Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2346 The spirit may not be normal

"Although we can find ways to make the puppets lighter, puppets made of very light materials will lack texture. The bigger the puppets, the more delicate the workmanship in clothing, makeup and hair is. Light," Shoichi Amano thought for a moment, then shook his head again, "It's no problem to make mechanical puppets that can move by themselves bigger, but stage performances require the cooperation of mechanical puppets and marionettes, and even marionettes can do it." It is the main character of the show with agility. If the mechanical puppet is too big and the marionette is too small, it will also affect the stage effect. After thinking about it, it is really not enough for a puppet that is too big. The size of the child is already taking into account the stage effect and the characteristics of the puppet. It's the limit."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki stopped the topic in a timely manner, and smiled apologetically, "I don't know much about puppet shows, and the proposal just now was a bit self-righteous, I'm really sorry."

"No, people with fantastic ideas are also a group of people who are admired and appreciated by puppet performers, or that is our pursuit, because rich imagination can inject vitality into puppets," Shoichi Amano saw Chi Fei late to the station I went up to see the clown puppet who wrote the letter, and said with a smile, "Just like the clown puppet in front of Mr. Chi, after it joined the performance, I discovered that different people have different understandings of its crying. Some people think it It is to write a letter to restore the lover who just separated. Some people think that it is missing the family, and some people think that it is crying because of the hard life. It is because of people's different ideas that I found the most attractive of the puppet show. The charm is that in addition to the puppeteer, the audience can also give life to the puppet."

"From another perspective, this is also something that can reflect the heart." Chi Feichi squatted in front of the clown puppet, looking down at the clown puppet. "Psychologists can introduce it as an auxiliary prop."

"Is it reflecting the heart? That's true," Amano Sho's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help asking, "Maybe my question is a bit presumptuous, but I'm a little curious. When Mr. Chi sees this puppet, he will think he is a puppet. What are you crying for?"

"Lonely, painful, it may be a bit general to say that." Chi Feichi looked at the tears on the face of the clown puppet, "but the face of the clown is always painted with brightly colored exaggerated oil paint, playing the role of bringing happiness to people. On the stage, they often use exaggerated behaviors to pretend to be ugly and stupid to make people laugh. People laugh, but they don’t pay attention to whether the clown with the big smiling face painted with oil paint is laughing or crying. Among the lively crowd, the clown It is the loneliest and saddest person, and the surrounding puppets circle around it, which seems to reveal that meaning, everyone is performing happily, they don't care whether the clown is crying or laughing, even if the clown is crying, they I will also think that it is a new performance, and amaze and cheer from the sidelines..."

Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko who just exclaimed and cheered: "..."

What's with the sudden sense of guilt for ignoring the pain of others.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

There is a strange feeling in my heart.

Amano Shoichi: "..."

He thought that the idea that a puppeteer could give life to puppets already made people who didn't understand him think he was a little neurotic. He didn't expect Mr. Chi to look at a clown puppet as if he were looking at a living person, as if he was more neurotic than him.

He can suddenly understand those who don't understand him, and now he also suspects that Mr. Chi's spirit may be abnormal...

"So, I think it's crying because it can't be understood by the people around it." Chi Feichi stood up and looked down at the child-sized puppet at his feet, "Although when I saw it for the first time, I thought of a Children writing letters to their parents."

"Mr. Chi's intuition is really sharp, and he is absolutely right," Shoichi Amano said with emotion, not knowing the experience of the young master of the Chi family, "The inspiration for my design came from a movie. The clown in the movie was played by a A fourteen-year-old boy, in that era of lack of food, his parents had to send him to the circus to make a living. He followed the circus to perform around, encountered many things on the way, and suffered a lot of grievances. One day ended After the performance, he cried and wrote a letter to his family. The clown makeup on his face was wiped off because of wiping his tears. This is the last scene of the movie. Because it is very impactful, I made this clown puppet crying and writing a letter. Now I suddenly think, it may cry not only because of homesickness, but also because of loneliness and the pain of not being understood and cared for..."

"It's just a coincidence," Chi Feichi reached out and patted the head of the clown puppet. It came from a memory and could transmit the trauma of one soul to another. Even he didn't understand why he didn't get hurt because of it. Feeling sad and resentful but still caring, "Mr. Amano, what? If you were asked to rewrite the story for this clown puppet, what do you think it is crying for?"

"If I were to write the story..." Sho Amano must have stared at the puppet for a moment, and then said, "It is probably writing a letter to save his lover, but he is upset about why he is so unlucky, so he is crying..."

As he said that, Amano Shoichi smiled embarrassedly again, "Does this expose the fact that I was dumped not long ago? Mr. Chi is right, puppets seem to be able to reflect a person's heart."

