Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2215 The drama of three actors

The eighth floor of Oike Hotel.

Langhua put away the torn photos bit by bit, cleaned up the traces of her sneaking in, opened the door of room 804 a gap, heard no sound from the corridor outside, and then slowly opened the door, and after dodging out, gently closed the door with her backhand superior.


The elevator beeped softly.

Surprised, Langhua quickly lowered her right hand to her side, pretending to be nonchalant and walking towards the elevator.

The elevator door opened slowly, revealing two children standing side by side holding hands in the elevator.

Feimo led Sawada Hiroki out of the elevator, looked up at Langhua who was walking towards the elevator, and stepped aside, "Auntie, are you also a resident on the eighth floor?"

Langhua's long brown hair was coiled behind his head, and he stopped beside the two children, leaning down, smiling with fine lines at the corners of his eyes, but also elegant and gentle, "Yes, are you too?"

Sawada Hiroki squinted and smiled, like a innocent child with no heart, and said calmly, "We will live in room 804 and will stay for several days. Auntie, you can come and play with us when you are free!"

"Auntie also doesn't plan to stay here for a few days," Langhua said with a softer smile on his face, "As long as your parents don't mind, Auntie will definitely come and play with you."

Sawada Hiroki looked down at the floor in front of his feet, and muttered in a lost tone, "Our parents have passed away..."

Langhua saw the two death certificates in the room. She wasn't surprised in her heart, but she showed surprise on her face. She quickly restrained herself, squatted down and looked at Hiroki Sawada, and said in a soft voice with a look of reluctance, "I'm sorry. , it's my aunt's fault, you shouldn't be reminded of these sad things."

"It doesn't matter," Fei Mo still maintained a calm posture, looking at Lang Hua seriously, "Auntie, are you planning to go out? It's already late, my father said before, don't run out when it's too late, it's not safe .”

Langhua made an evaluation in his heart that 'this kid is a little mature but still naive', and immediately rolled his eyes with a smile, "Thank you for your reminder and concern, but I just plan to buy a bottle from the vending machine next to the entertainment room on the third floor. drink, there is no danger."

"Then..." Hiroki Zetian let go of Feimo's hand, stepped forward, raised his head and looked at Langhua with slightly expectant and cautious eyes, "We will accompany you to buy drinks, and you will accompany us to the rooftop Is it okay to look at the moon? It only takes about ten minutes..."

"Little tree!" Feimo interrupted loudly, frowning deliberately to pretend to be a strict brother, "Don't cause trouble for others."

"But..." Hiroki Sawada turned his head to see Feimo open with an aggrieved face, tears welled up in his dark purple eyes, and his voice was sobbing, as if he would cry out if he didn't agree with each other, "today The moon at night is so beautiful, my mother used to watch it with us..."

"That's how it is..." Langhua was silent for a while, and quickly smiled, "I agree!"

Sawada Hiroki immediately looked at Langhua in surprise, "Really?"

"Of course," Langhua nodded, got up and walked towards the elevator, and deliberately slowed down to wait for the two children, "You accompany me to buy drinks and be my little bodyguards. In return, I will accompany you to see Moon, don’t worry about getting me into trouble, I also wanted to go to the rooftop to get some fresh air before.”

Feimo took Sawada Hiroki back and followed, "I'm really causing you trouble."

Langhua smiled, stood in front of the elevator and pressed the down button, "Auntie has no children, seeing that you are so cute, I can't help but want to spend more time with you...By the way, is your name Xiaoshu?"

"Yeah!" Sawada Hiroki nodded obediently.

"how about you?"

"You can just call me Xiaomo."


All the warm dramas staged on the eighth floor were reflected by the crystal ball on the roof.

Koizumi Hongzi was preparing the magic circle on the open space of the roof, and had no time to look at the crystal ball.

Chi Feichi leaned against the guardrail, holding a crystal ball in one hand, and watched the performance of the three people on the eighth floor with Xiong Mizuno.

Mizuno Xiong watched the three of them talking and laughing into the elevator, and sighed softly, wanting to feel that the acting skills of the three of them were terrible, but seeing a certain black-robed man next to him remain silent, he held back his words.

Feimo and Sawada Hiroki accompanied Langhua to the vending machine on the third floor to buy things, and told Langhua their age when asked by Langhua.

When Langhua said, "I saw you going out with a large group of people in the hall at night", the two of them immediately explained the situation one by one like ignorant and serious children.

‘Grandpa came to pick us up for dinner…’

"It's the first time I met my uncles, and I feel that everyone cares about us..."

During the period, Langhua also introduced herself, but with the pseudonym 'Jinghua', and bought drinks for the two children.

When the three of them were about to take the elevator upstairs, they were still talking about topics such as 'Miss Jinghua is very gentle', 'Xiao Mo is so polite, Xiao Shu is cute, and it's normal for everyone to like you'.

It wasn't until the three of them got on the elevator that Hongzi Koizumi prepared the magic circle, stood at the corner near the door, and raised his head to greet Chi Feichi and Mizuno Yuki, "Evil...cough, I mean the magic circle is ready, you too Come here quickly!"

Holding the crystal ball in one hand, Chi Feichi set off and walked over.

