Ooka Hongye's complexion changed, she straightened up quickly, covered her mouth with a smile, "Really? I think it's okay to be naive once in a while..."

Feimo: "But if you are too naive, you will be disgusted."

Since Ooka Hongye doesn't like a harmonious and friendly atmosphere, then don't.

Whether it's the level of anger or the way of being cold, he only obeys his master. He has seen it a few times. This stalemate atmosphere has no lethality to him at all. They will see who is more uncomfortable.

Ooka Hongye: "..."

If she didn't feel that turning around and leaving was like admitting defeat, she really wanted to turn around and leave immediately!

Seeing that Ooka Hongye was very angry, Ioriwu had no choice but to chime in, "Has Master Mo always been this sharp-edged character?"

Before Feimo could speak, Yasuji Kuroki spoke up first, "Iori, they are chatting, so we don't need to talk too much?"

Either the two of them keep quiet, or it's 2V2, anyway, he won't watch these two besiege his young master!

Iori Muga sighed softly, he wanted a happy atmosphere very much, but he couldn't ignore his eldest lady and help out, he and Kuroki Yasuji had to join the battle again, making the atmosphere even weirder, It's too difficult to be a human being, "I think we should stop for a while and explain the misunderstanding clearly. The relationship between the Mizuno family and the Ooka family has always been good. The family must also hope that Miss Hongye and Master Mo can get along well, and Jingji and I have known each other for several times. It's been a year, and we had crossed paths before he joined the Mizuno family, and I don't want to make trouble with him, I hope you two can understand."

Seeing Yasuji Kuroki's expression also felt a little helpless, Feimo stopped the battle, "Miss Hongye is a little bored, and so am I. It's just a bickering to pass the time, and it will be fine when it's over, and it won't affect the relationship."

"Okay, I lost this time," Koye Ooka didn't want to embarrass Ioriwu, and smiled, "Then, let me tell the truth, I know that it is difficult to explain the relationship, but I can't help it." I feel wronged for my aunt. I always wanted to see what kind of person the woman who made my aunt lose was. Unfortunately, Uncle Ashin didn’t stay with that woman in the end, and now he and his wife have both passed away. My wish was completely terminated before it started, so I can only come to see you, and Iori and Kuroki are old acquaintances, and Iori also wanted to say hello, so we came here."

Seeing that the atmosphere is finally back to normal, Iorimu smiled at Yasuji Kuroki, "I remember you said that children are the most troublesome, I didn't expect you to be by Young Master Mo's side today, and you look willing, so I Just a little curious."

"My young master doesn't have the problems of those children, and he is very comfortable to get along with..." Kuroki Yasuji looked at Feimo, and thought that Iorimu could laugh at him, "you have today too", but people are so strange, facing a A calm and orderly child, he hopes to see his young master's childish temper, "Even if the young master occasionally has a childish temper, I think it should be cute."

Iori Wuwo laughed and teased, "I didn't expect you to have today."

Kuroki Yasuji had already guessed that there would be such a sentence, and responded flatly, "I didn't think about it before."

Ooka Hongye saw that the two of them were going to talk about the past, and looked around, "Why don't we sit down and talk, the lunch time is coming, let's talk for a while, and we can have lunch together, how about it?"

Feimo did not refuse, and the other two had no reason to refuse.

The four of them sat at a table, chatting one after another.

Ooka Hongye was curious about "what kind of woman did Uncle Ashin choose in the end", and chased Feimo to ask about his parents.

Feimo was curious about the relationship between Kuroki Yasuji and Iori Wugo, and asked a few questions from time to time while listening to the two reminiscing about the past.

Ooka Hongye is not familiar with Feimo, and Feimo doesn't know much about the other three. Even if he wants to get more information, he can only test the bottom line of each other and ask in depth.

"Your eyes are red, why did your parents name you Xiaomo?" Ooka Hongye thought about it, "I think a name like Xiaochi is more suitable..."

"I don't know what they think."

Feimo perfunctorily answered Ooka Hongye's nonsensical question, noticed the familiar figure on the other side of the corridor, and looked up.

Yasuji Kuroki looked up and recognized the young man in the wheelchair, "I didn't expect the young master from the Chi family to come too."

Ooka Hongye turned his head and looked, "I heard that he was injured when he fell off a horse in England before. I didn't expect the injury to be so serious."

"It seems that I need to use a wheelchair because I injured my lumbar spine." Iori Muga observed Chi Feichi who was in a wheelchair and Takatori Geno who was following Chi Feichi, "But I heard that there is no serious problem. Let's rest for a while recover."

Feimo: "..."

The fact that his master fell from the horse and was injured was not widely spread, but in the aristocratic family, it seemed that many people knew about it.

The aristocratic circle has a lot of information and it is difficult to keep any secrets. His infiltrating into the aristocratic circle is really helpful for gathering information.


On the other side of the corridor, accompanied by Takato Yan Nan, Chi Feichi went to greet the old man of Abe's family in a wheelchair.

