Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2154 Invite to the high-cold back table

"It was the fourth day after the end of the J-League." Mao Lilan smiled sheepishly. "Before the competition, our karate club has to conduct intensive training for the competition. There may not be much time until the end of the competition."

"Ah, I'm sorry, Xiaolan, I forgot that you still have competitions," Suzuki Sonoko pondered for a while, "I think we still need to deal with Feichi's injury in a scientific way. Praying for blessings is just a psychological comfort. It doesn't matter whether you go or not, but if Xiaolan concentrates on training and gets good results in the competition, Brother Feichi will be happy, maybe he will recover faster, right?"

Chi Feichi gave an 'hmm' and looked at the groups of children playing football on the field.

If you want to ask him why he came back, it's because everyone he knows here is talented, able to perform well, and speaks nicely...

"Okay!" Mao Lilan raised her fist in front of her with a serious face, with flames burning in her eyes. "If the champion can bless Brother Feichi to get well soon, then I will take back the championship trophy!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

bless? Isn't this going back to metaphysics?

Mori Kogoro was sweating, and he didn't know whether to worry about his daughter getting hurt too hard, or whether his daughter's opponent would be beaten too badly, "I think it's good to do your best, Xiaolan, you don't have to force yourself..."

"We're back!"

Mitsuhiko, Genta, and Ayumi Huantuo ran from the direction of the locker room, followed by Conan and Haibara Ai who trotted over.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long!" Mitsuhiko shouted with a smile, "We asked the professional players* in the locker room, and we asked...Hiho's...lounge..."

Ayumi also saw Chi Feichi in the wheelchair, and said blankly, "I'm going to get an autograph later and send it to London..."

Yuan Tai stared wide-eyed to confirm whether Chi Feichi really existed, "That...seems like there is no need to send it."

The next second, the three children looked at each other, cheered and rushed towards the wheelchair.

Haibara Ai was as surprised as Conan, and quickened her pace to follow.

The three children were already chattering around the wheelchair.

"Brother Chi, why are you back?"

"Is the injury better? The bone in the waist is broken, should it hurt?"

"Does it still hurt now?"

"Okay!" Suzuki Sonoko carried the three children away one by one, leaned over and said seriously, "Stop squeezing into the wheelchair, please be more stable!"

Yuan Tai's half-moon eyes raised her head and yelled at Suzuki Sonoko. "If you're happy and steady, you're not a child, are you?"


Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

It makes sense.

When Chi Feichi saw that the three children were quieter, he repeated what he had said before, "The injury is much better. I went to Japan yesterday, but it was too late yesterday, so I rested at home. I saw the message you sent this morning. , I’m here to find you.”

Feichi, who was huddling with Feimo in the box to keep warm, suddenly turned sharply and stared at the young man walking behind a group of people.

Feimo couldn't move, but he also gave a slight rattle.

Chi Feichi turned his head to look.

Mori Kogoro and the others turned their heads to look.

The visitor didn't expect to be stared at by a group of people all of a sudden, sweating in embarrassment, looking at Chi Feichi in the wheelchair, his eyes focused on Chi Feichi's deep purple and overly indifferent eyes, avoiding After seeing him, he let out a long sigh of relief, "It's really you, Mr. Chi, I saw it over there just now, and I'm not sure it's you, so I want to get closer to confirm, but I didn't expect..."... .

! Unexpectedly, as soon as they approached, this group of people swished and turned their heads to look at it, which was quite scary.

"Nakaoka, long time no see." Chi Feichi greeted him.

"Long time no see," the embarrassment on Nakaoka Kazuya's face disappeared, with a nostalgic smile in his eyes, he said with emotion, "After careful calculation, we haven't seen each other for more than two years, right?"

He was in the same class as Chi Feichi in high school, not counting the six months before graduation when he was injured and hospitalized due to drag racing, there were two and a half years.

Suddenly seeing a suspected classmate at the back table of high school, who was still sitting in a wheelchair, he wanted to step up to confirm and ask what was going on.

In fact, he also hesitated.

In the two and a half years of his career at the front and back desks, he and Chi Feichi hadn't spoken a few words. In other words, Chi Feichi had never spoken a few words to anyone at that time, but his eyes were always firm and spirited. It looks a bit gloomy and overly introverted. There are also rumors that have been less kind to people.

If he came to say hello and Chi Feichi didn't remember him or responded coldly, he would be embarrassed in front of so many people.

But he finally decided to check it out. If Chi Feichi didn't want to talk to him, he wouldn't regret saying hello.

In the past two or three years, he has experienced many things and traveled to many places. Regardless of Chi Feichi's personality, he is the person he misses the most.

He has already lost too much, and he doesn't have to care about whether it will be embarrassing at this time.

If Chi Feichi pays attention to him...

Before coming*, he never dared to think about it, and even suspected that Chi Feichi might have forgotten him.

"It's been two and a half years," Chi Feichi confirmed Kazuya Nakaoka's question, and then asked, "When did you return to China?"

"Ah?" Nakaoka Kazuya didn't expect Chi Feichi to know about his going abroad, so he was taken aback for a moment before laughing, "It was around August last year."

"This is..." Mori Kogoro looked at Kazuya Nakaoka, "Who is it?"

