Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2327 The last puzzle piece

"In this way, everything makes sense," Hui Yuanai looked at Reiko in black, his tone was still slow, but his face was faintly cold, "You set up mirrors in the yard and attacked a person who was Ayumi in the bathroom locked her into her lounge and told her to find the key in her backpack if she wanted to go out, and then go to Miss Hongshanfeng's lounge, pointing to the steps reflected in the mirror in the yard. Mei, it was said that someone was rummaging through things in Ms. Aoseumi's lounge. Since the yard was dimly lit at night, they didn't find a mirror in the yard, so they mistakenly thought that Ayumi was rummaging through things in Ms. Aoseumi's lounge. ..."

"Afterwards, you suggested that the three of you split up to catch people, and you took the opportunity to go to the lounge where you could drop by, took advantage of the second power outage, opened the door of the room, and rushed to Miss Xiaohai's lounge to meet them," Yue said. Mizunatsuki took the words, "When Miss Xiaohai opened the door of her lounge, you pointed to the corner and said that the little girl ran out of the door while you were not paying attention, and had already gone there. When the lady rushed over, you took the opportunity to enter Miss Xiaohai's lounge, took the cash and MP3 from her backpack, and then caught up with them..."

"You probably didn't catch up with Ayumi at that time, and you probably suggested that Ms. Ayase Kai go back to the lounge to check if there is anything missing," Haibara Ai said, "When Ayase Kai returned to the room and checked the backpack, he found that he was in the bag. I lost the cash and MP3 in the backpack, I only thought that the little girl who entered her room just now must have stolen it, and I would not suspect you at all."

"Then go and look for it!" Reiko in black stopped, with an annoyed expression of being overwhelmed by suspicion, "If you want the mirror in the yard to reflect the situation in another room, that mirror must be It’s very big, at least as tall as a person, right? Whether it’s in my room or anywhere else around, just look for it and see if there’s such a big mirror!”

"There's no need to look for it!"

At the corner, Conan came out dripping wet, followed by two guards. When the others looked over, he raised his head and showed a bright smile, "Because I have already found..."

Living up to Chi Feichi's entrustment, he also made important discoveries outside.

A group of people stopped in their tracks. Reiko in black saw Conan's drenched clothes, her eyes filled with panic, "What, what?"

"I heard uncle guards yelling to catch the thief outside. When Uncle Maori ran over, two uncle guards were searching by the pool outside. They said they heard the sound of water and thought the thief had jumped into the water. I just went there to look for it. Just now I jumped into the pool to have a look," Conan stood in front, stretched his arms like an ordinary child, and deliberately spoke in a childish voice, "then I found it under the pool. A big piece of broken glass, the size of a human!"

After he found the broken glass sinking under the pool, he ran back immediately to exchange information with Chi Feichi, but he didn't expect to hear Chi Feichi, Huiyuan, and sister Nanatsuki talking about mirrors when he came over.

Let him put the last puzzle piece on.

Mori Kogoro was stunned for a moment, "Glass?"

"It should be the glass props that the lady in black puts next to her when she performed "The Sea of ​​Ice" during the day. Since they are props to be used in the performance, there must be a lot of spare large glasses in the backstage. Losing one of them will not cause trouble." Pay attention," Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Reiko in black, with a confident smile on the corner of her mouth, "That kind of big glass is also the props Miss Black in black used to make mirrors tonight, you just need to cover the back of the glass with something black , For example, the black kimono you wear when you perform, the glass will become a big mirror that can reflect the figure."

"It doesn't matter if you don't find the mirror," Chi Feichi looked at Reiko in black with a cold face, "You locked Ayumi in your lounge, turned over your bag with your hands, and left by touching the wall when the power went out. , Fingerprints, hair, dander belonging to Ayumi will stay in your rest room..."

"And Miss Xiaohai's lounge will not have it at all," Conan stepped forward, raised his head to Reiko in black with a smile and said, "Miss in black, if you insist that we are talking nonsense, then call the police! Although it is not a criminal case, according to the regulations, no forensic personnel will come over, but if Brother Chi insists, you can still ask the forensic personnel to come and collect evidence!"

Qing Lai frowned and stared at Reiko in black, "Miss in black?"

"I admit defeat," Reiko in black sighed, and took out an MP3 and a wad of cash from her trousers pocket. "Fortunately, I still think this is a perfect plan."

"Why, why?" Hong Shanfeng asked puzzledly, "Miss in black, why do you want to steal something?"

"Stealing the cash is just to deceive people," Reiko in black showed no sign of repentance, but looked down at the MP3 in her hand, "Recently, my popularity has declined again, but I built a big house again. I want to release a new song in the popular category, and bring the dead back to life by transformation, but I can't make a good track at all..."

As she said that, Reiko in black glanced at Qingse Hai, and said in a casual tone, "I want to steal her music, that's why I came to this music festival, otherwise, I wouldn't come to such a noisy concert." !"

Conan didn't expect Reiko in black to say that, and couldn't help frowning, then raised his eyes to peek at Chi Feichi's face.

