Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2078 Field's original site

Kudo Yukiko turned to look at Ikekana, eyes full of emotion, and said with a smile, "Xiao Chi is a very kind person."

Chi Kane nodded with a smile, and continued to look at the people in the room softly.

Her family, Feichi, is the kindest, there is nothing wrong with her!

Ike Shinosuke: "..."

His son is sometimes very kind, but sometimes...

He didn't dare to say anything about some things, and he didn't know why his wife nodded with peace of mind. Maybe it's because the child is always kind in the mother's eyes?

Anyway, he could only cover up his speechlessness with an indifferent face.

Hui Yuanai didn't think anything was wrong.

Although her brother Feichi belongs to that organization, he is really nice...


When the sky was red with the setting sun, the operation in the room was over.

The deer quickly woke up from anesthesia. The family actively expressed that they could help take care of the deer if the deer did not leave, and rejected Chi Kanai's proposal to take care of the deer.

A group declined the family's invitation to dinner and did not stay to dine.

After all... there are too many people.

Moreover, the original residence of the Field family was just outside the town, and it took less than half an hour to drive there.

Chi Feichi and the family agreed to come back tomorrow to see the situation. Before going out, he patted the deer on the back and whispered a few words, making the group of elk look forward to here.

Sitting in the car again, the women continued to chat. The topics ranged from the injured elk, the operation Chi Feichi had just completed, to the situation in the town and the trivial matters of life. There seemed to be endless things to talk about, but everyone lowered their voices. , to give Chi Feichi a break.

Chi Feichi sat in his seat and listened.

Although he didn't feel tired, the operation just now was easier than most of the operations in the shelter, but compared to the previous situation of chattering in the car, it's better to be a little cleaner now.

Hearing Koshimizu Nanatsuki talk about Chi Feichi, Feichi, and Wuming taking a nap under the tree, Chi Kanai was taken aback, "Did you... plant elderberries in the yard?"

"Because Mr. Chi likes it very much..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki saw that Chi Kana's face was a little strange, and asked hesitantly, "What, what's wrong?"

"No, it's nothing." Chi Kane shook his head, and the corner of his mouth smiled again, but there was only a complicated look in his eyes, "I just think it's a coincidence that a lot of elderberries were planted in the old site of Field's house, because... I My elder brother Mitchell also likes elderberry very much, when he is free, he will sit on the bench under the tree and lose his mind, staying for most of the day."

"Brother?" Kudo Yukiko was a little surprised, "Kana, I thought you were an only child..."

"He's already passed away, a suicide." Chikana looked out the car window, overlooking the faintly visible castle building. "When he was twenty years old, he let himself stay there forever."

Kudo Yukiko was taken aback, and quickly apologized softly, "Sorry, I don't know..."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki suddenly remembered that Chi Feichi had said that his mental illness might be hereditary, but seeing that the gentle smile in Chi Kanai's eyes was gone, and he was full of loneliness, he couldn't bear it, and he didn't ask or mention it again. .

Hui Yuanai sighed in her heart, thankfully it was Chi Feichi who told her about the past of Field's family a few days ago.

Her godmother really cared about the past.

In other words, if my brothers died one by one, no one would care about them.

If her godmother mentioned these things to her, she would definitely not have the heart to let her go on talking just by looking at her godmother's face.

"It doesn't matter. I was a child at that time, and it has been more than thirty years now. I should have let go of it." Ikekana smiled at Kudo Yukiko, looked at the building again, and said softly, "Maybe it's the return to the building." My hometown, let me easily miss the time when I was a child."

The afterglow of the setting sun sank a little bit.

The town is built on a small hill. The castle-like building at the end is located at the highest point. The overall slope is gentle. With the cover of woods, you can't see the slightest steepness at all. But when you look up in the town, you can see through it Tree branches, see Gothic towers and facades.

The color of the stone on the outer wall is white, and some windows are lit. However, because of the old style and the large footprint, the castle still looks like a giant beast lying quietly on the ground. In the dark night, it seems to reveal A little mysterious and solemn.

"Uncle Mitchell likes elderberry, probably because he has been to Jiangshenyuan, where there is a family named Montgomery who planted an elderberry, and my grandfather, grandmother and Uncle Mitchell have been to her house, Grandmother also donated a pier to Jiang Shenyuan." Chi Feichi looked at the old castle, took out the wallet from his pocket, pulled out the photos in it, and handed it to Chi Kanai, "This is what I did in Jiang Shenyuan. The photos found in the records of historical celebrities in the Kanbara Hotel. Some time ago, I went to Egamihara on business. I heard that my grandfather had visited Egamibara. So I asked the person who runs the hotel to give me the original photos. I originally I just want to show you this photo, but I have other things to do before, so I haven't had time to tell you."

He wasn't sure if Mitchell really liked elderberries, but Mitchell would sit under the tree and be distracted, which made him suspect that it was because Mitchell had felt the existence of his soul, and he had been wondering whether people would live after death. Existing as a soul...

Hopefully Mitchell's suicide has nothing to do with this.

