Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2240 Backstab with backhand, knock down with one brick!

Kogoro Mori had a clear expression on his face, "No wonder...someone saw you come out of Miss Red's room in a panic..."

He was still considering whether to hide this matter from Ze Ligong.

Seeing that Ze Ligong was looking at her more and more fiercely, Guangjing Zhushi hurriedly said, "That's because I was in a hurry to go back to the toilet!"

"Mr. Sawakuri."

Chi Feichi yelled, but when Ze Ligong turned his head to look over, he didn't continue.

Ze Ligong resolutely set off and walked to the wheelchair, and found that his legs were a little bit pressed by the desk, which made him feel a little uncomfortable. He wondered if Chi Feichi had tilted the wheelchair when he was holding the teacup just now, so he had to follow him slightly, lean down.

When turning sideways, Ze Ligong's left elbow was somewhat supported by the table, and his thumb on the detonator button was also slightly moved away.

Just when Ze Ligong's left thumb was slightly off the detonator button, Chi Feichi suddenly stretched out his left hand to hold Ze Ligong's left hand, pushed Ze Ligong's thumb away with his fingers, and snatched the detonator with his strength , At the same time, the right hand placed on the armrest of the wheelchair quickly took out the red brick under the cover.

Lift up, drop hard.


Ze Ligong was hit by a brick on the forehead, fell into a dizzy state, and fell uncontrollably towards the wheelchair in front of him.

Chi Feichi put the red brick on his lap, reached out to catch the pistol that Ze Ligong dropped to the ground, and threw it to the dazed Mouri Kogoro, "Teacher, call the police to come in."

Mori Kogoro caught the pistol, looked at the detonator that Chi Feichi had seized in his left hand, suddenly came back to his senses, grabbed the landline phone on the table, and called Mu Mu Shisan.

Chi Feichi took out another roll of rope from the storage compartment of the wheelchair and threw it at Mao Lilan by the wall, "Xiao Lan, tie him up and see if he can take the bomb off his body. If you can't handle it, call again." I."


Outside the Maori Detective Agency.

The nearby commercial tenants were all evacuated during the emergency transfer, leaving only empty rooms with lights on, and the streets appeared cold and empty because the intersections were blocked by the police.

Not long after Chi Feichi drew the curtains, Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't see the situation on the second floor of the Mori Detective Agency. Seeing a sniper still watching from the nearby upstairs, he ran to the vicinity of the Mori Detective Agency. Found the police confluence.

Mu Mushisan stood next to a car, looked down at his phone from time to time, and then looked up at the second floor of Maori Detective Agency, frowning.

Takagi Wataru, Sato Miwako, and Koshimizu Nanatsuki waited at the side, looking at the second floor of the Mori Detective Agency from time to time, and occasionally paying attention to the information fed back by the special assault force.

The yellow beetle drove to the side and stopped. As soon as the car stopped, Conan immediately opened the door and jumped out of the car. He ran forward and asked, "How is the situation?"

"Conan?" Takagi was a little surprised, and found that not only Conan came, but also Dr. Ali and Haibara Ai got out of the car and ran over, and said helplessly, "Didn't I tell you to stay at the doctor's house and not come over?"

Dr. A Li ran out of breath, "Conan and Xiao Ai...they are worried and want to come over to see the situation."

"Isn't Miss Nanatsuki staring at the attic of the Seven Detective Agency? Why are you here?" Hui Yuanai asked doubtfully.

The others were in danger, and a certain detective felt that he had to come and take a look no matter what, so he asked Subaru Okiya next door to cook and dragged the three children by the way, and asked Dr. Ari to drive them over.

In fact, she couldn't sit still. Although she knew that she might not be able to help if she came, it seemed that they would feel more at ease if they were closer to the trapped people.

On the way here, Edogawa received six recordings.

In addition to the two passages where the Maori Detective Agency was controlled by gangsters and the gangster explained his intentions, the remaining four recordings include Uncle Maoli’s phone calls with his neighbors, Brother Feichi’s offer to help sort out the information, and Brother Feichi’s case information. Let Uncle Maoli record and confirm that Ze Li Weihong died of homicide. One is a recording of Uncle Maoli calling his neighbors to ask about the three suspects.

In the last recording, the situation became strange. After Brother Feichi questioned, he should have spoken to the gangster Ze Ligong, and asked Ze Ligong to come closer and say something important. The conversation between the two was very low and was not recorded. They thought that brother Feifeichi had found an opportunity to take down the gangster, but they didn't expect that the gangster was still talking afterwards.

There are no strange sounds or shouts, which means that Brother Feichi did not fail in his actions, and at the end of the recording, Brother Feichi's voice also said, "This book has a little tear on the signature page", which means that Brother Feichi Nothing happened.

Moreover, it has been more than 30 minutes since Brother Feichi called the police. The police should have arrived, but there is no sound of police rescue in the recording, so they really don't understand what's going on here, and why everyone didn't act. , seems to be waiting to find the murderer who killed Ze Liweihong...

This stagnation of police rescue made them worry that something was wrong or that things were difficult.

"The police sniper arrived ten minutes ago and has found a sniper position," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the third-floor building opposite the Mori Detective Agency, "but because Mr. Mori was sitting behind the desk, blocking The gangster's body, and the sticker on the upstairs window of the Maori Detective Agency also blocked a lot of vision, making it impossible for snipers to target the gangster..."

