Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2207 A lie enough to be true

The photo album turned a page again, and it was a photo of the hospital ward.

The girl with reddish hair and pupils had her hair tied very low, she looked haggard but she was sitting on the hospital bed with a smile on her face. With some beards, his face and expression looked a little more mature, he carefully and awkwardly embraced the little baby with red pupils in his arms, and smiled gently at his wife on the bed.

On the same page, there is also a photo of a girl sitting on a hospital bed looking down at a baby in her arms, and a photo of a bigger baby being held by Nobuma Mizuno for a family portrait.

Mizuno's eyes turned red when he looked at it. Seeing the mature Mizuno Nobushin in the photo with a happy smile, he couldn't help but reached out and touched it before turning to the next page.

A picture of a child with red pupils sitting on the ground playing with building blocks...

Mizuno Nobuma squatted on the ground and stretched out his hands, leading the child to stumble towards his photo...

The child is a little older, and the photo of Mizuno Shinma letting the child ride on his neck when the family of three travels...

In the garden, there are photos of five or six-year-old children covered in mud and the couple snickering aside...

Photos of seven or eight year olds trying to ride a bike...

In these photos, the old feeling is gradually becoming new, the children are growing up a little bit, and the faces of the couple are becoming more and more mature, but both of them are smiling happily without exception.

Especially Mizuno Nobushin in the photo, no matter how reserved his lips are when he smiles, or the happy brilliance in his eyes, they all coincide with the smile of his son in Mizuno's memory.

Mizuno Yuo lowered his head and reached out to wipe away his tears before continuing to read.

On the last two pages of the album, another little baby with purple pupils appeared, also with a photo in the hospital ward. This time in the photo, not only the couple, but also an eight or nine-year-old boy with his head in the arms of a woman appeared next to the hospital bed. Baby looking boy.

Fei Mo quietly waited for Yuo Mizuno to finish reading the photos.

His pupil color is similar to that of Koizumi Koko, but his pupils are as red as blood, and Koizumi Koko's pupils are darker. It is not surprising that they are relatives, and Zetian who wants to use purple pupils to move around Hiroki, purple pupils are rare, but if the mother has red pupil blood, it is possible to give birth to a child with purple pupils. Anyway, both pupil colors are rare, and the problem of inheritance is complicated, and no one can verify whether it is true It is more reasonable than 'two black pupils give birth to a purple pupil and a red pupil'.

Therefore, it is more appropriate for him and Sawada Hiroki to "hang" half at Koizumi's house.

The last photo is a family portrait of four people.

Mizuno turned back and found that the next two pages were blank, and he soon reached the end of the album, feeling a sense of loss in his heart.

Feimo saw that Mizuno was looking at the photo album in a daze, and said, "According to what was agreed, the couple died unexpectedly shortly after Xiaoshu was born, so the photos only go there."

"It's really like a dream," Mizuno Yumura murmured, flipping the album gently with his loose-skinned right hand, flipping the album to the beginning, looking down at the smiling son in the photo, "A game that made me A dream I'd rather sink into than wake up from."

Feimo: "..."

The photos are all synthetic...forget it, let old man Mizuno immerse himself for a while longer.

Mizuno went through the album again, wiping away tears from time to time, and adjusted his mood at the end, closed the album, raised his head and apologized to Fei Mo, "Sorry, I lost my temper, these photos... synthetic, right?"

"That's right, but with the current level of those appraisal agencies, it is impossible to detect synthetic traces, and the years of preservation of the detected photos will also meet the due time," Fei Mojian Mizuno Yuki calmed down, looking up The album said, "As for the identity of that woman, she was born in Koizumi's family in Tokyo, Japan. It was a mysterious family. There is currently a seventeen-year-old cousin and niece living in Tokyo..."

Thinking of the happy couple in the photo, Mizuno Yuki couldn't help sighing, "She's a good girl, can her identity...can stand the test?"

"Some people in the United States may have an impression of her. After all, she is a beautiful girl. The impression of her is probably a beautiful woman living in the suburbs. As for whether she has a family and when she died, those people may not know. Those who know, their rhetoric will be consistent with ours." Feimo paused, "No matter who asks about the Koizumi house in Tokyo, they will admit her existence and can also say something about her husband and about the two children."

That woman was actually created by Koizumi Hongzi when she went to the United States to collect magic materials in her early years. She was worried about the inconvenience of collecting materials as a child, so Koizumi Hongzi specially adjusted her appearance to let herself see She looks like a young woman in her twenties, her hair and pupils are also darker than her original hair and pupils, with only a hint of dark red.

In the past two years, Koizumi Hongzi also used this identity to work in the United States once. In order to look natural, she also adjusted her face to be seven or eight years older.

If someone is really capable of tracking down the place where Koizumi Hongzi lived by relying on vague clues, others will only give some uncertain answers.

"I seem to have an impression... I met it when I went home for a few days..."

'It seems to be living in a house in the suburbs... are you married? I do not know about this……'

"Child? Maybe there is, although she doesn't look like it... that house is too remote, we don't go there often..."

