Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2270 The so-called bedtime story

That night.

Okiya Subaru was a little more restrained in eating vegetables before, and he was the first to finish digestion. Under the leadership of Dr. Ali, he moved out mattresses, quilts, and pillows from the room in batches.

Others helped, and soon a row of floor beds were spread out in the living room, and the nameless cat's litter was carried to the side by the three children.

Chi Feichi wanted to maintain the image of 'just recovering from a back injury', slow down and sit down, and then lie down directly.

Okiya Subaru was naturally placed next to Chi Feichi, out of consideration for taking care of the wounded, he stretched out his hand to help Chi Feichi pull the quilt.

Chi Feichi looked at Okiya Subaru who retracted his hand, and was silent for a while, "I feel very strange."

He and Fenmao once faced each other on a high-rise building. If they took off their masks, there would be a high probability that they would think about how to plot against each other if given the chance.

This harmonious and friendly scene is so strange that he feels weird.

"Strange?" Okiya Subaru was full of vigilance, thinking frantically whether he had revealed something.

It is very dangerous for him to sleep here, with a fake face and a voice changer under the high collar, if he is not careful, he will be spotted by the keen Mr. Chi next to him.

That means that he should be very careful when he sleeps tonight, and he'd better be the first to wake up tomorrow before everyone else wakes up.

Well, he decided not to sleep at all, this is the price he needs to pay to find out what Shirley is planning, and he will catch up on sleep after returning to the next door tomorrow...

"Probably because I haven't camped with Mr. Okiya before," Chi Feichi casually found an excuse, "I think it's strange that you will be lying next to me."

"I seldom camped outside with my friends before, and I was not used to it," Okiya Subaru said with narrowed eyes, heaved a sigh of relief, and looked at the children around who were about to play poker, "Then, let's Want to chat about something?"

Since Xue Li wanted him to 'chat with Chi Feichi', then he would follow the trend and see what the 'chat' was about.

"Wait a minute," Chi Feichi suddenly thought of something, and turned to look at the other people gathered together, "Since it's rare for everyone to get together, how about I tell you a story?"

"Really?" Ayumi's eyes lit up, she turned her head to confirm with Chi Feichi, "Is it a story like 'Unheard Flower Name'?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki resolutely gave up the poker cards she was shuffling.

Rather than playing cards, she wanted to hear what stories Mr. Chi would tell.

"We want to listen!"


Genta and Mitsuhiko shouted expectantly.

"Wait, wait," Conan said vigilantly, "Brother Chi, you don't know how to tell such scary horror stories?"

Chi Feichi thought about it seriously, "Strictly speaking, it's probably a hero story, or a bedtime story."

He thought about it for a while, and the most suitable story for children to listen to before going to bed, which he knew, was probably...the story in "Hell Girl".

At least in his eyes, the plots of those stories are not scary, and they reflect the dark side of society, which are very suitable for bedtime conversations.

"Oh?" Dr. A Li was a little interested, and said with a smile, "A heroic bedtime story? It would be very interesting!"

Okiya Subaru pondered Chi Feichi's sudden intention of telling a story, and decided to listen first before speaking, "I'm also a little curious about what kind of story that is."

"Then, doctor, please turn off the light and leave only the night light for illumination." Chi Feichi lay down and looked at the ceiling. He lay down like this, and the light above was really dazzling. "Everyone lie down and go to sleep after listening to the story."


Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi happily got into bed.

Dr. A Li turned off the ceiling light, and the night light on the table was dimly lit, leaving only the vague outlines of furniture in the living room.

Chi Feichi waited for the others to lie down under the covers, and after Dr. A Li, who turned off the lights at the end, also came back to lie down, he asked aloud, "Have you ever heard of the urban legend of hell communication?"

"Hell communication?" Dr. Ali looked at the ceiling in doubt and recalled, "Is there such an urban legend?"

"Yes," Koshimizu Nanatsuki actively participated in the interaction, recalling, "It's a legend that has been circulated among students recently. It seems to have spread a lot among middle school and high school girls. Ayumi and Xiaoai are still young. I probably haven’t heard of it. When I was cleaning the yard of the Seven Detective Agency, I heard a passing female junior high school student say that it is said that at twelve o’clock in the middle of the night, I searched for the website of ‘Hell Communication’, and sent my resentful person’s Enter the name into the chat box and send it, and the object of resentment will be dragged into hell..."

Conan Banyueyan complained, "It sounds like the legends of 'cursed notes' and 'cursed statues' in schools in the past. Every few years, they will be popular in schools for a while, but they used to be letters or items, but now Internet users After more, it became a curse website.”

"Conan..." Yuan Tai stared sideways at Conan, speechless, "You are only in the first grade of primary school, right? Don't act like you know the school and its legends very well!"

"Because, because I have heard a lot from sister Xiaolan!" Conan quickly explained, and couldn't help laughing twice.

He just knows it very well. Even if you don’t count the kindergartens that have no legends, he has been in elementary school for eleven years. Have you never heard of campus strange stories or urban legends?