"It was Kazuya Nakaoka who helped Kazuto High School win the national football tournament three years ago, right?" Conan looked up at Kazuya Nakaoka, "He was also a classmate at the front and back desks of brother Chi in high school."

Kazuya Nakaoka looked at Chi Feichi, and felt even more incredible. It seemed that Chi Feichi not only remembered him, but also told people around him, "Ah, yes... before I was injured and hospitalized in my third year of high school. Chi Feichi and I Jun has always been a classmate at the front and back desks."

"Children in Class B, first grade, Didan Primary School!"

Hero Akagi, wearing a blue and white striped team uniform, stood on the field and waved towards this side. Seeing a group of people looking over, he ran forward with a smile, "I am your coach for this training. Now that you have changed your clothes, we are ready to start." Bar!"

Children's attention is always easily diverted.

Ayumi's eyes lit up, "It's a hero!"

"It turns out that there will really be professional players to teach us." Mitsuhiko also smiled in surprise.

Yuan Tai's eyes lit up, and he cheered, "It's really great!"

Hideo Akagi ran to a group of people, smiled at the children, and greeted Kazuya Nakaoka in surprise, "Senior Nakaoka?"

"You don't need to call me senior, I don't play football anymore, and I never joined the Tokyo Spirits team," Kazuya Nakaoka said to Hero Akagi, then lowered his head and asked Chi Feichi, who was in a wheelchair beside him, "Children Going to training, if you have nothing else to do, would you like to walk around here with me?"... .

! Trying to extend an invitation to the high-cold classmates in high school, and I am ready to be rejected.

Chi Feichi nodded in agreement, "That's fine."

The gathering of the Boy Detective Team, the Mori father and daughter team, Dr. Ali and Suzuki Sonoko always gave him a premonition that a storm is coming.

Thinking back again, if the plot of the theatrical version of "The Eleventh Striker" hadn't happened yet, it would probably be soon, and like today, it was all related to football and J-League games.

Thinking back carefully, the crazy person who planted bombs in ten football stadiums in the theatrical version seems to be a talented player who once won the national championship but failed to join the professional team due to a leg injury...

Isn't that his high school front desk?

He is interested in chatting with Nakaoka.

Although Zhonggang Yiya didn't expect Chi Feichi to agree, but after knowing that Chi Feichi remembered him and talked about him with others, he also reflected on whether he was too sensitive, and agreed to chat with Chi Feichi. Chat, not too surprised. Immediately nodded to the others, hesitating whether to help Chi Feichi push the wheelchair, but found that the wheelchair would automatically turn after Chi Feichi knocked on the armrest of the wheelchair, so he didn't intervene, and followed.

Guang Yan watched the two of them leave, and sighed in a low voice with some regret, "I thought Brother Chi could watch our training."

Hui Yuanai was worried that the children were too disappointed, looked at Kazuya Nakaoka's back, and said, "Mr. Nakaoka seems to have gone abroad a few years ago, and he hasn't contacted his classmates when he came back. Brother Feichi doesn't count against his classmates. Hot, it’s not easy to meet them, let’s talk to them, and when we’re done training, let Brother Feichi come back to see the results.”

"That's right," Yuan Tai said energetically, "We must perform well in a while!"

Ayumi looked at Kazuya Nakaoka's back, "However, didn't that big brother fail to join the professional team because of his leg injury? When he was walking, it didn't look like he had an injury on his leg."

"Football is a competitive sport that consumes physical energy and is full of confrontation." Hero Akagi also looked at the backs of the two and said, "Senior Nakaoka...he injured his leg in a car accident while riding a motorcycle. Treatment, although there is no problem with walking, but the bones in his legs are still very fragile, and there are steel nails in them. The doctor judged that he can no longer play football. It does not mean that he can no longer touch football, but that he I can't get back to my previous strength, and I can no longer appear on the field as a professional player."

"That should be something that hit him hard, won the national competition, was invited by the professional team, uureading

But he was injured at this time, and he bid farewell to the stage of professional games completely. He still seems to like football, otherwise he would not appear here." Sigh, soon, he raised his head and asked Akagi Hero, "But what Akagi called him senior. That is to say, the one who invited him to join was the Tokyo Spirits team? "

"That's right," Hideo Akagi nodded, "Two years before I joined the professional team, Nakaoka-senpai's Kawado High School team won the national championship at that time and became the new striker of the Tokyo Spirits team. , If he joined the team at that time, I think I should be his substitute now, of course, if Tokyo Spirits does not need a forward, I may sign with other teams, or be active on the court in other positions."

"After all, the hero is very strong," Mitsuhiko said adoringly, and said curiously, "But since Mr. Nakaoka was injured when he didn't join the Tokyo Spirits team, why do you still call him senior?"

"Because I'm a striker!" Hideo Akagi laughed suddenly, looking at Kazuya Nakaoka's back, with a little brilliance in his eyes, "I'm in Mihua High School, he's in Kubado High School, and the two schools often have games , he is a senior two years older than us, and a striker like me. He is known as a striker legend. I used to target him. At that time, I dreamed of standing like him in the final of the national competition Work hard, even if he is not a player of the Tokyo Spirits team, he is still my senior."

96. .

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