Originally, as soon as Jane finished his work, he had to arrange an action. He shouldn't have left London. The reason why he came here at this juncture was that he would be watched by Kudo Yusaku in London, and it would be more troublesome to be watched by Kudo Yukiko. In addition, he also wanted to take a look at Field Castle, trying to find out the secrets of the Field family that had sunk in the past.

The Field family and the organization seem to be inextricably linked, and he also wants to try to find clues related to the organization by the way.

Of course, looking for clues and looking for clues, he doesn't want to suddenly find out that Mitchell committed suicide because he once felt the existence of the soul and believed that people can continue to exist in the world after death.

In that case, wouldn't he be equivalent to indirectly killing his third cheap uncle...

Chi Kanai took the photo, looked down at the three faces on it, and sighed softly, "I didn't even know about it... Your grandmother looked so young at that time, and Mitchell was still a little devil. I think he looks a little dull."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Is that stupid? Are you sure that's not a look of indifference?

Ike Shinosuke glanced sideways and remained silent.

It doesn't look like the "cheerful and optimistic" third brother-in-law his wife said.

Yukiko Kudo looked at Chi Feichi, then at Mitchell in the photo, and deliberately said in a brisk tone, "Xiaochi's eyes are almost carved out of the same mold as Mr. Kazunosuke, except for the pupil color. I was wondering who his nose and browbones looked like, but Kanai's eyebrows and eyes were obviously much softer. Looking at it now, it should look like my uncle, so the saying that the child might look like my uncle is true..."

"Feichi's facial features hadn't developed yet when he was a child, and he was indeed very similar to Mitchell when he was a child." Chi Kanai was moved, looked at his son's face, and nodded, "It's a bit similar when he grows up."

Ike Shinosuke and Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the photo and silently nodded their approval.

They had seen Chi Feichi, the little ghost head, and they looked alike.

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi.

This trip was a good one, and I unexpectedly found out what my brother looked like when he was a child.

Chi Feichi saw that the atmosphere was relaxed, so he acquiesced to the fact that he was a tool to relieve the atmosphere and was surrounded by crowds.

Chi Kanai looked down at the photo again, and handed the photo back to Chi Feichi, "Feichi, since you found this photo, you can keep it. After many years, you found their photo in Jiangshenyuan , this may be an inexplicable fate."

Chi Fei scanned the photo with his left eye and stored it in the ark long ago. He originally wanted to give the photo to Chi Kanai, but after hearing Chi Kanai say "fate", he reached out and took the photo.

Among his four uncles, Mitchell is indeed related to him.


The convoy drove out of the town, along the winding road and drove on the gentle slope for four or five minutes, and drove into a flat and open area.

The grass on both sides of the road has become leveled, and green leafy shrubs and flowers have been planted in specific schemes and trimmed to different heights to form a delicate and beautiful landscape.

After the car turned the corner, one side of the road is an elderberry forest standing on the side of the castle, and benches for enjoying the shade are designed on the side of the road, and the other side is a round pool built among the grass.

The diameter of the round pool is more than ten meters, and the periphery is surrounded by polished and rounded stones. At intervals, there are statues of lion heads half a person's height. The lion heads face the center of the round pool. The gushing water column arced in the air and fell into the pool with a splash.

In front of the castle, modern searchlights are brightly lit, not only illuminating the road, but also reflecting the water surface of the round pool like a fluctuating mirror.

Lydia, who rushed to the castle in the morning, led a group of people to stand at the door, watching the convoy stop. After everyone got off the car, she and an old British man took the lead in saluting calmly, and led the people forward together.

Seeing Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Huihara Ai looking at the lion head statue spouting water, Ike Kana explained aloud, "This place was rebuilt when my mother was alive. The center of the pool was left empty, and it was all filled by lion heads. Shabby."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Haibara Ai: "..."

There is nothing in the middle of such a large pool, it seems a bit empty, but no matter how you look at it, it should have nothing to do with the simplicity here, right?

"However, this is not bad. When the weather is clear during the day, the sky and clouds will be reflected on the surface of the pool, which looks very beautiful," Chikana said with a slight smile, "You can come out and have a look tomorrow morning. most beautiful."

Yue Shui Nanatsuki glanced around and said with emotion, "I can probably imagine it."

Chi Feichi turned his head and looked at the elderberry forest on the side of the castle.

That's what he said, but he wants to see that elderberry forest even more tomorrow...

Seeing Haibara Ai's reaction, Kudo Yukiko knew that there would be no organized people here, but she still looked at a group of servants who walked up to her.

Lydia arrived beside Chigana, looked at the guests in front of other cars and looked around, and said in a low voice, "The arrival time is more than an hour later than your expected time."

"Sorry," Chi Kane said softly, "There was a little accident on the road."

"I think so, but the dinner has been prepared a long time ago, and the food that can keep warm is kept warm, and the food that keeps warm will affect the taste, I have arranged for everyone to eat it for dinner," Lydia whispered, "Fortunately, the ingredients It's ready, and it will take about an hour for dinner to be ready, I'll arrange for someone to deliver everyone's luggage to the room, and you have to make the hungry guests wait a little longer."

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