and gradually got used to it.

Looking back now, twenty years seems to have passed in a blink of an eye, but the scenes are extremely clear, and the time spent with the young master seems to be very long.

She has long been used to the surprises or frights given by that little guy back then, and she knew that the young master had hidden a monster in his heart, so how could she make such a fuss over a little change in the young master.

How could Belmode understand.

She still remembered that the young master looked at her with hidden expectations and proposed to hug her in the early years. At that time, she thought of his wife and her own responsibilities. Madame considered it, so she declined.

After refusing, the young master looked at her with complicated and inexplicable eyes, and quickly said that he hadn't mentioned it. At that moment, she was surprised by the little girl's self-esteem and arrogance in front of her, surprised by the little girl's sensitivity and suspiciousness, and also vaguely realized that in front of her At the moment when he refused, the young master was suspecting that the wife was more important in her heart, although it was true at the time, and after that, Xiao Budian would start to learn to hide the appeal in his heart, and he would never make such a request again in the future.

The fact is also the same, the young master didn't mention hugging to her after that, until the time of parting, she thought about whether there should be a hug and a conversation for the last goodbye, but the young master didn't give her that chance, and she didn't even have that kind of plan at all.

The young master is such a sensitive and arrogant person, the slightest wave will push him to extremes, and at the same time such a stubborn person, once he reaches a conclusion, it is difficult to change his mind, but he has always been very cute People, if she dies one day, the young master will care about her death as much as he cares about Mr. Zhikang's death, she firmly believes that.

How could Belmode understand these things.

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