Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2067 Conan's Rescue

When Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai were having dinner in the restaurant, the Kudos and the Chi family stayed in the living room to talk.

"Mr. Shinosuke and Feichi are going to Umbrella Company later?" Kudo Yusaku said with a smile on his face, "If it's convenient, can you let me visit too? Umbrella is a famous Internet company. I'm thinking about a story about cybercrime recently, and I may need to ask some questions to the programmers, but rest assured, it won't be about your company's business secrets, but just some basic questions about cybercrime and cybercrime prevention."

"Is it for a new chapter of the novel?" Chi Zhenzhisuke said, "Mr. Yusaku, I have read all your novels, they are very exciting, and I have also paid attention to your new work. The report said that you are writing a new chapter of the novel recently. Chapter."

"Yes," Kudo Yusaku said with a smile, "I didn't expect you to read my novel, let alone you still pay attention to my new work. This is my honor. I am indeed going to write a new chapter of the novel."

"I heard that you also have many friends in the United States who have mastered network technology, but before this, it seems that you have never considered cybercrime, and the protagonist is mostly like Sherlock Holmes relying on detailed insight, reasoning and social experience to solve the case," said Ike Shinosuke Looking at Yusaku Kudo, "I personally think that most of the detection of cybercrime relies on network technology, and there is little room for reasoning. This theme should not be suitable for mystery novels, at least not for your protagonist. Of course, this is mine. In my humble opinion, if there is something wrong, I hope to get your correction."

On the side, Kudo Yukiko looked at Ike Shinosuke's serious and calm expression, sweated in his heart, and kept a smile on his face.

It is not surprising that a well-known entrepreneur pays attention to mystery novels. Everyone has their own love, and there are many people who like mystery novels.

It is not surprising that a well-known entrepreneur has read all of You Zuo's books. They have met many fans, from all occupations.


According to the rumors, Mr. Ike Shinosuke is a serious and strict workaholic. It is hard for them to imagine that such a person would read mystery novels, and not only read all the mystery novels by Yusaku, but also summed up the protagonist's advantages in solving crimes, and solemnly Discussing with Yusaku whether the new theme is suitable is really unexpected.

That's right, the theme of cybercrime is not suitable for Yuzuo's new chapter novel at all, it's just that people from that organization appeared in the Chi family, and they wanted to go to the Umbrella company to see if there were any suspicious people in the Chi family company, so as to confirm Could it be that the organization came here for some secret of the Umbrella company, so it lied.

It's a bit troublesome now, Mr. Ike Shinosuke is not good at fooling around, and directly raised two questions——

One: Usaku has friends in the United States who are engaged in the Internet field, and they have known about the existence of cybercrime for a long time. Why do you only think of cybercrime as a subject now? And why not ask a friend?

2: The protagonist of Youzuo’s novels is a traditional detective, not a trendy detective who has mastered Internet technology. Taking cybercrime as the subject will leave little room for reasoning. This kind of contradiction is not something that an excellent novelist would not consider , why did You Zuo want to consider this subject and prepare to collect materials?

If one of these two questions is answered incorrectly, Mr. Shinosuke will find out that they are lying.

As the saying goes, "Like father, like son", they should have thought of it a long time ago, Feichi is hard to fool, and Mr. Shinnosuke may be even more difficult to fool, but Mr. Shinnosuke seems to be a little more reserved than Feichi.

Mr. Shinosuke said "I hope to be corrected", but she actually thought it meant "Please explain, if you don't explain clearly, don't blame me for losing face", so she was too polite and reserved.


By the way, will Mr. Shinnosuke suspect that they are going to be commercial espionage and help American friends to steal technology?

The situation is severe, but she believes Yusaku can do it.

Yusaku Kudo did not expect to be caught in the loophole so soon, and kept smiling, "In my conception, the person who masters network technology is a supporting role, a character who is both good and evil, and he will commit cyber crimes." That's right, but it's all small troubles. He will provide some help with the protagonist, and let the protagonist find an idea to solve the case by arguing. Then they become friends who recognize each other. I communicated with friends in the United States, and they I think such characters should have some magical technologies. They provided me with some ideas, but I am not sure if such technologies are feasible. I just want to find a programmer from a network company with better network technology to confirm what level of programmers can do it."

Unexpectedly, he, a speculative novelist, also knows a little bit about these things.

"I see." Ike Shinosuke nodded as usual, and seriously discussed this issue, "In fact, those intelligence departments should use internal networks, satellite communications and other technologies to transmit important information, and use non-networked equipment to store confidential information. , but I don’t know much about it, if Mr. Yusaku is curious, I can go to the company to find someone to ask.”

This is to agree with Kudo Yusaku to follow.

Kudo Yukiko breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to Chi Kana, "What about you, Kana? Are you going to the company too?"

"No, I'm going to accompany Xiao Ai for a stroll in London," Chi Kanai said with a smile, "For example, take her to ride the London Eye Ferris Wheel, do you want to go with us?"

