Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2269 They don't want to hear such words

Seeing Chi Feichi serving soup with a spoon, Yuan Tai's eyes lit up, "Brother Chi, can you drink soup too?"

Before Chi Feichi could answer, Hui Yuanai hurriedly said sharply, "No, Kojima-san, you can't eat any more!"

This dish will tempt people to eat a bunch without knowing it. Seeing how their stomachs are swollen and they can only sit slumped, she dare not eat any more.

Yuantai has always been unrestrained when it comes to eating, she is really worried that Yuantai will die here tonight!

"Ah..." Yuan Tai watched Chi Feichi pour the soup with reluctance, "But the soup smells even better."

Haibara Ai:"……"

That's right...

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

In fact, she really wanted to try that soup...

"The children can't eat anymore." Chi Feichi was also worried that the five children would burst their stomachs, so he only shared a little soup with Dr. Ali, Subaru Okiya, and Nanatsuki Koshimizu.

Ayumi looked helplessly at the thick soup in the bowl, "Yes..."

"Children really can't eat too much, or they will have problems with digestion!" Dr. A Li looked at the round bellies of the five children and was so frightened that he sweated. Then he picked up his own bowl, calmed down, and tasted the soup .

Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Okiya Subaru, and Dr. Ali took a sip of the soup, and felt the unimaginable mellow aroma began to stimulate the taste buds. At the same time, the slight sweetness made the soup not greasy, and suddenly felt like crying.


In fact, the soup is the finale of the finale, right?

Chi Feichi looked at the instant noodles tears on the faces of the three of them, and lowered his head to take a sip.

It's really delicious, and he ate a little too much tonight, but...

How on earth did other people achieve that expression of instant tears? How can the tears fall from the face in a crooked and clattering way?

He doesn't understand, he can't do it.

"How, how is it, doctor?" Yuan Tai stared at the soup in Dr. A Li's bowl, "Is it delicious?"

Dr. A Li took another sip of the soup and sighed, "It's so delicious!"

"The taste is completely different from other ingredients," Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't help but admire, "but it's still delicious!"

"It's really delicious." Okiya Subaru nodded, carrying the bowl to drink the soup.

Wuming pushed his small bowl to Chi Feichi's hand, and tapped the side of the bowl with his outstretched paw, "Meow~"

Feichi also crawled out, trying to make Mo De's emotional eyes show some anticipation.

failed attempt...

Forget it, the owner should be able to understand its expectations.

Chi Feichi poured a little soup into an unnamed small bowl, took another unused plate, and poured some for Feichi.

Five members of the Boy Detective Team: "..."

Damn, I really want to try it.

Dr. A Li drank the soup in the soup one gulp after another, heaved a sigh of relief, and picked up the spoon on the table with a smile, "Ah, I've finished it, then I'll..."

"You can't eat any more." Chi Feichi left his seat with a blank expression on his face.

Dr. Ali: "..."

This is not allowed to drink?

Okiya Subaru looked down at the bowl at the bottom.

He's done drinking too...

The five children turned their heads to see Chi Feichi take away the pot.

They didn't even get a sip of it!

Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at the last sip of soup in her bowl, and found that other people turned their heads to look at her, and immediately drank the soup.


She's gone here too, gone.

"Okay, I'll eat it later when I have a chance," Hui Yuanai comforted others and himself, "Next time we don't eat other food, so we can have a good meal to our heart's content."

Conan leaned back on the chair to make his stomach feel better, and said the cruel truth, "But brother Chi doesn't like to cook certain foods repeatedly, at least for a while, he won't be able to do it again..."

other people:"……"

They don't want to hear that!

Chi Feichi turned back to the table and cleaned up the dishes on the table. Seeing that other people's stomachs were round like a ball and wanted to get up, he stopped him, "No need to help, you sit and rest. If you don't feel well for a while, I will After washing the dishes and chopsticks, I will help you find digestion tablets."

Hui Yuanai didn't insist, leaned back in the chair, put his right hand on his stomach, and stared at the night sky dazzled by the street lights.

It's been a while since I ate Brother Feichi's cooking, and she almost forgot the feeling of being full, but she almost broke her stomach tonight.

Dr. A Li rubbed his belly and digested silently.

It seems that I can't eat any more, and I will die if I eat any more.

Okiya Subaru stroked his stomach, silently digesting.

He used to think that 'food' was the least temptation, at least for him.

Now he has changed his mind, not because of the lethality and destructiveness of the food, but because he has never encountered food as tempting as a devil before, nor has he encountered a terrible chef like Chi Feichi who made a big move.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki stroked her belly, silently digesting food.

Worried about her digestive problems, she still thought——if possible, she can actually drink a little more soup, just a little, it shouldn't matter... right?

Conan rubbed his stomach and digested silently.

Although he couldn't bear it anymore, he still wanted to know what the soup tasted like, so he had to think about how to induce Chi Feichi to do "Buddha Jumps Over the Wall" again in the future.

Chi Feichi packed up the dishes and went back to the cooking counter to wash them. By the way, avoiding other people, he observed the changes in the space with his left eye, and then continued to wash the dishes with his head down.

After two meals today, these people only provided less than 20% of the progress, not as much as a dead person who didn't live a full episode.

But at least it proves that it is feasible to lure other people to overeating with delicious food. Unfortunately, considering that these people may be overwhelmed and their stomachs may be overwhelmed, he can't just catch a group of people.

Coincidentally, tomorrow the Boys Detective Team, Dr. A Li and Yue Shui will all go to the Metropolitan Police Department to take notes. He can try other people...


