Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2068 Really Unscientific

"I can understand," Yusaku Kudo smiled. Although Ike Shinosuke looked calm and indifferent when talking about life and death, he did understand, "Sometimes life and death and wealth should not be topics that need to be avoided. , the same is true for calmness, when placed at the right time, it is definitely not indifference, but... have you also considered giving shares to Xiao Ai?"

"She is also a child of the Chi family and one of the heirs, so she should have her share," Chi Shinosuke said without thinking, "Feichi made a will in Japan, and if he dies unfortunately, Xiao Ai also has a share of the inheritance, He won't mind."

Yusaku Kudo couldn't help laughing, it was a little strange to hear Ike Shinosuke calmly say that if someone in his family died, but he felt that Ike Shinosuke was not the kind of very shrewd businessman, or rather, sometimes shrewd and sometimes cute .

Chi Feichi's voice softened, but was still hoarse, "Should Xiao Ai also sign a copy? If she inherits the property and dies unfortunately, those properties should also belong."

"I think it's too early for a little girl to talk about her life and death, and she may not be able to judge how to dispose of a large amount of wealth now, at least wait until she is twelve years old," Chi Zhenzhisuke said, "It is impossible for the three of us to die before her. I also mentioned in the will that if the heir is under the age of twenty, the heir has no right to dispose of the estate."

Yusaku Kudo: "..."

dead light or something...

Well, this father and son talk about life and death really frankly.

"Where's Mr. Yusaku?" Ike Shinosuke looked at Kudo Yusaku again, "I'm going to pick up Mr. Fukada Seiji directly at the airport in the afternoon, and Feichi is going to find his mother and Xiaoai. Do you want to go with me or go back with Feichi?" ?”

"Mr. Chi and I... I mean, let's go with Feichi," Kudo Yusaku said with a smile, "I can't leave Yukiko away for too long, she will blame me."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Sure enough, there is dog food that is hard to guard against.

Ike Shinosuke: "..."

This sentence is not kind to a man who has been separated from his wife for more than ten years and has recently reconciled.


After lunch, Kudo Yusaku continued to chat with programmers, and also found some technicians responsible for network security.

Chi Feichi followed Chi Zhenzhisuke to the office and buried his head in signing documents.

If he dies after inheriting the family property, Haibara Ai does have a share, but so does Sawada Hiroki.

The secular law does not stipulate whether the "networkers" have heirs, and they do not need the secular law to stipulate. Umbrella's control lies in Noah's Ark. The actual controllers are him and Hiroki Sawada. Without them It is impossible for others to gain control of the company.

These documents are not reserved for lawyers or judges, but are prepared to be entered into the ark.

Ike Shinosuke sat on the sofa beside him, watching the surveillance with Sawada Hiroki, "Are you just chatting with someone..."

There are countless invisible cameras hidden behind the walls of the company, which cannot be seen from the surface at all, but actually monitor Yusaku Kudo's every move.

"He won't be a commercial espionage," Zetian Hiroki looked at Chi Feichi, who was signing behind the desk, with the camera, "He should have been lured by the godfather. A phone call to America."

"It's not me," Chi Feichi said without raising his head, "Jane led me here."

"Oh?" Chi Zhenzhisuke said, "Is there anything else I don't know?"

Chi Feichi felt that his throat was still uncomfortable, so he slowed down, "Let Noah tell you."

"Jane is a member of that organization. The godfather avoided Umbrella's stronghold at the intersection last night and went to meet her in a small bar. He also avoided the cameras on the outer wall of the stronghold, but the music playback equipment in the bar has cameras. "Sawada Hiroki said, "Of course, the camera is not ours, I just accidentally intruded and saw it."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Internet people are so scary, as long as there are technological devices in life, people can be monitored so that there is nowhere to hide.

"What are you guys discussing in secret again?" Chi Shinosuke said, and when he heard Chi Feichi's hoarse voice, he interrupted directly, "Forget it, don't tell me, just be careful and don't get yourself into trouble. "

Hiroki Sawada wanted to say, 'I can speak for the godfather', but thinking about the organization in which his godfather was either killing people or setting fire to it, and finally considering Ike Shinosuke's mood, he decided not to say it.

After Chi Feichi signed the document, the icon of Umbrella flashed in his left eye, linked to Ark, scanned the document page by page, and stored it in the highest authority of Ark. When he looked up, he saw Chi Shinosuke looking at his eyes .

"I think your eyes can be checked," Ike Shinosuke retracted his gaze, got up and walked to the wall, and reached out and pressed the wall under the oil painting frame, "after drawing blood."

The walls silently opened to both sides, revealing a space the same size as the interior of the freight elevator.

Chi Feichi got up and walked in with Chi Shinosuke, "I suggest that the external office area be adjusted after a while, although Yusaku Kudo may not necessarily find the inner umbrella."

The wall was closed in front of the two of them, and a red light lit up in the space. Information such as the communication equipment on the two of them, whether they were carrying weapons, etc. was scanned, and was passed by Chi Feichi's highest authority.

The red light disappears and the top lights come on.

