Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2135 Don't argue with snake spirit disease

"I want to settle the matter today, but the time is still too short," Ike Shinosuke picked up the cup and took two sips of water, and continued, "Otherwise, find a few more merchants to operate, and we can make more money."

Chi Feichi remained silent.

Ike Shinosuke's operations seemed to be telling him: In terms of making money to support the family, your father will always be your father.

Many people have heard such a story, but like Ike Shinosuke, immediately analyze the advantages of being a newspaper, find the target, apply it flexibly and formulate a plan, attack with precision, persuade all parties and control the development of the situation, not everyone can do it arrived.

I was careless, but I actually let Lao Chi show off a wave of manipulation.

The fictitious Hui Yuan Ai began to count with his fingers, "There is enough food for a period of time, as well as cheese and milk, new clothes and new jewelry, the money is enough for us to move into a big house, and there is still some living expenses left over. ..."

Well, a wave of poverty alleviation and a fortune.

"If I'm not in a hurry to move, I'll take half of the money and guarantee that my family will have a beautiful new house and a factory in a week. Now it's the period of the industrial revolution, and a factory can have continuous income," Chi said. Shinosuke is still thinking about his own development plan, "I heard a lot of news in the newspaper, if everything goes well, I can take over two factories by then, and in half a month, I can open a veterinary clinic for Feichi , although in this era, most of the time he has to visit farms and pastures, but there is a clinic that can appear more formal, and can also make other people look up to him..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

No more words, thank you dad.

Chi Kanai put his right hand on his forehead and sighed faintly, "You are destroying the difficulty of the game I set."

"Sorry, Kana," Ike Shinosuke looked at Ike Kana seriously, "I can't bear the fact that my eight-year-old child goes out to sell newspapers, and I can't bear the child I have raised for so many years without his money. Let those nobles tell me what to do for money, and I can’t bear my wife worrying about how to live tomorrow, no matter whether everything here is fake or not, as a father and a husband, I can’t do nothing.”

"No, I should say I'm sorry, I didn't consider your feelings," Chi Kanai put down his right hand holding his forehead, froze the virtual things around him, and smiled apologetically, "But we don't have a week, although in the virtual The world can also handle work, but the nutrient solution can only keep our body organs from failing at most, but it cannot guarantee that our body will not become weak. Staying here for too long is not good for the body, so I think, the next two days It's up to you to arrange what you want to do, and we will go back in two days."

"Two days..." Seeing that Chi Feichi nodded slightly, Chi Zhenzhi also nodded and said, "Then, let's keep it as it is, and I will spend the money in this scene tomorrow, and Feichi will decide what we will do the day after tomorrow." .”

Sawada Hiroki sighed with emotion, "It's really troublesome to take care of your body."

Chi Feichi: "..."

He suspects that Noah is secretly poking and inciting them to ascend online together...


When I woke up again, it was still the same block of red brick bungalows. …

Ike Shinosuke asked for leave from the newspaper office early in the morning. Instead of using that sum of money to buy a big house, he directly bought a factory, hired Darcy here to manage it, and organized a "neighborhood meeting" to let the neighbors They all went to work, and all signed high-paying contracts.

Ike Kana saw off the last person who attended the meeting, turned around and complained to Ike Shinosuke in a low voice, "You really are, even if they are in the virtual world, they can't escape the fate of helping you work."

"I want to help them. Although this world is false and will collapse after we leave, I still want to make their future full of hope," Ike Shinosuke completely ignored the humor. Chi Feichi said, "It's five o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still a few hours before the forced sleep. You can arrange the rest of the time."

five minutes later……

The family came to No. 221 Baker Street collectively.

The virtual Haibara Ai was very familiar with the children of the Baker Street squad in this world, and also knew Holmes, so she knocked on the door.

After the door was opened, Dr. Watson who opened the door turned to talk to Holmes in the room who had the face of Yusaku Kudo in the face of Dr. Ali, which made Chi Feichi feel a little funny.

Although he had known that Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson on the London stage were based on the images of these two people, it was still a little awkward to actually see these two people.

Hearing that the family was visiting, Holmes invited them in.

After sitting down, the man who looked like Kudo Yusaku put down the pipe in his hand, and looked at Ike Shinosuke's eyes with spirit and sharpness, "I heard that a wise man appeared in the carriageway block yesterday. Negotiating with all parties, I earned a large commission. This matter has spread in London. I didn’t expect that I could see the deity today. Mr. Shinosuke, your family is here, is there any important matter for me? ?”

Dr. Watson in the image of Dr. Ali spread his hands, "I think it is difficult for us to have any business opportunities here. Holmes is an excellent detective, but his personality makes it difficult to commercialize his work."

