Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2239 Come here

Erping Chunxia sweated, "That, that is..."

"Could it be you?!" Ze Ligong turned around and aimed his gun at the second bottle of Chunxia, ​​and roared angrily, "You took my sister to the bathroom and killed her, so there are traces of wetness on the pages !"

Erping Junxia was worried that Ze Ligong would shoot herself impulsively, and shouted anxiously, "No, it's not me!"

Chi Feichi said calmly, "You are such an old man, can you be more stable?"

"But, but..." Ze Ligong looked back at Chi Feichi, and felt as if he saw a trace of disapproval and disgust in Chi Feichi's eyes. Apart from being angry, he was inexplicably aggrieved. Two bottles of pure summer, "You also said, only her book has wet marks!"

Seeing Ze Ligong's reaction, Chi Feichi felt certain, "Look carefully, only the signature page is wrinkled. If it gets into the water, there should be wrinkles all over the book."

After much deliberation, he felt that a sneak attack on Ze Ligong might cause the bomb to detonate, and to create a chance to subdue Ze Ligong still needed some control skills.

For example, with a positive attitude to solve the case, let Ze Ligong subconsciously regard him as "the person on my side". The person who led the investigation made Ze Ligong subconsciously believe that "he has a good brain, I listen to him", and gradually made Ze Ligong adapt to his dominant position. In the end, Ze Ligong would also meet some small demands on him. Choose to obey...

At that point, he thought it would be much easier to subdue Isao Sawa without any damage.

Ze Ligong turned around to the table, flipped through the book that Erping Chunxia brought, and said in embarrassment, "Indeed, only this page has wrinkles..."

"Next time you encounter something, don't be so impulsive," Chi Feichi repeated his previous point, looked at Ze Ligong and said, "Come here."

Ze Ligong walked to the wheelchair, but did not lean over his head, and asked with vigilant eyes, "What do you want to do?"

"Say something important," Chi Feichi looked at Ze Ligong calmly and calmly, and urged, "Hurry up, don't dawdle."

Ze Ligong seemed to have set a safe range for contact with others, and he was still vigilant, but he didn't hesitate when he walked over, and...

For about five minutes, Ze Ligong's gun did not point at him. Even when he was walking over, when he was worried just now, Ze Ligong was only holding the bomb detonator tightly, but the gun was hanging on the ground. sideways.

The next step is to break the safety zone set by Ze Ligong himself and let him establish it.

Ze Ligong hesitated for a moment, thinking of the bomb detonator in his left hand, he still leaned over beside the wheelchair, "Okay, okay..."

Sera Masumi watched Ze Ligong move his head towards him, breathing slowly subconsciously, staring at Ze Ligong's hands holding dangerous objects, trying to find an opportunity to do it.

Chi Feichi had no intention of doing anything. After Ze Ligong came over, he said in a very soft voice, "Listen to me patiently, don't lose your temper suddenly, or I won't help you anymore..."

Ze Ligong frowned, feeling that something was wrong, but thinking that he really needed Chi Feichi's help, he replied in a low voice, "I know, what exactly are you trying to say?"

"Ms. Erping has a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder and likes to tidy up. This proves that she won't randomly put books where the pages might get wet," Chi Feichi looked at Erping Chunxia over there, and said in a low voice, "And they The three of them carry women's satchels with openings that rely on magnets. My sister always likes to buy women's bags that don't match her age, so I know that if the magnetic buckle of this kind of bag is not aligned, the bag will look like a bag. It's closed, but it's not closed at all..."

Mentioning "sister" again reminded Ze Ligong of his previous words, "I am also a brother, and I can understand your feelings", which deepened the impression of "one of my own".

"After they took the book out of the bag just now, only Ms. Erpin closed the bag by aiming at the magnet buckle, and the other two didn't close the bag." Chi Feichi continued, "It shows that she pays attention to details. People who don't want to wet the pages of the book with their hands and feet..."

"That woman is really suspicious, isn't she?" Ze Ligong still leaned over beside Chi Feichi, looking at Erping Chunxia suspiciously.

Two bottles of pure summer: "..."

Ze Li's eyes are very dangerous, what are these two people talking about? I can't hear it, I'm so scared.

"The wet marks on her signature page should have been made by your sister," Chi Feichi continued in a calm tone before Ze Ligong got excited, "It's recorded in your sister's blog, she Just after taking a shower and before the hair is dry, the troublesome elephant comes..."

Ze Ligong tried his best to suppress the anger above him, vaguely guessed what Chi Feichi wanted to say, and confirmed in a soft voice, "My sister signed the elephant's signature when her hair was dry, and it might be in the elephant's mouth." On the signature page of that book, moisture is left, but the other pages of the book are not damp. After the moisture dries, only the signature page is distorted, so the lady of Erping is an elephant, right? ?”

"That's right, she should be the first elephant to find your sister's autograph, and it has nothing to do with your sister's death," Chi Feichi confirmed, and then said in a low voice, "Let's listen to what Teacher Mao Li told the remaining two people. Please remember to ask about the situation when the two of them went to your sister's room, such as how your sister's condition looks like, did you say anything when she left, and I will tell you if I find anything."

