Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2228 Are you so upright?

"Excuse me, both of you. After the game, you should have some communication about the chess game." The old chess master smiled and looked at Hanayamain Qianying who was following behind. "Miss Qianying's strength is lower than yours. , after she watched your chess game, and listened to your feelings, I think it should be of great help to her, so I came here with her, if you don't mind, I wonder if the communication between the two of you can also be Take us?"

"Of course no problem," Haneda Hideyoshi said with a smile, "We are happy to communicate with Senior Chess Master and Miss Qianying."

Chi Feichi didn't object either, and acquiesced that the two of them joined the exchange.

"Senior Chess Master was talking about us," Haneda Hideyoshi asked curiously again, "Then what happened to the aura on the pieces when Master Chi played chess?"

Sitting in a wheelchair, Chi Feichi looked calmly at the spreading cherry blossoms outside, "Naturally, it's because I don't regard chess pieces as friends. Here, I just need to understand them, control them thoroughly, and drive them."

Haneda Hideyoshi couldn't help but look sideways.

Young Master Chi looked indifferent, but he didn't expect to be so domineering in his heart...

The old chess master smiled and nodded, approving Chi Feichi's judgment on his chess position, "That's right, it seems that Young Master Chi has already understood the chess position, a little earlier than the Taige celebrity noticed."

"I haven't found the breath you mentioned..." Hanayamain Chihiro reflected silently, "I used to feel a little bit comfortable during the competition, but I can't tell what it is."

The old chess master looked at Chi Feichi curiously and asked, "So, which of these two chess positions does Young Master Chi think is better?"

"There is no such thing as better or worse. Just like two generals who lead troops to fight, he can be kind and loving, treating soldiers like brothers, or he can be strict with military regulations, rewarding and punishing heavily. These two methods of leading troops will only It affects the feeling of the army, one army is united and tenacious, and the other army orders and prohibits, who can say which team is not strong?" Chi Feichi replied with a normal expression, "It is not the breath of the soldiers that really determines the victory or defeat, but the breath of the soldiers. It depends on the tacit understanding between the commanding general and the soldiers, and the game between each other."

The chess sage old man nodded again, looked at Yingjing, and smiled with emotion, "Master Chi's explanation is the most apt metaphor I have ever heard. Unanimity, if the other side is stiff and rigid, and the soldiers lack tacit understanding, then the side with a strong momentum must win, and if the soldiers on both sides have enough tacit understanding with the main general, the breath is different, but they are equally strong, then it depends on the ability of the main general .”

Haneda Hideyoshi stood aside with a smile, "That is to say, to win next, the general needs to continue to improve himself, and at the same time, he must not forget to deepen the tacit understanding between himself and the soldiers, right?"

The question in his heart was solved. Master Chi's stagnation in the chess game is not what he should pursue next, but another way.

What a great party today!

"That's true," the old chess master looked confused, "I used to think that when the strength of the general is difficult to improve and the tacit understanding with the soldiers is enough, he should find more conditions that are beneficial to his own side, such as adding the art of war to the chess game. , that is to say, what Young Master Chi did in the round with Taige Celebrities just now, but I still don't understand what the next step is like, and how to take this step. I don't even know whether the master is a Human strength is always limited, and the talent of the general has long determined the greatest strength he can display in his life."

Haneda Hideyoshi heard that the old chess master was in a bottleneck period, and subconsciously looked at Chi Feichi.

Now that they talked, he can make a ranking of their realms - Chess Master and Master Chi should be in the same realm, better than him, and he is better than Miss Qianying.

If the chess master wants to find a breakthrough, he can only talk to Master Chi.

Huashanyuan Qianying also looked at Chi Feichi.

No wonder her teacher said that she could fight with Young Master Chi, and the outcome was unpredictable. It turned out that the two were in the same realm.

She believes that talent is very important to chess players, just like some people can quickly get started and improve, while others find it difficult to take every step, just like the two people in front of me, one in his sixties and the other in his twenties, There is a difference of forty years, but they are already in the same realm. Talent is something that people love and hate.

In terms of talent, Young Master Chi was even higher than her teacher. If her teacher wanted to find a way forward, he might have to rely on his talent.

"Talent, of course, determines strength and upper limit," Chi Feichi pondered with downcast eyes. Go is based on calculation and planning skills. Of course, it also depends on psychological quality and other conditions. , the organization of men acting as livestock envoys, he feels that his brain power has been enhanced, and his level is higher than in his previous life, but compared to that monster of Sawada Hiroki, he is not sure that he can win. In short, talent is indeed the main factor , "A person's talent is difficult to change, but there is no absolute thing in the world. I always feel... there should be other ways, but I am also stuck."

