Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2338 Are you sure you didn't come here to mess things up?

"Since the teacher promised Mrs. Shou to protect Miss Shou Hualian, as his apprentice, I should share his worries," Chi Feichi said politely to Shou Meiling without further delay, "I don't know if Miss Shou Hualian is now Are you free? We want to see her."

"Please come with me," Shou Meiling smiled and turned to lead the way, "Hua Lian has changed into her dress, Meimei went to the kitchen to serve afternoon tea and snacks, and now there are two contestants visiting Hua Lian, she I don't have time to come over, I was worried that you and your friends couldn't find a room when you came over, so I was going to go to the elevator to have a look, but I saw you when I came here..."

Shou Hualian's room was not very far from Suzuki Sonoko's room. Shou Meiling led a group of people to the door of the room. As soon as she opened the door, she could see a small room in the suite that was used as a temporary dressing room.

There is a large dressing table in the small room, various cosmetics are piled up scatteredly on the table, the fragrance is mixed in the room, as the door is opened, a smoky aroma blows to the face, and with it, it spreads to the door, And the voices of the girls arguing.

"If you don't want to participate, get out early!"

A young girl wearing a white tube top wedding dress stood in the dressing room, her golden curly hair like seaweed was scattered behind her, and the headband gathered the broken hair around her cheeks. Before she had time to put on makeup, her facial features were already bright and charming. It's just that the expression on his face was full of dissatisfaction, and he yelled at the girl kneeling at his feet, "I still say that I feel scared and want to give up the competition. If you miss someone like you, just get out as soon as possible!"

The girl who was reprimanded was also wearing the wedding dress that would be displayed in the first round of the contest, her long black hair was hanging loose, and she knelt on the ground, wiping away her tears and sobbing.

Another short-haired girl who also wore a wedding dress squatted beside her, put her hand on the crying girl's shoulder, looked up at the blonde girl and said, "Hualian, you don't have to say such exaggerated things to Chengxiang! This time The beauty pageant gathers the winners of various beauty pageants, and it is normal for a timid person like Sumika to suddenly not want to participate in the competition, even if it is me..."

As she spoke, the short-haired girl lost all confidence, and her voice gradually became quieter.

"In beauty pageants, everyone will only see the champion. If we fail, all the efforts we have accumulated so far will be wiped out. The girls who come to participate in this competition will be a little scared..."

"The efforts accumulated so far will be in vain?" Shou Hualian looked confident, "Isn't that normal? Because there can only be one queen."

The other two girls were speechless.

"Those who participate in the beauty pageant, even if they fail, have to grit their teeth, smile and send blessings to the winners in front of everyone. This is the woman who enters this industry, and this is the rule of the beauty pageant. Even this kind of awareness is not enough. Those who don't have no qualifications to stand in front of the judges and the audience," Shou Hualian didn't see anyone approaching the door, and pointed to the door to drive away, "Don't disturb the atmosphere here, hurry up and get out!"

Chengxiang, the long-haired girl who was crying before, looked at Shou Hualian with tears in her eyes, "Do you think you will definitely win the championship?!"

"Of course." Shou Hualian still behaved confidently and calmly, "At least you can only become losers."

"What a fool I am, to come to you to complain!"

The girl with long hair yelled and stood up, turned around and was about to run out of the door. When she saw that the door was blocked by a large group of uninvited guests, she stopped her steps quickly, and the high heels under her feet clicked lightly as she took a step back.

"Chengxiang, wait a minute..." The short-haired girl also ran over, and was stunned when she saw a group of people at the door, "Huh?"

"Sorry." Chi Feichi turned sideways to get out of the way.

Dr. A Li and the others came back to their senses, and quickly moved out of the way.

Although the two girls were puzzled by the group of people blocking the door, they looked back at Shou Hualian who was walking over, probably because they didn't want to stay in the same dressing room with Shou Hualian, and left without looking back.

When the girls were arguing, Chi Feichi saw Shou Meiling look at the two girls with a sarcastic smile, but looked at Shou Hualian with eyes full of admiration, obviously very satisfied with her daughter's performance.

But before the two girls ran over, Shou Meiling put away the sneering smile at the corner of her mouth, and resumed her usual dignified appearance. After she turned sideways to let the two girls leave, she reached out to the room and signaled, "Everyone, please come in."

Chi Feichi paid attention to Shou Hualian who was arranging her dress in the dressing room, and took the lead into the room.

The suites of SO Hotel are all luxurious. One wall of the living room is a bright giant floor-to-ceiling window. From the window, you can see the square and garden in front of the hotel. There are leather sofas, coffee tables, pianos and other furniture in the room. planting, flower arranging.

A group of people saw it in Suzuki Sonoko's room, but they were not surprised, they just looked at some furnishings that were different from Suzuki Sonoko's room.

Like a huge full-length mirror in the living room, like a flower arrangement replaced by red roses on the round table...