"The circle with a diameter of three meters around me is the area where the formation is hidden." Hongzi Koizumi stretched out his finger to check the approximate area, "As long as we stay in this circle, it is impossible for creatures outside the circle to see us. You won’t hear our voices, of course, you can’t shout loudly, otherwise the magic circle will be disturbed, and the voice may be transmitted.”

Mizuno walked up to Koizumi Hongko and looked down at the floor which was no different from other places.

He has lived for more than sixty years, and it seems that he has never seen the real side of this world...

"What about the formation that isolates the rooftop from the outside world?" Chi Feichi asked in a gentle male voice, "Are you ready?"

"Don't worry, everything is ready," Koizumi Hongzi looked at the scene of the three talking and laughing in the elevator in the crystal ball, and couldn't help laughing, "It seems that their side is also going well."


The elevator soon arrived at the rooftop. After the door opened, Langhua slowed down and accompanied the two children out of the elevator. He raised his head to feel the chilly wind at night, and looked intently at the full moon in the sky, showing half of his face beside the thin clouds. , "Although there are clouds tonight, but the moon is clear, it is really beautiful."

"As long as you like it."

Seeing that the rooftop was empty, Feimo felt sure, and led Sawada Hiroki to the open space, holding two bottles of drinks bought by Langhua in his hand.

Langhua followed and saw the two children sitting on the ground, so she also sat down generously.

Hiding in the magic circle, Koizumi Hongzi took out the orb of the goddess, threw it into the air, looked up and watched the orb disappear in the air, and explained softly, "The magic circle that isolates the outside world has been activated, and the orb is used as an energy transfer point. The world will be much stronger.”

Mizuno Xiong paid attention to the reactions of the three people over there, and found that the three of them really couldn't hear Hongzi Koizumi's words. Staying on Langhua's body, hatred gradually condensed in his eyes.

"Don't stare maliciously for too long," Chi Feichi reminded, "A keen treasure hunter can easily detect a malicious gaze."

Mizuno Yuo took a deep breath, nodded, and turned his gaze to Sawada Hiroki who was sitting on the ground.

Over there, Langhua helped the two children open the drink bottle caps, and chatted with the two children gently, "You just said that it was the first time you met grandpa and uncles, didn't your parents take you back to see them before?" Is it your grandpa?"

"No," Feimo put the drink bottle beside him, looked up at the moon, and the broken hair around his ear was blown by the wind, "Listen to my father, he was cheated by a bad woman before, secretly took the family's Baby left home, afraid that grandpa would still be angry with him, and felt guilty, so he never took us back."

Langhua also looked up at the moon, "So that's how it is."

"That woman is very bad, very bad," Sawada Hiroki still held the drink bottle in his hand, as if he was trying to tell a gentle aunt how bad the bad woman he knew was, his immature face was full of seriousness, "not only cheated I want to kill the baby my father brought out from home, she is the worst woman I have ever seen, if I meet her in the future, I must beat her hard!"

Lang Hua couldn't help laughing, and looked down at Xiao BuDian sitting on the ground, "Xiao Shu is so brave."

"I've always been brave!" Sawada Hiroki raised his chin, looked at Langhua's face, and put the drink bottle in his right hand on the floor next to him, he hesitated, "Auntie, can you hug me?" me?"

Langhua wanted to refuse subconsciously, but thinking that there was only a one or two-year-old child in front of her, she was not very vigilant, reached out to hug Sawada Hiroki, and sat sideways on her right leg.

Sawada Hiroki wrapped his hands around Langhua's waist, his small arms were not fully encircled, and his fingers tightly grabbed Langhua's coat, and said with a smile, "Auntie, you are so kind!"

Looking at the innocent smiling face of a certain child, Langhua teased with a smile, "Little tree is so cute and can talk so much, there will definitely be many girls who will like you when you grow up."

Feimo withdrew his gaze from looking at the moon, turned to look at Langhua, "Auntie, do you want to play a game?"

"Okay," Langhua said after getting along with the two of them, she has already firmly believed in the identity of the two children, and her vigilance has also dropped, "What games do you want?"

"That game is called, 'We are all honest and good boys'," Feimo said while looking at Langhua solemnly, "The three of us take turns asking each other questions, and the one who answers must tell the truth."

"Is it just like that?" Langhua asked curiously, "How do you judge whether the other party is telling the truth? Is there any punishment for lying?"

"Of course there will be punishment, so you can't lie," Sawada Hiroki said in an innocent and harmless tone, "A liar must swallow a thousand needles!"

"Okay," Lang Hua looked at Fei Mo with a smile, "Then who shall we start with?"

Hidden in the circle of formations, Mizuno Xiong felt chills rushing to his forehead when he heard the three people talking and laughing.

"Hook your fingers, swallow a thousand needles" originated from a Japanese nursery rhyme. When children make a promise, they often have such a ceremony-after saying their promises, both parties hook their fingers and say together "Hook your fingers, swallow a thousand needles." needles, a liar will swallow a thousand needles'.

When he was a child, he had made such an agreement with others, and when he grew up, he had seen many children make such an agreement with their companions. Even a few years ago, he had met children at home who made such an agreement on something.

It was originally just an agreement ceremony between children, but Xiaoshu said it in a soft and cute voice, why did he feel creepy?

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