Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2347 more scary

"This is indeed the best answer," Shoichi Amano sighed in a daze, and actively discussed the script changes with Chi Feichi, "Mr. Chi, do you mind if I add this story to the performance? I think Shorten the time when the girl is helpless in the script, add a plot at the end, just replace the king with a girl, the girl meets the first person who says she is not beautiful, and from the answer of the old farmer, she discovers the true meaning of beauty and happiness.”

Chi Feichi nodded, "As long as you can cope with the temporary change of the plot, you can tell the person in charge that the change of the performance content was proposed by me."

At the end of the trial, Amano Shoichi didn't want to curse his ex-girlfriend Aimi for being lost and suffering, but he really wanted to give a warning to the girls who participated in the beauty pageant.

Although Shoichi Amano may pretend to be a good old man, but after testing it out, even if Shoichi Amano has resentment in his heart, he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would kill someone.

At least for now, Shoichi Amano's mental state is relatively healthy, he doesn't have abnormal psychology, and he hasn't been forced out of abnormal psychology by being broken up.


Outside the door of the banquet hall, Dr. A Li stood beside the open door, peeked furtively into the room, and whispered to the two behind him, "They're inside."

Kudo Shinichi pressed the top hat on his head, looked into the room, and saw Koshimizu Nanatsuki playing with puppets on the stage with three children, and Chi Feichi was just chatting with a man in a formal dress, he couldn't help but whisper He muttered, "Those guys are so relaxed, they even started playing with puppets. Brother Chi took them to check the safety, is it really all right..."

The baseball cap on Miyano Shiho's head was also pressed down very low. He looked sideways at Kudo Shinichi, and complained in a calm tone, "Kudou, I just wanted to say...every time I hear you call Brother Feichi for' Brother Chi', I feel a little strange."

"Because those children often call it that way, so you think it's strange?" Kudo Shin thought of what Mao Lilan said, and said with black hair, "For example, it will remind you of the child's coquettish tone."

Miyano Shiho nodded calmly, "When you were Edogawa, you would think of the coquettish expression you would show every time you called Brother Feichi, so when you mentioned 'Brother Chi' with this face, I would think It's really strange that you use Kudo Shinichi's face to show that coquettish expression."

Kudo Shinichi: "..."


Why do both of them say that? When he was Conan, he didn't often act like a baby to Chi Feichi, did he?

It must be the fault of those three brats!

It made him feel awkward and didn't want to be called 'Brother Chi' anymore, but if Shinichi Kudo called 'Brother Feichi' and Conan called 'Brother Chi', he was worried that he would be suspected because of the mixed names in the future.

So, even if he felt awkward being told, he still had to keep calling.

"Okay, I'll go in and meet them now, you guys take advantage of this time to go to the 20th floor..." Dr. A Li just smiled to help a certain detective, when he caught a glimpse of Chi Feichi walking towards the door from the corner of his vision Let's go, his face changed, and he reminded in a low voice, "Hurry up, hide quickly, you must come out late!"

The three immediately hid behind the corner of the corridor, and waited for Chi Feichi to go out and walk towards the stairs before poking their heads out again.

Kudo Shinichi heaved a sigh of relief, and his complexion turned ugly again in an instant, "Too bad...he should be picking up Xiaolan, Sonoko and Miss Hualian to the venue..."

"You still have to go to Ms. Hua Lian to ask about the cake recipe, isn't it too late?" Dr. A Li became anxious, "After Fei Chi picks up Ms. Hua Lian to the venue, Ms. Hua Lian will just stay in the background and wait for the cake. With Xiaolan following you at any time, you have no chance to avoid Feichi or Xiaolan and get in touch with Miss Hualian alone."

"You don't have to ask Ms. Hualian," Miyano Shiho calmly analyzed, "As her older sister, Ms. Meimei will be in charge of her life and competition arrangements, and she may know the cake recipe. She looks better than Mrs. Meiling and Hua Miss Lian is very talkative, and the hotel pastry chef who made the cake with the recipe must know what the recipe is. We can also find the cake residue. I haven't finished my share of cake. After leaving the room, Miss Hualian, Maybe we will put the cake in a garbage bag and bring it out. It should be said that the best time for us to act is when Brother Feichi picks up Ms. Hualian and the others to leave the 20th floor. Don't worry about when Brother Feichi will go up to pick up people and run into us."

The three discussed it and decided to let Dr. A Li lead the way and follow Chi Feichi to the 20th floor.

If Chi Feichi found out, Dr. A Li said that he was worried about Xiaolan and Yuanzi, and after calculating the time, he guessed that Chi Feichi would pick him up on the 20th floor, so he went directly to the 20th floor to meet Chi Feichi, and then Dr. A Li said Follow Chi Feichi and cover their actions.

If Chi Feichi didn't find out, then Dr. Ali also went to Chi Feichi on the 20th floor, explained with the same reason, followed Chi Feichi's side, took Chi Feichi and others to leave the 20th floor as soon as possible, and let Kudo Shinichi and Miyano Shiho can safely move about on the 20th floor.

The plan begins.

