Chi Feichi thought about the moves made by Haneda Hideyoshi before he said that he was in good shape, thought about it, and finally put a piece on the board without saying anything.




One by one the chess pieces landed on the chessboard, making a crisp sound.

People who don't know Go look at Haneda Hideyoshi's calm expression, then Chi Feichi's same calm expression as before, and then look at the chessboard.

It was a mistake for them to judge the situation by looking at the faces of the two. Not only did the two people not show their faces, but the speed and strength of their moves were similar.

Is it currently at a stalemate?

But playing chess should not be stalemate for so long. Even if the level is the same, as the chess moves, the balance will always tilt repeatedly at both ends.

Chizakura Hanayamain came to the front position, looked down at the chess game for a while, noticed the expression on Haneda Hideyoshi's face, and sighed inwardly.

As expected of a professional chess player, no matter what the situation is, he can hide his emotions under his face.

In this regard, she is still much worse than Taige celebrities.

Haneda Hideyoshi was already mentally prepared, focused on the chess game, and even if he accidentally encountered a trap or ultimate move, he quickly stabilized his mind, reflected on Chi Feichi's layout and his own mistakes, and tried not to be fooled next time.

Zhen and Chi Feichi faced each other, and he realized that Chi Feichi hadn't used all his strength against Shanghuashanyuan Qianying just now, and this time he played against him, he clearly felt how difficult Chi Feichi is.

Not only the chess pieces on the chessboard were filled with a sense of absolute death, but even he, the chess player, seemed to be regarded by Chi Feichi as a chess piece, a 'master chess'.

If he uses the Chinese Thirty-Six Strategies as an analogy, he and Chi Feichi have experienced many of the strategies until now.

It seems that the chess pieces are soft and painless, but in fact the ultimate move is hidden. This is naturally a 'hidden knife in a smile'; a clever move made some of the corners he killed on the chessboard alive, making those chess pieces look like ferocious monsters, but in fact they may be just Being strong on the outside and doing something on the inside may also grow into a huge threat, this is "resurrecting the soul with a dead body" and "surrounding Wei and saving Zhao"; as for using the tricks he saw clearly again, he was not sure whether Chi Feichi was pretending to show weakness, and he was hesitant about the next step. Not sure, it's an 'empty city plan'...

What suffocated him the most was that Chi Feichi had used the 'chain meter' so well, sometimes he felt that he had untied a link, but there was still a killer move following it, one after another, one after another. One after another, he almost wanted to collapse and curse at others, and there was also a suspicion that he had stepped into a trap.

Watching the reappearance of the deadly energy eroding the entire situation and making it difficult to make a move, he was helpless. This was the reason why he felt that Chi Feichi regarded him as a "master chess player". Invade his body, consume his intelligence, and try to turn him into a dead thing without intelligence.

As for whether Chi Feichi even regarded himself as a pawn, he still couldn't tell, including whether Chi Feichi was using all his strength now, he couldn't judge.

When he played chess with others before, he could roughly judge his own level and the opponent's level after just a little contact, but until now, Chi Feichi still seems to be 'level? ? ? ’, I can feel that it is very strong, but I don’t know how strong it is.


Chi Feichi dropped a piece and said the first words since the chess game started, "Do you want to continue?"

Haneda Hideyoshi looked at the chess game in a daze, and soon laughed helplessly, and put a chess piece on the board, "Although it is meaningless, I always like to play chess until the end, from the beginning to the end. The game is over."

This is the first time that he has seen clearly the back position of Chi Feichi's chess pieces, but after seeing the layout clearly, he is faced with the most powerless situation - there is no solution to this game, advancing is death, retreating is death, he just It's like being at a fork in the road, and you can see the dead end full of sharp knives, thorns, and lightning on the left, and the dead end on the right that has formed a lineup to encircle and kill him as soon as he steps in. The two roads are close It was so brightly placed in front of him, and in front of this choice, he was just a child with no strength to restrain him.

Looking for a third way? There is no more chance, the situation has already been established, and the only thing he can decide is how he will die.

There is really no need to continue this game, he has already lost, but he still wants to officially bring this game to an end, and being able to choose how to die by himself can be regarded as the last freedom.


After a while, the winner was decided.

"As expected of a Taige celebrity."

Chi Feichi won the victory, and he didn't mean to be sarcastic when he said this, but just thought of Haneda Hideyoshi's tenacity to constantly reflect and summarize when playing chess, and let himself learn from experience and lessons.

"But I still lost." Haneda Hideyoshi stood up generously and smiled, "If Master Chi also starts to participate in the shogi competition, I believe that after you adapt to the rules, the shogi players will face a big enemy. The next time I participate in the championship finals, I'm afraid I'll have a headache and I won't be able to sleep well."

Chi Feichi looked at the current Japanese chess master in the crowd from the corner of his eyes, and had no intention of continuing to play chess. He drove the wheelchair away from the table, "I didn't sleep well last night, and I want to rest for a while, everyone, please continue."

In Japan, people who have won the Go Grand Slam are given the title of "Go Master". The old man has been watching from the crowd since the middle of his game with Haneda Hideyoshi, looking eager to try.

