Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2326 is the style of his apprentice

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen. Xiao Hai probably doesn't know the identity of Mr. Chi..." Yoko Okino sighed again, "But Mr. Chi must have heard the president talk about Xiao Hai. Faced with this situation, he probably also It will be difficult.”


Koshimizu Nanatsuki couldn't help but secretly looked at Yoko Okino's somewhat sad side face.

At this time, aren't you more worried about Ayumi's situation, and whether the two colleagues and friends are lying, but are you more worried about whether Mr. Chi will be embarrassing...

Yoko Okino turned her head to Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Mori Ranmu with a helpless smile, "If this happened to my fans and my friends, I would definitely feel embarrassed, trusting one party means that I don't trust the other party. "

Koshimizu Nanatsuki stopped staring at Yoko Okino and said with a smile, "I think Mr. Chi will have a solution..."

It should be that Ms. Yoko also has fans, so it is easier to imagine whether Mr. Chi is in a difficult situation in this situation.

"Yes, there will be a solution!" Conan was hugged by Mao Lilan, his eyes were still staring at the group of people in the room, but there was a smile on the corners of his mouth and eyes, "There is also a possibility that Ayumi didn't Lying, Miss Xiaohai didn't lie either..."

He understood why Chi Feichi let him stay outside.

Because Chi Feichi had imagined this possibility.

Ayumi didn't lie, and Ms. Aomei didn't lie, so there must be something wrong in the link of "witnessing Ayumi stealing something". It may be a misunderstanding caused by some kind of coincidence, or it may be a trap set up by someone.

You can't find the problem just by listening to the person concerned. You still need people to observe the surrounding environment and find the key point that allows them to see through the truth.

"Aren't they lying?" Mao Lilan frowned suspiciously, "But..."

Conan had already broken free from Mao Lilan's arms, jumped to the ground, and ran out, "Sister Xiaolan, I'm going to the bathroom, I'll be back soon!"

"Hey..." Mao Lilan didn't have time to ask, and Conan ran away without a trace.

Hui Yuanai withdrew his gaze and continued to look into the room.

Edogawa and Brother Feichi seem to be plotting something, but no matter whether it is true or not, it is good that Edogawa can find out, the experience of being wronged and stolen is not very good, especially for children, it is easy to leave psychological shadowy...


In the room, under the questioning of Mori Kogoro, the person involved told the story again.

Ayumi was wearing a music festival T-shirt that was scratched by the sausage in Yuanta's hand and got ketchup on it. Since that T-shirt was just put on the original T-shirt, Ayumi is going with everyone On the way to Yoko Okino's break room, she left the team to go to the bathroom by herself, ready to take off her T-shirt and scrub the ketchup on it.

But when Ayumi was at the sink and was about to scrub her clothes, someone took advantage of the first power outage and bumped into her from behind, locked her in a room, and told her with a low, vague female voice outside the door—— 'The key is in the backpack on the table, just get it yourself if you want to come out'.

In order to leave the room, Ayumi rummaged through the bag on the table, but there was no key in the bag.

Until the second power outage, it was dark all around, Ayumi heard the sound of the door opening, touched the wall and left the room, went to a nearby light place, took off the red T-shirt on it, Immediately afterwards, he was found by the security guards who were searching.

Aomei, Hongshanfeng, and Kuroi Reiko said the same as before. After the event, the three went to Hongshanfeng's lounge to chat, and then saw Ayumi from the window in Aomei's room opposite. , and saw Ayumi turning over the backpack on the table, the power went out when the three ran over anxiously.

What Chi Feichi cared about was that Qing Laihai said, "Although you ran away, the way you ran out of the room was seen by the lady in black", instead of "When you ran out of the room, I/ We saw'.

Chi Feichi heard what Qingase Hai said, looked up at Reiko in black, and asked aloud, "Miss in black, did you see Ayumi running out of Qingase's room?"

Reiko in black was locked on by Chi Feichi's eyes, and she was taken aback before saying, "Yes, yes."

"Qing Lai, Hong Shan," Chi Feichi looked at Qing Lai Hai and Hong Shan Feng again, "Didn't you go there at the same time as Miss Black?"

Hong Shanfeng looked at the other two, and explained softly, "Miss Heiyi suggested that we go around on both sides to prevent the child from running away from the other side, because there was a power outage on the way there, Miss Xiaohai and I We couldn't see the way clearly, so we were delayed for some time. After the call, we arrived at Miss Xiaohai's lounge, and the lady in black arrived at the door at about the same time as us, so it should be considered that we were there at the same time..."

"Then why didn't you see Ayumi running out of the room?" Chi Feichi looked at Qingse Hai, "Qingse said that the lady in black saw Ayumi running out of the room, not 'I' or 'we' If you saw it, it means you didn’t see it, right?”

"I was using a key to open the door of the lounge." Qingse Hai took out a key to show others, and explained with a frown, "As soon as the door was opened, the lady in black pointed to the corridor and said that the child was there , we immediately chased after her. If we really want to say, Miss Xiaofeng and I did not see her running out of the room, but all three of us saw her rummaging through my backpack in my lounge. In that red T-shirt she was holding in her arms..."

