Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2077 The elk seeks a doctor

During lunch, Chi Feichi chatted with Koshimizu Nanatsuki a lot.

As long as Yueshui is interested in knowing about financial groups, politics, and how he ate after arriving in the UK, he is willing to talk about it. Of course, he also asked about Yueshui's current situation in Japan during this period of time, and the opinions of old acquaintances. current situation.

After lunch, the convoy sent by Umbrella took a group of people and bodyguards out of London, all the way west to the original site of Field's house.

Kudo Yusaku wants to stay in London to investigate, and regrets that he can't go and see together.

Kudo Yukiko, Koshimizu Nanatsuki and the Ike family sat in the same car, chatting with Ike Kana and Haibara Ai along the road.

While Ike Kana and Kudo Yukiko were chatting and laughing, Haibara Ai knelt between the seats, leaned over to Koshimizu Nanatsuki's ear, and asked in a low voice, "How do you feel?"

"Ah?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki cast a questioning look like Haibara Ai.

"I mean my godmother," Hui Yuanai whispered, "is a very easy person to get along with, right?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Ike Kana, whose eyes were filled with a soft smile, and she couldn't help smiling, nodded, and communicated with Huibara in a low voice, "Mrs. Kana is a very gentle and easy-going person, people don't know I can get along very well without knowing it, and it is very comfortable to be with her..."

Hui Yuanai silently agreed in his heart, and then asked softly, "What about Mr. Shinnosuke?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Chi Shinosuke who was sitting with Chi Feichi with his head down reading a book, smiled and teased in a low voice, "You can tell it's Mr. Chi's father at a glance."

Hui Yuanai looked at the Chi family father and son who seemed to withdraw their indifferent expressions, slightly pursed the corners of their mouths, and tried hard to hold back a smile, "I think so too."

Reached a consensus with Miss Nanatsuki.

It seems that Miss Nanatsuki has a good impression of her godmother and Mr. Shinosuke.

"Natsuki," Chi Kanai called out, smiling and pointing out the window, "Look, there are elk!"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Ikekana's purple eyes that became brighter and clearer for a moment, as if they had turned into clear gems, and then reluctantly turned to look out the car window.

If she is a man, she must take Mrs. Kanai away in a sack... No, she must try to be a love rival with Mr. Shinnosuke.

The car has arrived in the wild without knowing it. The straight gray-white road only leads to the front. Most of the woods on both sides have bare branches. .

A herd of elk was walking among the forests in early spring, their figures appearing and disappearing among rows of thick tree trunks.

The driver heard Chi Kanai's words, slowed down deliberately, and finally parked the car directly on the side of the road.

The cars in front and behind also slowed down one after another and stopped quietly on the road.

The elk team was not disturbed by the approaching convoy. The leading elk had a strong body, with almost gorgeous antlers on its head, and a dead leaf that somehow got stuck on the fork, leading the team to the road arrogantly, looking back from time to time Look at the obviously smaller elk following behind.

Kudo Yukiko, Ike Kana, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and Haibara Ai were almost lying in front of the car window, and two pets, Feichi and Danzi, one big and one small, were added, and a row of heads was neatly arranged in front of the car window , Watching the herd of deer coming towards the road.

As the deer approached, the appearance and figure of each elk became clearer. Kudo Yukiko lowered her voice, "The antlers of that deer are really beautiful."

"In this jungle, it is definitely the most powerful stag," Chi Kanai said with a smile, "Don't deliberately lower your voice, the animals here have been well protected for more than 20 years, and if there is any poaching If they appear, they will be caught by the surrounding residents, so they are not very afraid of humans, nor are they afraid of cars, and occasionally passing cars are forced to give way to them."

Chi Feichi looked at the herd of deer outside the window, and asked aloud, "Have you been back in recent years?"

"I came here once three years ago," Chi Kanai recalled, "and before that, it was ten or fifteen years ago."

Ike Shinosuke closed the book and looked at the elk outside the window, "If you go further, it will be when your grandmother and grandfather passed away. At that time, there were still many poachers, and it was difficult to see elk near human gathering areas."

Chi Kanai accepted the words with a smile, "However, when I came here three years ago, there were occasional elks that would come to the outskirts of the small town and beg for food from the people who lived there..."

While a few people were talking, the herd of elk had already arrived on the road. The head deer looked up at the right car, and led the team straight to the car. in front of the side window.

Chi Feichi lowered the car window and looked into the dark eyes of the deer outside, "What's the matter?"

Ike Kana, Kudo Yukiko, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Haibara Ai: "..."

Hey, are you impatient with this tone that seems to say 'Why are you here'? Even though it was such a rare elk to see, he took the initiative to walk in front of them. Someone's attitude was good or bad...

Wait a minute, there is something wrong with this state of trying to communicate with the elk, right? Do you still expect the elk to answer?

The head deer chirped, looked vigilantly at Tuanzi who followed Chi Feichi out of the car window, ignored Feichi who was also poking out of the car window, walked to the sides with the two deer behind him, got out of the way in the middle, and looked towards The little elk that stepped forward from behind.

The little elk seemed to have been protected in the middle before, so that others did not see the little deer clearly. It was not until the head deer took the lead to get out of the way that others saw the little deer limping, with a festering wound on its side. , looked listless, not very energetic.