Hui Yuanai breathed a sigh of relief.

Now that the sniper has arrived and the sniper is watching, it is normal for Miss Nanatsuki to leave the attic and come here to see the situation.

"Don't the people in the house know that the police snipers are ready?" Dr. A Li suggested, "You can find a way to make a small movement, such as a strange cat meowing, as long as Feichi is in the house and they listen to it." If you realize it and react, you should cooperate with the police and lead the criminals to a suitable location..."

"It doesn't need to be so troublesome at all," Gao Mushe explained with a bit of embarrassment when he saw Mumu Shisan's stinky face, "One minute after the sniper arrived at the appropriate distance, Mr. Chi seemed to find that the police sniper had arrived... "

"He didn't cooperate with the police to lead the gangsters to a place where they could snipe," Mu Mu Shisan said with a dark face, "Instead, he drew the curtains, completely blocking the sniper's view."

"Because I couldn't see the situation inside the house in the attic, I also came here." Koshimizu Nanatsuki added.

Conan was still puzzled and worried at first, but now he calmed down unexpectedly quickly, "Brother Chi... is it because he doesn't want to see Mr. Ze Li being shot by a sniper?"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Would her brother Feichi think so?

Before changing, she believed that Brother Feichi would have the same idea as Kudo, but after knowing that Brother Feichi was a member of the organization, she was a little unsure.

"We're not sure about this, or it may be because Mr. Chi found something in the house and thought it would be dangerous for police snipers to shoot Ze Li, so he stopped us." Miwako Sato frowned, "But Ze Li has a pistol and a bomb in his hand, it is still too dangerous to rely on them to deal with it..."

"And Mr. Chi seems to be about to find the murderer of Ms. Ze Li Weihong's murder," Takagi She said worriedly, "If this continues, not only Ze Li will die, but the murderer will also be killed by Ze Li. "

Conan also felt that the situation was tricky, and raised his head and asked, "Officer Mu Mu, during which recording period did Brother Chi close the curtains?"

"It was during the fifth recording, about ten minutes have passed since now," Mu Mu Shisan looked down at the time displayed on the phone again, and said with a serious expression, "In about twenty seconds, the latest recording should be Pass it over, and I will judge whether it is necessary to adjust the police rescue plan according to the situation disclosed in the recording..."

"Jingle Bell……"

The mobile phone in Mu Mu Shisan's hand rang suddenly, startling the others.

"It's the call from the Maori Detective Agency..." Mu Mushisan looked at the caller number, worried that the police's arrangement was discovered by the criminals, and felt terrified, so he stabilized his mind and pressed the answer button, "Hello... ..."

"Officer Megure, it's me, I'm Mori," Mori Kogoro said in a relaxed tone, "You should be outside the Mori Detective Agency, right?"

Mu Mushisan hesitated for a moment, not sure if this is the gangster Li Kogoro called to confirm, but decided not to admit it yet, "No, what's the matter with you?"

"Huh? Didn't you call the police? Then you should know that there was a dangerous guy who took control of the Maori Detective Agency before?" Maori Kogoro said, "Now he has been subdued..."

"Really?" Mu Mu Shisan couldn't hold back his voice, and confirmed loudly, "You mean the person has been subdued, right?"

Mori Kogoro was taken aback by Mumu Shisan's loud voice, "Yes, yes, so if you are not outside, I want you to notify the nearby police officers so that they can come in and catch the gangster..."

"Wait a minute, we'll be there right away!" Mu Mushisan immediately set off and ran downstairs to the Maori Detective Agency, "Brother Maori, how is the situation over there now? No one was injured, right?"

"Mr. Sawaguri...that is, that dangerous guy. He was slightly injured, and everyone else is fine," Kogoro Mori explained the situation, and then said, "But Police Officer Megure, if you are not nearby, there is no need to make a special trip. Come here, just call the nearby police officers to come in..."

"I'm right outside, wait for me!"

Mu Mu Shisan finished yelling and hung up the phone.


A minute later, the second floor of the Mori Detective Agency...

Two members of the special assault force directly kicked down the door, and rushed into the house together with Mu Mu Shisan and others.

In the room, Ze Ligong, whose forehead was bleeding, was tied up and placed against the wall. The bomb on his body had been removed. He gradually regained consciousness amidst the sound of the door being broken, and looked up at the large group of people rushing in at the door in confusion.

After Mao Lilan and Shiliang Zhenchun tied Ze Ligong, they still stood in front of Ze Ligong.

Chi Feichi, who was sitting at the desk in a wheelchair, Moori Kogoro, who was standing by the sofa, and three women...

Hearing the movement, everyone turned their heads and looked at Mu Mu Shisan who rushed into the door out of breath.


Mori Kogoro looked down at the door panel stepped on by Meguro Shisan and the others, and said with a dry smile, "Well... Officer Megure, you can actually knock on the door, and I'll open it for you..."

It would cost a lot of money to change the door, he felt sorry for his wallet.

"Stop talking so much! Where's the person?" Mu Mushisan scanned the room, and finally stopped at Ze Ligong who was tied up by the wall.

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