Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2076 The Existence of the Consortium

Nanatsuki Koshimizu was stared at by a group of people, especially when he saw a flash of surprise in Ikekana's eyes, he felt a little nervous, and bowed formally, "Hi everyone, I am Nanatsuki Koshimizu, please give me your advice."

Chi Kanai quickly restrained his eager gaze, and walked forward with a decent smile, "I heard from Feichi earlier that you planned to come to England with Mr. Mori when Shinnosuke was awarded the honor. I didn't expect you to come here today."

Even so, Koshimizu Nanatsuki also felt Chi Kana's close attitude, and explained the reason he had told Chi Feichi, "Mr. There was no way to rush over here, I wanted to surprise Mr. Chi and Xiao Ai, so I came here by myself."

On the side, a middle-aged man looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki and said, "I..."

"Mr. Chaoshan," Chi Feichi stepped forward, just blocking the man's view of Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and led the man to walk to the side, "Today's lunch is not a buffet-style banquet. I remember that you are allergic to eggs, although before I've also spoken to the chef, but before lunch starts, do you want someone to go to the kitchen to talk again?"

Huihara Ai looked at Koshimizu Nanatsuki who was talking to Chi Kanai, and finally decided to give up watching the conversation between the two, insisting on the fighting strategy of 'keep an eye on Brother Feichi', and quietly walked to Chi Feichi's side.

It has been twenty-four hours since Brother Feichi received the email yesterday, and it has been almost three days since Brother Feichi made an agreement with the members of the organization to 'meet and talk'. She must be vigilant and pay attention to any active or passive brother Feichi. People who are in contact and need to chat alone.

"Don't be so troublesome, even if the people in the kitchen forget it, it's fine for me to refuse food with eggs when the dishes are served. In fact, I don't need to tell the chef specifically, it's too much trouble for you and the kitchen people," Chaoshan said. Naoto followed Chi Fei late to the side, and turned his head to look at Koshimizu Nanatsuki without giving up, "I want to say another thing, you are similar to that girl in youth, and you are introduced at this time, in fact, she is Your girlfriend?"

"Not yet." Chi Feichi said.

"It will be the same in the future, and your attitude seems to be very firm," Chaoshan Naoichi said straightforwardly, "I'm fine, those people have been missing for several years, I don't know when the next time we will meet, they have met now people, from now on..."

"Yes," Chi Feichi interrupted in a low voice, "but you don't need to go on, if you also think that destroying young people's romance is a hateful thing."

Hui Yuanai, who was eavesdropping, understood.

These shareholders disappeared for a few years, and now I remember a girl who is suspected to be Brother Chi's girlfriend. After a few years, I am afraid that I will only remember this.

If Brother Feichi got married, the bride these people would think of would be Sister Nanatsuki.

Brother Feichi's introduction at this time is a statement in itself - I like this person, and I am serious, and if there is no accident, I will marry her in the future.

If something goes wrong, Brother Feichi won't be able to be with Sister Nanatsuki in the end, and he probably needs to pass the news of the breakup to the ears of these people... Bah, I can't be crowed, but this is indeed the meaning of inviting 'myself' to witness together .

Brother Fuchi would call this Mr. Chaoshan away, probably because this Mr. Chaoshan would be a little careless, and before Brother Feichi confessed, he would tell the truth about Brother Feichi's thoughts...

She supported Brother Feichi this time.

If there is no formal confession, it will be a lifetime of regret for Brother Feichi and Miss Nanatsuki.

"But..." Naoto Asayama looked back at Nanatsuki Koshimizu again, with a look of incomprehension, "She still called you 'Mr. Wouldn’t it be a bit too rash to introduce it to everyone? If you are rejected by the girl then, we will feel ashamed! I don’t think this is right, at least let me ask for you..."

"Mr. Chaoshan, don't worry, I will do my best to get what I want." Chi Feichi's eyes were firm and cold, and he quickly smiled at Chaoshan Naoto, "If you keep silent now, I will thank you You are forever."

Naoto Chaoshan looked into Chi Feichi's eyes, and felt that someone's smile was a bit dangerous, so he compromised, "Well, it's because you still remember that I'm allergic to eggs."

"Of course," Chi Feichi said, "After all, I have known you with my father since I was a little over four years old."

Hui Yuanai breathed a sigh of relief, and couldn't help turning his head to look at the man who said he didn't know the Kudou couple just now.

The original shareholders of Zhenchi Group are all...letting themselves go.

"That's right, it was that meeting. I mentioned at the dinner table that I was allergic to eggs. Your memory is really good." Naoto Asayama laughed, and quickly thought again, "But I think you just wanted to Saying 'if you shut up'..."

"If you think so, then it is like this." Chi Feichi dropped a very "scumbag" sentence, turned around and walked towards Chi Shinosuke.

"To your father's old friend, at least you should be more polite," Naoto Asayama muttered in a low voice speechlessly. When he saw Hui Yuan Ai swaying just now, he squatted down, looked directly at Hui Yuan Ai and said, "Did you see that? Brother is not a cute guy at all."

