Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2204 Kyoto Mizuno family

In the evening, Kyoto.

The peaceful-eyed old monk, with his one-year-old child in his arms, walked along the Qingshi Road, stopped in front of a house in a high-walled courtyard, and knocked on the door.

After a while, two maids in plain kimonos opened the door, said a few words to the old monk, and stepped aside. After the old monk entered, one of them led the old monk through the garden and the front hall.

The buildings with blue tiles and white walls are hidden in the garden, looking solemn and solemn under the afterglow of the setting sun.

In the courtyard with water and sand stone landscape, an old man was kneeling in the pavilion, wearing a well-fitting blue kimono and a dark gray feather woven with water ripples embroidered on the chest and back, looking at him seriously. Looking at the landscape, a smile appeared on his face until he saw the old monk.

"Patriarch, Master Yuanhai is here." The maid stopped in front of the pavilion, leaned over and said softly, stepped back to make way, and left quietly before and after the old monk walked up.

"Master Yuan Hai," the old man stood up and greeted Yuan Hai, his eyes moved down to the little boy in Yuan Hai's arms, "this child is..."

The little boy had a tender and clean face, a pair of big purple eyes, and a well-behaved expression. He looked very cute and pleasing.

He was getting old, and he really had no resistance to such a cute and well-behaved child.

"He has something to do with the cause and effect I mentioned." Yuan Hai bent down and put the little boy on the ground, then knelt down on a low table beside him.

"Him?" When the old man sat down across the table, he found that the little boy was also sitting beside Yuan Hai in a dignified manner. With the pickiness he had developed as the head of a family in Kyoto for many years, he couldn't even tell that the boy's behavior was inappropriate. There was no problem at all, and the smile on his face deepened, "Is this child..."

Yuan Hai didn't answer, but there was a smile on his peaceful face, which seemed unfathomable, "Patriarch Mizuno, do you still remember the karma I told you before?"

Mizuno suppressed his smile when he heard the words, nodded seriously, and recalled, "That happened thirty-five years ago. I remember that day was as cold as today. I found a lone bird in the yard at noon. The crow, the crow is small and small, looking for food alone in the winter yard. It reminds me of my eldest son who is at home all the time due to his frailty and cannot run and play with other children. Prepared rice and brought it to the yard by myself..."

"But that crow is not afraid of life." Yuan Hai turned his head to look at the stone sculpture in front of the landscape, "Just standing on the stone sculpture, when you walked up to the stone sculpture and called it, it would land on your arm and peck at you. The rice in the small bowl in your hand, since that day, for a week, that crow came to you every day, and you gave it water every time, and the crow gladly accepted your food every time, but never I don’t want to go into the house to avoid the cold, even if you try to catch it in, it just flies away, and the next day it seems to fly to the yard to wait for you without any fear, until one night a week later... "

Mizuno's thoughts went back to that night, his eyes were far away and touched, "That night, the crow that never entered the house somehow opened my window, flew into my room, and kept pulling my hair with its beak , I woke up in pain, thinking it was injured or in danger..."

"It was that night that a group of thieves sneaked into your house, and your new male servant was the internal response of the thieves," Yuan Hai took the words and said slowly, "When you woke up, you found that the male servant who was supposed to be on duty The servant is not in the lounge, and that crow led you to another servant who was knocked out..."

"I immediately called the police, took my wife and children to hide in the secret room, and escaped the catastrophe. I wanted to take the crow with me before I entered the secret room, but I couldn't find it in a hurry. I came out of the secret room after I caught the culprit. I thought I would see the crow again the next day, and then I would take my wife and children to thank it, but I didn’t expect it to not come back since that day.” Mizuno Xiong withdrew his thoughts and sighed, "All this is like a strange encounter, which I still can't forget. Every time I sit in this yard and look at that stone sculpture, I always think of that crow."

Yuan Hai smiled and said, "Your kindness to that crow comes first, and it will reward you with kindness. This is cause and effect."

"The remnants of that group of gangsters were still at large. I didn't expect that the crow would never appear again, and I was worried that they would take revenge on the crow. Therefore, only my wife, children and the trustworthy housekeeper knew about our family's escape. After so many years, after the death of my wife and the housekeeper, only my children and grandchildren will occasionally hear me mention it, but those juniors think that I am exaggerating and don't take it to heart, and I believe that the children of the Mizuno family They won't go out and talk nonsense, and it's impossible for them to explain the details." Mizuno Xiong looked at Yuan Hai, his eyes were serious and there was a hint of doubt, "Master Yuan Hai, you said that there is a seven-day karma between me and the crow. I need to visit the door for a detailed discussion, I have been waiting for you since the afternoon, but how do you know those details?"

"Because..." Yuan Hai raised his eyes to look behind Mizuno Yuo, and smiled, "The crow is back."

