Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2229 Why did Wuming come to him?

"Well... I have a question to ask." Haneda Hideyoshi raised his hand seriously, "If Master Chi only regarded Go as his hobby, he would definitely not practice and study often. How long have you spent on Go? ?”

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, and then asked calmly, "Mr. Haneda, do you have any grudges against Senior Chess Master?"

He suspected that Hideyoshi Haneda felt that the old chess master's heart was not hurt enough.

Haneda Hideyoshi choked, looked at the pale old chess master, leaned over to Chi Feichi's ear, "Then tell me secretly..."

Chi Feichi counted the time he spent playing Go in his mind, and turned his head to Haneda Hideyoshi in a low voice, "If you add up all the time and play eight hours a day, it may be a year."

He didn't play much in this life, but he would still play Go with others when he was free in his previous life.

Haneda Hideyoshi whispered resentfully, "I think Senior Chess Master would really like to push you off the Qingshuitai."

The chess sage old man who bent down quietly and brought his ears closer: "I think the Taige celebrities think the same way."


It was night, and a dinner party was held in the three-story wooden pavilion.

The heads of families and the middle-aged people who have married are distributed in the tearooms on the third floor, and the second floor is given over to young people who have not yet married and children who are taken care of by the housekeeper.

Each tea room has a balcony, and one side of the balcony is being built on a small river.

After nightfall, the clear moonlight shines on the river water covered with spring cherry petals, and there are many wooden teahouses nearby, casting their shadows obliquely on the river and the stone road.

After dinner, Chi Feichi didn't drink and play games with the geisha indoors, and went to the balcony early to hide and relax, and he didn't sit in a wheelchair anymore.

Shiratori Ren Sanlang thoughtfully chose a corner where he could lean against the guardrail to enjoy the scenery, helped Chi Feichi to sit on it, and stuffed a cushion from the house behind Chi Feichi's back.

They were not the first to arrive on the balcony. On the adjacent balcony, five or six young girls were already drinking tea and chatting on the balcony. The butler went to the balcony to enjoy the scenery.

As Chi Feichi listened to the melodious singing and the whispered laughter inside and outside the house, poems began to flash in his mind unconsciously.

While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone……

The business girl doesn't know the hatred of the subjugated country, but she still sings the flowers in the backyard across the river...

They seem to be some bad poems, but the atmosphere here really has the feeling of corruption and extravagance of the nobles in ancient Kyoto.

On the adjacent balcony, Feimo was lying in front of the guardrail, and found Chi Feichi looking over. When Yasuji Kuroki turned to get something from the house, he stretched out his finger to his leg speechlessly, and slowly moved his mouth towards Chi Feichi. Type conveys resentment.

'Leg hurts'.

Chi Feichi felt sympathetic, and gave Feimo a comforting look from a distance.

This time in Kyoto, he sat in a wheelchair most of the time, and occasionally got up, sitting or standing.

Hiroki Sawada can be hugged at a young age, and can roll on his stomach at will without feeling pain in his legs.

In comparison, Fei Mozhengtai was much worse. Last night I went to Mizuno’s house to kneel and eat and chat, and today I had to kneel and eat at Kiyomizu Temple. I finally went to the hotel to lie flat and sleep. You have to sit down and eat.

Feimo had never kneeled before. Not long after he became a human, he came to a continuous kneeling package. Of course, his legs would hurt. If he went to the balcony and stood on the railing, he probably wanted to kneel down to relieve his sore legs.

But Fei Mo could only bear it any longer, and when he arrived in Tokyo, away from these aristocratic families, he would no longer have to kneel down.

"I brought out two bottles of wine for you," Baima Tan went out with a tray, bent down and put down the tray with wine bottles, wine glasses, and fruit juice, and sat down with a smile, "I'm not yet an adult, so I have to drink Juice is with you."

Chi Feichi looked back at Feimo Zhengtai, and felt that someone seemed to be staring at him, so he looked sideways from between the wooden fences.

The aristocratic family had a big party this time, and there were no other guests on the street where the pavilion was located, but there was a teahouse open on the other side of the river, and there were faint chatter and laughter between tearoom guests and geisha.

It can be seen that his line of sight came from the street on the other side. When he looked, that line of sight had disappeared. There were many people walking along the river bank to enjoy the scenery on the street. In addition, a car just passed the stone bridge across the river. , The classic car slowly driving away along the road.

There were many suspects, but he still subconsciously focused his gaze on the black classic car.

The car had the same strange aura as the line of sight just now.

This kind of antique car with high price and low performance is only chosen by those who have a lot of spare money and pay attention to travel. The route of the car is from the road blocked by the family to the stone bridge. That is to say...

Did someone from the family leave early?

"I drink very well, so it doesn't matter if I drink," Shiratori Ren Sanlang sat down opposite Chi Feichi, and asked with a smile, "Where's Mr. Chi? Can you drink with your back injury?"

Chi Feichi looked away, "I can have a drink."

In the classic car that turned the corner, the driver wearing sunglasses stopped glancing at the rearview mirror and started talking to the people in the back seat.

"I stared at it for a long time just now, as if I was seen."

"It doesn't that Mizuno, Hanayamain..."

"It seems that there are still famous shogi Taige and this year's chess masters. It seems that many people at Qingshuitai have participated in chess games today..."


The next afternoon, Tokyo.

A white cat jumped into the courtyard of Kudo House with two cats, raised its head and yelled at the windows on the second floor.


Behind the window of the room on the second floor, Okiya Subaru was secretly peeking at Dr. Ali's house next door, and he hesitated when he noticed the white cat in the yard.

