Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2169 a cool thing

Dr. A Li watched the tram turning around the curve and speeding towards them, and quickly asked, "Feichi, as long as the speed is fast enough, can we solve the tram problem and save all six people?"

"It's not about saving six people," Chi Feichi stared at the tram rushing towards the crossing, saw the timing, and pressed the track change button on the remote control, "I just thought of a cool thing..."

The first car of the tram toy has three rows of wheels at the front and back, and the same for the rear car.

After the front three rows of wheels of the first car drove onto the original track, Chi Feichi pressed the lane change button, causing the rear three rows of wheels to drive onto another track. The front and rear wheels of the entire first car were on two parallel tracks. On the track, as it travels, the carriage continues to move forward obliquely.

"Kaka... Kaka..."

Chi Feichi pressed the lane-changing button continuously, so that the front and rear wheels of the two rear cars also drove on different tracks, and the whole tram also twisted into a zigzag to move forward.

The front carriage has reached the cigarettes stuck on the track. The three front wheels have run over five cigarettes, and the three rear wheels have also run over one cigarette on the other track.

Six cigarettes, all crushed!

Afterwards, the two carriages behind also followed closely, crushing the six broken cigarettes again, crushing the part of the cigarette that was stuck on the track, and the wind from the high-speed tram blew a piece of black confetti, which fell on the ground. out of the model.

Yuan Tai stared blankly at the cigarettes distributed on the two tracks, "All, all are dead..."


As soon as Chi Feichi made a sound, the toy electric car fell off the track due to twisting the car and driving at a high speed.

Although the speed of the tram has been affected when the front and rear wheels are distributed on different tracks, the acceleration provided by the two stations has successfully derailed the tram itself at the bend, and the front and rear carriages collided with each other and stacked outside the track.

The three children were doing elementary school math problems in a daze.

"One or five would have died..."

"Now six of them died at once..."

"Isn't this... worse?"

"No, it's not six," Okishi Subaru walked back with squinted eyes, looked at the overturned tram, and felt that it was more difficult to manage his expressions at present, but he usually put on a fake smile with a blank face, and now he is blank It’s not too strange not to smile, “If there are passengers in the tram, the number of passengers will be added to the death toll. Even if there are no passengers, the captain and other crew members on the tram will also be added. There are more than six, Mr. Chi asked me to put the tram in front of two stations, because the speed of the tram is not fast enough to overturn with the acceleration of only one station, right?"

Chi Feichi nodded calmly.

That's right, such an operation can kill all of them, and none of them can live.

Rushing Subaru: "..."

Mr. Chi still nodded so naturally?

He originally thought that Mr. Chi had discovered the flaws in the track and the tram, and came up with a way to use the fast speed of the tram to save the six people. However, Mr. Chi wanted the tram to run over the six people and then overturned, and the people on the tram also died. Kill them together?

Wait, correct me, that means that the six people were not run over, but were run over repeatedly. …

I don't know if he was worried that the tram would not fall over, or that the cigarettes were not broken enough, Mr. Chi made all three carriages lean over, that is to say, if the six cigarettes were real people, six people would have been crushed to death in the first carriage. The next two carriages ran over the corpse again.

This... Is the desire to destroy in Mr. Chi's heart a little too strong?

Hui Yuanai also felt that this choice was too hostile, so she turned her head to look at Chi Feichi speechlessly, "You said something cool...?"

"Isn't the tram's double-track drift cool?" Chi Feichi asked rhetorically.

The doctor's track model and tram are so well done, and the children's track is also well built. He saw the timing and pressed the lane change button repeatedly in less than a second, so that the tram completed the double-track drift.

Isn't this thing cool?

"Cool..." Yuantai and Mitsuhiko recalled the exciting scene of the double-track tram drifting just now, "It seems to be..."

"However, this may also be a solution." Dr. A Li was worried that the children would be misled by Chi Feichi, so he interrupted quickly and moved forward to move the tram tracks to separate the parallel tracks to both sides. "If the tracks are not Parallel, the front and rear wheels of the first car of the tram are on different tracks, and the tram will leave the track after a certain period of time, so that the six people tied to the two tracks will not be crushed..."

"However, in this way, the tram will also get into an accident due to derailment," Huiyuan Aiyou reminded, "If it is a tram in reality, everyone on the tram will die."

The idea that the Dr. came up with simply didn't work.

Brother Feichi changed the original multiple-choice question of 'one or five' to 'six or more or all'.

"This can be regarded as the third answer to the trolley problem. In addition to the answers of one person dying and five people dying, there is another answer that kills all," Chong Shisubaru came over from there, squinting Squinting and looking at Chi Feichi in the wheelchair, "But I'm curious, why did Mr. Chi think of this answer? Is it because he's in a bad mood recently? Or...hate this choice?"

Chi Feichi didn't like being scrutinized and tested by Chong Shisubaru, so he asked, "Don't you think this is also a solution? From the perspective of this problem itself, this is a problem that tests morality and ethics, but Looking beyond the problem itself, this is a problem that has caused constant disputes between the two factions and disrupted harmony. If they are all dead, the dispute will be resolved.”

Chongshi Subaru looked confused, feeling that he needed to clear his mind, "This kind of statement..."