The aristocratic families present will more or less have business connections with Umbrella, and a sufficiently large business empire, whether it is taxation or employment, can affect the development of a country, and it will also have close ties with politics and justice. .

When a group of old men met Chi Feichi, although Chi Feichi and Patriarch Abe still mainly talked, those who had more contact with the Chi family would still simply ask about the physical condition of the Chi family couple and Chi Feichi's recovery from injuries. .

For example, the old man of the Shiratori family...

When the old man of the Bainiao family asked about the injury, Chi Feichi replied according to the plan, "The doctor said that the lumbar spine is almost healed. I can try to stand up and move around recently. As long as I don't walk for too long, it will also help my recovery."

"That's good," the old man of the Shiratori family smiled, and said again, "Ren Sanlang is also here. He is going to walk around the Qingshui Temple and come back after lunch time. Judging by his appearance, he seems to be planning to do something for a certain woman." Take some landscape photos."

Patriarch Abe laughed, "Don't worry about young people's affairs. Your family Ren Sanlang acts with propriety and a sense of justice. The girl you find will not be bad."

"I don't want to interfere with his choice," the old man of the Bainiao family complained, "It's just that he didn't want to get in touch with girls before, always saying that he had a goal, and two years ago he even found someone to act to lie to me , This time I don't think he is lying to me, I want him to take someone home to see, but he said he is not ready yet, if I haven't met someone, how can I rest assured..."

"Then you can rest assured," Chi Feichi saw that Mr. Shiratori's suspicious appearance did not seem to be fake, and calmly sold Shiratori Ren Sanlang to the bottom, "Shiratori's girlfriend is my sister's class teacher Kobayashi. He is good and has a sense of justice, and is very popular with children. I heard that Mr. Xiaolin often makes lunch for him. I think he is planning to bring Mr. Xiaolin to his home to meet his family after his relationship has stabilized."

Grandpa Shiratori immediately smiled, "Since you said so, then I can rest assured."

"You can just wait with peace of mind. When your family's Ren Sanlang gets married, we will definitely give him a generous gift," Patriarch Abe teased with a smile, then looked at Chi Feichi, still maintaining a steady and amiable demeanor, but Without the usual politeness and alienation of the aristocratic family, he seemed a little more intimate, "Feichi, I was thinking that you haven't recovered from your injury, and I would feel sorry if I asked you to come to the capital to affect your recovery, but The cherry blossoms in Kiyomizu Temple these days are really worth seeing. For emergency, I also arranged ten doctors to form a temporary emergency medical room at the foot of the mountain and in the temple. If you feel unwell, you can go to Yuyin Waterfall or at the foot of the mountain. In the tent, see a doctor."

Chi Feichi nodded, "I saw it at Yuyin Waterfall."

On the side, Sawada Hiroki was hugged by Mizuno Yuki, dozed off and listened to a group of people chatting for a long time, rubbed his eyes, and cast an expectant look at Chi Feichi.

He really wants the godfather to hug...

Chi Feichi noticed the little boy's gaze, and tried to lean forward to Mizuno Yuo who was kneeling, and reached out to Sawada Hiroki, but because the waist support was tied around the waist to make the moving posture not suspicious, the range of leaning was limited. "This child..."

Sawada Hiroki stood up straight, and voluntarily and consciously threw himself at Chi Feichi's outstretched palm.

As soon as Mizuno Yuu thought of Chi Feichi's injured waist, he quickly got up and hugged Hiroki Sawada, and said with a smile, "It's our little grandson, Xiaoshu."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Suddenly I want to declare: This is his family's cub!

Mizuno Yuki was worried that Chi Feichi's back injury would not allow him to hold the child, so he bent down and put Sawada Hiroki on Chi Feichi's lap, but he didn't let go, "It's not long since the child was brought home, but he's really brave. , I am not afraid of life when I see people..."

"Xiaoshu and I have known each other before." Chi Feichi turned his head and looked at Koizumi Hongzi who was watching the scenery on the porch. "I became friends with Hongzi after we met in Tokyo. Before she was going to school, I was worried that Xiaoshu would be bored at home, so I asked me to take care of Xiaoshu for a few days."

"I see," Mizuno Yuki laughed, "No wonder the little guy let you hug..."

Feichi crawled out from under Chi Feichi's collar, hung his long body, and rubbed his head towards Zetian Hiroki's face.

Mizuno was startled when he saw a live snake crawling towards the little one. He forgot that a certain little one might not be an ordinary person. Clinging to the body of the living snake.

Yoshikazu Mizuno turned his head at the table next to him: "!"

Children are so brave...

other people:"!"

And if you say do it, do it without any hesitation.

Mizuno Yuo bent down to support Hiroki Sawada and froze in place, neither retreating nor advancing.

"Just put the little tree on my lap, I can hold him steady," Chi Feichi stretched out his hand to support the little one, "He played with my pet snake before, so he won't be bitten."

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