Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2230 Three Akai brothers and sisters

When Subaru Okiya came to the door with Wuming in his arms, there were two visitors at Dr. Agasa's house.

Hearing that Okiya Subaru said that he brought Wuming to find food, Dr. Ali immediately left the guests behind, pulled out a cardboard box next to the giant panda doll in the corner, and dug out the canned food of the little yellow crocodile.

Nameless jumped down from Okiya Subaru's arms, followed Dr. Ali to the sunny French window, waited for Dr. Ali to open the can, stretched out his head and sniffed it, and after confirming that there was no peculiar smell in the can, he began to eat in a calm manner .

"There is still water," Dr. A Li put a bowl of water next to the canned cat food, and then stood up with a smile, "Okay, you can eat slowly, the litter box is still in its original place~!"

Beside the sofa, Okiya Subaru saw Wuming eating obediently, looked away, looked down at the white hair on the chest and sleeves of his black sweater, and remained silent.

Sweaters are prone to cat hair, white hair stained on a black sweater, it looks very eye-catching...

Very good, just look at his sweater, and you can probably tell how much floating hair Wuming had on his body before.

The visitors were a middle-aged couple. Both of them were squatting on an old carpet and studying the clay pots on the carpet with a magnifying glass. Okiya Subaru next to the sofa and Dr. Agasa who is busy.

The middle-aged woman saw Okiya Subaru looking down at the white hair on the clothes, stood up with a smile and said, "Before you put the clothes in the washing machine, remember to use something sticky on the surface to remove the hair from the sweater first. Put the sweater in the washing machine, and most of the cat hair will still stick to the sweater stubbornly. If you put the sweater in the washing machine with other clothes, it will be even worse, and there may be a few cat hairs stuck to the clothes inside. "

"Ah, thank you for the reminder." Okiya Subaru knew how troublesome the cat hair on the sweater was, but he still squinted his eyes and thanked him gently.

"This is Mr. Subaru who lives next door to me," Dr. Ari walked back to the sofa and introduced with a smile, "That cat is a cat raised by our friend, and it occasionally comes to my house."

The husband of the couple got up and looked at the cat litter box in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, "No wonder there are a lot of cat supplies here. I was wondering if you have a cat at home."

"I like cats very much, but because I don't have time to take care of them, I haven't kept them." The middle-aged woman said with a smile.

Dr. A Li turned his attention back to his clay pot, and asked expectantly, "So, what is the result after you two have seen it? Is this pot valuable?"

The middle-aged man turned his head to look at the jug on the carpet, and said seriously, "This jug may be very valuable, I suggest you take it for an expert appraisal!"

The middle-aged woman was still smiling, "There may be people who want to buy at a lower price. Before you determine the approximate value, don't just agree!"

"Really?" Dr. Ali was a little surprised, and thanked with a smile, "Thank you for your reminder, you are really warm-hearted."

"Where," the middle-aged woman smiled, "we are just worried that you will be taken advantage of by others. The kind of people who know the value but deliberately lower the price are the most annoying."

"The doctor said to ask someone to appraise the pot, is this it?" Okiya Subaru narrowed his eyes and looked at the pot in the middle-aged man's hand, "It looks like it's been a while..."

"If I hadn't been late to Kyoto, I'd like to ask him to come over to help me take a look," Dr. Ali said with a smile, "However, he will return to Tokyo this afternoon, and he promised me that he will send some things over, count the time , he should be here soon, I'll let him have a look at that time, with his eyes, he can probably see the value of this pot."

"Hey?" The middle-aged man asked in surprise, "Is the person you mentioned a professional antique appraiser?"

"No, he is the friend I mentioned, the owner of the cat," Dr. Ali explained with a smile, "Although he is not a professional appraiser, he has a good family background and has seen many valuable things , I think if this pot is an antique, he might be able to tell right away!"

"So that's the case," the middle-aged woman said with a smile, "But it is difficult for laymen to distinguish between imitations and genuine products. Some identifications must rely on instruments. If you really want to confirm, you should bring a pot to find them. Appraisal institution, if you want to sell it, you must have an appraisal certificate from an authoritative institution."

Seeing the middle-aged man handing the pot to him, Dr. A Li reached out to take it, "Actually, I don't really want to sell the pot, but the children are looking forward to thinking that this pot should be very valuable...that's what I said The children who often come to my house to play, they said that I also want to find out the value of this pot, if it is worth collecting, I still want to collect it myself."

The middle-aged couple looked at each other, and soon, the man smiled and said, "We also want to know whether this pot is as valuable as we judged. When your friend comes to appraise it, can we also take a look at it?" What do you see?"

"Of course it's okay, but..." Dr. A Li was a little embarrassed, "He has to deliver things to other places today, and it's not convenient for him to squat down to look at the pot right now. I'm going to bring the pot with him when he arrives. I went out to let him take a look, if you two don't mind, maybe I will trouble you to wait outside the door with me for a while."

"It's okay," the middle-aged woman said with a smile, "We are about to say goodbye and leave, so I'll wait outside the door with you for a while."

After Wuming ate the canned food and drank water, Dr. Ali called Chi Feichi to confirm the time, and went outside the door with the clay pot in his arms.