"Okay," Kudo Yukiko agreed with a smile, and she will follow Haihara Ai to ensure that Haihara Ai will not be caught by the organization. This is also what they discussed before, so she doesn't need to bring it up, "By the way, Kana, you Do you usually cook your own breakfast? I thought you would ask a servant to help you."

"I didn't let them help," Chi Kanai said with a smile, "As a wife and mother, I think it's a very happy thing to help my family cook breakfast occasionally, but when I get busy, I have to ask the servants People helped prepare."

"But I haven't seen any servants here," Kudo Yukiko looked around, "Wouldn't it be a waste of time if we let them run back and forth?"

Chi Kane explained, "They live next door, so it won't be too much trouble."

"Can I go and have a look?" Kudo Yukiko looked at Ikekana expectantly, "You should be able to see the English-style maid outfit and the English-style male waiter's dress, right?"

"It should be possible," Chi Kane laughed, stood up and said, "If you are curious, I can take you to see, but the maid outfit is not too old, after all, young girls don't want to dress too old every day ah."

In the restaurant, Hui Yuanai raised his eyes and looked at Chi Feichi secretly, feeling a cold sweat for Yukiko Kudo.

There is no doubt that Kudo Yukiko wants to find Jane, and if possible, Kudo Yukiko would definitely not mind chatting with Jane and making routines.

It has to be said that this decision was very bold, and she went straight to the core characters as soon as she came, which made her suspect that Edogawa's character of rushing upwards when his head was hot sometimes was inherited from his mother.

Such an approach is indeed dangerous.

Does Brother Feichi know that Jane is a member of the organization?

She is not sure yet, but Yukiko Kudo is the wife of mystery novelist Yusaku Kudo and the mother of Shinichi Kudo, a Japanese high school student detective. If Brother Feichi knows that Jane is a member of the organization, and the Kudos and his wife show their curiosity about the maid, Brother Feichi will probably suspect that the Kudos and his wife may have come to investigate Jane and the organization, right?

Chi Feichi didn't seem to have heard the conversation outside, and calmly drank the porridge with a spoon.

When he saw the Kudos and his wife, he knew that the two were rescuers invited by Conan.

He also thought that when Conan was "out of reach", he would let the Kudou and his wife, who are convenient for traveling around the world, come to help Haibara Ai. After returning last night, he sent Haibara Ai's passport information to Jane. I left the next door early in the morning to investigate Hui Yuanai's household registration information.

The Kudou couple probably don't know yet that Jane is a resigned deaconess, and she came to help in the housekeeper's uniform yesterday, purely to help Lydia, and also to surprise him.

If he needs Jane to come back as a housekeeper, he has to ask Jane himself and Jane agrees. Before Jane agrees to come back to be a housekeeper, Jane is free and does not need to stay next door at any time, and does not need to explain to others What do you want to do, even if you need to say hello before you leave out of politeness, just say 'I have something to do'.

And after Jane finishes the investigation of Hui Yuanai's household registration, she will help him contact the man who is watching the laboratory and prepare for action, and will not come back here again.

In a word, Kudo Yukiko and Kudo Yusaku came late, and it was impossible for the two of them to get in touch with Jane here. Before they left London, he was the only member of the organization stationed here.


Half an hour later, Kudo Yukiko and Ikekana came back from the next door and chatted with the other maids for a long time. There was no disappointment on their faces, but some disappointment in their hearts. Facing the gaze cast by Kudo Yusaku, they shook their heads slightly, expressing that There is absolutely no gain here.

Chi Feichi had already had his breakfast, changed his clothes upstairs, and was about to take a car with Ike Shinosuke and Kudo Yusaku to the company.

The two parties went out together, parted ways at the intersection, and got into two cars heading in different directions.

On the way, Chi Shinosuke helped Chi Feichi, who had a bad throat, call the Mori Detective Agency, and told about the Umbrella integration ceremony. He learned that Mori Kogoro had a commission and planned to come over to congratulate him when he was awarded the honor. Well, when it was time to meet in London, I hung up the phone.

After Kudo Yusaku came to Umbrella's company in London, he did not go to a meeting with the Ike family and his son. After being taken by Ike Shinosuke to a programmer's office, he learned about network technology from the programmers. It seemed that he really came to collect materials. of.

Chi Shinosuke didn't care what Kudo Yusaku was doing, and took Chi Feichi to the conference room, and asked Chi Feichi to participate in a meeting by typing on the keyboard to project.

When the three of them had lunch together at the company, they talked about the upcoming itinerary.

"Feichi still needs to sign some documents. His mother and I have also signed relevant documents. If we die unexpectedly, then the property under our name will belong to him, and Xiao Ai will enjoy a part of the shares. The documents he needs to sign , if he dies after our unfortunate death, and he has no children, who will own the property, and if he dies unexpectedly before our death, how should the property be arranged," Chi Shinosuke raised his eyes and looked at Kudo Yusaku, "Does Mr. Yusaku think my attitude is too indifferent? But that property is enough to cause economic turmoil in any country, and it also affects the jobs of thousands of people. Sometimes it can only be considered in advance. any possibility."

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