Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2206 the owner is very strange today

"Shua! Shua! Shua!..."

Inside the room, a fax machine plugged in and on spit out paper.

Koizumi Hongzi stopped her thoughts of frantic complaints, got up and went to the fax machine to look at the documents that were being sent over continuously, "The United States has sent over the birth documents and asset certificates, and Joshua's actions are not slow."

"Ark has already changed the information on the Internet. They just need someone to issue the certificate and pass it on." Chi Feichi turned his head to look at the darkening sky outside the gap between the curtains, and then looked back. Continue to use the crystal ball to watch Mizuno's every move, "Charles has so many people available, if he can't figure it out today, it's too slow."

Judging from the information they collected, Mizuno Xiong is a smart and non-aggressive person. In fact, they didn’t think much of Tokyo’s “upstarts” in recent years. In recent years, because of the gap in experience, they have gradually come to appreciate the people of Tokyo’s major chaebols. Therefore, the development of the Mizuno family is not good. There are many real estate, Wealth and treasures, but the economic development is in a period of continuous decline, and now it is even worse than the Ooka family.

In any case, Mizuno Yu is a good partner, but during the period when Feimo is rushing to the hotel and Noah loses contact with the Internet, he still needs to keep an eye on Mizuno for Feimo and Noah, so as not to be at the last moment. Mizuno's mind suddenly became confused, and he did something that was not beneficial to them or himself.

Not only Mizuno is trying to watch and understand them step by step, but they will also watch and understand Mizuno step by step. If Mizuno can indeed cooperate, they are also willing to deepen their relationship step by step.


In less than an hour, Mizuno's car arrived outside the Oike Hotel.

After the bodyguard opened the car door and got off the car, Mizuno Yuu also got out of the car, still holding the little toddler who was incarnated by Sawada Hiroki in his arms, and did not let go. Follow Sawada Hiroki.

The old housekeeper of Mizuno's house followed Mizuno Yuo, and the two servants behind him were full of large and small gift boxes. From time to time, they looked curiously at Sawada Hiroki who was obediently lying in Mizuno Xiong's arms, hesitating to speak. And stop.

Whose child is this, who is so close to their owner...

The staff of the hotel couldn't ignore the battle of these people, so they took the initiative to go forward and ask about the situation. After Yuan Hai said that he and his group were looking for the guests in 804, they called room 804 and told them about the situation. After the permission from the young lady on the other end of the phone, he took a group of people to the elevator.

Mizuno Yuu didn't feel neglected, and after getting on the elevator, he lowered his head and talked to Hiroki Sawada, "The security of this hotel is pretty good, isn't it, Xiaoshu?"

Sawada Hiroki responded vaguely, "Yes."

The old man looked at him like a monster for a while, and kindness from the bottom of his heart for a while. Wasn't he afraid that he would be schizophrenic?

The old butler: "..."

He hesitated to speak, and stopped when he wanted to speak.

Mizuno Yuki couldn't control himself all the way, and talked to Hiroki Sawada in a coaxing tone, seeing that Hiroki Sawada was not dissatisfied, he let go slowly, turned around and asked Yuan Hai, "Is he sleepy?" ?”

"Not sleepy," Sawada Hiroki used his honorific title in front of outsiders, "You can ask me directly."

The child's soft voice and serious expression made Mizuno's heart soften, and he looked down at Sawada Hiroki in his arms, "Grandpa, isn't he worried that you are sleepy and disturbing your rest..."

The old butler silently recited the butler's experience in his heart.

Put away your curiosity, don't ask about the master's affairs, don't look at things he shouldn't see, don't remember things he shouldn't remember, and be calm when encountering strange things...

But today, the master is really strange. The only ones who can keep him in his arms are his own children and the children of other people who are close to him. In many cases, the master is very restrained. He just touched his head, and since the children of the eldest young master and eldest young lady's family grew up, he hadn't seen such a kind smile on the master's face for a long time.

And let them bring so many things for children, many of which are not used by ordinary guests, who are they here to meet?

He... Well, anyway, he hesitated to speak.


The elevator went to the eighth floor.

The female staff member led the way to the door of Room 804, and rang the doorbell to announce the situation, "Hi, the guest who came to visit you has arrived."

After a while, the door opened, and Fei Mo Zhengtai stood behind the door. He had already changed into a set of black and white casual clothes. After looking at the group of people outside the door, he opened the door and stepped aside, "Please come in."

Mizuno Yuki led a group of people into the door, put Hiroki Sawada on the sofa, turned around and said to the others, "Put the things on the coffee table, you all go out first."

"Yes, sir."

The old housekeeper swallowed the question silently, asked people to put down their things, and took the lead to go out. He didn't forget to close the door at the end, and brought his bodyguards to stand with their backs to the door, guarding the door.

In the room, Hiroki Sawada sat on the sofa, took the backpack that was put aside, took out stacks of documents from it, and put them on the table, "These are recorded in the relevant network files, and generally they can withstand Let’s check together, these are photocopies, let’s see if there is anything missing, and I’ll tell you the details later.”

