Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2177 She is a ghost

"Not only I think you've done a good job, but that one also thinks so," Chi Feichi said again, "otherwise that one wouldn't let you stay to deal with the follow-up, and let you stay until the end because that one believed You will have no problems dealing with the follow-up, and I want to see your ability to deal with the follow-up work. In addition, you can continue to stay in this task during the follow-up process, observe the consequences of actions, and have the opportunity to reflect and evaluate yourself How about the previous action arrangements, think about how you can deal with those accidents and crises."

"This way I can rest assured," Yan Nan Takatori said with a smile, "I thought it was my poor performance in the early stage, and that one wanted me to deal with the follow-up trivial matters to make up for my mistakes."

"A little bit of confidence," Chi Feichi glanced at Yan Nan Takatori, "You are the one I take with you."

Takatori Yannan: "..."

The boss praised him, but he didn't forget to be narcissistic in the end?

He finally discovered that organizing these people, no matter what they look like on the surface, has arrogance and arrogance in their hearts.

However, the organization's actions were not to assassinate politicians, but to plot against those bank robbers. The intelligence was sufficient and accurate, so that the police could not catch the tail, and he could even wrestle with the intelligence department. He gradually felt arrogant in his heart.

"Takatori, I told you before," Chi Feichi looked at the speechless Yan Nan Takatori, and said seriously, "If necessary, I will ask you to help me take the blame, and I am talking about facing those secret agents. Crisis, can you understand now?"

Takatori Yannan didn't expect Chi Feichi to say it so clearly, he almost said 'I will push you to die if I'm in danger', but he didn't forget what Chi Feichi said before, and he didn't forget. I thought about it, "I signed a contract with you as a bodyguard, and the treatment is so good. If the boss is in danger, it is also the duty of the bodyguard to save the boss? Don't worry, you told me this in advance, since I If you choose to stay by your side, you are already mentally prepared, and when that day comes, I will not blame you."

Chi Feichi nodded and said softly, "At that time, there was still the second half of the sentence that I didn't tell you. If the organization wants to clean up you, I will fight for the opportunity to do it. At that time, I will find a way to save you. If it is a last resort, try to It fell into the hands of the Japanese intelligence agency, trying to save your own life, but you can’t say anything, I have a business in Japan, maybe I can find a way to save you.”

Takatori Yannan looked a little more serious, and asked in a low voice, "Is it that time? are being targeted?"

"No." Chi Feichi stretched out his hand and picked up the teacup on the coffee table again, "I just want to tell you that I will help you consider the way out. This is the reward brought by loyalty. I hope you will be the same in the future and have ideas. Just tell me directly, even if it is a view that conflicts with my ideas, I think that no matter where there is a problem, we can try to solve the problem through communication and negotiation."

Yan Nan Takatori thought about it for a while, and vaguely guessed that it was because he left the boss to perform tasks for the organization this time, and he did not intend to hide the boss afterwards, "That one didn't say that the details of the operation will be hidden from you..."

"But you don't need to be so detailed," Chi Feichi interrupted, "You don't even need to come and communicate with me. Since you trust me, it's impossible for me to say nothing."

In fact, Takatori Yannan can find a way to get out of his control through this external transfer.

Of course, whether in the organization or outside the organization, there are many benefits and conveniences to being his person, smart people can figure it out, and it is better to continue to follow him now.

What he really cared about was that Takatori came to him as soon as he came back, and told all the details of his actions and the problems he encountered, without hiding anything. This is an attitude.

The African-Mexican Legion has no stronghold in Canada, but Joshua has two believers with high social status there, and Ark will keep an eye on Takatori's movements for him.

After Takatori went to Canada, he was not ignorant of Takatori's movements, and he would even pay attention to it when he had time. Through the intermittent information, he could judge whether Takatori had lied to him.

Of course, he pays attention to this information not only because of his desire to control and to verify Takatori's loyalty, but also because he is worried that Takatori will fall into a trap for his performance and be planted in Canada. If he can get the news in time, he can still think The way to catch the eagle to get one.

The final result is good, Takatori performed very well, and he has not lied to him so far. In return, it is also to prevent Takatori from feeling chilled, and his attitude towards Takatori can be a little closer.

"I don't think I have anything to say to you. I thought what the organization did was too crazy, and I also showed disapproval. You didn't give up on me right away, so I knew you were very tolerant of me. Takatori Yannan also picked up the teacup and reminded sincerely, "However, I don't know if you have noticed, that one should also know that I am biased towards your side, and I have always acquiesced and acquiesced."

"I know," Chi Feichi took a sip of tea, looked down at the completely cool tea in the cup, and said in a very soft voice, "You don't have to think about these things."

On the side, Feichi was not interested in this kind of conversation with no big news. Seeing that the conversation seemed to be coming to an end, he jumped off Chi Feichi's shoulder, went to the doll wall, found the small football ornament hung by black wool, and jumped up. He headed the ball down, and he had a great time playing.

"Then I won't think too much about it," Yan Nan Takatori looked at Feichi who was bouncing around and playing with toys, smiled, and then looked at Feimo who was wrapped in rice dumplings in the box, "Who is that?" I am on vacation, if there is no emergency that requires me to be dispatched, I can probably rest for more than a week. During this time, other people will watch over Handiehui’s affairs, so I don’t need to worry about it. I plan to live in an apartment and live a stable life. For a while, both you and Feimo were injured, if you need help here, please tell me as much as possible..."

