Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2216 young but evil kid

"Let me answer first." Feimo sat on the roof, turned to look at Langhua and Sawada Hiroki, "Each of you ask me a question, and then Miss Jinghua will answer my question and Xiaoshu's." , and finally it was Xiaoshu who answered, how about it?"

Langhua smiled and nodded, "Okay, then let Xiaoshu ask first."

"Let me think about it..." Hiroki Sawada pretended to think about it, "Has brother ever bullied others before?"

Wolf Flower: "..."

This little guy is playing very seriously, yet he actually asks this kind of question.

According to her understanding, even if most children have bullied others, they will not admit it.

Feimo told the truth, "I have been bullied."

Langhua suddenly became curious, and seeing that Feimo didn't continue, she asked aloud, "Then, my question is, why does Xiaomo bully others?"

In the hidden formation, Chi Feichi and Koizumi Hongzi ate melons silently.

This question is delicate.

If you ask 'who have you bullied', the other party can get away with vague answers such as 'an annoying person' or 'classmate', but if the question is 'why did you bully', the answer should mention how the other party is doing , How about yourself, even if you don't know the name of the person being bullied, you can get a general idea of ​​the matter.

Simply put, the latter question will get more information than the former question.

These three people are really playing the game seriously.

"Then let me tell you about the person I bullied last time," Feimo said without changing his expression, "I was basking outside in the sun that day, and suddenly saw a man walking in a showy manner, so I couldn't help but play a prank on him. "

He has bullied a lot of animals, and he has bullied a lot of people. Sometimes he just wants to pluck that person's hair because he is bored or he doesn't like it, so he can only pick the most recent thing to talk about.

"Because the other party walks flamboyantly..." Langhua was a little surprised. She didn't expect the seemingly stable kid in front of her to be so naughty. A good role model, don't bully people indiscriminately."

"I'll try my best to keep my sense of proportion..." Feimo hinted sincerely that he couldn't do it, and changed the subject, "It's Miss Jinghua's turn to answer the question, let Xiaoshu ask first."

Langhua glanced at Feimo helplessly, then looked down at the top of the little one in her arms, "Okay, do you have any questions for Xiaoshu to ask me?"

"I want to ask..." Sawada Hiroki still pretended to think for a while before saying, "What is Auntie doing in Kyoto? You didn't tell us just now."

"I came to Kyoto to travel during the vacation," Langhua said with a smile, lying in line with her current image and temperament. "I usually work very hard, and it is rare to have consecutive holidays. I want to use this time to come to Kyoto to relax."

"It's time for me to ask," Feimo asked seriously, "Miss Jinghua, have you ever paid a price you can't bear for lying?"

"This question..." Langhua felt that this question was as stupid as asking that question, "Are you so sure that I lied before?"

"If the lies that are born every day in the world are distributed equally among all the people in the world, each person will be distributed with three lies," Feimo said with affirmative expression, "among them, there are those who can't talk to people all day long." People, there are newborns who can't speak and are still ignorant, that is to say, some people lie more than three times a day, or even ten or twenty times a day, so that so many lies are born in the world every day, an adult with a normal IQ Humans, living among the crowd for decades, it is impossible not to tell a lie once."

"That's right," Langhua nodded, acquiescing that she had lied before, "Your question is whether you have ever paid an unbearable price for lying, I think there should be, it should be when I was very young... "

Little Hiroki Sawada let go of Langhua's right hand temporarily, took out a pen-like object the size of a child's palm from his coat pocket, put it on the back of Langhua's hand, and pressed the button on it.


Langhua didn't guard against the little girl's movements at all, and was thinking about how to fabricate a "lying experience" that would be acceptable to others and make children feel normal, when suddenly he felt a chill on the back of his hand, and heard a strange electric sound in his ears , Before he had time to react, he lost control of his body, fell back, and before the back of his head touched the ground, he saw a black pen-like object held in the right hand of a certain little guy, and a small voice came out of his throat, "You ..."

"Why did you do it?" Feimo stood up, a little dissatisfied, "We still have to ask you, the game is not over yet."

Langhua hasn't lost consciousness yet, but she is so numb that she can't move, and there seems to be a sound of electricity in her ears, which smashed her thoughts that had been so hard to concentrate.

"But she lied to me. Since someone doesn't abide by the rules, there's no need to continue the game before the punishment is completed, right?" Sawada Hiroki put away the electric shock device, turned to look at the lying face with wide-eyed eyes. The wolf flower lying on the ground, the fat face of the baby still looks innocent and harmless, "But I have turned up the battery, I didn't expect her to be conscious, if you think we are going to end the game, then wait for you After asking, I will proceed to the punishment part."

"Don't try to escape the answering session..." Feimo dug out the medicine box from his pocket, took out a capsule, walked to the side of Langhua's head and squatted down, and stuffed the capsule into Langhua's mouth, "I have a question I want ask you."