That white cat should be nameless...

But recently, Dr. Ali next door is doing something wrong. Yesterday, when Dr. Ali and Hui Yuanai were cleaning up the warehouse, they found a clay pot that seemed to be an antique in the warehouse. They even made a video and posted it on the Internet for identification. Today is the first time The second wave of strangers came to watch the pot.

Wuming came to his place for the first time, and seemed to want to find him. He was a little flattered, and wanted to go down and pet the cat, but he also wanted to keep an eye on the movement next door.

In the video posted on the Internet, Hui Yuan Ai also showed his face. If the people who were organized saw the face of the little girl in the video, the people who entered and exited Dr. Ali’s house might be the intelligence spies of that organization. There are also organized people wandering...

Wuming yelled twice towards the window on the second floor, squatted in the yard, turned his head and licked his hair, waited until he licked the white fur on his back, and found no one came to open the door, then looked up at the window on the second floor, and yelled sharply Twice.

"Meow ouch!"

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Mr. Chi seems to have gone to Kyoto and hasn't come back yet. Is Wuming in a hurry to ask an acquaintance for help?

After Wuming finished, he turned his head and looked at the car parked in the yard by Okiya Subaru, ran to the car, found the right angle and jumped onto the roof, and began to sharpen his claws on the roof. screamed.

"Shua Shua... Meow! Shua Shua... Meow!..."

After the cat's claws scratched a few marks on the roof, the living room door opened.

In the warmer weather, Okiya Subaru was still wearing a black turtleneck sweater. As he walked downstairs quickly, his breathing was a little short, and he walked towards his car speechlessly.

If he didn't come down, it would be impossible. It didn't matter how the roof of the car was scratched, the key was that Wuming's cry was too sharp and shrill.

If Wuming continued to yell like this, if there were organized people next door or nearby, they might have noticed the building he lived in.

And he was worried that strange rumors would spread after the nearby neighbors heard the nameless call.

for example……

‘Isn’t it a little stressful to be a graduate student now? I suspect that a graduate student who lives near us is abusing cats. He looks like a very gentle and gentle person, but I didn’t expect that I heard a cat in his house screaming all the time...’

'Really? terrible! '

'Let's go and have a look together, I'm very disturbed...'

Then he can wait for upstanding neighbors, members of the Humane Society to come to his door, and possibly watch out for tabloid paparazzi who might sneak into his home for clues and stalk outside.

( ̄- ̄“)╭

Anyway, that's it, he was forced out by a cat.

Wuming looked up at Subaru Okiya who was reflecting in the glasses, and felt that someone's breath was a little frightening. He adjusted his head angle and looked at Subaru Okiya who was approaching with a pair of watery blue eyes. His voice was a little soft. Wronged, "Meow~..."

Okiya Subaru was stunned, the dissatisfaction in his heart disappeared immediately, he walked to the side of the car helplessly, looked at Wuming, "It seems that he is not injured..."

So, why did Wuming come to him?

Wuming jumped out of the car, and his figure jumped into the house from the open living room door like a wind.

When Okiya Subaru entered the room, he found Wuming jumped onto the cooking table, circling around the bag of ingredients.

Wuming didn't see the meat he was interested in in the bag, so he raised his head and called out to Okiya Subaru, "Meow?"

"It turns out I'm hungry, but I don't have any meat here. It's the fruit I bought in the morning. You shouldn't be interested." Okiya Subaru looked at the fruit in the bag, smiled helplessly, and tried He stretched out his hand towards Wuming, "But it seems that the doctor's house next door put two bags of cat food for you. If you want to eat, we have to go over..."

He suddenly realized that it would be nice if he could find a reason to go directly to Dr. Ali's house and stare at the person who came to the door?

Wuming didn't resist, obediently let Okiya Subaru hug him, and adjusted his body in Okiya Subaru's arms to let himself be hugged comfortably, put a paw on Okiya Subaru's arm, and obediently retracted the paw good.

Okiya Subaru tried to free up one hand, touched the hair on Wuming's back, and found that Wuming didn't reject him at all, then went out to the next door while rubbing Wuming, "I found a stranger next door, so Did you just come to the next door to look for are really realistic."

In the past, when Xiao Ai or the doctor were at home and there were no strangers next door, Wuming would jump directly over the fence of the next door to find food, find someone to take a bath, or find someone to clean up the chewing gum accidentally stuck on his body.

He has seen Wuming visit five or six times so far, but at most Wuming borrowed from the fence on his side, walked slowly to the next door, and when he greeted him, he just turned his head to look. The doctor's family met Wuming, and this cat was also very cold. Although he didn't know how to scratch and bite, but every time he approached and wanted to pet the cat, Wuming would quickly dodge and stay away. A strange look of "bad guy, if you dare to hurt my Wuming family, I will fight with you" stared at him.

Today, Hui Yuan Ai has not come back from school, and the doctor's house has gone to a stranger. When this cat was looking for a place to eat, his attitude towards him was much better.

It's so realistic, it's so realistic that he wants to say one thing - scumbag!

But after thinking about it, he felt that a cat would not think so much, maybe it was because he was not that familiar with him before, so Wuming ignored him, and he came to him today because he was forced to trouble him, and he would not After being angry, he suddenly had a good impression of him. Today, an important opportunity for the improvement of their relationship happened. Wuming should get close to him in the future...

It shouldn't matter if Mr. Chi's cat is touched secretly while Mr. Chi is not around, right?

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