Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2205 game between scheming dogs

Mizuno Xiong sighed, "Back then, I was afraid that my wife would not be able to bear it, and I didn't want the Mizuno family to be a joke, so I concealed all this, and people outside thought that he had already gone to a certain place to meet his beloved woman. Live together incognito...does your coming here have anything to do with him?"

"For a long time in the future, I will live as a human being, which requires a reasonable identity. Although I feel sorry for you for taking advantage of this matter, but..." Feimo looked at Mizuno Yuo, and said calmly , "The child who ran away from home and the woman came to the United States, but they separated because of emotional disagreement. Later, he met another woman who loved each other. After they fell in love, they got married as they wished and got married. Because you regretted what you did back then, you never told your family in Japan the news. Patriarch Mizuno, although you complained about your son, you still cared about him in your heart. After struggling for several years, you decided to inquire about his whereabouts until The results came out this year. Unfortunately, the couple passed away due to an accident this year. Fortunately, they still have descendants. After you asked someone to explain the situation to their child, they brought that child back to Japan. What do you think? How's the story?"

Mizuno Xiong understood Fei Mo's plan, frowned at Fei Mo, and did not rush to give an answer.

"If possible, add him," Feimo hugged the infant Sawada Hiroki in his arms, "In this way, the bones of your youngest son can be brought home in a fair manner, and you can also mourn in a fair manner. him."

Mizuno's ambition moved, but he still didn't rush to agree, "Why... Mizuno's family?"

"Human beings will cast stereotyped innuendo on the people they meet for the first time. When we first meet a top student wearing glasses, everyone will always think that he is a nerd and absolutely not good at interacting with others. This is the stereotype brought about by appearance. Impression, a child of a member of a violent society, everyone seems to agree that he will not be a weak and kind person, this is the stereotype brought by his identity," Feimo said sharp words in his mouth, but his expression was always calm and indifferent. "I'm not good at showing an approachable appearance, I don't want to jump around like other children, and I don't want other children to play those childish games, and people always assume that most people in the Kyoto family are solemn, old-fashioned and arrogant... ..."

Mizuno Yu: "..."

He really didn't know if it was a compliment to their family or a loss to their family...

As the patriarch of an aristocratic family, he actually doesn't mind others calling them 'arrogant'. On the contrary, he thinks that 'respect and restraint' are the virtues of the aristocratic family, unlike those who are bluffing and have no background and successors in the family, so a little arrogant It is also justified.

"The reason why I chose Mizuno's family is because we are old, and your youngest son left home thirteen years ago, which is also convenient for me to cover my identity," Feimo paused, "I have enough money. I'm not interested in the family property, and I don't need you to support me, all I want is an identity."

Mizuno Xiong pondered for a while, "The Mizuno family has been in Kyoto for hundreds of years. I am the head of the Mizuno family, and I must consider the reputation of the Mizuno family..."

Feimo didn't promise that he would not do anything to damage the reputation of the Mizuno family, but said, "If there are unworthy descendants in the family who damage the family's reputation, the owner of the family can of course drive us out of the house."

"Deal!" Mizuno Yuki did not hesitate any longer, nodded his head neatly, and then considered the follow-up matters, "Are you Ashin's child? Of course I mean what I say. Everyone will think that I am Ashin's father. I won’t mess around in this matter, but we’d better forge two paternity tests, and if possible, I also want your birth certificate from a certain hospital in the United States, and photos of you and Ashin and his wife…”

"I've already prepared those things. I checked into the Kyoto Oike Hotel and put everything there." Feimo put aside Hiroki Sawada in his arms and stood up. "Maybe you should ask the driver to go out." , go to the Yuike Hotel, I will talk to you about our family's life in the United States."

"Already ready?" Mizuno Yuo keenly grasped the point, and looked at Feimo in surprise, "Are you so sure that I will agree? You actually prepared everything in advance..."

Feimo stood in front of the table and looked at Mizuno Yuki, with a confident and determined smile on his lips, "My presence is good for Mizuno's family, isn't it? And early preparations can save us a lot of time, even if we don't need On the other hand, we only need to burn a batch of materials.”

Mizuno Yuki nodded in agreement with Feimo's statement, "Then, I'll ask the driver to prepare a car and go to the hotel to find you in a while."

"By the way, my name is Mo, his name is Shu, Yuchi Hotel 804, host Yuanhai will take you there, I will wait for you there."

Feimo turned into a crow again, and flew out of the pavilion with fluttering wings, regardless of the black robe that fell to the ground.

Mizuno Yuu turned his head and sent Fei Mo's figure flying out of the courtyard wall, stood up with his hands on his knees, and said politely to Yuan Hai who was holding Sawada Hiroki up, "Master Yuan Hai, I'll let someone arrange a car. Come down and trouble you to lead me the way."

Yuan Hai smiled and nodded, "This is my duty."

When Mizuno Xiong left the pavilion, he looked at the little boy lying obediently in Yuanhai's arms beside him, and couldn't help saying, "This kid seems a little too quiet."

"This son is also very human." Yuan Hai stretched out his hand and handed the little one in his arms to Mizuno Yuo.