Okiya Subaru looked down at his black sweater covered in white hair, and wanted to go back to the next door first, "Doctor, since..."


A black commercial vehicle drove over, honked its horn, slowed down and stopped in front of a group of people.

The rear door was opened, and after Subaru Okiya saw who was getting out of the car, his body visibly froze.

"This is it, Master Chi?" After getting out of the car, Haneda Hideyoshi raised his eyes and scanned the surroundings and the group of people standing outside the gate, then turned his head to see Chi Feichi getting off the car, and stretched out his hand to help him.

"Tai, Taiko celebrity?!" Dr. Ali was surprised to recognize Haneda Hideyoshi.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

I've confirmed again and again that the smirking guy in front of me is his brother, my dear.

However, why did his brother get mixed up with Mr. Chi?

"Hello," Haneda Hideyoshi greeted Dr. Ali with a smile, "I have something to rush from Kyoto to Tokyo, and the car happened to break down a little bit. Fortunately, Master Chi agreed to give me a ride, so I followed he came."

Baima Tan followed Chi Feichi and got out of the car, and also helped to support Chi Feichi.

While speaking, Takatori Yannan had already moved Chi Feichi's wheelchair out of the trunk.

Wuming waited for Chi Feichi to sit down while leaning on the armrest, and jumped onto Chi Feichi's lap.

"Oops, time is running out," Haneda Hideyoshi looked down at his watch, his face changed, Master Chi, I'm really sorry, my game starts at 3:30 in the afternoon, and I'm about to rush to the hotel! "

Holding Wuming in his arms, Chi Feichi turned around and asked, "Do you want Yingtuo to send you off?"

"No need, I'll take a taxi at the intersection," Haneda Hideyoshi walked quickly to the intersection, waving his hands without looking back, "If you are free, remember to watch my game!"

Dr. Ali watched Haneda Hideyoshi leave in a hurry, and scratched his head amusedly, "The personality of this Taiko celebrity seems to be completely different from what he saw during the broadcast of the shogi game. During the game, he looked wise, confident and Calm, I didn't expect to have such a rash side in private."

Chi Feichi watched Haneda Hideyoshi's back disappear around the corner, "When he's not playing chess, he probably looks like this most of the time."

I have been in contact with Hideyoshi Haneda a lot, and he often thinks of a joke:

Gotake Akai and Marie Akai have three children in total. Before the first child Shuuichi Akai was born, God held the bottle containing "calmness" in one hand and the bottle containing "cheerfulness" in the other, and was going to add a little "calmness" to it first. God shook his hand and accidentally added more, and the "cheerful" in the other bottle could not be added; when it came to the second child Haneda Hideyoshi, God first poured half a bottle of "cheerful" into the second child, hesitating After a while, I added the rest of 'Comfort' into it, and found that it was not full, so I hesitated, opened the box again, and searched for a long time, only found a bottle of 'Reverence' and a bottle of 'Self-cooked', God hesitated for a moment, took a little from each of the two bottles, and finally made up the amount of this baby; when it came to the third baby Sera Zhenchun, God looked at the empty 'stable' and sighed , I added half a bottle of 'Cheerful', and filled the remaining half with 'Cheerful' and 'Self-cooked'...

Feimo and Sawada Hiroki still have to go through the transfer of ancient books in Kyoto, and then go to Tokyo to go through the school enrollment procedures. People from the Mizuno family will come forward, so he doesn't need to worry about it, and Koizumi Hongzi will also stay in Kyoto for a while , waiting to come back with Feimo and Sawada Hiroki.

In the beginning, Hakuba Tan wanted to take his car back. When he went to pick up Hakuba Tan, he saw Haneda Hideyoshi looking at the broken car outside the hotel, so he brought along Haneda Hideyoshi.

But having said that, Fenmao is really calm enough. When he suddenly sees his brother getting out of the car, he can act as if he doesn't know him at all.

It's a pity that Hideyoshi Haneda rushed to the hotel to participate in the competition, otherwise Hideyoshi Haneda and Fenmao, who didn't know that Fenmao was his brother, would gather together, and he would quietly add fuel to the fire, making Haneda Hideyoshi doubt Fenmao's identity, and things would change Very interesting.

Detective Baima was still thinking about Haneda Hideyoshi, and commented with a smile, "Generally speaking, he is a very good-tempered person."

Dr. A Li looked at Detective Baima, "I remember you should be the director of Baima Police..."

"Yes, I'm Baima Tan," Baima Tan stretched out his hand, let Watson fly out of the car land on his arm, and explained with a smile, "I'm too lazy to ask the driver to pick me up in Kyoto, and it's not easy to take Watson with me." It is convenient to take the train or plane, so just like the Taige celebrity, I will take Brother Feichi's car back by the way."

"I bought some traditional snacks in Kyoto, as well as a bag of dried spring cherry blossoms and small toys for the children," Chi Feichi turned his head to look at Yan Nan Takatori who was taking things from the car, and looked at Okiya Subaru, after seeing the white cat fur on Subaru Okiya's black sweater, paused for a moment before continuing, "I also brought a souvenir for Mr. Okiya, since you are here, I will ask Takatori to bring it to you by the way. You... Wuming has caused you trouble."

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