Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2175 that strange maid

The next day, early.

On the 11th floor of the apartment, the curtains in the living room were pulled open with a bang.

Xiaomei's disheveled figure appears and disappears from time to time. After opening the curtains, she hums a melodious tune in a cold voice, and slowly floats towards the kitchen.

In the bathroom, Chi Feichi changed his clothes, walked slowly to the door, sat down with the help of the wheelchair parked outside the door, exhaled lightly, and relieved the pain caused by the spinal movement just now.

Feichi lay on the table in the living room, and accompanied Feimo in the box. Seeing Chi Feichi drive the wheelchair over, he greeted Chi Feichi, "Master, you've finished your bath too."

Feimo sat in the box, looked at the kitchen and squawked, "Master, Xiaomei sang a poem from Xiaocang Hundred People, right? But the tune seems to have dragged on a bit too long."

"This is the most traditional way of playing cards," Xiaomei probed at the kitchen door, "Master, breakfast is still ten minutes away, please wait a little longer."

"Understood," Chi Feichi looked down at the email on his phone, and replied without raising his head, "Thank you, Xiaomei."

The last time Kaito Kuroba, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, and Haibara Ai delivered TA-Q-BINs to the police station in the name of "July", the TA-Q-BINs of the two teams were separated, making the police department mistakenly think that he was sending some kind of signal , After he sent an email to his contact person, Jin Yuansheng, explaining that he "just put it away", Jin Yuansheng kept sending emails to him.

One or two emails a day, unbelievably positive.

'It's easy to misunderstand, July, have you heard the story of "Wolf is coming"? If you use this method to ask for help next time, I thought you let it go casually, what should you do? '

Why don't you reply to email? Are you angry? Am I speaking too strongly? I don't think you can't place the TA-Q-BIN according to your own will, but I think this matter must be taken seriously.

'Okay, this matter is over. Recently, there is a high-paying bounty that needs to be kept secret from the outside world. It is a little difficult, but I think you are fine, do you want to accept it?

Why did it disappear again? After taking the bounty from last time, you went out to play? I understand that you bounty hunters like to take risks. You always think that there is no tomorrow after today, so it’s better to enjoy the present, so you don’t have the habit of saving money. Although I don’t know your exact age, I think you should try to save some money Better, that can be the guarantee of your future life, you can't be a bounty hunter for the rest of your life, can you?

'July, what do you think of my suggestion yesterday? July, are you still alive?

'July, are you still alive? "

Jin Yuansheng's work is basically to contact, understand and investigate the bounty hunter groups in Japan, classify the bounty hunters into cooperative", "unstable", and "must be expelled or cleaned up", and collect information as much as possible. The former Added to the list of collaborators, the latter two tried to get the Ministry of Public Security to take precautions and clean up.

He is an important member of the collaborators of the Ministry of Public Security. It is normal for Jin Yuansheng to strengthen contact with him, but... is this guy too social?

However, Jin Yuansheng is already the head of the department. Even if he complains that this guy sends messages to harass him when he has nothing to do, he will at most get a "discuss how to deal with July" meeting. There will be no warnings, and no one will take over the department. The position of the person in charge.  …

Even Toru Amuro told him that the department was called the "Pension Department" by the new police officers of the Police Department. Although it is not without jobs, newcomers and old people feel that entering there is just to eat and wait to die. Many newcomers go in to transition their career life , transferred away soon, only Jin Yuansheng is relatively experienced and willing to stay, let him not get angry

If not, he would have sent complaint letters to Jin Yuansheng's immediate superior every day. .

Throughout the morning, no one contacted Chi Feichi, and no one came to Chi Feichi's door to pass the time.

Whether it's Dr. Ari, the Boys' Detective Team, Mori Kogoro, Mori Ran, Suzuki Sonoko, and the police, everyone is quiet. Koshimizu Nanatsuki sent a message asking him how he is recovering, but he didn't say anything. How do I arrange for myself today.

If it wasn't for Chi Feichi's information from the African-Mexico Legion to confirm that these people were either going to watch the J-League football game or were still investigating the case, he would have thought that these people had disappeared collectively.

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Chapter 2174 That strange maid!

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At three o'clock in the afternoon, Chi Feichi sat by the window and read a book. When he was resting, he used his mobile phone to check the information compiled by the African-Mexican Army.

It seems that no one came to his door today to let him pass the time. Wait, the eagle is back? Just five minutes after the African-Mexican Legion reported the news, Yan Nan Takatori called.

"Boss, I'm back!" Takatori Yannan's voice didn't sound tired, but he was excited to return to a familiar place, "Are you at home now?"

"I'm here," Chi Feichi said, "If you don't want to rest, you can come and sit for a while."

"Okay, I just got home, so I'll go over after packing up," Takatori Yano readily agreed, "I brought two bottles of wine and a bottle of maple syrup back from Canada, and I'll send them to you by the way!"

half an hour later.

Changing into a casual suit, Takero Takatori held the gift bag in his left hand and rang the doorbell. "Click."

The door opened slowly, and Xiaomei's figure gradually appeared in Takatori Yannan's eyes.

The entrance is shining in the afternoon sun, a woman in a Japanese-style empress costume is standing against the light, her long hair is scattered from her head

His head was hanging down, his snow-white and stiff face was mostly covered, and there were patches of oxidized and blackened blood on his face and the front of his clothes. A pair of eyes as black as beads looked at him from behind the black hair, and he stepped back sideways. Cold and ethereal, "Please come in."