Xiaomei knelt quietly by the coffee table, and looked at Chi Feichi when she heard the words, and said in a deep voice, "Master, I can handle the trivial housework in daily life, and I can take good care of you, what do you think?"

She managed to live a life of taking care of her master, so she won't be snatched away, right?

Takatori Yannan looked up at Xiaomei.

Just now he subconsciously ignored this woman, probably because the woman was too quiet, she sat there motionless, not even making a sound. Although she looked terrifying, she was so quiet that it was easy to forget.

Thinking about it now, when the boss talked to him about the organization, he didn't deliberately let this woman avoid him, which means that this woman is not simply a maid that the boss hired to play strange roles with him, but the boss's... confidant.

Chi Feichi knew what Xiaomei was worried about, looked at Takatori and said, "Xiaomei is better at doing housework than you..."

Over there, Feichi jumped up and down in front of the doll wall, pushing the football up, and the ball hit Xiaomei's body doll hanging on the wall.


The doll's neck, which Chi Feichi had glued on, was still not firm, and the head was hit by the ball and fell to the ground, hitting the floor with a soft sound.

Responding to Xiaomei's soul body in front of Chi Feichi and Takatori Yannan, it is probably...

When he tilted his head, the whole head fell to the side in an instant.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Feichi quickly stopped the action of heading the ball, and rolled the doll's head with his tail, "I didn't mean it, Xiaomei, I'll put it back on for you..."

"Although there may be a little accident sometimes, it doesn't affect her work efficiency." Chi Feichi looked at Xiaomei who stretched out her hand to touch her head, and added to Takatori Yannan.

Seeing Takatori's sluggish appearance, he felt that Feichi should also say to Takatori, 'Sorry, I surprised you'.

As Feichi inserted the head of the main body doll back into the neck, the head of Xiaomei's soul body that fell to the side also flew back and landed on the neck, the hair was still disheveled, and the expression on the porcelain white face was stiff.

"There was a little accident," Xiaomei stared at Chi Feichi and Takatori Yannan with eyes under her black hair, "but don't worry, it's all right now."

"That..." Takato Yannan carefully discerned, and felt that Xiaomei's voice was too cold to be human, but he still couldn't abandon the science in his heart, and asked with a dry smile, "Is this a magic show?"

"You are the first person to know that Xiaomei exists by my side." Chi Feichi emphasized the word 'people', indicating that his pets cannot be counted, and said frankly, "I can also tell you the truth. According to the saying, Xiaomei is a ghost that can be materialized, or it can be said to be a ghost."

"Ah..." Takatori Yannan looked at the stiff-faced Xiaomei and responded in a daze, "It's not that I don't believe you, but no matter how you think about it, ghosts... can't exist, right?"

Chi Feichi has no intention of proving that Xiaomei is really a ghost, "If magic is the answer you can accept, then you can also think it is magic."

Takatori Yannan: "..."

No, the problem now is that he thinks that Xiaomei may really be a ghost, but the education he received as a child makes him unwilling to believe it. He very much hopes that the boss can convince him and clarify what it is.

What the boss said made him want to confirm it even more.

Is this woman a ghost?

"It's almost time," Xiaomei stood up, folded her hands in front of her body, and said in a deep voice, "Master, I'm going to prepare lunch for you and your guests. Do you have any special arrangements for lunch?"

"You decide for yourself," Chi Feichi said, "Just cook what you are good at."

"Okay." Xiaomei nodded, turned and floated to the kitchen.

Takatori Yannan paid attention to Xiaomei's skirt.

It is said that ghosts have no feet, and some people say that ghosts float, but this woman's skirt was too long, and he couldn't see her feet at all.

Over there, when Xiaomei turned into the kitchen, a part of the skirt seemed to pass through the corner of the wall without any obstacle, like a phantom that didn't exist.

Takatori Yannan stared at it, confirming that the skirt was not rubbed by the folds piled up in the corner, but actually passed through it, then turned to look at Chi Feichi who was drinking tea with downcast eyes, "Boss, she really... Is it a ghost?"

"If you're really curious," Chi Feichi picked up a fruit knife from the coffee table with his left hand and handed it to Yan Nan Takatori, "You can confirm it yourself."

Takatori Yannan took the fruit knife, "I confirm it myself?"

"Try to see if you can kill her," Chi Feichi withdrew his hand, "I promise she won't fight back."

"I..." Yan Nan Takatori looked down at the fruit knife in his hand, after much deliberation, he gave up, "I think it's better not to use it..."

What if it was really a person, and he really stabbed him to death?

If it was really a ghost, thinking about Xiaomei's image of a female ghost in a horror movie, he was also worried that if he stabbed it, he would bring some strange curses to him.

And he wasn't sure if this was a temptation from the boss of the snake spirit disease, to test whether he believed the boss's words.

Trying to brainwash myself: Don't overthink, Xiaomei is what the boss says she is!

"You're not afraid of ghosts, are you?" Chi Feichi looked at Yan Nan Takatori.

Yan Nan Takatori suddenly remembered the trial of 'Overcoming the Fear of Snakes' arranged by Chi Feichi before, and quickly explained, "No, I think it's not suitable for your people... or for ghosts to use knives. It's the first time she met, and she used a knife as soon as she came, it seems a bit too much..."

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, still drinking tea with a pure heart, "That's fine."

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