Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2136 the best among the trainers

Waking up again from forced sleep, Chi Feichi decided to go to the actual combat training stage.

There were many templates in the cocoon game. After further improvement by Ark and Noah, different training stages were produced and divided.

Hot weapons training stage: You can choose from a variety of guns. The entry point is shooting with virtual people as targets, which is more difficult than shooting training with wooden stakes as targets. In addition, there are also trainings such as rocket launchers and bombs.

Cold weapon training stage: a training stage that integrates fighting and cold weapon use. You can set opponents of different strengths for actual combat training, and you can also choose various cold weapons at will, choose the most suitable cold weapon for you and train.

New weapon experience stage: It is mainly to scan the data of new weapons made by Umbrella into the ark, and then restore them in the game for people to be familiar with the use and operation methods.

Actual tactical training stage: personnel can form teams freely, choose different maps to fight and compete, the number of teams is not fixed, the map can be selected randomly or manually, the battle method can be one-on-one team battle, or multiple teams Big melee.

Shadow Stage: Training for personnel's infiltration, ambush, and assassination capabilities. A group of one person completes infiltration or assassination missions in the simulated scene of the stage. There are missions equipped with weapons, and there are also assassination missions that require local materials to make weapons.

In all stages, not only the vision, hearing, smell, and touch that should be restored in reality, but also the simulation of pain and death is very real, allowing the trainees to experience more realistic battles.

Hiroki Sawada briefly introduced the situation of each training stage, and by the way, he also talked about the training situation of the personnel of Umbrella, "Due to the lack of cocoon equipment, all personnel cannot be trained, so the training progress is not too fast. So far, the Golden Eagle Warriors, Jaguar Warriors, and Red Umbrella and Dark Umbrella personnel in Japan have only completed basic training. However, they also need time to improve their physical fitness and adapt to weapons in reality. It’s just that the equipment is running almost 24 hours a day, and the maintenance staff are under a lot of pressure.”

Ike Shinosuke thought about it, "If you want to add new equipment, it's best to wait for the development of new materials to be completed, but the equipment should be fully upgraded by then. It will take about... two months."

"Two months..." Sawada Hiroki calculated, "The equipment can last, if it is not enough, when the new equipment comes out, all these old equipment can be eliminated, so that there is no need to consider the service life of the equipment. "

Ike Shinosuke nodded in agreement, "The Umbrella Red Umbrella is not short of people, but it lacks elites. As long as the training progress is not delayed, it doesn't matter if you spend a little more money."

Chi Feichi also had no objection to this decision, and asked aloud, "How is the selection of elite personnel going?"

"Your Nugao, Saito, are progressing well in training. Numahito's original physical fitness is very good, and he has mastered a lot of assassination skills. Recently, he has been honing his skills in the Shadow Stage..."

As Hiroki Sawada said, the actual combat training of Kiichiro Numabuchi appeared around him.

Kiichiro Numabuchi could stand silently on the tree that Conan and others passed by before, but now he seems to be more patient. Let him go, Kiichiro Numabuchi stayed on the bare tree trunk in the cold winter for an unknown amount of time. The snow fell thicker and thicker, but I didn't move until the target appeared. I quickly jumped down the tree, twisted the target's neck viciously, and then pierced the bodyguard's throat with the branch hidden on my body, and then quickly moved away. The whole process took about five years. For about a second, the target or the bodyguard did not make a sound. …

In the other one, Kiichiro Numabuchi sneaked into a building smoothly all the way, and then nimbly climbed down from the roof of the top floor, pried open the window and sneaked into an office. After sneaking into the building without any supporting points on the outer wall, after entering the office, Numabuchi Kiichiro deliberately left a piece of red cloth in front of the window, and then hid it in the gap between the bookcase and the curtains. Kiichiro happened to be hiding in the dark, until the target entered the office and was attracted by the cloth strips in front of the window, then Kiichiro Numabuchi rushed towards him. The same cold weapon was harvested quietly, and then he jumped out of the window and returned to the roof from the window again. Change clothes and leave the building.

"The speed of the marsh is getting faster and faster," Sawada Hiroki couldn't help but sigh, "He is pursuing to kill the target as quickly as possible, solve the opponent without disturbing anyone, and then leave the scene as quickly as possible. He never hesitates to strike, coupled with targeted training, now he is indeed like a one-hit assassin in the shadows."