The head deer looked at the little deer, then looked up at Chi Feichi in the car, and chirped.

"Seeking medical attention."

As Chi Feichi said, he opened the door and got out of the car, "Wait a minute."

"Is the wound infected?" Hui Yuanai worriedly looked at Xiao Lu's side wound, and seeing that Chi Feichi got out of the car without frightening the deer group, he also jumped out of the car.

Chi Fei was late to the car behind to communicate with Tuanzi's accompanying doctor.

The deer looked sideways and saw that Chi Feichi hadn't gone far, so he looked away and continued to stare at Tuanzi vigilantly.

Tuanzi was so annoyed by the stares, he bared his teeth and raised his palm at the head deer, "Hey..."

The head deer's sensitive nerves were touched, and he immediately lowered his head and aimed his horns at the dumpling in the car.

The other elk also followed suit, looking like they were fighting against each other.

Pairs of antlers are like savagely grown branches. The tips and edges of the antlers are sharpened in the wild, showing the danger to the group on the car.

The war seemed to be on the verge of breaking out. As soon as Haibara Ai jumped out of the car and stood in front of the herd of deer, before he could react, Ike Shinosuke reached out and fished him back into the car, and slammed the door shut behind him.

Haibara Ai:"……"

Mr. Shinosuke's reaction is really fast, he usually feels cold, but now he really...

It can give people a sense of security.

Sister Nanatsuki is right, just by looking at it, you can tell that it is Brother Feichi's father!

When Chi Feichi and Tuanzi's accompanying doctor came back with a medical kit, they saw the tense situation beside the car, and said dissatisfiedly, "Don't make trouble."

Tuanzi groaned and leaned back between the seats, hugged a short bamboo and gnawed, "Master, it's because their attitude is too bad. If you don't believe me, you can ask Feichi..."

The elk herd no longer aimed their horns at the car, and led by the head deer, they retreated to make way for an open space.

Kudo Yukiko found that the herd of elk was not easy to mess with. Seeing that Chi Feichi and the doctor went to the middle of the herd with a medical kit, she reminded them, "Little Chi, be careful and be safe."

Chi Feichi turned his head and nodded to the group of people in the car who were watching worriedly. He and Tuanzi's accompanying doctor squatted down beside Xiaolu, put on gloves, and checked Xiaolu's injuries.

"Only this wound," Tuanzi's doctor observed the wound, "I'm not sure if it was poked by a broken branch, or by the horns of other elk, but such a small deer is not yet ready for fighting. It will also be protected to a certain extent, it should not be injured in a fight..."

"It needs an incision and drainage to drain all the pus," Chi Feichi asked, looking at the wound, "Are you under anesthesia?"

"I brought it," the doctor opened the medical box, pulled out an anesthetic, and looked at the surrounding deer hesitantly, "but..."

A herd of deer surrounded them, staring straight at them, making him feel a little dangerous.

Although this herd of elk will stop people from seeking medical treatment and appear to be very spiritual, animals are still animals. Once the deer is found to be immobile under anesthesia or screaming during the treatment, the deer may suddenly attack them.

He still felt that it would be better to find a place to separate the deer from the herd...

Chi Feichi looked up at the sky. Although he was not worried about these deer attacking them, he also had to consider the rainy weather in London, and it was too dangerous to perform surgery outside. "There should be a place to live nearby. Take them there."

Two minutes later, the convoy set off again, this time with a herd of elk.

The nearby towns are not too far away, and a ten-minute drive is enough to reach people's homes on the outskirts of the town.

The original residence of the Field family was nearby, and Chi Kanai found a family with an old man who knew the old man well. As soon as the other party heard that it was to help the deer with festering wounds, he immediately provided a clean and empty room.

In the small courtyard, the herd of deer and people who got out of the car were tightly blocked. Hui Yuanai and others, Feichi and Tuanzi even lay down on the outside of the window to watch.

In the room, Chi Feichi and the doctor left two bodyguards to help turn on the lights, and the four of them were busy.

While disinfecting the instruments, the doctor said, "Because giant pandas are very precious, they rarely suffer trauma, and I'm not a surgeon, so in this regard..."

Chi Feichi helped Xiaolu inject anesthesia, "I am an animal surgeon."

The doctor breathed a sigh of relief, and said seriously, "Then I will assist you."

Shaving, cleaning, disinfection, incision and drainage of pus...

Outside the window, Kudo Yukiko couldn't see Xiaolu's situation clearly. He could only see Chi Feichi and the middle-aged male doctor busy. Occasionally, he could faintly hear Chi Feichi briefly speaking to the doctor. You can also feel Chi Feichi's proficiency in the movements, so he couldn't help but whisper, "Xiao Chi looks very proficient."

"At the stray animal shelters in Japan, injured animals are often sent there," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said softly, looking at Chi Feichi who was busy in the house, "Although Mr. Chi did not continue to be a surgeon in the hospital, But occasionally I go to the shelter to help."

"Sometimes, some stray pets who were seriously injured in a car accident are sent there, and the injuries are more serious and complicated than this," Hui Yuanai added, "so Brother Feichi will have no problem."

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