Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2223 Sleepy toddler, collect information online

Mizuno Xiong heaved a sigh of relief, seeing that Chi Feichi was supported steadily, he let go of his hand and sat down again, but he didn't suspect that Chi Feichi had any connection with the monster team.

After the integration of Umbrella, apart from the financial industry, the most rapid development is manufacturing and high-tech, automobiles, freighters, medical or industrial equipment, networks, and electronic products. Everything is a product of science.

In public perception, science and metaphysics are two completely different paths, and they are not reminiscent of going together.

Yukino Mizuno thought, this should be the layout of the monster team for certain actions, let some members enter the human world, and try to make friends with people who have most of the resources in the human world, and will definitely create opportunities to meet the young master of the Chi family.

Alas, he suddenly didn't know whether to worry about the future of mankind, or to be selfish, as long as the Mizuno family is fine...

Confused, Mizuno still had a smile on his face, "If you feel tired after hugging for a while, don't force it, just tell me, and I will hug the little guy down."


There was a valiant cry of an eagle in mid-air, and the flying eagle cast a shadow on Chi Feichi's body, then quickly lowered its height, and landed on the back of Chi Feichi's wheelchair.

Feichi stretched his neck and rubbed his head against a certain eagle, "Watson, long time no see."

Watson also lowered his head and rubbed against Feichi, chirping and greeting.

A group of old men: "..."

Can an eagle catch a snake? Why does this picture look so harmonious and friendly?

White Horse Tan followed to Qingshui Terrace, dressed in an eye-catching white suit, and beside him was Shiratori Ren Saburo, who was also wearing a light blue suit. After seeing Chi Feichi, he smiled and greeted him, "Brother Feichi, I'm still thinking about Watson. Why are you running around all of a sudden, so I saw you... Feichi, long time no see."

Feichi climbed onto Chi Feichi's shoulder, and spit out the snake letter at the approaching white horse.

"This is Detective Hakuba, the son of Hakuba Police Chief. His father is busy with business and cannot leave Tokyo. His school is closed for two days. I invite him to come and enjoy the cherry blossoms together," Abe introduced to the other elders with a smile. Baima Tan looked at Chi Feichi again, "Xiao Tan's mother is British. He studied in England a few years ago and only came back to Japan this year. I should have thought that he and Feichi should know each other..."

"No, I only met Brother Feichi after I returned to Japan." The white horse reached out to the wheelchair, let Watson fall on his arm, and apologized to a group of old men in a gentle tone, "This is my pet Watson , I'm really sorry that it disturbed everyone."

A group of old men murmured in their hearts, "Young people these days don't know how to keep normal pets anymore", they responded with a smile on their faces, "It doesn't matter", and exchanged greetings with Baima Tan and Shiratori Ren Sanlang.

While Shiratori Ren Sanlang was talking to the old men, Baima saw the little boy Sawada Hiroki in Chi Feichi's arms, squatted down beside the wheelchair curiously, reached out and touched the little boy's head, "Brother Feichi, who is this?" Children at home?"

Chi Feichi replied with a sense of humor, "It's from Hongzi's family."

"So it's Hongzi..." Tan Baima's elegant and gentle expression instantly collapsed, his hands froze on top of Xiaobu's head, and he looked up at Chi Feichi with a look of horror to confirm, "Hongzi...Is it Koizumi?"

"Miss Koizumi and Xiaoshu's mother are sisters..."

Mizuno Hideo laughed and explained about the return of Mizuno Nobu's two children by the way.

Hearing that the little one is Koizumi Hongko's cousin, Baima Tanqing breathed a sigh of relief, and his face returned to his previous gentle and steady face, he turned his head to look at Koizumi Hongko who was alone watching the cherry blossoms on the porch, "So that's how it is."

"Is that Miss Koizumi?" Shiratori Ren Sanlang looked over and found that the person who had already delivered the food had already arrived. He smiled and suggested to Chi Feichi and Baima Tan, "Since they are people you know, why don't you invite Miss Koizumi and Mrs. Koizumi?" Let's have dinner at the same table."

When it was time for dinner, Chi Feichi and Baima Tan took advantage of the opportunity to greet a group of old men and left, and the little Hiroki Sawada was picked up by Mizuno Yuki.

Baima Tan walked down the corridor, and said to Shiratori Ren Sanlang, "It seems that the rumors in the Metropolitan Police Department are correct. Officer Shiratori is a gentle and personable person."

"Although I think I've always been like this..." Shiratori Ren Saburo admitted while stroking his chin with some narcissism, and then asked, "But how do you talk about this?"

"Do you think Koizumi is lonely standing there alone enjoying the scenery? It's like being excluded by everyone, so I suggested that we invite her to have dinner together..." Baima Tan looked at Koizumi Hongzi who was lying alone in front of the guardrail, and reflected Looking at Hongzi Koizumi's red-haired eyes, she smiled and said, "Actually, she is the same at school. Although she is very popular, she doesn't seem to like to associate with other people very much."

Shiratori Ren Sanlang looked at Chi Feichi who was sitting in a wheelchair beside him, "Is it the same as Mr. Chi?"

"No," Baima rubbed his chin to think, and evaluated seriously, "She is more cheerful than Brother Feichi, but sometimes it feels like she keeps a distance from everyone, and seems a little mysterious..."

"Nervous." Chi Feichi corrected.

White Horse Detective: "..."

Shiratori Ren Saburo laughed, "It seems that the relationship between Mr. Chi and Miss Koizumi is really good."

"That's right," Tan Baima smiled helplessly, "Knowing that Koizumi came to Kyoto to send the child to Mizuno's house, I was inexplicably relieved."

Shiratori Ren Sanlang turned to look at Baima Tan in surprise.

