Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2176 Takatori: The organization has ghosts!

Chi Feichi picked up the teacup that had been placed on the coffee table before, and took a sip of the tea with downcast eyes.

Since Takatori said so, something big should happen after that.

"According to the original plan, we let that guy take APTX4869 by himself, creating the illusion that he died suddenly at home, but almost had an accident at the last step," Yan Nan Takatori stared at the teacup on the coffee table, and frowned again, "During the trial after trial, we found out that he wanted to make small moves several times and we should understand that we have stronger control over the situation than he does. He has no other choice but to listen to us. Before acting, I did not I didn't disclose the purpose of killing him to others, and I wanted to kill him by surprise. When I received the news that he was at home and asked someone to confirm, I was going to bring someone to the door suddenly. He took APTX-4869 and left immediately after confirming his death, so he didn’t have to worry about what preparations he had made in advance. It only took 20 minutes at most from our arrival at his home to departure, which could greatly reduce the risk. As a result, I took When he got to the neighborhood, he found suspicious people wandering around his house, and vaguely surrounded his house, and just like that, I canceled the door-to-door operation.”

Chi Feichi saw Takatori Yannan looking at him, and affirmed Takatori Yannan's decision aloud, "I told you before, I would rather fail the mission than be caught, and don't even let the police know any of your personal details." information."

"I understand," Yan Nan Takatori laughed suddenly, "If I get caught, the organization won't be at ease if I fall into the hands of the police alive. It doesn't matter if the mission fails. Anyway, you are the boss here. The mission If I fail once or twice, no one will say anything about me."

"Even without me," Chi Feichi sternly corrected Takatori Yannan's statement, "If you can't kill the mission target temporarily, it's not considered a failure, but if you reveal the traces of the organization and let the enemy catch the tail, it's a complete failure .”

"That's right, until the end, no one can be sure whether the mission is successful or not. Since we can't watch him die after taking APTX4869 with our own eyes, we can only finish him remotely," Yan Nan Takatori sighed regretfully, "I originally wanted to check the blind spots of the people around me, and do something about the ventilation pipes or water pipes in his house, but Chianti is here, and she only listens to gin."

After Chianti arrived, Gin asked Takatori Yannan to find a way to create a chance to kill the police detective.

For the first time, Takatori Yan Nan asked someone to contact the police detective, asked the police detective to get things, and asked Chianti to ambush on the road to find a sniper spot, trying to lure him to another place, but actually sniped him on the road .

As a result, the detective went out honestly, but Chianti failed to get in position at the sniper spot.

The building they selected suddenly had a new business opening event, and it was still on the two floors suitable for sniping. It was impossible for Chianti to walk into the lively crowd and take out a sniper rifle to kill people in full view, so he gave up.

The turning point came when the police detective arrived at the designated place to get the things and returned home. The police detective opened the door with the file bag he got. There was a pungent smell in the room, and the file bag in his hand suddenly caught fire. , that little flame became the remote control that detonated the fatal crisis.

"If this plan still fails, there are other death traps waiting for him. Those suspicious people can protect him for a while, but they can't protect him for a lifetime. Protection is always more difficult than destruction," Yano Takatori concluded Then, I couldn't help but look at Chi Feichi who was leisurely drinking tea next to me, a little depressed, "But this operation, I always feel that I didn't complete it very well, so don't comfort me by telling me, because this is my first time. It is normal for this operation to have problems with the plan.”

"You think too much," Chi Feichi asked back without raising his eyelids, "Do you think I'm the kind of person who will comfort you?"

Takatori Takeo:

Thinking back, his boss should belong to the high-demand category. He felt that he was afraid of snakes, so he would make him "face up to his fear and work hard to overcome it." He tried desperately to reflect on what had gone wrong with him.

Such a boss is indeed unlikely to comfort him with good words just to take care of his depression.


Although he didn't want to be comforted, but to be corrected by his boss, the boss directly stated that he had to

There was no comfort, and I was still a little bit disappointed.

This time, from the beginning of the operation in Canada, to the completion of the mission, and to the follow-up mopping up, there was no boss around, and it was all up to him to worry about it alone, and he had to quietly assassinate a well-known police detective and destroy the other party's possessions. Things are much more difficult than robbing a bank. He keeps an eye on intelligence, analyzes the situation, and formulates action steps every day. When it comes to action, he has to be careful of the wind and grass around him.

He really worked hard and tried his best.

Chi Feichi put down his teacup, looked at Yan Nan Takatori calmly, "I won't comfort you, I will only analyze your performance in this operation, tell the truth."