Mizuno Yuki quickly reached out to catch the little one, feeling the soft and warm body of the baby in his arms, thinking of the feeling of holding his grandson, his heart was touched, he couldn't believe that he was not holding a human cub in his arms, "Could it be that he is also... "

Yuan Hai laughed, "Don't say it, don't say it."

Mizuno Yuo didn't think it was strange, and walked out with the little one in his arms, "I'm just worried, is he... not able to talk yet?"

Sawada Hiroki lay in Mizuno's arms, and said clearly, "I can speak, but you can discuss this matter, I don't need to say anything."

Mizuno Yu: "..."

Clearly organized and calm, he no longer looked like an ordinary human cub as soon as he opened his mouth.

If I had known him earlier, I wouldn't have asked. I could pretend that what I was holding in my arms was not some monster or god, and I could enjoy the fun of holding a child more.


Yuike Hotel, Room 801.

In the living room with the curtains closed, Koizumi Hongzi looked at the picture on the crystal ball, tossed the chocolate in her hand, and stuffed it into her backpack, "It seems that I don't need my chocolate anymore, Feimo is quite good at negotiating." , It’s good if you can talk about it yourself, otherwise I really can’t imagine what it’s like for an old man to show an obsessive expression on me..."

Chi Feichi stared at the picture of Mizuno Yuki arranging the driver in the crystal ball, "Even if there is no guarantee for Feimo, there is a high chance that he will agree."

"Huh?" Koizumi Hongzi was surprised and turned to look at Chi Feichi.

"Thirty-five years ago, Feimo has some character in him... The monster guarantees that he will preliminarily judge that Feimo will repay his kindness, no matter how bad it is, Feimo will still think of the Mizuno family. Just like what Feimo said just now, joining Feimo is good for the Mizuno family," Chi Feichi said, "What he is worried about is actually that Feimo's arrival will cause enemies or troubles, and Feimo is a monster in his eyes. And the monster's enemies are not that simple, the Mizuno family can't compete with their strength, and it may bring disaster to the Mizuno family..."

"No wonder he mentioned the reputation of the Mizuno family before," Koizumi Hongzi recalled, "He was actually talking about the interests of the Mizuno family, including reputation and life. Feimo told him that they could be expelled from the house at that time. At that time, the Mizuno family can ignore it and just disregard the relationship, right?"

"That's right, but he mentioned this just to test the extent to which the Mizuno family needs to be bound with Feimo, so as to consider whether he should agree, and if he agrees, how much benefit or protection do he need to ask Feimo for?" Chi Fei Chi patiently explained, "Feimo gave him the most lenient condition, that is, the Mizuno family doesn't have to take care of them when something goes wrong, and they don't even care that the Mizuno family turns against them because of the situation. Similarly, it is also explaining to him that they don't intend to tie up with the Mizuno family. It's too deep, and it won't give the Mizuno family or provide him with much benefit."

"After clarifying Fei Mo's attitude, he agreed to Fei Mo's proposal, but for him, this is not the best result, right? The best result he expected is to pay a part of what he doesn't care about. In exchange for some of what I want..." Koizumi Hongzi looked at the picture on the crystal ball, and looked at the majestic Mizuno Yuki, "This old man is not simple, should we worry that Feimo and Xiaoshu will be given to him in the future? sold?"

"Put your heart in your stomach," Chi Feichi said calmly, reaching out to pick up the cigarette case on the table, "Are you afraid that the two leaders of Umbrella's intelligence system can't beat him?"

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

I almost forgot, neither Hiroki Sawada nor Feimo are fuel-efficient lamps.

One dared to ascend to the Internet at the age of ten, read countless historical facts on the Internet, had dark human nature, and also dominated most of Umbrella's intelligence exchanges and action arrangements; Brera laid out the bird intelligence network, one bad idea after another, and after learning cat language, he basically took over the top intelligence leader position from Wuming, who was not very keen on collecting intelligence.

It is not an exaggeration to say that these two... two monsters are the two leaders of the Umbrella intelligence network, and neither is easy to provoke.

Even if she is sold, there is no need to worry about these two monsters being sold.

Chi Feichi lit a cigarette and added, "Sometimes it's a lot easier to associate with smart people. Mizuno Hideo is a smart man. Since he promised Fei Mo, he will treat Fei Mo and Nova very well. As long as he can Seeing any benefit from Feimo and Noah, he will continue to be kind to Feimo and Noah, and Feimo allows the Mizuno family to abandon their stance when necessary, which can make him sure that Feimo has no intention of getting involved and causing harm Mizuno's character can be trusted, but it will make him feel that the transaction is not deep enough, and it seems that he will miss some important rewards. Next, he will try to pay a part first, such as care, support, and wait and see the attitude of Feimo and Noah. As long as this kind of dedication has the possibility of beneficial returns, he will further deepen this kind of dedication, step by step to see the character of Feimo and Noah, and adjust his attitude...In short, he will be very fond of Feimo and Noah Heart, and he will not easily abandon the alliance until he encounters a dangerous enemy that can destroy the Mizuno family."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

This is the game between scheming dogs.

What she thought before was right. Among the four creatures, she, the evil child of nature, the evil crow demon, and the evil Internet ghost, she was the one that was most likely to be sold.

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