This sentence... should be what he thought, right?

Baima Tan didn't make a statement, but just smiled frankly, making Shiratori Ren Sanlang unsure of Baima Tan's thoughts for a while.

"You didn't think Xiaoshu was Hongzi's child just now, did you?" Chi Feichi asked.

"I really thought that way all of a sudden, after all, in Japan, girls can get married at the age of sixteen..." Bai Ma Tan pondered for a while, then smiled helplessly and said, "But Brother Fei Chi, you are really a bad joke , You actually said that kind of thing to mislead me, if you do this again, next time Kaito is sleeping in class, I will tell the teacher as soon as possible."

"It's best to be like this," Chi Feichi replied calmly, "It can also cure his bad problems."

Feichi lay on Chi Feichi's shoulder and nodded gloatingly.

White Horse Detective: "..."

Forget about Brother Feichi, does Feichi know what they are talking about? Nodding like that...

Wait, a creature like a snake nods?

On the Qingshui platform behind, a group of old men looked at the backs of the three of them, expressing emotion repeatedly.

"Young people with talent and ability gather in Tokyo. Kyoto has been really depressed in recent years..."

"You can't say that. There are still many capable children in Kyoto. Aren't the children of the Huashanyuan family still staying in Kyoto?"

"Oh, I can't stay anymore. Two children who are about to grow up, one wants to go to Tokyo, and the other wants to study abroad..."

The old man of the Huashanyuan family sighed a little lonely, and soon laughed and teased Mizuno Yuki who was beside him, "Mizuno just said that the two children who just picked up will be sent to Tokyo, you are more willing than me."

"What can I do if I can't bear it?" Mizuno Yuki sighed, "The children have their own ideas, and I can only let them go."

The others glanced at Mizuno Yuu with strange eyes.

What would a one-year-old child, a ten-year-old child think?

They just suspected that Old Ghost Mizuno also valued development in Tokyo, and wanted their children to go to Tokyo in advance to adapt to life and expand their contacts.

Xiaoshu here is well-behaved and sensible, Xiaomo and the others over there have also met each other just now, they are calm and measured, both children seem to be very smart, no matter what line of work they enter in the future, they are not easy characters... …

Mizuno Yu: "..."

Where did these guys go? He really wants to have two kids around, not so scheming!

"The Koizumi family seems to be developing well in Tokyo, and the children of the Mizuno family will be taken care of in Tokyo. Of course, Mizuno can rest assured," the head of the Abe family smoothed things over with a smile. , but he may not have lost contact with the Koizumi family these years, and the Koizumi family is also reluctant to return their two children to Kyoto."

Mizuno Yuki smiled helplessly, "That's right, just last night, Miss Koizumi and Yoshikazu were arguing at home about their two children."

"All we can do is to protect their home." Patriarch Shiratori sighed with a wry smile.

The old men present sighed one after another, and the atmosphere suddenly became a little melancholy.

It is a general trend for development to move to Tokyo day by day, but they are unwilling to go to Tokyo with their children and grandchildren.

If they are all gone, who else can guard the old house where generations have lived and grown up?

If even they give up their persistence, after two generations, the cohesion of the aristocratic family may no longer exist.

Therefore, even if they can only keep sending young people away and keep guarding the silent old house day after day, they still have to stay at home, and wait until the young people who have gone through the turmoil get old and return home, take over their positions, and continue to guard the house. down.

It’s just occasional visits. Seeing that the homes of old folks are also deserted, they will still think, if they persist in this way, is it against the trend discovered by the times, can they abandon those who have and don’t have them, and invite them repeatedly The children went to other places to reunite.

But the things that have been passed down for a hundred years are hard to let go. They seem to be holding on to certain things by holding on to this place, and they are all used to living in Kyoto, and they may not be able to adapt to other places.

Sighing, Hiroki Sawada yawned, lay down on Mizuno's lap, glanced at the gift boxes piled aside with a crow pattern, closed his eyes, continued to doze off, and listened to the old men's conversation by the way.

Sleepy toddler, gathering intelligence online.


The atmosphere at this party was laid-back, but there were a few rules.

After Takatori Yan Nan sent Chi Fei to the table late, he turned and left to eat elsewhere.

The nearby butlers also left temporarily, and replaced the bodyguards who had lunch in advance to be on duty nearby.

After the meal, the young people who participated in the party either went to say hello to the old men, or continued to take a walk in Kiyomizu Temple to watch the scenery, and spontaneously organized games or various activities.

Baima Tan asked his housekeeper to bring a chess set, and waited for the person in charge of cleaning to take away the low table and sweep the floor, then set up tables and chairs under the porch.

Chi Feichi drove the wheelchair to the side of the guardrail, holding on to the handrail with both hands, and slowly stood up.

When the lumbar spine was broken before, when he went to the bathroom, took a bath, and went to bed, his waist would hurt as he got up, and the pain would last for a few minutes before it subsided.

I feel pain several times a day because of the action of 'standing up'. Every day, I will inevitably resist the action of 'standing up' in my heart, and my brain will still preemptively issue a series of instructions-'Be prepared for pain , I stand up on the count of three, remember not to move too much', 'Okay, stand up, there will be pain next'...

When he stood up for the first time yesterday morning, his waist obviously didn't hurt anymore, but he still had the habit of "preparing to bear the pain" before standing up. It will freeze for a while.

It wasn't until he sat down and stood up several times to get used to it that he got rid of that inertia. Now that he wants to perform, he only needs to think about the pain again and again, and his body will naturally act as if the back injury has not healed. Reaction.

Thinking about it this way, this waist injury experience is not a bad thing, at least if he wants to play someone with a waist injury in the future, he can act so that no one can see his flaws...

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