When a group of people looked at the living room, Shou Meiling also closed the door and followed, smiling and said, "I'm sorry, I made everyone laugh, those two girls and Hua Lian participated in the regional trials just now, they probably I was afraid before, so come to Hua Lian to discuss the matter of withdrawing from the competition, but for them, the beauty pageant is their job, even if they don’t have the courage, they should try their best to face it seriously. Hua Lian has never liked people who give up halfway , that’s why we had a dispute with them.”

Chi Feichi felt that Mrs. Shou knew the art of language very well, so she didn't pay attention to these words, but just nodded her head copingly.

The three children were persuaded carelessly. They turned their heads to look at Shou Hualian who came out of the dressing room, and whispered together.

"Miss Hua Lian really looks like a queen-like girl..."

"It feels so strong..."

"Mother..." Shou Hualian came out of the dressing room, and the headband used to hold up the broken hair had been taken off. There was no makeup on her face, and she did not feel strong, showing a confident and generous demeanor. The dark and bright eyes seemed to have an attractive magic power, but when they saw Mao Lilan, those eyes also flashed vigilance just like Shou Meiling before, and soon, the owner of the eyes calmed down again, and smiled at Chi Fei Chi said hello, "Mr. Chi, I heard from my mother that the matter has passed. Although I don't care much about the threatening letter, she is worried that someone will try to harm me. With your help, she can feel at ease. I will trouble everyone today." .”

Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Suzuki Sonoko, Mori Ran and Conan looked into Shou Hualian's eyes, and while they were amazed, an untimely voice sounded in their minds.

'I can't wait to pluck out her beautiful eyes...'

Mao Lilan: "..."

No, no, no... what was she thinking!

Conan: "..."

He used to think that Chi Feichi was very suitable for telling horror stories, and on a certain occasion, people would suddenly think of those words with a calm tone like a narration.

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

It was so scary, my train of thought was almost led astray by Brother Feichi.

Yue Shui Nanatsuki also hurriedly expelled the voice in her head, and looked intently again, and found that there was no other figure in Shou Hualian's eyes, only Chi Feichi was reflected.

If that's the case, that's all. Shou Hualian is talking to Chi Feichi, and she should look at Chi Feichi, but there is a gentle and graceful smile in those pitch-black eyes. It made her feel a little more uncomfortable being threatened.

She wasn't sure if she was narrow-minded, but she actually felt a little more hostile towards Shou Hualian in her heart.

Regardless of whether Shou Hualian intended to wink or not, the person she was watching was a real 'blind man', and because she had only been courteous to Shou Meiling before, she was not very patient with people.

"I have something I want to discuss with Ms. Hualian," Chi Feichi said bluntly, turning his head to look at the others, and introduced, "This is Nanatsuki Koshimizu, a famous female detective in the south, the successor of Mr. Maori. , please join me in the investigation."

"Ms. Yueshui, hello," Shou Hualian greeted Yueshui Nanatsuki with a smile, "I usually don't pay much attention to the detective industry, I never thought that there are young and beautiful female detectives like you in Japan, and I will trouble you today gone."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt that she could not be dominated by the sense of crisis that came out of nowhere, and she also smiled back, but she still couldn't get close to Shouhualian, and imitated Chi Feichi's previous behavior and left everything to Mao Li. Goro, "Detective Maori has always taken good care of me. Now that he is injured and hospitalized, I will try my best to protect Miss Hualian."

Seeing that Shouhualian's gaze was on Mao Lilan again, Chi Feichi introduced, "This is Teacher Maoli's daughter, Xiaolan, I don't know if Mr. Miura has mentioned to you that she will sneak into the contestants To protect Ms. Hualian, the main reason we came here is to talk to Ms. Hualian about this..."

"Ah, Mr. Miura did say this before," Shou Hualian looked at Mao Lilan with a somewhat uncomfortable expression, "but..."

Chi Feichi could understand Shou Hualian's mood.

It was agreed to arrange bodyguards to protect him and to compete with him, but the bodyguards he arranged actually had the strength to compete with him for the championship.

Are you sure this is protection, and not deliberately arranged by the enemy to smash the scene?

"Let's sit down and talk."

Seeing her daughter's face was stiff, Shou Meiling quickly smiled and beckoned a group of people to sit down, and then took the initiative to explain to Shou Hualian, "Miss Mao Li is a karate master, and she knocked Mr. Miura down with just one move in the restaurant this morning. "

"Really?" Shou Hualian's eyes lit up, and the smile on her face was a little more frank and sincere than a young girl should be. "This is really gratifying! That person has been pestering me. Help me win the beauty pageant, the condition is to date him, after being rejected by me, I still took the trouble to mention it several times, it's really annoying."

Mao Lilan could feel the frankness of Shou Hualian's words, and she couldn't help feeling a sense of intimacy in her heart, "There is still such a thing?"

Shou Hualian nodded, smiling confidently, "I told him that I can win with my strength, so I don't need his help. He is so angry that he is about to smoke!"

Suzuki Sonoko felt that Shou Hualian might not be as difficult to get along with as she thought before, and she also actively joined the gossip chat group, "I heard that Mr. Miura would harass the participating girls. It turned out to be true, but Miss Hualian, you are so Answer him, it's really cool!"

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