Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2168 Okiya Subaru: It's really exciting

"But," Dr. A Li scratched his head with a dry smile, "I didn't intend to use this as a toy. I had a lot of trouble trying to restore the performance of the tram."

"This is also a high-value selling point," Chi Feichi stared at the tramway, "After dismantling it twice, talented and hands-on people can use other tools to try to design their own trams, which also reaches the level of a Ph.D. Its original intention can make people interested in the knowledge of mechanical power."

Dr. Ali: "..."

Makes sense.

"However, since the manufacturing is fine and professional, it is necessary to set a high price..." Chi Feichi suddenly turned to look at Dr. Ali, his expression was still calm, "Umbrella seems to have a toy factory that is not doing well in Tokyo. , if the doctor is willing to authorize and provide the production drawings, I will arrange for someone to find time to come over to discuss cooperation with the doctor. A share agreement can be adopted. I can't estimate the specific share. People from the factory need to see the raw materials, but they won't Take advantage of the Doctor in this regard."

"Is this okay..." Dr. A Li looked at his orbital model, a little worried that Chi Feichi would lose money, and reminded, "This kind of model is very troublesome to make, and some of the materials are not cheap. If you plan to sell it, the price is too high." It's hard to sell too much if it's too high, but if it's priced too low..."

"Doctor, the toy factory now needs a high-end toy that is enough to drive sales. It doesn't matter whether the model can be sold in large quantities or how much it can make. What I consider is whether it can survive and how much it can bring with this model. Brand awareness," Chi Feichi said frankly, taking out his mobile phone, "and you need a sustainable income. This money may not be enough for you to buy some expensive equipment, but it can allow you to buy a lot of materials and take care of your children. We don’t have to worry about our wallets being too flat when we go to dinner, it’s not bad for us.”

Haibara Ai:"……"

Quite frank, but also a little bit of a lure.

Chongshi Subaru watched with a delicate mood.

Mr. Chi, with keen insight and strong reasoning ability, sat in a wheelchair and talked about business. The business atmosphere was too strong...

Although it was normal for Mr. Chi to be born in a businessman's family, this atmosphere still made him a little uncomfortable.

"That's right," Dr. A Li nodded and agreed with a smile, "Well, after receiving the dividends, I will take you and everyone to camp! If the production cost is too high, I can study the improvement of production materials. "

Chi Feichi used his mobile phone to send an email to the person in charge of the toy factory, and sent Dr. A Li's contact information along with him, and then gave the other party's contact information to Dr. A Li.

The toy factory quickly called Dr. A Li, and Dr. A Li went to the side to answer the phone, and made an appointment with the toy factory to see the finished product and negotiate and sign the contract.

"Okay! We have successfully arrived at the station!" Yuantai stared at the tram and ran around the complicated track, cheered, and turned to look for Dr. A Li, "Dr...."

Seeing Dr. Ali standing in the distance and making a phone call, Mitsuhiko couldn't help feeling disappointed, "Really, I still want the doctor to teach us to build more complicated tracks."

Ayumi was also a little disappointed, "The doctor didn't read it at all..." …

"Doctor, he has important things to do," Hui Yuanai said calmly, "It's related to whether we can go camping next month, so please be patient."

"And we are all watching, your track is really good," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said seriously, "Especially this double track, when the tram changed lanes just now, it changed The road is very smooth."

The emotions of the three children were immediately calmed down.

Mitsuhiko saw that Koshimizu Nanatsuki was really running on the tram toy just now, and scratched his head in embarrassment, "It's all under the guidance of the doctor, we just follow suit."

Yuantai held a remote control in his hand, turned his head and smiled at Mitsuhiko, "When I changed lanes just now, I was really nervous. I was worried that there was a problem with the operation of the tram, and there was still time to turn on the signal lights!"

"Ah, that's right..." Ayumi suddenly thought of Chi Feichi who was in a wheelchair, and she firmly regarded Chi Feichi as the target who needs to be taken care of now. She turned her head and asked with a smile, "Brother Chi, do you want to try?" Have you tried it? By operating the remote control in Yuantai’s hand, you can light up the signal lights in advance to lower the lane interception pole, and you can also make the tram change lanes at a certain place, and successfully make the tram arrive at the designated stop!”

"It's not very interesting to play like this," Chi Feichi looked at the double-track track on the model, "Actually, when I see the double-track track, I think of the trolley problem."

"The tram problem?" Yuan Tai was at a loss, "What is that? Is it a rule that no snacks are allowed on the tram?"

"It's a moral problem raised by a philosopher," Mitsuhiko began to popularize science, "The tram problem is that a lunatic tied five innocent people to the tram tracks, and a tram that couldn't stop drove towards them , and will soon run over them, and luckily, there is a lever in front of you, just pull the lever, and the trolley will go to another track, but, that madman also tied a trolley to the other track Innocent people, given the circumstances, should you pull the lever?"