Although an enka singer like Reiko in black is labeled as an 'artist' rather than an 'entertainer' by some people, even if she is not regarded as a figure in the music hall like Reiko Akiba, she is not very willing to participate in a show where many people take turns on stage, but This is currently a high-profile music carnival in Japan. He participated in today's event, and he felt that this event has the splendor of "a hundred flowers blooming and competing for beauty". The performance was arranged before and after Reiko in Hei Yi, which already gave Reiko in Hei Yi enough face.

Come to participate in this event, why not insult the identity of Reiko in black, right?

Now that Reiko in black is belittling the music festival so much, I'm afraid she doesn't know that his little friend is eccentric...Huh?

Chi Feichi stood by and looked at Reiko in black, his eyes were as clear as before, there was no discomfort on his face, and he seemed to have no intention of speaking.

Not only Chi Feichi, but also Yoko Okino and Hong Shanfeng frowned slightly, they didn't open their mouths to argue for their own company, their expressions were a bit complicated.

"I originally wanted to carry out the plan with my face masked. Who let that child happen to be alone in the bathroom, so I just took advantage of her." Reiko in Heiyi spread her hands and sighed, "It seems that I still can't Rely on others!"

Seeing that Reiko in black had no regrets, Mao Lilan frowned.

Before Mao Lilan could speak, Qing Lai Hai reached out and snatched his things, as if he was afraid that the treasure would be lost again, he held the MP3 tightly in his hand, and said with a cold face, "Okay, I don't have anything to say to you." You said, if you don't have the heart to repent, I will call the police to deal with this matter, let everyone take a good look at what kind of person you are... Although I want to say this, don't treat others as someone who can be teased by you again and again Fool! Now that I have found everything, I will not pursue it any further, you should reflect on it by yourself!"

Reiko in black looked dissatisfied, "Don't think that you say that..."

"Then don't talk about it," Qingse Hai said angrily, "I want to use disgraceful ways to gain more fame, and I don't hesitate to hurt a child for this. With a person like you, I have nothing to say to you!"

"What's going on here?"

At the end of the corridor, Toshiya Odagiri and Kikuto Morien came along with the guards.

Oda Kiritoshi was also wearing a formal suit, and glanced at a group of people with a serious expression, looking like the president of a big company, "What happened?"

"It's all right now," Chi Feichi said aloud, took off his coat, covered Conan who was soaked in clothes, and said to Mao Lilan, "It's better to let Conan go back and change clothes early, although the weather is hot recently, But it’s windy here at night, so there’s still a possibility of catching a cold.”

"Ah, yes..." Mao Lilan also noticed that the atmosphere was a bit subtle, and she was worried that Conan would catch a cold, so she quickly squatted down, hugged Conan who had just emerged from under the black coat, and pulled Chi Feichi's coat back. Conan hugged his body, "Let's send Conan back to the hotel to change clothes earlier!"

Seeing Chi Feichi say this, Oda Kirimi understood that Chi Feichi was implying that he should not ask questions here. He looked at Okino Yoko, Hong Shanfeng and the others, "It's fine, Juren and I are going to visit the lounge for a while. Circle, see if everyone has gone back, it turns out that you are still here, that's just right, if there is nothing to do here, let's go back together."

Conan was speechless when he thought of Chi Feichi's casual behavior of throwing his clothes over his head, but quickly put these aside, and smiled at Mao Lilan who wanted to hug him, "Don't hug me, sister Xiaolan, I want to Walk back with everyone!"

This time it was rare to be able to cooperate so well with Chi Feichi, and he was actually very happy. Seeing that Chi Feichi didn't mind that he was getting wet and gave him back his coat, he didn't care about those bad attitudes with Chi Feichi. What a little detail.


After Oda Kiritoshi also proposed to leave, the three artists of THK, Yoko Okino, Kaede Hongshan, and Kai Qingase immediately followed up with their president.

Seeing that Reiko in Black said with an uncomfortable face that he wanted to stay for a while, Oda Kirito asked the guards to watch over him again, and arranged for Reiko in a hostess spirit to take Reiko in Black to the hotel, and then withdrew with the protagonist group.

Apart from the patrolling guards, there was no one else in the park.

A group of people were walking on the road, and Chi Feichi took the initiative to mention the missing things in Qingsehai, implying that Oda Kiritoshi could also understand the situation.

Oda Kirito also listened to the children's chatter, and almost sorted out the matter, and smiled a little helplessly, "I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen in the backstage lounge. In fact, enough guards have been arranged, and in order not to let The people who come in and out are too complicated. I also let the artist's agent and assistant stay outside, and only the company's staff is left to take care of them. I didn't expect that there would be an artist stealing things. It seems that next year I need to adjust the artist's arrangement... …This time I wronged Ayumi, I will give you some activity dolls tomorrow, just treat it as me, the person in charge of the activity organizer, apologizing!"

"Thank you Minya brother," Ayumi thought of her friends who were worried about her and worked hard to clear up her grievances. She was no longer panicked and restless, and she was much more energetic. She raised her head and thanked Oda Kirito with a smile, then frowned and whispered, "However, I don't think Brother Minye should apologize..."

"Yeah," Mitsuhiko couldn't hold back seeing Ayumi's initiative, and said with a depressed expression, "Why don't you call the police and arrest Miss Black? Even if you don't call the police, at least let her apologize to Ayumi and Miss Xiaohai Bar!"

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