These words could have been heard by everyone, but he just wanted to draw an area to accommodate him and Ze Ligong.

With the secret behavior of "we can discuss things in secret", Ze Ligong will naturally accept him into the circle, and at the same time, he will continue to exclude others from the circle, so as not to make Ze Ligong feel uncomfortable And return to the 'safety range' circle that I originally designated.

"I see," Isao Zekuri nodded, straightened up, and said loudly to Kogoro Mori who was curious and wanted to probe this way, "Okay, Mr. Mori, please continue to talk! Your neighbors, yes What is the impression of the remaining two women?"

"I said... what were you discussing just now?" Mori Kogoro looked at the two with puzzled eyes.

Chi Feichi looked down at the signature pages of the three books on the table, calmly avoiding Mori Kogoro's sight.

In many people's minds, "whispering between two people = secret", but if others try to explore the secrets related to themselves, especially when Ze Ligong is guarded against others and nervous...

"It has nothing to do with you, does it?" Ze Ligong raised the gun in his hand unhappily, "Mr. Mori, your task now is to tell the results of your investigation, and you don't need to worry about other things!"

Chi Feichi reached out to pick up the teacup on the desk, and lowered his head to take a sip of tea.

When Ze Ligong subconsciously "maintains the secret of the two of us", it will be easier to classify him as "one of us".

Guys who are prone to emotions are indeed easier to control, and now Ze Ligong doesn't even care about him taking things on the table...

It seems that the fire is coming soon. Just now, forcing Ze Ligong to take the initiative to get closer to him is considered a high fire. Next, it is not suitable to use a high fire. You can try a low fire and a slow stew.


Mori Kogoro stared wide-eyed, pointed at himself with his right hand, looked at Chi Feichi who was leisurely drinking tea over there, and wanted to ask how things turned out like this.

Did this guy make a mistake, he treated his apprentice so well and even yelled at him...

Obviously he is the famous detective Ze Ligong wanted to ask for help at the beginning, right? !

Ze Ligong glanced sideways and noticed that Chi Feichi was drinking tea. He was a little concerned that Chi Feichi was taking things on the table by himself, but seeing that Chi Feichi didn't take the opportunity to hurt him or take the mobile phone next to the teacup, he felt that Chi Feichi should have a sip. It doesn't matter if the tea moistens the throat, and he continued to point the gun at Maori Kogoro and said, "Yes, it's you! Did you call and ask just now? If you don't say it, why don't you let me say it myself?"

Mori Kogoro felt that he could not communicate with Sawa Kuriko, and looked down at the notepad with a speechless face, "Next is Ms. Yuchi, everyone said that she seems to like hot springs very much, someone saw her in the indoor hot spring within a day Three times, of course, that neighbor is also a wife who likes to soak in hot springs, so I noticed her as a fellow..."

Ze Ligong moved the muzzle to the thin woman again, and asked viciously, "When you killed my sister, you got her blood on your body, so you frequently went to the hot springs to wash off the blood, right?"

"No, it's not me!" Yuji Zhixin waved his hands nervously, "I just like to soak in hot springs, and my friends around me know this, and there are other guests in the hot springs, if there is blood on me If you go in, won't you be seen by others?"

Ze Ligong turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, saw that Chi Feichi nodded to show that he passed the test, and continued, "Okay, then, when you went to my sister's room, what do you think of her state?"

Tang Zhixin was stunned, and thought back, "Is she in a state of not being popular... She doesn't seem to be doing anything wrong, but she seems a little impatient with my interruption, so she signed and asked me to go back quickly."

Chi Feichi caught a glimpse of Tang Di Zhixin's fingers on his right hand shaking, and sighed inwardly. He put the teacup on the table and adjusted the wheelchair's angle slightly.

He still wanted to strengthen Ze Ligong's trust in him to make the action foolproof, but it seemed that the question just now made the murderer who killed Ze Liweihong a little embarrassed, and he began to panic.

The murderer couldn't stabilize himself, so he had to consider making a move in advance...

"Oh?" Ze Ligong smiled fiercely on his face, and moved the muzzle of the gun to Mitsui Tsumi, "What about you? When you went to my sister's room, how was her condition?"

Mitsui Tama was sweating profusely, and hurriedly said, "I am the same, when I went to Weihong's room, she didn't look uncomfortable..."

"Your book..." Chi Feichi said, "There is a little tear on the signature page."

Ze Ligong immediately stared at Mitsui Tamami with a man-eating gaze, "It couldn't be when you killed my sister, she or you accidentally tore the page?!"

"No, no!" Guangjing Zhushi explained anxiously, "Weihong was deliberately playing a prank. I ate badly that day, and when I went to her room, I suddenly wanted to go to the toilet. After signing the autograph, she deliberately Holding on to the book and not letting go, just wanting to see me anxious, the pages were torn at that time, and I accidentally wore her slippers when I left, which was still hot and humid, which means she just took a shower , right? But she lied to me that she was going to take a shower and wouldn't let me use the bathroom in her room."

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