"Really?" Hui Yuanai turned around calmly and followed Chi Feichi, "I think it's okay."

Naoto Asayama: "..."

This little devil is not funny, nor is it cute.


Those who remained at the venue to the end did not go to the banquet hall, but went to a smaller banquet hall in the same hotel and sat down at the European-style long table.

Koshimi Nanatsuki was placed next to Chi Feichi, and after Chi Shinosuke said a few words and started to serve the dishes, he looked at the other people who whispered from time to time, and asked Chi Feichi in a low voice, "Although I want to I have a surprise for you, but I didn't expect to have dinner with you, will this disturb you?"

"Today's business is over, and now it's just a gathering among friends," Chi Feichi said softly, "Some of them haven't seen each other for many years, and some of them may leave tomorrow. Some people just met today."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the Kudou and his wife at the same table, and said with a smile, "That's right, but I was still surprised to hear the general introduction of the new Umbrella at the venue. Heavy industry, light industry, from capital investment, manufacturing, to distribution, In terms of sales, Umbrella is like a machine that can operate by itself, whether it is a traditional industry or an emerging industry, it can develop very well."

"The consortium is difficult to shake because it can almost form a small kingdom structure. The Yan family had such a structure before, and the combination of Machi and Field has a similar structure. After the fusion, Umbrella will only be more perfect," Chi Feichi lowered his voice and spoke very bluntly, "Finance, industry and mining, manufacturing, transportation, business, science and technology, and then expanded to education, media, medical care, etc., and modern financial groups are integrated and infiltrated. Although many financial groups maintain The original family name, but in fact it is already dominated by multiple families, so that it can better adapt to the changes and development of the society. If the consortium continues to develop normally, the stability will become stronger and stronger. At the same time, the control over the country where it is located will also change. Strong, many consortiums have developed so far and have had considerable influence on politics."

"Where's Umbrella? Has he infiltrated the political world?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked, a little embarrassed, "Should I not ask this..."

"It's nothing, this is a problem that everyone can think of. In Japan, whether it is the Suzuki consortium or the former Yan consortium, they are large enough to threaten the ruling party, and the opinions of the consortium's speakers will be taken seriously The consortium doesn’t need to do anything at all,” Chi Feichi paused, “However, in order to compete with other consortiums, and in order not to let the political circles completely fall to the opponent’s side when a crisis arises, the major consortiums will more or less It can infiltrate the parliamentarian group, but it will not interfere too much. After all, governance is a labor-intensive task. Unless the person in power of the consortium has political interests, what the consortium wants to control is resources, and Umbrella is the same."

How about the evil capitalism?

Capitalists know very well that 'resources' are fundamental, and only by mastering resources can they master the world. In comparison, money is indeed just a unit of measurement, a replacement tool, and even influence on the political world is just an add-on, and consortiums only want to use it to obtain More resources.

Before that, the Machi Group lacked financial services, and could not obtain a large amount of capital flow from banking, insurance, trust, etc., and some shareholders of the Field Group kept getting in the way, unable to invest a lot of money in the Machi Group, so that The development of the Manchi Group is tied up, and 'money' is also a crucial thing.

On the other hand, the Field Group is actually closer to a consortium, but it lacks industrial development. Even if there is related investment, it can't take the majority. It lacks a sense of "down-to-earth". The employees are trying to get money from the group to fill their own pockets. Even if the investment of the Field Group over the years is not bad, they also try to develop into other industries, but the development is still in a slow period. They only rely on themselves and want to become The consortium is definitely far away, and even if it continues to develop, it may not advance but retreat.

Those who are lagging behind in the cooperation between the two groups of Machi and Field are not unaware that the combination of the two groups is of great benefit to each other, nor are they unaware that when the group develops well, the shareholders can get more money. Many, those people just don't regard the Field Group as their own business, but as 'Chikanai's'.

For them, cooperation will only allow the Chi family to have more say in the company and allow Chi Ganai to gain more. Compared with the development of the Field Group, they hope to be like moths and take the group's wealth into their own pockets , They think that what falls in their own pockets is the real thing. If the Field Group is over, they can start anew with the wealth they have pocketed, and they are confident that they will be more successful than Chi Kanai by then.

He really didn't know whether these people were short-sighted or overly smart, but people would have their own calculations in their hearts. Didn't his cheap mom prepare for many years to drive those guys out of the group?

Whatever the calculations, now that the dust has settled, the new Umbrella will not face those troubles again.

Last night, Ike Shinosuke asked him to go to the study. In addition to confirming the specific matters of today's ceremony and press conference, he was also worried that he would not be able to turn his mind around, so he told him openly and secretly-our focus in the future is to grab resources!

Well, he feels that his ability to adapt has never been weak, and he has long known the importance of resources. Whether it is Noah's Ark, or the lawyers and planners that his own group started to support early, they are all precious resources.

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