Takatori Yannan also sat up straight, and nodded seriously, thinking that this is what he really wanted, he put aside the little hypocrisy in his heart, "I understand, and this is what I want too."

"For this operation, the organization's investigation of that police detective has been detailed enough. After you go there, you will contact some members of the organization in Canada. According to the pre-determined plan, there shouldn't be such trouble," Chi Feichi was not in a hurry to conclude, but instead Come over and ask Takatori Yano, "What do you think the problem is?"

"Among the members of the Canadian organization, there is an insider," Yan Nan Takatori affirmed with a serious expression, "That insider tipped off the police, so the two groups of sellers were caught inexplicably one after another. In fact, the second time, that group After the bank robber was suddenly caught, I also thought of this, but I couldn't analyze who did it. It seemed that anyone could do it, and it seemed that no one had the conditions. Later, I wanted to hide the difference from different people. Information, to identify the inner ghost, and the last action, when I was going to take someone to the detective’s house, I made a decision after receiving the information, and there was more than one person who knew the information. The members of the release know that after I passed by, I found that the earrings on the ears of a woman who was shopping in a dessert shop on the side of the road seemed to be camouflaged headphones, and many people nearby wore hats, scarves, or left earplugs to cover their ears. Hair, so many people can't see the ears, and they are faintly related to each other, I was surprised that so many people have infiltrated around me, but the problem is that we have so many people, when we confirmed safety, we did not advance those who seemed to protect The suspicious persons of the police detectives, before that, the information I received was "safe, no suspicious persons found". Before going to confirm safety, they have already infiltrated into that area one after another, instead of suddenly running over to ambush."

Saying that, Yan Nan Takatori smiled helplessly, "I am the only one who knows the last step of the plan to kill that police detective. Looking at it this way, I am the one who is most likely to be the ghost."

"If you know the organization well, it's not difficult to guess your final decision to kill and silence. In other words, the organization has always had this style of work. Anyone who has been lurking in the organization for more than a year and has access to the core mission can guess that the organization is wrong. Will let that police detective go, and people who have been exposed to a lot of core tasks in the organization will understand that the organization always likes to plan before moving, make quick decisions, and try to leave no traces," Chi Feichi analyzed, "The other party based on Part of the action plan, you can guess your plan, and this is inevitable, as long as you try to contact the detective, let the other party realize that your target is the policeman, and once you understand that the detective poses a threat to the organization, inside The ghost will know that your goal is to destroy evidence, kill people, and deploy guards around the detective to protect the detective, and that is also a trap to capture you and other operatives."

"The ghost was very cunning, and the people near the detective's house at that time were more experienced, not like ordinary policemen." Takatori Yannan paused before continuing, "Is it someone from a certain country's national intelligence department? To be able to mobilize so many people, either they are Canadian officials, or they occupy a high position in a certain force, such as the United States. They seem to often send many people to sneak into other countries. If the status of the insider is high enough, they can also temporarily mobilize a A group of professional agents will go there."

"At least from your operation this time, the information we got is that there is an insider among the members of the Canadian organization, and the other party is a professional agent who has been lurking in the organization for a long time or has a certain status, that is, a core member," Chi Fei Chi's attitude was still lukewarm, "When you reported the progress to that person, that person should have already seen it, so he let Gin Jiu intervene.

Of course, I can't judge exactly when that person was discovered, but you don't need to worry about the inner ghost for the time being. You just need to ensure that your identity information or hair fingerprints are not exposed during the operation, which can be collected. As for the insider, as long as he knows that there is such a person, it will be a matter of time before he catches him. How and when to deal with it will be arranged by him. "

Yan Nan Takatori nodded, leaned back on the sofa, and said with emotion, "No wonder you are so careful every time you act, you have been secretly looking for the ghost,

I just realized that those guys are really hard to deal with, and it's worth being careful. "

"Let's talk about your performance this time." Chi Feichi looked at Yan Nan Takatori who sat upright again, "If I thought you could achieve 7 points, you have already achieved 8 points, and your performance is better than I expected. .”

Takatori Yannan was startled, grinned at the corner of his mouth, and quickly suppressed it, "Hey, boss, you don't want to comfort me all of a sudden, do you?"

"You've made rapid progress. This time, under the circumstance that the operatives have professional agents acting as inner ghosts, you can guarantee that you and other teammates will not fall into the hands of the enemy. This performance is already very good," Chi Feichi said coldly. It is also enough to affirm Takatori Yan Nan's efforts, "It should have taken a lot of energy, and the nerves have been tense recently.

Takatori Yannan felt warm in his heart, trying to be seen and recognized by others is something to be happy about, and he also said frankly, "Although I want to be humble with you, it is hard for me to say that this action is easy.

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