Sawada Hiroki picked up the drink bottle that Langhua put aside, poured the drink in the bottle into Langhua's mouth, and said generously, "You can ask."

Feimo got up and put the medicine box back into his pocket, and looked at Hiroki Sawada with a hint of curiosity, "If you exclude the problems in interpersonal relationships, that is to say, if you don't count the possibility of losing important people, just focus on For yourself, what are you most afraid of?"

Sawada Hiroki frowned and said, "The program doesn't respond...that's an external problem, and it's the most troublesome."

Feimo: "..."

As an internet ghost, there's nothing wrong with this answer.

He is not afraid of this situation, but also hates the phrase 'program not responding' when using a computer.

"Cough..." Lang Hua choked on the drink that continued to pour into her mouth and coughed.

"Ah, sorry," Sawada Hiroki put down the drink bottle and stopped filling the drink, "I forgot."

"Cough cough..." Langhua lay on the ground and coughed for a while, feeling the drink that had choked her nose coughed up and covered her face, and at the same time, she found that the numbness of her face had eased, and a sinister flash appeared in her eyes. Concentrated, with the tears in his eyes forced by coughing, he made himself look pitiful, and said with difficulty, "You... what did you eat for me?"

"Muscle relaxant drugs," Sawada Hiroki replied, putting the empty drink bottle aside, "although the dose is not very large, at most it will make you feel powerless and not enough to kill you, but after the full effect of the drug is fully exerted , you may have a feeling of shortness of breath, don't be frightened by that feeling for a while, pay attention to keep breathing."

"Why..." Langhua gradually regained the feeling of having a body, but she still couldn't move, so she continued to lie on the ground, "Why did you do this?"

Looking at the two young and immature faces in her sight, she suspected that she had met two psychologically distorted children, like those seen in many horror movies, the kind of perverted little ghosts who are extremely evil at a young age or have major cognitive problems.

"Your opportunity to ask questions has been used up. The first round of the game is over, and I can choose to refuse to answer your questions," Sawada Hiroki said solemnly, "The next step is the punishment session. After the punishment session is over, the next round can begin." wheel game."

"Punishment?" Langhua had a bad feeling.

"Didn't you say that before? Liars have to swallow a thousand needles," Feimo looked at Sawada Hiroki, "However, I don't have needles with me..."

"Wait, wait..." Langhua hurriedly said, "I didn't lie!"

"Auntie, you are indeed lying. Did you really come to Kyoto for vacation?" Sawada Hiroki looked at the open rooftop, "Miss Hongzi, are you still there? Can you help us get some punishment?" Are the props coming out?"

Koizumi Hongzi walked out of the concealment formation, and walked forward with a helpless face, "You guys are really funny, I can help you get needles, but it will take a little time."

"Let's go out and have a look," Chi Feichi greeted Mizuno Yuki with a gentle male voice, and also walked out of the concealment formation, reaching out from under the black robe and throwing a pack of sewing needles at Feimo, "I have ten here, you can Let you deal with it first."

"You..." Koizumi Hongzi turned to Chi Feichi speechlessly, "What are you doing with this thing?"

"Emergency, so as not to live on a deserted island without the tools to sew animal skins and make tents," Chi Feichi said, "It can also be used as a weapon if necessary."

Feimo caught the pack of needles thrown by Chi Feichi, lowered his head and nodded carefully, "That's right, there are ten needles, so there are still nine hundred and ninety needles short."

Langhua couldn't get up, and couldn't see who was coming from the side. She gritted her teeth and felt that she met a group of perverts tonight. It wasn't until Mizuno Xiong came to the side and appeared in sight that his face suddenly changed. , "It's you! All of this is... you planned... right?"

When Mizuno Xiong saw Langhua, he was naturally resentful, but when facing Langhua, he also knew how to make Langhua feel more uncomfortable, and said calmly, "Miss, I don't know you, so how can you say that I planned it?" What happened? It’s just that the kids want to play games with you, you touched the penalty condition, and they want to punish you.”

Langhua was stunned for a moment, but thinking of Sawada Hiroki insisting that he was lying, he guessed that his identity might have been exposed, so he stopped pretending, and a malicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "You really don't know me? Thirteen years ago, when I stabbed that idiot Ashin in the chest with a dagger, he still looked at me in disbelief and asked me why..."

Chi Feichi immediately sensed what Langhua wanted to do.

It doesn't seem to be good for Langhua to anger Mizuno now, but he can tell which of them has the highest status!

According to past grievances, Mizuno Yuki is the person who is most likely to lead the revenge action, and at the same time, he may also be the one with the highest status.

To identify the person with the highest status, one usually wants to use psychological tactics to hijack that person to escape, or to take away the person who makes the other person feel the most pain.

In this case, does the wolf flower still have the ability to fight back?

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