The chess sage old man sighed, and continued to discuss seriously, "I have thought about whether it is possible to start from the chess position. An army, no matter whether it is always soft or always strict, does not seem to be the right way. It should be strong and soft. There are rewards and punishments, but I don't know how to change the chess situation..."

"Since the chess situation is the projection of your own emotions, then change your mentality..." Haneda Hideyoshi touched his chin and thought, and then denied his own thoughts, "No, chess pieces are still dead objects, it is impossible to really line them up for training, They also don't do anything to make people angry or happy, and it's hard for people to project such complex emotions."

"Yes, the chess situation is a long-term and stable emotional projection. If the chess pieces are people, they can be punished for doing wrong things. If they do well, they will naturally be rewarded, so that the master can project complex emotions on it," Chess Master The old man said helplessly, "But the chess pieces themselves are dead things, they don't know how to make their own decisions, even if they fantasize that they did something wrong to make themselves angry, and want to project that emotion on it, but the fantasy is just a fantasy, the chess pieces can't accept it, the chess situation It's also unacceptable."

He tried that method, pretending that the chess pieces were really soldiers. A certain soldier was disobedient, so he came to pretend to train him, but the chess pieces were the most obedient soldiers in the world, and he led all actions. Your fantasies are just fantasies, and they don't change anything at all.

No, if you have to talk about change, it is to let him make up chess pieces all day long as a person, who can speak and act independently, almost turning him from a chess master into a lunatic...

"Actually, I've thought that if I can't break, I can't stand," Chi Feichi said, "It's better to forget everything I have accumulated, cut off all the tacit understanding between myself and the chess pieces, and experience another direction. For example, I will experience treating the chess pieces as friends and re-establish contact. , Cultivate the same chess style as yours, and then combine the two chess styles, or use them interchangeably, it can confuse enemies in the same realm."

"Huh?" The old chess master looked at Chi Feichi in surprise, and thought seriously, "This method seems to be feasible..."

"But you're running out of time," Chi Feichi said directly, "You've been immersed in Go for decades, and you want to completely wipe out your own chess skills. It's impossible within ten years. After that, you have to go against your will." , To establish a completely opposite chess situation, that is to choose a brand new path, at least it takes the same time as you to reach this bottleneck, about 30 years, a total of 40 years... If there is no accident, you are unlikely Live to be a hundred."

If there is another accident, the old chess master may not live to be a hundred years old.

Haneda Hideyoshi: "..."


Is Master Chi so upright?

Chizakura Hanazanin: "..."

Master Chi is honest, not hypocritical, that's right!

"Besides, when people get older, their energy, concentration, and responsiveness are not as good as when they were young," Chi Feichi continued frankly, "Forty years is just a conservative estimate. If your energy, attention, and responsiveness continue to decline, even if you If you live to be one hundred and twenty years old, you may not be able to complete those."

"Although this is true..." the old chess master reached out to rub his chest, "it still makes me feel very uncomfortable."

Haneda Hideyoshi: "..."

It is right to feel uncomfortable, he feels uncomfortable for the chess master.

"It's better to tell the truth than whitewash the peace," Chi Feichi looked at the sea of ​​cherry blossoms, "If you want to hear something nice, I can tell you...Come on, I believe you can succeed."

"Cough..." The old chess master choked on his breath, and said with black lines, "Forget it, it's better to be honest."

Saying that, the old chess master became serious again, "I really don't have that time, but Master Chi, with your talent, maybe you can rebuild a new chess position in twenty years, you have enough time to try, Twenty years, maybe I can wait until that day, when I can verify their guess today, whether it is right or wrong, I will... No, forget it, re-establishing the chess situation will affect the level, and finally said Maybe it will completely mess up the game and never return to the peak level, and if you have to bear that in order to get an answer, it would be too much."

"I'm not a professional chess player, so I don't care what my level is in the end," Chi Feichi continued coldly seeing the old chess master's eyes brighten, "but just because I'm not a professional chess player, there are still many things to wait I'll do it, and I also don't have time to delve into it."

The old chess master gasped for breath, his heart ached with regret, and he couldn't help persuading, "With your talent, if you study Go seriously, Japan might produce the strongest chess master..."

"But in my life plan, becoming a chess master is not the most important thing." Chi Feichi interrupted.

Does Japan have the strongest chess master, and what does it have to do with him?

The old chess master suddenly wanted to shut himself up.

That's right, among the three professional and semi-professional chess players, an amateur chess player got mixed up, but that person is still the most talented...

If Chi Feichi's talent was given to him, he would not waste a single minute on other things and devote himself to studying chess, then by the time he was forty, he might have become the most powerful chess master in Japanese history Well, at his current age, he may already be the strongest chess master in the history of the world. That is an honor that laymen can remember in their hearts, and it is also a dream that many chess players dare not even dream about.

It's true that people have their own aspirations, but he still wanted to lament that fate tricks people.

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