"Our visit today has nothing to do with business," Chi Shinosuke looked at Chi Feichi, "This kid wants to visit, he is Mr. Holmes..."

Chi Feichi suddenly reached out and grabbed the paper knife on the table, got up and pulled Dr. Watson past him, and cut open Dr. Watson's neck with a sharp movement.


After Ike Shinosuke finished speaking, he looked at the desktop splattered with blood and fell silent.

This is what his son said, "I've always wanted to see Sherlock Holmes, but I couldn't see it in the cocoon game last time, why don't we go and see it today"?

What happened to Dr. Watson when he came to the hospital?

On the sofa chair, Holmes, who was wearing Kudo Yusaku's face, changed his expression, stood up, and stretched out his hand to Dr. Watson, "Watson..."

Chi Feichi pushed Dr. Watson away, holding a paper knife in his hand, and quickly narrowed the distance between him and Holmes.

Holmes stared at Chi Feichi with a frown, realizing that his own skills could hardly cope with this speed. He tried to turn his brain and tried to distract Chi Feichi, "Wait! Could it be Moriarty..."

Chi Feichi didn't talk nonsense with Holmes, and the paper cutter slashed at Holmes' throat. After seeing Holmes dodging, the corner of his mouth curled up, and his left hand in his coat pocket stretched out, holding the handle of a fruit knife tightly. Push the blade of the knife heavily into Holmes' chest. …

Holmes was astonished, and seemed to have some weird self-mockery, and sighed softly, "Professor Moriarty won't..."


Chi Feichi pulled out the knife and turned his head to avoid the splashed blood, but the side face and clothes were inevitably splattered with blood, "Of course he wouldn't do that."

Holmes took two steps back, covered the wound on his chest with one hand, stretched out his hand to support the sofa, and stared at Chi Feichi persistently with puzzled eyes, "Then you...why..."

Ikekana looked at his blood-soaked son, then at the virtual Haibara Ai and Sawada Hiroki who were stunned in place.

yeah, why?

Chi Feichi didn't answer, as if nothing happened, he turned around and asked Chi Jianai and the others, "Do you have anything else to do in this virtual world? If not, I will end the game process in this world."

"No, no." Sawada Hiroki replied blankly.

Ike Shinosuke shook his head, his expression still somewhat strange.

"I'm gone too..." Chi Kanai watched the surroundings disintegrate into pieces and disappeared, and couldn't help asking, "Feichi, do you secretly hate the doctor and Mr. Yusaku?"

"No," Chi Feichi thought about it, "When I was in Japan, the doctor always cared about me. Although Mr. Yusaku may cause us trouble in the future, we get along pretty well now."

Chikana: "..."

Then why did her son stab the person with those two faces indifferently? Don't you feel unbearable?

"Then do you hate Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson?" Chi Shinosuke asked.

"I don't hate it," Chi Feichi said casually, "I'm not lying. Among all the detectives, I like Sherlock Holmes very much, and I can't say I hate Dr. Watson."

"Then why did you do this?" Ike Shinosuke really couldn't figure it out.

"I just want to try to kill Holmes and Dr. Watson once." Chi Feichi let the blood on his body disappear, and added, "By the way, let's see what expressions their two faces will show when facing their own death."

Chikana: "..."

Snake is sick...

Oh, her son seems to have been.

Ike Shinosuke and Sawada Hiroki: "..."

It is true that his son/his godfather has supernatural powers, but it may also be true that he is not quite right.

Chi Feichi wondered whether he should kill a few Conan virtual people next time, raised his eyes and saw the complicated and inexplicable gazes of the three, and explained, "Anyway, it's just a virtual world, and it's not really killing them."

So, can you stop looking at him with such strange eyes?

Ike Shinanosuke nodded perfunctorily, and quickly covered up the strangeness in his eyes, "If there's nothing else, go to bed early tonight and continue tomorrow."

The explanation made sense, but it couldn't convince him.

Facing two familiar faces who treat him well, normal people shouldn't have the heart to do it, right?

However, his son was able to stab people with a cold face and quick movements, and explained to them as if it was a matter of course...

He also didn't want to continue arguing about this matter, because there was a gap between normal people and snake-spirited people, so it was impossible to argue clearly.

Chi Feichi looked at Chi Shinosuke and found nothing unusual, then looked at Chi Kana who was smiling, and Sawada Hiroki who quickly adjusted to a normal demeanor.

How does he feel... These three people still have strange ideas about what he did?

It's just a game, don't you need to get into the game like this?

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