He is not afraid of losing to that old man, he is not a professional chess player anyway, and it is okay to lose to a professional chess player who has won a grand slam, what he is afraid of is that he will win.

There were a lot of people present who couldn't see through the situation just now. Haneda Hideyoshi was a shogi master and lost to him in Go. These people would not be surprised to see Haneda Hideyoshi's loss, and the public would not take it seriously after the news spread.

But if he wins the current Chess Master, it will cause a sensation soon, and Qing Qing will be far away from him by then.

"Huh?" Haneda Hideyoshi was a little surprised.

Go is a test of a player's memory, layout thinking, calculation ability, coping and game-breaking ability. In the game just now, he was pushed around by Chi Feichi, and he almost tried his best to break the game. He really felt that he needed to slow down, but Chi Feichi shouldn't have expended too much energy.

Even if it was to save face for him, a celebrity in the Taige, there was no need to pretend that the fight just now was fierce. Anyway, he was good at shogi, and if he lost a game of Go, no one would criticize him.


Chi Feichi's wheelchair has a 'sick and weak aura'.

A person with lumbar dislocation can only lie on a hard bed at night, and he has to stay still. After a long time, his back will hurt. In addition, there may be a sudden backache at night. The quality of sleep is definitely not much better. It is impossible to have too much energy to toss.

Thinking of this, Haneda Hideyoshi quickly smiled in relief, "That's right, serious chess really consumes energy, let's go to the side to rest for a while, let them play slowly, by the way, Master Chi can play shogi..."

After the two left, the two young men looked at the Go table, sat down and started pecking at each other.

The chess sage old man sighed softly. Although he could see that Chi Feichi had been gaining the upper hand just now and did not expend too much effort to win, but with the influence of the "sick and weak aura" that comes with the wheelchair, he did not doubt that Chi Feichi deliberately avoided himself. My heart is inevitably regretful.

"Teacher?" Huashanyuan Qianying turned her head and looked at the chess master in doubt.

"I just think it's a pity that I didn't get to play a game of chess with that young master of the Chi family." The old chess master looked at Qianying Huashanyuan and said seriously, "You will not be his opponent. As for the famous Taige, His xinxing when playing chess is also something that you lack and need to be developed through experience."

Huashanyuan Qianying nodded earnestly, "I have benefited a lot from watching the chess game between Master Chi and Celebrity Taiko, and next I want to try to challenge some masters, and try to sharpen the calmness of Celebrity Taiko. "

The old chess master's eyes softened a little, "Miss Qianying didn't participate in many competitions, and she experienced far fewer powerful opponents than Taige celebrities. I believe that after you have developed a strong mind, you will definitely be able to make further progress. Within five years... "

Huashanyuan Qianying saw the old chess master paused, she understood, she smiled and looked at the two people in wheelchairs standing on Qingshuitai, "The teacher said before, as long as I persevere, within five years, there is hope that Japan will produce a winner." A female chess grand slam player, but don't you want to say that today?"

"Of course I want my disciple to become a female chess master," the old chess master also looked at the two people on Qingshuitai, "but if Master Chi starts to participate in Go competitions, he will be the next chess master."

Huashanyuan Qianying's eyes were full of smiles, "I just felt that I was not his opponent at all, but I'm not sure how strong he is, did the teacher see it?"

"He can fight me..." the old chess master was thinking, "The outcome is hard to predict, and the game between him and the Taige celebrity didn't force him into a difficult situation, so I can't judge his attainments in Go How deep is it, so I feel that it is a pity that I cannot play against him in the next game."

"There will definitely be opportunities in the future." Huashanyuan Qianying said with a smile.

On the Qingshui platform, Haneda Hideyoshi accompanied Chi Feichi to the guardrail, and asked about the doubts in his heart, "Master Chi, can you see the vitality of the chess pieces... When I play chess with Miss Qianying, I can feel it. It seems that the chess pieces are connected. It is a kind of breath that is like life, but not as energetic as life. It is light and shallow, but it seems to be able to integrate all the chess pieces on one side. I always thought that it was a chess player. It will only happen when you reach a certain level, but watching you play chess, those chess pieces seem to be completely dead objects, like chess pieces in the hands of a novice, but they are like driving..."

"That's because in the eyes of Taiko celebrities and us, although chess pieces are props to win, they are also our partners," the old chess master smiled and walked forward, followed by Hanayamain Qianying, "The chess spirit is just illusory But when we project the emotions of being friends and companions on the chess pieces, gradually, they will also give us feedback, revealing a breath of unity and harmony, and we feel this breath when playing chess, and it is also It can help us stabilize our minds, if we have to say it, every time we feel that breath, we will feel at ease as if a friend is by our side to help us win, and we will feel at ease in our hearts, no matter how strong the enemy is, we will have the courage to fight."

"Senior Chess Master, Ms. Qianying?" Haneda Hideyoshi turned his head in surprise, greeted him aloud, thought for a while, and nodded with a smile, "Yes, I really like that kind of breath on the chess game, it will make me I feel very comfortable, thanks to the reminder from Senior Chess Master today."

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