Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2337 Famous Detective Today Leather

Suzuki Qianjin's 'money ability' was activated, and the problem was solved.

It was too late for the steward of the Suzuki family to rush over with his servants, but the person in charge of the park had to rely on the Suzuki family and the Chi family to live, and had nothing to do with the other contestants in the Miss Hefeng selection contest. He was absolutely trustworthy .

After confirming that the person in charge of the park, the driver who brought Suzuki Sonoko to the park, and the two servants who brought the drum kit would all rush over, a group of people officially assigned work.

Mao Lilan replaced the retired Miss Rose, concealed her identity as a detective daughter and bodyguard from everyone except Shou Hualian's mother and daughter, pretended to be an ordinary contestant, and stayed by Shou Hualian's side as a bodyguard.

Before the start of the competition, Yueshui Nanatsuki and Chi Feichi went to the big stage on the 10th floor where the competition venue was located to inspect. The front hall, the contestants' lounge, the restroom, and the safe passages of the venue from the 20th floor to the 19th floor are checked again.

Sonoko Suzuki participates in the competition well, and is also responsible for Mao Lilan's safety. Don't let Mao Lilan be distracted and affect his performance because he is targeted by others.

Dr. A Li took the five children to walk around, and he could also act with Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki.

"So you are supporters," Chi Feichi said solemnly to the five little devils, "Where there is a shortage of manpower, or any accident, you may be needed to help."

Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko immediately cheered up.

Doesn't this mean that they are 'anywhere, where they may be needed' all-rounders?


"Guaranteed to complete the task!"

Conan and Haibara Ai: "..."

It is suspected that Chi Feichi is purely trying to make the children happy, but when he thinks about it carefully, their existence seems to be indispensable, and sometimes it is very important.

In short, it is an arrangement that they may be of great use, or may not be very useful. It seems to be very suitable for their combination of "real children + fake children". Energy, if something happens, the two of them can definitely help.

"Mr. Chi and I are probably the ones who need the most manpower now. There are too many places to investigate," Koshimizu Nanatsuki touched his chin and thought, "If the doctor and the children help, I think we should be able to Check everything before the game starts."

Daigo Miura thought of the places Koshimizu Nanatsuki had listed before, and suddenly felt a sense of security.

If he even checked the stage and props for them, he wouldn't even have to worry about stage accidents...

Chi Feichi saw the phone and checked the time, "I'll go change clothes first, and the same goes for you, put on the clothes you're going to wear at night, and when you're done changing, Miss Shou Hualian's side should be ready, let's go first Find her to understand the situation, and then start to split up."

Others have no objections, but Suzuki Sonoko's suite here has only two rooms, so only Mao Lilan and Koshimizu Nanatsuki are left to change their dresses here.

For Haihara Ai and others, Suzuki Sonoko generously gave an extra room card, and asked them to go to the room next door where he kept his drum kit to change clothes.

Dago Miura still has work to do to prepare for the competition. He said that he would go and talk to Shou Meiling, and let Shou Meiling receive a group of people at that time, instead of running around with a group of people.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, members of the investigation team gathered at the door of Suzuki Sonoko's room one after another.

Although Chi Feichi had to go downstairs to change clothes, but the others had to wait for the dresses to be delivered and had to take turns changing clothes in the room, so it took about the same amount of time in the end.

The children's dresses that Haibara Ai and Ayumi put on are very similar, only the details are a little different.

This kind of situation is like wearing a 'girlfriend outfit', Ayumi is so happy that she has been holding Haibara's arm, and the two dressed up loli are standing together in the corridor on the red carpet, like a couple Adorable porcelain dolls mounted on red silk.

Dr. Ali looked at the white dress on his body and worried, "There should be a lot of dust in the stairwell. We will have to travel a lot later. If I had known earlier, I would have worn a black dress."

"The hotel has not been built for a long time, and there are not many guests staying. It is usually cleaned very well, doctor, don't worry about it!"

Conan smiled and was relieved, and he was not at all worried that the white children's dress he changed into would get dirty. He just heard Dr. A Li talk about the black dress, and couldn't help but look at Chi Feichi who arrived with them.

Some guy has a soft spot for black dresses...

Chi Feichi was standing against the wall looking at his phone, but when he realized that Conan was looking at him, he turned to look at Conan.

Conan confessed, "I just suddenly remembered that brother Chi didn't seem to be wearing a dress of other colors..."

Hui Yuanai immediately pricked up his ears.

Kudo wouldn't suspect that Brother Feichi had something to do with the organization, would he?

"Evening dresses are all black." Chi Feichi replied, looking away and continuing to look at the phone.

Conan laughed dryly in his heart, and couldn't help joking, "Only the British would think so, right? Evening dresses must be black, and the jackets for formal occasions must also be black. To show solemnity, it's best to wear a tuxedo, while evening dresses must be black." Dresses are usually trimmed with black ribbons..."

Hui Yuanai relaxed his nerves.

Well, the famous detective just wanted to have a casual chat with Brother Feichi, and didn't mean to test him.

"As for the shirt, it must be white, and the vest and bow tie need to be matched according to the time and occasion..." Conan said, feeling that the British have too many rules. He smiled and raised his head and said to Chi Feichi, "Teacher Judy used to He also said that the British are very rigid, I think it’s not a bad thing to change sometimes, right? Brother Chi is so young, try more dresses of different colors, maybe he will be more energetic!"

