Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2287 is really special

"Huh?" Mao Lilan stopped in her tracks, turned her head to look at the little boy Sawada Hiroki who was walking along with the anti-lost rope on his hand, and asked in surprise, "Brother Feichi, Xiaoshu doesn't plan to stay with you for a few days God? I want you to take him to the Maori Detective Agency tomorrow to play."

Hiroki Sawada looked up at the group of people, and smiled cutely, "Because my brother is in Tokyo, so I have to go home to live at night, otherwise grandpa will be very worried if he knows that I won't go home at night."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki leaned over to look at Sawada Hiroki, and boasted with a smile, "Xiaoshu is really a good boy!"

Mao Lilan also bent down to look at Sawada Hiroki, and asked with a smile, "So, where is Xiaoshu's house? Is it far from the Mori Detective Agency?"

"I lived in Eguda before, in another district," Sawada Hiroki smiled cutely, "After my brother came back, we lived in Mihua Town."

Conan turned his head and looked at Hiroki Sawada.

This brat moved to Mihua Town?

However, maybe because I am familiar with everyone, Xiaoshu seems to be more coquettish than before...

"Xiaoshu lives in Mihua Town now," Mao Lilan said with a happy smile, "If Xiaoshu feels bored another day, I can ask my family to bring you to the Maori Detective Agency to play!"

"But I'm going to the United States for a physical examination in two days," Hiroki Sawada said, "I don't know when I'll be back."

"Check the body?" Mao Lilan asked curiously, "Is there any discomfort in Xiaoshu's body?"

"His eyes are not very good. It has been like this since he was born." Chi Feichi looked down at the messages on his mobile phone, and looked up at the black car driving up the street. "Now he has been wearing special contact lenses."

Conan looked into Hiroki Sawada's eyes in surprise.

That's a congenital deficiency...

Suzuki Sonoko approached Sawada Hiroki, leaned over to look at it, "I really can't tell..."

"Xiaoshu has been wearing contact lenses, will it feel uncomfortable?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked concerned.

Mao Lilan was also distressed, "Is there a way to cure it?"

"It's okay, I'm used to it, and it will definitely be cured in the future..." Sawada Hiroki was uncomfortably stared at by the three girls, and found a familiar figure on the side of the street getting out of the car and walking over, he quickly waved his hand, "Mr. Yasushi, this way!"

Yasuji Kuroki was wearing a dark blue suit, and he was tall, thin, and elegant. He looked more like the secretary of the president of a company. After locking his eyes on the position of Hiroki Sawada and the group, he walked forward steadily. , and greeted Chi Feichi with a friendly smile, "Master Chi, my Young Master Mo asked me to pick up Young Master Xiaoshu back. Thank you very much for taking care of Young Master Xiaoshu today. Sorry to trouble you."

"It's nothing," Chi Feichi said politely to Kuroki Yasuji, "Xiaoshu is very worry-free to take care of, and everyone likes him very much."

"It's good that everyone doesn't find it troublesome. Young Master Mo said that the house hasn't been tidied up yet, so we can only invite you and Young Master Xiaoshu's other people to the house as guests at another day. I hope you will treat me well then. Of course, your friends will too." Similarly, if everyone can be a guest, Master Mo will be very happy." Yasushi Kuroki relayed Feimo's polite words, knelt down and hugged Hiroki Sawada, stood up and nodded to Chi Feichi, "Then, let's take our leave first. gone."

Suzuki Sonoko stared at Yasuji Kuroki in a daze for a long time, until Yasuji Kuroki turned around and left with Hiroki Sawada in his arms. He's a handsome guy!"

Mao Lilan grabbed Suzuki Sonoko's wrist with his backhand, and his eyes were also excited, "It seems to be Yasuji Kuroki!"

Suzuki Sonoko didn't expect Mao Lilan to be as excited as her, but she was not so excited, "Huh?"

Conan suddenly felt a sense of crisis, he raised his head and pretended to be obedient and asked, "Sister Xiaolan, do you know that person?"

"He was the world judo champion nine years ago. He was known as the most talented judo player back then. Like Kyogoku, he started to go abroad to participate in competitions in high school. After a few years, he got it as he wished. The champion of the World Series!" Mao Lilan laughed, "My father also practiced judo, so I have been following his games in the early years. The year he won the World Series, my father was very happy to say that he would celebrate... ..."

After speaking, Mao Lilan stopped suddenly, sighed resentfully, and then continued, "Because my mother also supported Mr. Kuroki Yasuji very much. My mother had just left home not long ago, and the two of them rarely wanted to celebrate together. I thought they would be able to reconcile as before, but I didn't expect them to quarrel in the end, and they broke up unhappy."

Conan had a calm look on his face.

It was not the first time that the couple happily got together and then suddenly quarreled and broke up. It was probably because of some trivial matter.

"By the way, I remembered," Koshimizu Nanatsuki recalled, "It seems that he announced his retirement that year? The reason is..."

"I hate the feeling of being restrained!" Mao Lilan immediately stated the reason for Yasuji Kuroki's retirement, and said speechlessly, "My mother was lamenting that it was a pity that he retired that night, but my father not only did not comfort him, but also said in a very puzzled manner. ...'Oh, actually, I can understand Kuroki, it's really annoying to be restrained, a person can do whatever he wants, I feel a lot less trouble'!"