"As for the marionette that Mr. Amano used as the protagonist," Chi Feichi looked at the female puppet that Amano Shoichi put on a cardboard box, "In her script, Mr. Amano endowed her with many beautiful characteristics, such as beautiful , kindness, can bring comfort to the suffering people, and is curious about the world, if this is Mr. Amano's fantasy about his lover, then Mr. Amano is either an idealist, or he has a little blessing in his heart."

Shoichi Amano couldn't help but looked at the female puppet, his eyes were complicated for a moment, and he soon smiled relieved, "Yeah, even if we are separated, I still hope that she can be happy."

"There is still freedom," Chi Feichi moved his gaze to Amano Xiangyi's face, his gaze was still as calm as the surface of still water, "It's Miss Hualian, right?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was a little surprised, and quickly followed Amano Shoichi's expression.

Mr. Chi's big move was too sudden.

Her teammate was still wondering if Mr. Chi cared about the fact that his parents left him in the early years, but Mr. Chi suddenly mentioned this, and it was easy for his teammates to have no time to cooperate...

Amano Shoichi was stunned for a moment, the surprise and reminiscence in his eyes did not escape the eyes of Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki, he himself was honest, stepped up to Chi Feichi's side, and looked left and right at the people in the venue. The situation, with a hint of pleading on his face, lowered his voice, "Yes, but my relationship with her is a secret, and we have separated. Now is the critical time for her to participate in the competition. If this kind of thing gets out, it may affect To her, so please keep it a secret.”

"We won't spread the word," Chi Feichi said in a low voice, glanced at the three children who were trying to get closer to listen, and said, "I just said it casually just now, I hope Mr. Amano doesn't mind."

Sho Amano breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head to look at the three children, trying to divert the children's attention with other things, "Do you want to try to manipulate the marionette yourself?"

"Is it really possible?"

All three children's eyes lit up.

The strategy worked, and Sho Amano handed over the operation board of the female puppet in advance. The three children were led by Koshimizu Nanatsuki to try the manipulation of the marionette, and quickly forgot what happened just now.

Amano Shoichi also pulled away to Chi Feichi's side, stood on the stage watching the children play with puppets, and asked in a low voice, "How did Mr. Chi know? It was Ms. Hualian who I dated. I haven't said it to the outside world, and she probably won't."

"The doll's blond hair and beautiful eyes make people think of her easily," Chi Feichi looked at Amano Shoichi, and found that Amano Shoichi really didn't care about the children playing with the female puppet, so he judged that Amano Shoichi was not too strong It is unlikely to be the person who sent the threatening letter. "At the beginning, this marionette bid farewell to the samurai puppets and embarked on a happy journey. You probably also hope that Miss Hualian can leave the gorgeous cage built by her mother." , to find true happiness."

"Are you familiar with them?" Amano Xiangyi asked, and quickly asked himself, "That's right, you are one of the investors of the hotel, you should have met them, in fact, Ms. Hua Lian herself is not very repulsed to participate in the beauty pageant In fact, I suddenly wanted to change the content of tonight's performance. Although I haven't discussed it with the director, I have already decided..."

Next, Amano Shoichi told Chi Feichi what he planned to perform tonight.

A girl is constantly praised for being beautiful and beautiful, but she is not satisfied. She looks in the mirror every day, only interested in how to make herself more beautiful.

Finally, the girl became the most beautiful person in the village, but the girl was still not satisfied. She started to travel and traveled all over the country, learning how to make herself more beautiful. People who met her also praised her as the most beautiful people.

One day, even the prince of this country came to propose to the girl, but the girl rejected the prince's proposal and continued her journey.

"However, one day, neither the mirror nor the water could reflect the girl's figure anymore. The terrified girl began to look for something that could reflect her face, but she couldn't find it. She could only ask everyone she met. Whether she is beautiful or not, although the answers of passers-by are all beautiful, but she does not believe it, and gradually, she can't even hear other people's voices," Amano Xiangyi said in a low voice, looked at Chi Feichi again, and said seriously , "Once a woman is too obsessed with beauty, it is easy to lose herself. Many of the Miss Hefeng who participated in the competition today may feel confused. Only when they understand true happiness can they be freed from it."

"Mr. Amano is truly well-intentioned," Chi Feichi said calmly, without any sign of admiration, and of course people couldn't tell if there was any other meaning, "I have heard a story circulated in the West. A king held an event in the kingdom, asking the people to vote for the most beautiful person they thought was the most beautiful. At the end of the statistics, the girl and his queen recognized as the most beautiful by the kingdom got the most votes. A beauty in the industry, he thought that the people gave the best answer. Until one day after the event, he and his followers met an old farmer when he was patrolling outside the king's city. When it came to the competition, the old farmer was very embarrassed and told the king, He voted for his wife. The king was surprised and asked the old farmer if his wife was a very beautiful woman. The old farmer looked at the burly and wrinkled peasant woman working in the field not far away, and told the king , 'Whether others think so or not, in my heart, she is the most beautiful person and has always been', only then did the king realize that the answer he got that day was the best answer."

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