At night, there were two barking sounds from the same place.

The cool night wind blew across the yard, and also a group of people slumped on chairs to digest food.

Haibara Ai withdrew her gaze looking up at the sky, and looked at Okiya Subaru next to Dr. Agasa, "That..."

Dr. Agasa and Okiya Subaru turned their heads in unison: "?"

"I'm talking about Mr. Okiya," Haibara Ai said that Dr. Ari had nothing to do, thinking about how to get closer and take advantage of the opportunity to talk, but got stuck at the first level, and stared at Subaru Okiya. After a short while, he randomly brought up a topic, "When did your relationship with Brother Feichi become so good? You two chatted outside the doctor's house at noon, right?"

It's too difficult to get closer, she won't.

I feel that this kind of talk has no effect on bringing the relationship closer. Instead, it is more like a review and interrogation...

Okiya Subaru flashed in his mind, "Shirley has always been on guard against me, do you think I'm going to hurt Mr. Chi?", "It's true to get close to Mr. Chi first, and it's easier to break into the big group.", "Sulli has become smaller You are very brave, are you going to take the initiative to attack', 'Suddenly want to threaten maliciously', 'No, Mr. Chi is still washing the dishes in the house, if you take it off, you will be in trouble' and other thoughts, with a squint on his face With a confused face, squinting, "Huh? Isn't my relationship with Mr. Chi always good? Speaking of which, he often brings me presents, but I haven't given him many gifts..."

The thinking of the three children was decisively led astray, and they began to talk about digestion after meals.

"That said, we seem to be the same."

"Yeah, Brother Chi is buying us gifts..."

"Okay, it's decided! Another day we will prepare a super gift for Brother Chi!"

Hui Yuanai withdrew his gaze and looked up at the sky.

The plan failed, it seems that she can only take it slowly in the future, she still digests first.

The three children brought up the topic, and a group of people chattered about it, from 'prepare a gift for Chi Feichi', to 'Chi Feichi's birthday', to 'go to the Gomera movie in two days', and Speaking of tonight's arrangements and recent plans.

When Chi Feichi washed the dishes and went out with digestive tablets, a group of people slumped on the chairs with their stomachs outstretched, but they negotiated an arrangement to stay at the doctor's house tonight and go directly to the police station to take notes tomorrow.

Chi Feichi handed out the digestion tablets, "So, did Yue Shui also decide to stay overnight at the doctor's house?"

Yueshui Nanatsuki took the digesting tablet Chi Feichi handed over, put it in his mouth and chewed, "It's not me, it's us, if you have nothing to do, you can stay here too, my stomach is still very full now, and I suddenly felt sick while driving. Stomach pain can be very dangerous, your back injury is just right, and sudden back pain while driving is also very dangerous, so I think we should just stay together..."

"Mr. Okiya, do you want to stay?" Haibara Ai asked suddenly.

She decided to try 'leading wolves into the house' - we all slept in the Datong bunk together, and when they fell asleep at night, maybe Okiya Subaru next door would have a secret chat with Brother Feichi?

Okiya Subaru's first reaction was 'something is wrong with Shirley', and he turned to look at the Kudou house next door, "But..."

He lives next door, does he need to sleep with everyone on the floor at the doctor's house?

Conan leaned closer to Haibara Ai, and asked in a low voice suspiciously, "You were not such an enthusiastic person before, let alone Mr. Subaru, what's going on tonight?"

"Enthusiasm? Do you have it?" Haibara Ai pretended to have the same reaction as usual, glanced at Conan, and faced Dr. Ali who was staring at him with wide eyes, and explained calmly, "Before going to bed, Nanatsuki can talk to you Ayumi and I can talk about girls, and Edogawa, Kojima, and Tsuburaya can also chat. Our topics may be a bit boring for Brother Feichi. Doctor, you are the type who sleeps when you touch the pillow. I It might be better to have someone to talk to Brother Feichi with."

Is it just that?

Okiya Subaru thought about Huiyuan Ai's defense against him, and was skeptical about this, but decided to take the initiative and test it out, "In this case, why don't you let Mr. Chi and I live next door? His waist is just right, and he sleeps on the bed. It seems to be better, I think the host will not mind my friend temporarily staying for one night, and the Kudou couple and Mr. Chi are also friends, if they know, they will definitely agree."

If Shirley dared to agree, then he would have to wonder if Mr. Chi and Shirley suspected him, and discussed some plan to test him and lift his vest.

"I don't think so," Huihara Ai was worried about Chi Feichi and Okiya Subaru leaving the team, and immediately found a reason, "It's too deserted for the two of you to go back next door, and it will be more lively when you stay with everyone. "

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Isn't that what he thought? So what is Shirley planning?

Ayumi agrees with Hui Yuanai's statement, she nodded with a smile and said, "We haven't gone camping together with Brother Chi for a long time!"

Okiya Subaru looked at Chi Feichi who was standing aside after distributing the digestion tablets, and continued to test, "Mr. Chi, what do you think?"

"I was planning to call the driver to pick me up..." Chi Feichi looked at the three children who were suddenly depressed, "But it's been a long time since I went camping with you all, so it's good to stay at the doctor's house tonight , you can live anywhere.”

"Is that so..." Okiya Subaru squinted his eyes and smiled, "Then I'll stay tonight too, we seem to be more alive when we're together!"

Looking at the situation, Mr. Chi really doesn't care where he lives. Didn't he discuss something with Shirley?

He didn't plan to go out to investigate anything tonight, so he might as well stay to observe the situation and see what Shirley wanted to do.

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