Saying that, Ayase Kai looked at Ayumi angrily again, "We can even see the face of Miss Yoko on that T-shirt, and the word 'Yoko' is printed on it, right? Even if it is Children, if you make a mistake, you have to admit it!"

"I really didn't steal anything from you," Ayumi stopped crying not long after, facing Qing Lai's questioning, her eyes were red again, she stood up and said, "You can search me..."

Chi Feichi sat next to Ayumi, lost his mind for a moment because of Ayase Kai's words, and was brought back to his thoughts by Ayumi's words, reached out and patted Ayumi on the back, "Okay, it's not like a body search. point."


Qing Lai also stood up with a swish, and stared at Chi Feichi with an expression of 'you are unfair, I am super wronged', and her eyes were even a little red like Ayumi.

"Min also said that you have a strong personality, and you are like a child, and you look like you are about to cry." Chi Feichi looked at Qing Lai Hai and continued calmly, "Qing Lai Seto, I always believe that Ayumi is not that kind of child, but it does not mean that I will unreasonably favor her. If a child makes a mistake, and adults still unreasonably defend her, it will not be good for her growth. , but if that child didn't make a mistake, being wronged would be a hurt that she would never let go of in her life. I hope Ayumi can grow up well. Because of this, I hope to clarify things even more, so give me Ten minutes, ten minutes later, either I will convince you, or you will convince me."

"I..." Qingse Hai paused, nodded and looked away, "I see."

"Let's go take a look at your lounge." Chi Feichi got up and walked towards the door without looking at Reiko in black, "Of course, there is also Miss Black's lounge. I remember that in the list of artist lounge arrangements, her The living room is right next to…”

Reiko in black hurriedly followed, "Wait, go see my lounge? W-why?"

"Because I suspect that you are the one playing tricks." Chi Fei walked out of the lounge without looking back.

Reiko in black: "..."

Are you speaking so directly?

Maori Kogoro:"……"

Just now he thought that his apprentice was really a gentleman when he was reasonable, but looking at it now, he is more familiar with this kind of apprentice, is his apprentice's style.

Hong Shanfeng looked at the stunned black-clothed Reiko, hesitated, but still didn't speak, and followed Chi Feichi with his head down.

Before she found out the truth, she really didn't dare to speak casually...

Qing Laihai didn't think too much about it, but he didn't understand why Chi Feichi would suddenly get involved with Reiko in black, chased after him and asked, "Advisor, how could this matter be caused by Miss Black? When we were in the lounge, the lady in black was right next to us..."

Outside the door, Dr. Ali, Nanatsuki Koshimizu, Ran Mao, and Yoko Okino immediately led the children to follow.

"If my reasoning is correct, Ayumi should be in Miss Black's lounge at that time, not yours," Chi Feichi walked to Reiko's lounge next to him, without any intention of showing off "Just put a mirror in the yard and tilt it to a certain angle, so that when you look at the opposite side, what you actually see is the lounge of the lady in black reflected in the mirror. I remember that because it is only a temporary lounge, The layout of the lounge here is the same, including the tables and chairs in the room and the wall clock on the wall are all exactly the same..."

Qing Lai Hai did not rush to refute this time, but just frowned and thought.

Chi Feichi turned his head suddenly, looked at Reiko in black who was one step behind, and said with a rare hint of teasing in his voice, "Do you want to know why I found out that it was a mirror?"

When others are carnival, he checks safety, when others listen to music, he patrols, when others get together with friends to feel the charm of music, and he has to work hard for the organization, when others go to rest, he hits an incident again.

Let’s not talk about the incident. Aomi said that she saw Ayumi stealing something, and Ayumi said she didn’t steal it. On the one hand, Ayumi who believed that she would not steal and lied, on the other hand, Toshiya praised her character many times. That's right, he didn't look like Aoise Kai who would tell lies and wronged a little girl, but he found out that it was Reiko in black who was playing tricks.

It made him so upset, what kind of attitude do you think he has?

Reiko in black stopped her footsteps and said with a stiff face, "Don't be kidding me, I'm a long-established enka singer..."

"Among the peripheral T-shirts issued by THK, there are two types of T-shirts with Miss Yoko's face printed on them." Chi Feichi interrupted Reiko in black, and continued to walk to Reiko in black's lounge. On the model, the name below the pattern is indeed Ms. Yoko's name 'ヨ—コ', but the red one in Ayumi's hand should be 'A—C—E' under the pattern. Min also thought it was interesting, so she decided on it... "

Ayumi followed Chi Feichi, spread out the T-shirt in her arms, and looked down.

She hadn't noticed before...

"T-really!" Mitsuhiko leaned over to watch, "But the place where the letter A was covered by the ketchup Motota stained, only 'C-E'..."

Yuan Tai raised her hand and scratched her head in embarrassment.

"I see," Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled knowingly, "Miss Xiaokai said that they saw Miss Yoko's name 'ヨ—コ' printed on Ayumi's T-shirt, but the T-shirt actually printed It's 'C-E', it's just the other way around, that's because what Miss Xiaohai and the others saw was actually Ayumi in the mirror, and because the words were opposite, Mr. Chi suddenly thought of the mirror..."

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