Since in the story, Nobuma Mizuno decided to keep his anonymity, it is normal to keep a low profile. It is not surprising that he and his family live in a remote place and are not enthusiastic about strangers.

The couple can't find a friend who is familiar with them, seems suspicious? No, Joshua has some Christians in the United States, including gangsters and successful people, and they can be friends of the couple.

"That's good," Mizuno Yukio didn't ask Feimo how he managed to collude with so many people, and classified it as 'the power of the gods', "although even I, who knows the inside story, can't help but suspect that this is It is even less likely for others to doubt everything that Ashin has experienced, but if it can stand the investigation, it will be safer after all."

"Then, let me talk about what happened after you investigated the whereabouts of Mizuno Nobuma this year." Feimo looked at the little Sawada Hiroki who was lying on the sofa and fiddling with his mobile phone. "Her name is Koizumi Yuki. There is no contact, but she has more or less contact with the Koizumi family in Tokyo. After the couple passed away, the Koizumi family in Tokyo found out about this and asked someone to take Xiaoshu to Tokyo for temporary care. The inheritance procedures need to be handled, and you stayed in the United States for a period of time. When the detective you entrusted investigated us, you found that Xiaoshu had been taken to Tokyo, and you asked the detective to tell me about your father’s life experience. After confirming and discussing, I will go back to Japan to meet you, and I will come to Kyoto, and stay at the Oike Hotel and wait for you."

Let Hiroki Sawada be "brought back to Japan first". First, it is more reasonable. If the husband and wife pass away, if the woman has relatives, she should take care of the two children. Firstly, the child was taken to Japan to help take care of it. Secondly, it corresponds to what Chi Feichi said to Conan and others before, "A friend entrusts me to take care of the children at home". That friend is Hongzi Koizumi, who once went to pick up Hiroki Sawada The person in question is also Koizumi Hongko's housekeeper, so he can fully correspond, and he can also help Sawada Hiroki to settle his identity by the way.

Hiroki Sawada will definitely use his human body to play more than once in the future, and if Conan and the others get to the bottom of it, they will be able to deal with it with a corresponding identity.

Xiaoshu has an older brother, a mother's niece, a grandpa and uncle, and a large number of relatives. His deceased parents also have a bunch of friends who are far away in the United States, so no one will doubt it when they hear it.

As its owner said, if fifty people out of a hundred people tell the same lie, it will make people doubt that the lie is true, and if a hundred people out of a hundred people tell the same lie, the lie becomes The truth, but in the life of a human being, there are never more than a hundred people who are close relatives, friends who know each other, and casual acquaintances who have a deep impression. Others there come true.

"I was entrusted by Koizumi's family to pick up Xiaoshu who came to Kyoto with their high school girl. I will take Xiaoshu to Mizuno's house in the afternoon. I have an appointment with you. Let you see Xiaoshu first," Yuan Hai said. He smiled and took the words, "Afterwards, I will come here with you to see Xiaomo... If anyone asks, we can just say so."

Thinking of the two entry records with different times, Mizuno Xiong knew that even the entry time of the two children 'Xiaomo' and 'Xiaoshu' had been considered, so he nodded, "I understand."

"We can speak Kansai dialect," Fei Mo looked at the little boy Sawada Hiroki again, "However, considering that my father hides his name and deliberately conceals the Kansai dialect, and our mother was born in Tokyo, we only speak Kansai dialect. It shouldn't be a problem at all, it will also facilitate our life after returning to Tokyo, I don't want people to always notice me because of my speaking problem."

Moreover, Hiroki Sawada had been in contact with Conan and others before, and he didn't speak with a Kansai accent at all. It is reasonable to use this argument to make up for it.

Mizuno was a little surprised, "Are you planning to go to Tokyo next?"

A girl's chuckle suddenly came from the balcony outside the living room.

After the sound of the doors and windows being pulled, Hongko Koizumi stretched out her hand and opened the fully drawn curtains, and walked into the room. Although she was wearing a sweater coat and short skirt that high school girls would wear, she had long red hair and wine red eyes that were very special. Bright eyes, looking at Mizuno Yuo who turned his head, with a proud smile on the corner of his mouth, "Don't be so surprised, I have been helping you out on the balcony, it would be bad if someone was lurking on the balcony and secretly overheard your discussion Also, the children of our Koizumi family will of course go to Tokyo to live with me."

Mizuno Yu: "!"

[ヘ! 】

He already has the feeling of 'the daughter-in-law's family is robbing him of the custody of the grandson'. Specifically, he is quite displeased with this arrangement, and even Koizumi Hongzi is displeased. A contemptuous arrogance, which is far worse than that of his 'daughter-in-law' in the photo.

If he hadn't repeatedly reminded himself 'don't get too involved in the drama', 'these two children are essentially two spirits and gods, he can't control where these two children will go next', he really wanted to break up with this red-haired girl Just a moment—these two children should stay at their Mizuno house!

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