"Who made the assassination plan?" Chi Feichi asked again.

"It's him himself. I only provide part of the target information in the mission, and he will complete the investigation, confirmation, and planning," said Hiroki Sawada. "At the beginning, the success rate of his mission was only 50%. It has been improving, and the current success rate has reached about 85%.”

"Not enough, but he still has time to improve." Chi Feichi paused, "Use my account to send him a message, and I will give him the code name of 'Yehe'."

"Okay, Godfather," Sawada Hiroki used his consciousness to control the transmission of network information, and along the way, " this kind of Chinese herbal medicine?"

Chi Feichi looked at the picture projected by Hiroki Sawada and nodded.

"The message has been sent, let me continue," Sawada Hiroki changed the projection to Hiroshi Saito's training screen, "Saito has been training long-range sniper, as you might expect, he is very talented in this area, and his speed is improving It’s astonishingly fast, he’s trying to kill you with one shot as per your request, he and Marsh each occupy a piece of equipment every day, but other people know they’re strong, so they won’t conflict with them…”

One by one, Hiroshi Saito searched for the target very quickly no matter what environment he was in, and killed all the targets with one shot, and the furthest was over 900 yards.

"950..." Chi Feichi thought about Akai Shuichi, who was about to cheat, and said decisively, "It's not enough, but at this stage, if there is no opportunity, he can't improve much in the short term. Let him reduce the training time in the near future. Take a look around in fifteen cities, pay attention to using his visual ability to observe the movement of all things, and then add math lessons to him."

"Okay, Godfather," Sawada Hiroki smiled gloatingly, "Do you want to give him a code name?"

"Baishu." Chi Feichi said.

Looking at the two 'Forever 600's organized by Chianti and Cohen, we know that for a sniper, a one-hit kill from 950 yards is enough, but not enough. Hiroshi Saito's visual ability has a strong potential, which makes Akai Shuuichi has the potential to lose against snipers, and his opponent for Hiroshi Saito has always been Akai Shuichi.

It's just that it's not enough to squeeze the body all the time. The kid is currently resting and encouraging. …

"I've already sent him the information. In addition, in the Jaguar Warrior and Golden Eagle Warrior..."

Hiroki Sawada introduced two rookies from Fifteen Nights City.

It is not accurate to say that they are rookies, it should be said that they are two freaks.

The two are siblings born in the same birth, and they are 21 years old this year.

Before Chi Feichi took over Fifteen Nights City, my elder brother was a member of the Golden Eagle Warriors, and his ability to throw javelins was not weak. My younger sister always wanted to join the village's warrior team, but there was no precedent for women to become warriors at the beginning, so I never had this opportunity. .

It wasn't until he and Hongzi Koizumi arrived that women were allowed to join the jaguar fighters. The younger sister of the siblings also joined the jaguar fighters immediately and was the first to receive training.

At the beginning of the training, the training progress and results of the brothers and sisters were far ahead. When others were suffering from basic training, the two completed the basic training and found a direction that suits them. The outside world has not stopped improving their physical fitness. Even harder than others.

The basic abilities of the brother and sister have passed the test, hot and cold weapons, and fighting are considered top-notch. Even the younger sister with weaker physical strength can fight with the men in the team. In order to make up for the female's lack of physical strength, the younger sister is very good at researching new weapons. energy.

It is said that the goal of the two is to become the leader of the golden eagle fighters and jaguar fighters, and they are still learning plan formulation and action command.

These two people are the kind of people who are talented, hardworking, and helpers, and they are also people who can't even raise the jealousy of others. They are currently occupying the training equipment every day, and others will not be unhappy.

After watching their training, Chi Feichi gave them the codenames 'Nanteng' and 'Nan Xing'.

Sister Nan Xing, brother Nan Teng.

The Golden Eagle Warrior and Jaguar Warrior really need two excellent team leaders.

Afterwards, on the barren land where Koizumi Hongzi was the chief, and Koizumi Hongzi despised it, two people who could join the elite team appeared.

The first one, was a boy from that tribe.