Mizuno Xiong and Yuan Hai sat on the opposite sofa together, reached out to pick up the documents on the table, and looked through them carefully.

A boarding certificate that went to the United States more than ten years ago, two birth certificates from a well-known hospital in Boston, an entry record of a ten-year-old child a few days ago, a probability of bringing a one-year-old child into the country half a year ago, and a Car accident investigation report, two death certificates, inheritance certificates of two real estate properties in the United States, two wills, inheritance transfer certificates of two companies in the United States, proof of children's enrollment and suspension in an elementary school in the United States...

The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became. If these materials were recorded in the online archives and could withstand a rough inspection, it would take a lot of power and time to prepare them.

At least with the abilities of the Mizuno family, it may be no problem to accomplish these things in Japan, but it is absolutely impossible to interfere with the United States.

Sawada Hiroki finally took out a photo album from his backpack, waited patiently for Mizuno Yu to read it, and explained by the way, "One of them is the reply you commissioned by overseas detectives to investigate, and the other one you added Urgent mailing of hair, entrusting the other party to help you do a paternity test record, and the other party will return the original certificate issued by the identification agency to you. As for the mailing record, it will be kept in a post office in the United States for a period of five years. I have already made up the whole process of the other party's investigation of clues. Another paternity test record is in Japan. I set the time as a week ago. If you recognize your relatives without a second confirmation, it seems that it is not in line with your behavior. style."

Mizuno Xiong listened to Fei Mo's explanation, slowly read all the materials, took a deep breath, put the documents in his hand on the table, and looked up at Fei Mo, "The preparation is very detailed, there is no problem at all, see After reading these materials, I can imagine the experience of a couple traveling across the ocean, settling in the United States, and their children inheriting the family property after an accident.”

"These materials should be with you, and you can take them back later." Feimo put the photo album on the table, and began to divide the documents on the table into two parts. .”

Mizuno Xiong looked at the documents on the table, and after reading these records, he had the illusion of 'all this is the truth, his youngest son really went to the United States to get married and have children', "Those inheritance materials are also Does it stand the test?"

"Of course, the shares and real estate are now in my name. As for the original owner's name is not Mizuno Nobushin, it can be explained that it is because of his anonymity. No matter who asks, the lawyer who keeps the will and helps with the formalities, They will tell the other party that this is the inheritance left to the son by the father who passed away unexpectedly, and the father he described will have the same appearance and characteristics as Mizuno Nobushin." After dividing the documents, Feimo gave the need to Mizuno Yuki Put it into the file bag, leaned forward and put it on the desktop in front of Mizuno Yuo, "That's why I said that these can generally stand the inspection, if someone asks you to do another paternity test, or if someone wants to do a paternity test secretly, you don't have to worry , I guarantee that there will be no second possibility for the result identified by the other party, and no matter what happens during the period, I will be responsible for solving it."

"Then I don't have to worry about it, right?" Mizuno Yuki smiled, and then asked in doubt, "However, your original surname is Koizumi..."

"After Mizuno Nobuma arrived in the United States, he had a disagreement with that woman and separated. Then he met a Japanese girl surnamed Koizumi. After getting acquainted, they fell in love with each other because they were worried that they would be held accountable for having family treasures. Guilty, he changed his name and let the child follow his wife's surname," Feimo said, and asked, "You don't want the child under your youngest son's name to be born with that woman, do you?"

"Hmph..." Mizuno Xiong thought of the woman who cheated and killed his son, feeling pain and anger in his heart, and said with a cold face, "Of course I don't want to!"

"I don't want it either," Feimo flipped through the first page of the photo album on the table and handed it to Mizuno Yuo, "Look, this is a photo."

Mizuno took the album and looked at the photos on it.

The first photo, with a bay in the background, shows Nobuma Mizuno's appearance shortly after he left, with a young girl with a good face and slightly reddish hair and pupils beside her. This photo looks like a girl holding It was taken by the camera, the hair and clothes of the two were blown by the wind, the girl blocked the corner of the camera with her outstretched arm, and smiled sweetly at the camera, while Mizuno Shinma stood behind the girl with a reserved and pampering expression on her face drowning smile.

The second photo is probably one of them having a birthday, and the other is helping to celebrate. The two are sitting opposite each other at the table, with a big cake on the table. There is a trace of cream on Mizuno’s face, and the two are smiling at the same time. have fun.

The next four or five photos are all photos of the life of the two of them. The photos are not brand new. The corners are a little rough and the color is a little yellow. It seems that the clothes of the two people and the background behind them are also in line with the United States more than ten years ago. feature.

After that, there are four or five photos of the two wearing wedding dresses.

There are two people standing facing each other in the church, and the priest standing in the back holding a book and leading the oath photo...

There are two people standing on the stage, the bride is leaning on the groom's shoulder, accepting the blessings from friends with their backs to the camera...

There are exquisite wedding photos taken by two people sitting indoors, cuddling each other, and walking hand in hand on the beach...

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