"If you can't solve the problem, then solve the person who caused the problem," Chi Feichi said with a relaxed expression. "If you can't make a choice, then end the choice itself."

In other words, as long as he has no morality, morality cannot kidnap him.

Whatever moral choice you make, as long as you are happy.

Chong Shisubaru stopped thinking, "It's still hard for me to understand."

Don't think about it anymore, he's sure Mr. Chi has a problem with his cognition. If he continues to think about it with Mr. Chi, he might go to a psychiatrist too.

Back to his previous purpose.

Before he asked Mr. Chi why he made such a choice, he presupposed the reason for Mr. Chi's choice and the character that the choice could reflect:...

If Mr. Chi made this choice because he was in a bad mood, it means that Mr. Chi is calm on the surface, but he is actually a very emotional person; if Mr. Chi made this choice because he hates choices, it means that Mr. Chi hates this choice. A choice that can't have the best of both worlds, may have a strong sense of morality, may be a bit of perfectionism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, once faced with a choice that cannot have the best of both worlds, it may collapse.

Now Mr. Chi gave him a third answer - cognitive problems, mental or psychological state is not quite right.

This answer was beyond his expectation, which made his judgment of Mr. Chi's character full of uncertainty, but thinking about it carefully, it's not very strange.

If Mr. Chi was normal in all aspects, he wouldn't have entered Qingshan Fourth Hospital, would he?

But this is also the most dangerous situation, which means that Mr. Chi is a bomb that detonates at random times and who is not sure who will be injured. This bomb may never explode, or it may explode when they are not expecting it.

Thinking about it this way, he understood why that little detective didn't let Mr. Chi participate in the confrontation organization...

Hui Yuanai also bowed his head in thought.

She felt that her brain had two of itself arguing.

A self asked her to think about what Brother Feichi had done, whether it was telling them many times to be careful that bad words can hurt people, or thinking that "crimes always have flaws", no matter how you look at it, Brother Feichi is gentle and righteous Sensitive people will not.

The other self told her not to forget that Brother Feichi is a member of the organization. People who have been in the organization will be a little out of tune with the outsiders. If it is serious, there will always be a madness in her heart. If she really encounters this kind of choice, Feichi Brother, maybe it will really...

No, no, Brother Feichi won't be so insane.

Her head is about to explode!

"I think it's just because Feichi doesn't have a sense of substitution. He thinks it's just a game, right?" Dr. A Li looked at Chi Feichi with a smile, "If you encounter this kind of problem in real life, Feichi will be very embarrassed. Bar."

"This is just a game, I think everyone is too nervous," Chi Feichi avoided answering Dr. A Li's question, and deliberately changed the concept, "If it were in reality, it's hard for me to be sure how I would choose, Many people are like this. When they don’t really face the problem, their thinking is to choose 1. When they really face the problem and must make a choice as soon as possible, they will choose 2 instead. So I think it’s good to discuss this kind of philosophical problem. Now, there's no need to embarrass yourself too much."

Rushing Subaru: "..."


He failed in the test, Mr. Chi didn't intend to expose his character and thoughts by choice?

Hui Yuanai also stopped thinking about whether Chi Feichi would choose this way in reality.

Don't think about it, just think that Brother Feichi didn't take it seriously to think of the answer of 'kill them all'. If she thinks about it, she is worried that her spirit will go wrong sooner or later.

"Sorry, I have a call."

As Chi Feichi said, he took out his vibrating mobile phone, checked the number, and connected the phone, "Detective Long..."

As soon as Yueshui Nanatsuki heard Chi Feichi's address, she immediately squatted down and leaned closer to the phone with her head turned sideways.

Chi Feichi looked sideways at Nanatsuki Koshimizu's approaching head, and leaned the phone a little closer to Nanatsuki Koshimizu's ear.

Hui Yuan Ai stood on tiptoe behind the wheelchair, leaning on the back of the wheelchair and leaning forward to listen.

On the other end of the phone, Long's tone was heavy, "Feichi, you asked me to investigate Benpu Keiichiro, Benpu Zhishi and his son, and I have already investigated some things here. They do have some connection with Mr. The recent explosion in the gymnasium is related to the fact that Maori received a crime notice in advance, in short, let's find a clean place to discuss in detail, is it convenient for you to meet me now?"

"I'm in Mihua Town," Chi Feichi thought for a while, and finalized the meeting place, "Then we meet at Seven Detectives, what do you think?"

"Is there Xiaoyueshui? That's fine," Long agreed. "I think we should tell Maori and the police about this matter. Go to Xiaoyueshui. When we finish talking, it's convenient to find them. In fact, go to Maori. It's not impossible there, but I think... I need to give you some time to digest this matter, then let's meet at the Seven Detective Agency, I'll be there in about half an hour!"

"See you later then."

Chi Feichi confirmed the meeting, put down his cell phone and hung up.

"Feichi, have you made an appointment with someone today?" Dr. Ali asked curiously.

"I asked Detective Long to investigate some things before, and he has already made progress, so he asked me to meet and talk," Chi Feichi explained, "I'll go to the Seven Detective Office, if there is nothing else, after I talk to him Come again."

"I'll go too." Koshimizu Nanatsuki said hastily.

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