Conan could imagine Fei Yingli's downcast face, and he couldn't help sweating.

Uncle is really going to die...

"Just like that, the two of them quarreled in the restaurant," Mao Lilan said with a black face, "It turns out that there are also fans of Mr. Kuroki in that restaurant. Some people think that Heimu's choice should be respected, and some people think that Heimu It is an irreparable regret that Mister retired, so many people also joined in the quarrel, which eventually turned into a restaurant farce."

"Whether others support it or not, Yasuji Kuroki has disappeared from the official competition stage since then," Koshimizu Nanatsuki recalled the information he had learned, "In the next two years, there were rumors that he participated in the competition in some countries. It was an unofficial event, which offended the local gangsters, but the rumors have not been confirmed."

"Informal competition..."

Conan murmured, and immediately reacted.

Isn't that the underground black boxing competition?

"Rumors, they must all be rumors!" Suzuki Sonoko waved his hand nonchalantly, "He is the world champion in regular competitions, how could he participate in informal competitions? And Mr. Kuroki doesn't look like someone who offended the gangsters So those must be rumors, he has probably been working in Xiaoshu's house for the past few years."

"Compared with those years, he feels really different now. He used to have an aura of not giving up until he defeated the enemy, but now he is much more gentle and easy-going," Mao Lilan said with a smile, "In fact, this is also very good. Ah, maybe he found that he didn't like the game that much, so he chose a path that made him most comfortable."

When the girls were walking towards the train station, Chi Feichi followed and did not participate in the discussion.

That rumor is true. Yasuji Kuroki participated in informal competitions after retiring. Since he has been wearing a mask during the competition, it has not been confirmed by the outside world.

But there are people in the know about this matter, such as the old man and housekeeper of the Mizuno family, and perhaps Iori Mugo, the housekeeper of Ooka Momiji, and the ones who know about this later are Fei Mo and Hiroshi Sawada who took over Yasuji Kuroki. The tree, the ark...he.


The black car was driving on the street, and the middle-aged driver focused on driving, making the car run very smoothly.

In the back seat, Hiroki Sawada leaned against the seat and was drowsy.

Sitting next to him, Feimo adjusted his recent itinerary with his mobile phone, and asked aloud, "Are you tired from playing today?"

"I haven't been to many places," Sawada Hiroki yawned, "After meeting everyone at the station, we went to a nearby dessert shop. It was Yukihiko Tsujimoto, a chocolate dessert chef who recently won a gold medal in the World Series. The store seems to be a gold medal winner reward sponsored by the Suzuki Foundation..."

Yasuji Kuroki once again witnessed a certain young man being able to explain things clearly and accurately at a young age, and still felt novelty, so he spoke up to Hiroki Sawada, "How is your experience in the store? If you have desserts you like, If you want to eat it in the future, I will arrange someone to go to the store to buy it, of course, chocolate is not good, that is not suitable for children."

"Most of the desserts there are chocolates," Sawada Hiroki leaned on Feimo's lap, feeling a little melancholy, "Miss Sakura Mayuko who has always supported Tsujimoto, you should have heard of it? She said she could give me other desserts , but I didn’t eat it at all, and the store caught fire.”

Yasuji Kuroki was a little surprised, "There's a fire in the shop?"

"Mayuko Sakura set up a murder trap and killed Yukiko Tsujimoto, because Yukiko Tsujimoto didn't want to marry her after she became successful, and said she was worthless," said Hiroki Sawada, "In short, Tsujimoto Yukihiko was burned alive on the spot, Sakura Mayuko was arrested by the police for murder, and the store was also blackened by black smoke. I think the Suzuki Foundation will recycle it in the future, and it will not be used again in the future. There is such a dessert shop, and by tomorrow, the news should report this matter."

Yasuji Kuroki twitched his mouth when he heard the words 'killed' and 'burned alive', "Your experience today is really... very special, but you don't seem to feel scared, don't you think someone died Is it a terrible thing?"

"It's not the first time I've seen murder, corpses, etc." Hiroki Sawada thought for a while, "I went to play with the first grade students of Didan Elementary School, and I saw someone murder in the abandoned building. They also climbed into the truck compartment where the murderer threw the corpse, causing us to hide in the compartment and watch the whole process of the murderer throwing the corpse..."

Kuroki Yasuji: "..."

It is unimaginable that a child of this age has such a rich experience.

"Jingji, are you afraid?" Feimo Zhengtai turned to look at Kuroki Yasuji, "Grandpa said, you have participated in informal competitions abroad before, and many of those competitions are based on the results regardless of life or death, right?"

Yasuji Kuroki didn't answer in a hurry, and looked up at the driver driving in the front seat.

Fei Mo also looked at the strong golden eagle warrior who was transferred to be his driver, "He is my man, so he won't talk nonsense to the outside world."

Kuroki Yasuji was not at ease, and decided to pay more attention to it in the future, but he still nodded to Feimo, and said frankly, "The irregular competition I participated in is not a game where the loser must die, but I have no knowledge of the means of attack. In addition, the opponents doze more viciously for high rewards or other reasons. Generally speaking, during the competition, there are many cases of serious injuries to the contestants, but they are not necessarily fatal."

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