Ayumi tried to imagine the scene, "Hmm..."

"Since there are tracks here, why don't you try to restore them?" Hui Yuanai suggested, "I'll get some French fries to replace people and tie them to the tracks."

Chi Feichi took out the cigarette case, took out six black slim cigarettes and handed them to Hui Yuanai, "You can use this one. The tram made by the doctor is very powerful and can crush cigarettes."

When Huihara Ai went to tie cigarettes on the track, Koshimizu Nanatsuki watched from the side, and turned to talk to Chi Feichi, "You don't seem to have smoked recently."

Chi Feichi nodded, "I don't want my body to recover."

"It should have been like this a long time ago, and it's good for the body." Haibara Ai stuck five cigarettes on the track, and stuck another cigarette on the other track.

Subaru Oki was also actively participating in the children's "experimental class". He took the tram with the switch on, walked to the previous simulation site, put the tram on the track, and reminded him kindly with narrowed eyes, "Are you ready? I want to Put the tram on."

"Ah! Wait, wait..."

As soon as Yuan Tai opened his mouth, he saw the tram rushing out from under the subaru and moving along the track. He quickly looked at the cigarettes stuck on the two tracks, and held the remote control tightly, "Alone, Five people...the positive, correct answer must be to choose to change lanes and save the side with more people, right?" ...

Seeing that the tram was approaching the crossing, Ayumi also became nervous, "But, but, that person is also innocent..."

"And if you use the remote control to make the tram go to another track, it's equivalent to you actively choosing to sacrifice that person," Hui Yuanai looked at Yuantai who was sweating profusely, and felt that it was difficult to explain clearly to children This issue is at the core of the controversy. I reached out and picked up the tram that arrived at the crossing, preventing the cigarette on a certain track from being crushed in advance. "So this issue has always been controversial. Some people think that changing the track of the tram, More people can be saved, so it is worth it. This is consequentialism. Whether a thing should be done or not depends on the consequences it causes. If there is no choice, in terms of consequences, it is better to die one person than five people. .”

Mitsuhiko looked at Genta, who was wiping his sweat with a sigh of relief, "Another relative view is deontology, right? Deontology believes that one thing should be done or not, and we can't make choices based on consequences. We should be principled when we make choices. , some principles should not be broken no matter what the consequences are. For example, killing innocent people is something that should not be done no matter what the outcome is. The person on the other track should not have died. And sacrificing him is equivalent to actively choosing to kill him."

"No matter how you choose, it's not right," Yuan Tai was filled with indignation, "Who the hell came up with such a strange question!"

Ayumi nodded again and again, "That's right, the person who asked this question is too strange."

Hui Yuan Ai was just thinking about how to explain the existence of creatures like 'philosophers' when he heard Chi Feichi next to him speak.

"Mr. Chongshi, please take the tram over and put it back on the track at the first two stations," Chi Feichi said, reaching out his hand in Yuantai's direction, "Yutai, give me the remote control."

"Mr. Chi, do you want to try it?" Chong Shi Subaru stepped forward with narrowed eyes, bent down and took the tram in Hui Yuanai's hand.

He was very curious about how Chi Feichi would choose. He was more interested in verifying this matter than thinking about how to deal with that organization.

It's really exciting.

Hui Yuan Ai was curious about how Chi Feichi would choose, so she put aside the oppressive feeling that Fen Mao had given her before, and watched Chong Su Subaru take the tram to the front stop.

Dr. A Li came back from the phone call, looked at Subaru Chong who was walking forward with the tram, and then at the remote control in Chi Feichi's hand, and said with a smile, "You guys had a great time. what?"

His toys really did a great job.

Wasn't his original intention to be a toy? No, no, as long as everyone has a happy experience, his original intention has been achieved.

"Doctor, you are finally back," Guangyan pointed to the cigarette stuck on the track, "We are doing the tram problem experiment, and Brother Chi said he wanted to try it."

"Really?" Dr. A Li felt happier when he thought that the model he made could also involve moral problems.

To attract people to think, this is also his original intention.

Chong Shisubaru took the tram and stopped temporarily at the previous stop, turned around and confirmed to Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi, do you have to get off the tram at the first two stops? If it's a choice, it's fine at the previous stop, right?" ?”

Haibara quietly looked at Chongshi Subaru.

This guy is really careful, and he suddenly thought that the key might lie in the 'two sites in front'.

"Not enough," Chi Feichi replied, "The tram made by the doctor will speed up with time. If the tram only runs one stop, the speed is not enough to achieve the effect I want to achieve."

"Then I'll put it at the previous station." Subaru Oki nodded, took the tram around the corner of the model, arrived at a station further ahead, bent down and put the tram on the track, "I put the tram down."

Fenmao let it go as soon as he said it, and the moment he let go, the tram under his palm immediately moved forward along the track, rushing out like a long straight snake, and then bent its body at the corner.

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