Those stories are updated every few years, but the specific content is similar.

"Feichi, does the story you want to tell have something to do with this legend?" Dr. Ali helped Conan divert the attention of others.

"Of course it has something to do with it," Chi Feichi saw that Koshimizu Nanatsuki had already popularized the content of the legend, so he started telling the story without delay, "In a middle school, a certain second-grade teacher organized the students in the class to Fundraising for public welfare, the students raised a total of 100,000 yen to help those who have difficulties in life, and the teacher himself donated 100,000 yen, and the money was temporarily kept by the monitor Mayumi Hashimoto..."

Yuan Tai couldn't help but asked in doubt, "How did brother Chi know about that class?"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Conan had a black line, "It's a story after all."

Chi Feichi continued, "When school was over, Mayumi Hashimoto searched all over the desk and schoolbag, and found that the money was missing..."


Ayumi whispered in surprise, and because she was looking forward to the development of the situation later, she held back all the following words.

Conan recalled the "hero story" and "bedtime story" that Chi Feichi said before, and suddenly thought of the plot of "the famous detective in the class uses his wisdom to help the girl find the lost donation", thinking Wondering whether Chi Feichi will use it to deal with children's stories, and at the same time feel that he can have expectations for Chi Feichi's reasoning.

"A week later, Mayumi Hashimoto handed over 200,000 yen in a fundraising event organized by the school," Chi Feichi said, "The students were very happy and posted the donation rebate certificate on the wall next to the blackboard in the classroom... "

"How did you get the money back?" Conan still couldn't help asking.

Compared with the level of telling horror stories before, Chi Feichi's story today seems to be not very good.

What about the process of catching the criminal and recovering the stolen donation? That's the point, why did you skip it?

"Mayumi Hashimoto didn't find the lost money," Chi Feichi said. "That evening, when she was anxiously looking for donations, Kuroda, a girl in her class, saw it at the door of the classroom and offered to lend her the money. She needs to pay back the money little by little, and because she couldn't find the money, Hashimoto Mayumi agreed."

"Kuroda is a very enthusiastic girl!" Ayumi couldn't help but asked with a smile, "Have they become good friends since then?"

"No," Chi Feichi didn't care about Conan's and Ayumi's questions. As long as it wasn't a silly question, he would be happy to let other people interact with each other. There are two attendants, and occasionally let Mayumi Hashimoto help them buy things. Of course, Mayumi Hashimoto pays for the shopping. If Mayumi Hashimoto hesitates, she will say, "I helped you so much before." What's the matter, why don't you invite us to drink a glass of juice', Hashimoto Mayumi couldn't refuse..."

As Chi Feichi continued, the children probably recognized the characters of the two and fell silent.

Kuroda repays his kindness, and uses the things he has helped to keep asking Mayumi Hashimoto to pay. Sometimes he asks Mayumi Hashimoto to treat guests to eat, and sometimes he asks Mayumi Hashimoto to do duty for him. Watching the two servants enjoy the feeling of ordering Mayumi Hashimoto, as long as Mayumi Hashimoto hesitates, she will mention her kindness to lend money to Mayumi Hashimoto.

Hashimoto Mayumi is a good-tempered and somewhat timid girl who chooses to compromise and give in again and again, but she can't stand being squeezed like this.

Chi Feichi has seen campus bullying in Japan, not to mention that the original consciousness body has a lot of personal experience memories, even the bullying between girls, the original consciousness body has not seen it before, so when narrating, complete Some things that did not appear in the plot of "Hell Girl" are also advanced at a speed of "increase".

He felt that the original plot was omitted too much, and people who didn't understand the process couldn't understand why Hashimoto Mayumi had to borrow the power of hell, such as the three real children of the boy's death group.

Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi only listened to the story, but they couldn't help but sigh for Mayumi Hashimoto and frown at what Kuroda did. Their emotions were completely driven by the story, while Dr. Koshimizu Nanatsuki, including Okiya Subaru, felt the "truth" from the story, and their thoughts couldn't help but sink into it.

Haibara Ai heard that Mayumi Hashimoto stole money from her parents in order to pay off the money as soon as possible and get out of trouble, she couldn't help but frowned, and temporarily interrupted Chi Feichi's narration, "That's useless at all!"

"Why, why?" Mitsuhiko asked doubtfully, "After paying off the money, Mayumi Hashimoto faced unreasonable demands, so why not just refuse?"

Yuan Tai muttered, "Kuroda wouldn't force her, would he? That would be too unreasonable!"

"That's not good." Haibara felt that it was necessary to talk about this issue seriously with the three real children, "Kuroda regarded her as an object of entertainment, bullying, and oppression, and Hashimoto Mayumi didn't know how to refuse Even if she pays off the money, Kuroda will probably use these things to squeeze her in the future."

"That's right," Dr. A Li said in a serious tone, thinking that there is still a little girl listening here, "In the face of unreasonable requests, you must have the courage to refuse at the beginning, so that people will not make progress!"

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