Seventeen years old this year, the small stature looks like twelve or thirteen years old, his black skin is covered with strange totems painted with white paint, his body is dry, he looks malnourished, but his explosive power is astonishing.

This boy has no problem with the basic use of hot and cold weapons, and has excellent fighting results. When facing opponents, his eyes are as fierce as a prairie lion.

Chi Feichi named these people who had emerged from the crowd completely after the name of the herb that came to mind at the first time, and this boy also got a code name of 'Thunder Pill'.

The second person mentioned by Sawada Hiroki is the original saint of this tribe, You.

In this relatively primitive tribe, there are many rules and traditions that Chi Feichi cannot understand. Before Koizumi Hongzi accepted the tribe, the most beautiful woman in the tribe was their saint. During the years, the saint doesn't need to worry about life, her responsibility is to give 'rewards' to the most heroic warriors every time there is a good harvest.

You is twenty-five years old this year, and is already the mother of two children. In this tribe, after giving birth to a child, the child will be sent to the father's house immediately, and the relationship with the biological mother will be severed. The child's this is recognized by all. …

It is a very strange rule, the source of which cannot be investigated, but Chi Feichi thinks that when the rules first appeared, it should be the breeding selection made unconsciously by the tribe-combining the strongest people and the people who are most in line with everyone's aesthetics. Together, we hope that this gene can be passed on forever.

It is probably because the material has been guaranteed for a long time, and there is no need to work, especially among those people, they are very special. The skin is so delicate that there is a soft luster, which is particularly conspicuous in the sun. Exquisite facial features, totem symbols painted on the skin with golden paint all the year round, coupled with a nearly perfect figure, has a special style that attracts people at a glance, even if he has no feelings for black skin, it cannot be said that he is not a beauty .

Of course, how the rules appeared is not important anymore. What is important is that after Koizumi Hongzi took over the tribe, he worked hard to popularize contemporary ideas, abolished many old rules, and established new rules. The head of the palace maids'.

Still can't escape the fate of being enslaved...

But you are already very satisfied, and you are so satisfied that you are a little worried about gain and loss, because Hongzi Koizumi said, "Women are like men, they have the freedom to have children, and when to have children", You feel that the concept has been greatly impacted, and Hongzi Koizumi is regarded as a child. For the goddess who wants to give everything, she is worried that she will not be needed by Koizumi Hongzi one day, and tries her best to master a certain ability that can prevent herself from being abandoned by Koizumi Hongzi.

When the training equipment was sent to the tribal base, You was among the first to participate in the training. However, because she had no hunting experience since she was a child, her skills were not very good, and her weapons were not good enough. The people in the tribe would let her, but When the bases can be connected online, people in other places can't.

In short, You's training experience at the beginning can be called "tragedy". The previous five people had the experience of killing You alone. The behavior styles of those five people are similar, and they will not soften their hearts just because You are a beauty. Practice target to kill.

Especially among all the trainers, those who have been killed the most times, and other people who are not suitable for fighting, will automatically withdraw after they are discovered during the initial training, and turn to discover other talents or 'farming', and use other methods to make a living for everyone. I do my part in the development of the family, but you don't want to quit. In my bones, I believe that only the power to beat the enemy to death can be considered truly powerful.

Later, probably because he was killed too much, You's psychology gradually became distorted, and he also found a way that suits him - lack of physical fitness, trapping and killing, and weapons that are not easy to use, then use poison.

Even so, You still couldn't beat those talented dogs. After repeated attempts to challenge and get killed repeatedly, You finally regressed, temporarily stopped improving his combat power, and began to study methods of torture and punishment, and the methods gradually became frenzied. I feel that this is what she, a maidservant of the goddess, and a saint on earth should do.

A ignorant little black flower was suddenly forced to become an unscrupulous, vicious black widow.

Chi Feichi watched You's part, especially the torture part, and found that You didn't lose his mind in the brutality, but proceeded with a strange mentality of 'I'm practicing, I know what I'm doing'. After thinking about it, Still gave You the code name of 'Yinzhu'.

Vermilion, also known as 'spiritual sand', is made of mercury and sulfur as raw materials and heated. It fights poison, kills insects, and treats scabies and malignant sores. It has strong toxicity itself.

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