Takatori Yannan took a deep breath, took two steps back, and stood in the corridor to look at the house number again. The house number is right, that could be

The boss's house temporarily became the set of a supernatural movie?

"Guest, my master is waiting for you in the living room," Xiaomei stood by the door with her head down, repeating again, "Please come in." "Ah, good."

Takatori Yannan entered the door with a gift bag, and found that Xiaomei helped to turn out the slippers, so he sat in the entrance to change his shoes, looked at the long skirt that Xiaomei dragged when she squatted down to close the cabinet, and couldn't help asking, "You Wearing this kind of skirt, don't you find it troublesome to move around?"

Xiaomei turned her head to look at Chi Feichi who came in a wheelchair, and said truthfully, "I can't change clothes, but it's not too much trouble."…

Where did the boss find such a strange maid?

Takatori Yan Nan complained in his heart, after changing his shoes, he turned around and saw Chi Feichi sitting in a wheelchair, looking at him at the junction of the living room and the entrance, without thinking about it, he first picked up the gift bag and went forward with Chi Feichi I arrived at the living room late, put the gift bag on the table, and sighed in a low voice, "I heard that you were injured. I wanted to come back to see you, but there are many trivial matters in the follow-up work, and I didn't finish it until the day before yesterday."

Chi Feichi parked the wheelchair beside the sofa and asked aloud, "Is everything going well?"

Yan Nan Takatori was not polite to Chi Feichi, and sat on the sofa, recalling the process of his business trip to Canada, and speaking slowly because he was sorting out his thoughts, "The mission was successful, and all the things that the detective investigated Destroyed, and people were disposed of, but there were many accidents on the way. At the beginning, we chose a target to sell black humor drugs in Canada, and planned to let the police detective see the dangers of drugs. At that time, it was not smooth. There were three transactions, but in the second transaction, I was ambushed by the police in advance for some reason. I am not sure if there is a problem on our side, or the person who bought the medicine leaked the news. Fortunately, I remember what you said , I would rather let others make two more trips than go to a dangerous place by myself, so I only sent two peripheral members to meet with the buyer that time. The two peripheral members were fine. After meeting with the buyer, they would take the buyer there to pick up the medicine. I didn’t expect them to be arrested when they arrived. I didn’t see them go to the mailbox to get the medicine during the designated time. , let people take back the medicine, leaving only those who are watching nearby, and all others are withdrawn."

Chi Feichi evaluated Takatori Yannan's move in his heart.

Takatori didn't stay in the organization for nothing during this period of time, and he has a lot more eyes and a lot of love. Sometimes, it's a good thing to be doggy.

"This time the transaction failed. I mentioned it to that person. That person stopped the drug transaction and asked me to try my best to ensure that the drug does not fall into the hands of outsiders. In fact, two successful transactions are enough. Those two groups are enough to manufacture There is some turmoil, only two groups of people are committing crimes, and it is convenient for us to keep an eye on them and take back the remaining or too late drugs in their hands when necessary," Takatori Yannan slightly

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Chapter 2174 That strange maid!

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Frowning, "The second accident was during the operation of those two groups. One of them was going to rob the bank. There were six of them, and they proudly bought ten "Black Humor". After paying the money, I originally planned to ask that person for instructions, whether I should cheat, get their money, and then silence them."

Chi Feichi: "."

Well, Takatori's bottom line is the same as his, which has been refreshed to a very low level by repeated shameless black-and-black operations.

"It was at that time that an accident happened, and the group of people was tracked down by the police somehow. If there were no informants to warn them in advance, they might have been surrounded by the police. However, because the police came suddenly, we did not have time to recover the drugs. Or we can only arrange an explosion and let them be buried in the explosion together with other things," Takatori Yannan frowned and stared at the coffee table in front of him, "This time the police's actions made me feel very suspicious. It looks like someone inside of us is tipping off the police, so I've decided to hold off."

"Have you found out where the problem is?" Chi Feichi was not surprised.

There is indeed a problem in Canada. Among the core members are undercover agents from the Canadian intelligence agency.

However, the undercover can risk being exposed to sabotage the operation. It seems that the organization of this operation has made the Canadian intelligence agencies very afraid.

Maybe it's because "black humor" is too harmful to social security, or maybe it's because the police detective is not light.

"No," Takatori Yannan spread his hands openly, "After I reported that person, the organization should arrange for someone to go to the police station to find out the news, right? After checking, it seems that someone in the police was lucky to find them I have checked the actions of the robbers during that time, and found that this possibility is indeed possible."

Xiaomei brought a cup of hot tea on a tray, knelt down to the coffee table, and put the tea on the coffee table.

"Uh, thank you," Yan Nan Takatori couldn't help but look at the strangely dressed Xiaomei again, and continued to talk to Chi Feichi, "Afterwards, we will contact the police detective and threaten him to hand over the evidence. That guy is very cunning. , we tested each other a few times, although we spent a lot of energy, but in general, everything went smoothly, but the strange thing is that all doubts have been eliminated, and things are slowly getting on the right track, but I I'm still a little uneasy, I can't say why, maybe it's just an intuition."

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Chapter 2174 That strange maid!

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