Chi Feichi frowned slightly, and the finger that pressed the phone screen stopped for a moment, and soon returned to normal, "Don't be like Americans, arrogant and superficial."

The three children Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi were dumbfounded.

Dr. Ali tried to keep the atmosphere harmonious with an awkward smile, "Actually, it's not that serious..."

"It's so serious," Chi Feichi said without raising his head, "Their history is only two hundred years old, and they don't even know what traditional culture is."

Conan smiled and stood aside to watch the fun.

It was really interesting.

In the eyes of Americans, the British are rigid, stubborn, and arrogant, while the Americans in the eyes of the British are nouveau riche, without background, and proud of not knowing what etiquette is... Even if Chi Feichi and Teacher Zhu Di When he got angry, he said "I'm not British", which choked Teacher Judy half to death, and it didn't delay Chi Feichi's view of Americans in this way, and he could also show his arrogance.

The next time he has a chance, he can say to Teacher Zhu Di, "Brother Chi said Americans..." In this case, there is a high probability that Teacher Zhu Di will be able to turn on the indignant reply switch...

Chi Feichi glanced at Conan coldly.

Don't think that he doesn't know that Conan is idle and has nothing to do, so he deliberately came to him to pick things up and watch the excitement.

Famous detectives hide today, be careful of retribution.


Conan's scalp was numb from Chi Feichi's chilly glance, and when he heard Suzuki Sonoko's door open, he looked up and immediately noticed Mao Lilan who came out in a white wedding dress, following behind Suzuki Sonoko.

Mao Lilan changed into the 'rose theme' dress of the previous retirees. It had long sleeves and off-the-shoulder, and the smooth white fabric piled up wrong layers on the hem of the skirt. The dress was not embellished with light gauze, but was inlaid with a lot of white pearls with soft luster , with Mao Lilan's long black hair hanging down and a somewhat shy expression on his face, Conan couldn't take his eyes off at all.

"Sister Xiaolan is so beautiful," Ayumi exclaimed, "Ayumi wants to wear a wedding dress too!"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Not only is she beautiful, but she also thinks that she can try wedding dresses in the future.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

She also wants to wear a wedding dress.

Chi Feichi: "..."

It looked like Yue Shui was wearing a wedding dress.

In order to facilitate movement, Koshimizu Nanatsuki changed into a short evening dress. The surface layer is a light-colored gray-pink gauze layer. The light feather pattern makes people delicate and flexible.

Chi Feichi's first thought: I didn't expect pink clothes to be suitable for Yue Shui, and I can let Yue Shui try it in the future.

Chi Feichi's second thought: Feather elements are also suitable for Yue Shui. You can let Yue Shui try it in the future, as long as you don't squeeze his wings... If Yue Shui is interested in black feathers, and his feathers can grow if you squeeze them, then squeeze them. The feathers on his wings are not bad either.

Chi Feichi's third thought: This skirt is actually a tube top style, help him change the good review just now to a bad review, thank you.

Yueshui Nanatsuki slipped to Chi Feichi's side while the children were chattering around Mao Lilan, and saw Chi Feichi looking at him, and asked softly, a little embarrassed, "How is it? Is it okay for me to wear this dress?" Will it look weird? I want to stay in the background and stare at night. I don’t need to change clothes, but Sonoko said that since everyone has changed, she also prepared dresses for the second and third rounds, and asked me to change one too. Try it out..."

"It's not surprising, it's beautiful," Chi Feichi paused his gaze on Nanatsuki's shoulder blades, feeling that it would be impolite to look any further, and moved his eyes along the line of Nanatsuki's shoulders, "But the venue and There are air conditioners in the backstage, it might be cold at night, it is better to add a coat."

"Really?" Yueshui Nanatsuki heard Chi Feichi say 'very good-looking', immediately rolled his eyes with a smile, and raised his hand to touch his arm, "But there is no suitable coat here in Yuanzi..."

"I'll have someone bring it over." Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone and emailed the person in charge of the park. "When we meet Miss Shouhualian, the coat will probably be delivered."

The others didn't waste any more time, and Suzuki Sonoko led the way to Shou Hualian's room.

In fact, there was no need for Suzuki Sonoko to lead the way. Just as a group of people were about to go to Shou Hualian's room, Shou Hualian's mother, Shou Meiling, walked over from the corridor.

In the morning, the group dressed casually, and Shou Meiling's outfit looked luxurious and grand. Now that everyone is wearing dresses, it makes Shou Meiling's dress color too strong, and the traces of careful grooming are too obvious.

Seeing the group of people in their dresses, Shou Meiling was also stunned for a moment, probably because of her habit of taking her daughter to participate in beauty pageants all the year round, and quickly looked up and down Suzuki Sonoko and Koshimizu Nanatsuki with scrutiny. The three girls, Mao Lilan, found that Mao Lilan was wearing the wedding dress of the first round of the competition, her complexion changed slightly, and her eyes became a little more vigilant.

Fortunately, Shou Meiling did not forget the business, adjusted her expression, and walked forward with a smile, "Mr. Chi, you are here. Mr. Miura said that Mr. Mori needs to be hospitalized for observation, and there is no way to come here to protect Hualian, so let you represent him Come here, Mr. Mori is a well-known Japanese detective, Mr. Chi is his only apprentice, we can feel at ease if you come to help us, then, I will trouble everyone next."

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