"I will, and the inner umbrella base will be transferred sooner or later, to a place that is sufficiently hidden," Chi Shinosuke asked Chi Feichi to shut up, "If you want your voice to heal quickly, you'd better stop talking."

The wall opened again in front of the two of them, and behind the wall was another scene.

The suspended platforms full of technological sense rise and fall in an orderly manner. In the dark and bottomless space, only a circle of lighting lights are on the edge of the platforms.

After the two stepped onto the platform closest to the exit, the platform continued to descend, and when it stopped again, there was an entrance to a laboratory ahead.

For the rest of the time, there was really no need for Chi Feichi to talk.

Chi Shinosuke asked him to come to the company to conduct a detailed examination of his body with the company's new equipment.

Not only will he try his best to observe the specific conditions of his poisonous glands, fangs, sharp claws, bones, eyes and even the fire in his abdomen, but he will also collect his blood and compare it with that of Chiganai to promote the research on family genetic diseases.

There were no researchers present, and it was all up to Zetian Hiroki to operate the equipment and Chi Feichi to collect everything. The two cooperated tacitly, and the speed was no slower than a group of people surrounding Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi no longer needs to cut his arm open to look at the bones. The device's slender needles pierce the hands, legs, ribs and other places. It doesn't feel much worse than being bitten by a mosquito, but it can detect all the data clearly. .

"The venom gland can barely be detected, but apart from being connected to the fangs, it is difficult to see where else it is connected. I am not sure whether the production of venom is the same as that of a snake, and I am not sure if there is any other way of manipulation," Ze said. Tian Hongshu played a section of detection data on the display screen, "That is to say, once the venom in the venom gland reaches the overflowing level, the godfather's teeth will still accidentally cause the venom to seep if it hits something hard or resilient. It comes out that there is no other solution at present, only the godfather takes the venom regularly, and don't let the venom in the venom gland be too full."

"Where are the claws?" Chi Zhenzhisuke knew that Chi Feichi had retractable claws, but when he saw Chi Feichi's claws protruding from both hands, he was at least quite speechless, not sure if his son should be counted. In 'Monster'.

Chi Feichi watched the instruments above move away, sat up from the operating table, and looked at the big screen.

"For the sake of research, not long ago, the company bought a small meteorite said to have fallen to the earth 40 years ago. By comparison, the godfather's claws are similar in hardness and part of the composition to that meteorite. The rest, whether they are claws or Meteorites are difficult to detect other components, and further research is needed. At least we have successfully collected some nail fragments this time," Hiroki Sawada cooperated with the video of small meteorites, "Also, although it is not too harmful to claws, Many discoveries, but it can prove that this meteorite can make cold weapons with amazing cutting ability and hardness. It is too wasteful to make cold weapons. I think it is better to use key parts of hot weapons, such as laser weapons. At present According to our experiments, the effect will be very good, so we may be able to develop portable laser weapons that are even embedded in the human body."

Chi Feichi looked down at the palm of his right hand.

There was only one experiment in Noah's mouth, just now, trying to cut his claws with a laser.

He is...inexplicably, he has become a tool that can promote the development of science and technology?

"The other is the bones of the godfather. The bones of the godfather are indeed more resilient and resilient than human beings. The hardness has indeed increased, but the changes are far from astonishing." Hiroki Sawada played a skeleton man on the big screen Videos of being hit by a car, being hit by a discus, and being hit head-on by an explosion, "according to calculations, if the godfather is currently hit by the fastest car, although he will feel pain from the impact and the discomfort of being squeezed in the abdominal cavity, but Before he is knocked into the air, the bones will not break directly. After he is knocked into the air, the bones will rebound to a certain extent, that is, the recovery after the dislocation... Of course, if the equipment used for scrapped cars is directly Press it down, because there is no space behind you, the godfather will still be crushed into a cake."

Chi Feichi: "..."

If that can be resisted and recovered, then he can call himself Liquid Man.

Ike Shinosuke: "..."

Enough, already outrageous, next.

"The reason for the abnormal strength of both arms is still unclear. The godfather's muscle strength is relatively strong, but according to the test, it still belongs to the category of human beings. The current science cannot explain where his strange strength comes from," said Hiroki Sawada Playing Chi Feichi's arms inspection data, he said in a confused tone, "It's really unscientific..."

Ike Shinosuke: "..."

Is science elsewhere? Is it scientific that the child conceived by him and his wife has become like this step by step? Next.

"The other lung mentioned by the godfather was not found by the testing equipment, and he couldn't tell where it was in his body. When he used that lung for oxygen supply, the equipment couldn't confirm the source of oxygen. I think even if his body was cut open, It should not be found, his respiratory tract is the same as normal people, it is not connected to other parts, and it is as unscientific as the strength of his arms." Hiroki Sawada continued to play the test data and pictures. The location mentioned, no matter how you check it, there are only normal internal organs, but his abdominal temperature is indeed higher than that of ordinary people. When he exhausted the fire, his abdominal temperature dropped back to the normal temperature. The temperature fluctuation is within two degrees Celsius. It won't be too obvious, this is the same as Miss Hongzi's magic fluctuation detection, it can detect subtle changes in the body, but it can't capture it, it is also very unscientific..."

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