"Thirty-five years have passed, how could that crow..." Mizuno Yuu turned his head and looked behind him. When he saw the crow quietly parked on the wooden railing of the pavilion, his eyes widened and he stopped talking immediately.

The petite body of that crow gradually overlapped with the crow he remembered, and more importantly, those scarlet eyes.

He once met that crow with scarlet eyes, which he never mentioned to outsiders, and that crow, like the one in front of him, had calm and deep eyes like an old man full of wisdom. There was an answer——

This is the crow back then!

But the longest lifespan of a crow is only 20 years. He had long since given up hope that this crow would still be alive, but now it appeared alive before his eyes again. What is it...

"It asked me to introduce it for it." Yuan Hai still had a smile on his face, and took out a black robe from the bag behind him. "It has something to talk to you about."

Under Mizuno's surprised eyes, the crow jumped into the pavilion, landed on the ground, and instantly transformed into a ten-year-old boy. He reached out and took the black robe that Yuan Hai handed over, and put it on his body.

Feimo didn't take care of Mizuno's completely shattered worldview. After putting on the black robe, he said to Mizuno who was staring at him in a daze, "I'm not thin, I'm just born so big."

Mizuno's expression changed from surprise to panic, ""

This is a monster, right?

What about this... this... the age of science? How can there be monsters in the world?

Wait, this world is so big, there may be some things that ordinary people can't touch, but if you can be with a monk, then you are not a monster but a god, and he has friendship with this crow, how can this crow not kill him...

Thinking of this, Mizuno Hiroshi gradually calmed down.

Seeing the panic on Mizuno's face dissipating slowly, Feimo sat beside Yuanhai wrapped in a black robe, "If you need a little time to calm down, I can wait for you."

"No need..." Mizuno Xiong closed his eyes and let out a deep breath. He opened his eyes and saw that the boy with black hair and red pupils was still sitting in front of him. "You...why did you leave without saying goodbye?"

"When you took your wife and children to the secret room, I told you thank you for your hospitality and I'm leaving," Feimo looked at Mizuno Yuki calmly, "I called several times at that time, and you were the one who heard it don't know."

Mizuno Yu: "..."

That's right, he remembered that before entering the secret room in a panic, he seemed to hear a few crows, but who could understand it?

So, it's not that the crow monster left without saying goodbye, but because he didn't understand?

"I just passed by Kyoto by chance. I thought the scenery and folk customs of Kyoto were worth seeing, so I stayed in Kyoto for a while, and you have food here, so I don't need to go around for food. The warning that night was my In return," Feimo explained, and added, "Actually, I am not very interested in rice, but it was winter at that time, and there were not many delicious fruits, and rice is not bad, at least to fight hunger..."

Mizuno Yuo looked thoughtfully at the table where only tea sets were placed, "Do you need me to have some fruit prepared?"

"No need, let's get down to business." Feimo looked at Mizuno Hideo, his voice immature, but with a calm demeanor, "Master Mizuno, thirteen years ago, your youngest son eloped with someone, and he suddenly fell in love with him that year. You married a girl of unknown origin, but you wanted him to marry the daughter of the Ooka family, which made you very unhappy, and then he ran away with a batch of family treasures, right?"

"That's right," Mizuno Xiong gritted his teeth with an angry and sad look on his face, and said, "He is a shame that the Mizuno family is unwilling to bring up so far! Many of the things he took away were treasures passed down by the Mizuno family for generations. Although there are some children who choose to fight because their families oppose the marriage, and some even run away from home, but no child has ransacked his home like him!"

"The thing that really makes you feel uncomfortable is that he was cheated, right?" Feimo told the truth without changing his face, "That woman herself is a murderer who is after the treasure, and she tricked him into stealing the treasures of the Mizuno family thirteen years ago. After going out, maybe he told the woman that he and his father had fallen out, that woman saw that she could not use him to sneak into the family in Kyoto, and killed him. On the fourth day after he ran away from home, you have seen Got his body, but chose to hide his death, didn't you?"

It had already left Kyoto at the beginning. This was told by an old crow from the Non-Mexican Legion. When Mizuno Xiong collected his son’s body that year, there were three crows not far from him who watched the whole process. After thirteen years, they were too idle. The boring old crow thought about it and passed it into the Ark Information Network.

It is suitable, which is also the reason why it chose the Mizuno family this time.

Mizuno's complexion changed slightly, he looked at Yuanhai with downcast eyebrows, nodded and admitted, "Yes, the most unacceptable thing for me is that he took his own life because of his own will, I'd rather he take those things and leave Afterwards, I was able to live a good life, but I didn't expect to see him...that look..."

Seeing Mizuno's sad face, Yuan Hai could understand Mizuno's distress as a father, and calmed down, "Master Mizuno's condolences, I won't say anything about it."

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