Dr. A Li led the two of them through the door of the venue, and after confirming that Chi Feichi had gone up the stairs, he pretended to be nonchalant and entered the stairs, all the way up the stairs... Then he saw him standing on the stairs on the 20th floor looking at him Chi Feichi was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out.

"No, no late?!"


As soon as he looked up, he saw a man in black standing against the light above him. It was really scary. After seeing that it was Chi Feichi, it was even more scary.

"Doctor," Chi Feichi said hello to Dr. A Li. He had no intention of going down to meet Dr. A Li, and ignored the subtle reaction of Dr. A Li's stiff body and his eyes unconsciously glanced behind him. Are you going to the venue?"

Although Dr. Ali was worried that Kudo Shinichi and Miyano Shiho were following him and being seen by Chi Feichi, he still resisted the urge to look back, tried his best to put a smile on his face, and walked up the stairs step by step, "Ah ... I was a little worried about Xiaolan and the others. When I passed by the venue, I saw only Nanatsuki and the children playing with puppets. I calculated the time and thought that you should also come to pick up people, so I thought of coming to you on the 20th floor. By the way, Let's see how Xiaolan and the others are doing with you."

Chi Feichi nodded, turned around and walked to the exit of the corridor first, and took the initiative to talk about his inspection situation, "My side is still going well, and the stage and backstage of the venue have not been inspected. When I send Xiaolan and the others over, It happened to be checked by the way, and no problems were found in other places."

Dr. A Li didn't really listen to it. Taking advantage of Chi Feichi's turning around, he quietly looked back and confirmed that Kudo Shinichi and Miyano Shiho didn't follow him upstairs. He was relieved and followed Chi Feichi. Feichi, "But Feichi, why did you stand at the top of the stairs just now? Suddenly seeing you standing at the top really shocked me..."

"Doctor, your footsteps are too obvious, and your panting sound, you can be recognized immediately, have you been slack in exercising recently?"

"Haha... I've been a little busy lately..."

At the stairs on the 19th floor, Kudo Shinichi heaved a sigh of relief when he heard the voices of the two people fade away, and wiped the cold sweat off his head with his hand.

It's a good thing they didn't underestimate Chi Feichi, otherwise the stairwell would be so quiet, he couldn't guarantee that Chi Feichi wouldn't hear the footsteps of himself and Huiyuan...

As expected, you must be careful when sneaking around under Chi Feichi's nose, and it was another day when you could understand that Mr. Akai was not easy.


On the other side, Chi Feichi and Dr. A Li went to Shou Hualian's room to pick up the girls, and went down the stairs to the 19th floor.

Along the way, Dr. Ari chatted with other people without restraint in volume, coupled with Suzuki Sonoko's bluffing voice, successfully made Kudo Shinichi and Miyano Shiho avoid a group of people, and touched Shou Hualian's room. .

Shou Meimei still stayed in the room to tidy up, but when the two asked for a reason to ask about the cake recipe, Shou Meimei said awkwardly that Shou Hualian had already sold the cake recipe to some dessert shops and could not share the cake recipe.

Later, Miyano Shiho relied on wearing the uniform of the hotel staff, lied that he was a staff member, and offered to help Sumimei take out the trash.

The two got the garbage bag and searched in a hidden place upstairs, but they couldn't find the discarded cake residue. They had no choice but to take the elevator to the dessert restaurant on the 15th floor to find the pastry chef who made the cake.

This time the operation was not very smooth. The pastry chef was found, but the pastry chef said that some of the cake recipes were dictated by Shou Hualian and memorized by himself. He also accidentally lost the note recording the recipe and took a bottle randomly I can’t remember the specific cake recipe now, but I only remember that there are many things and the production process is complicated.

No way, Miyano Shiho had no choice but to ask Kudo Shinichi to find a reason to dismiss the people in the kitchen. He rummaged through the bottles and cans in the kitchen. Through observation, he found out the materials that had been used recently. Desserts, food delivery records, trying to calculate the ingredients and amount used for that cake.

At the same time, Chi Feichi also sent the participating girls to the backstage. By the way, he checked the backstage and the stage lighting frame to rule out some possible dangers. In the venue, I watched the rehearsal of Miss Hefeng and waited for the official start of the competition.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the Miss Hefeng beauty pageant began, and the invited guests also arrived at the venue three to five minutes earlier, and listened to the host explaining the rules of the competition.

There are three rounds in the competition. The first round is the wedding dress display, and there are puppet shows in the middle. Wait for the judges to score the first round, and then start the second round. The second round is the self-introduction and talent of the Hefeng ladies In the exhibition, there will be performances and scoring sessions in the middle. In the third round, the Hefeng ladies will choose a theme at will and show themselves according to the theme. Finally, the total score will be calculated, the ranking will be announced, and the crystal crown will be given to the top three.

When the host introduced the rules, the venue was surrounded by cameras from TV stations and newspapers, and reporters sat aside and lowered their heads to write down the key words of the press release.

During this time, the waiters in neat dresses also shuttled between the long tables and round tables on the sidelines, serving drinks and some convenient western food to the guests, together with voting tickets for the three rounds of competition.

"During the three rounds of the competition, all the invited guests present have the right to vote once. The tickets in your hands will be counted as 0.1 points, accounting for 50% of each round's score, and the remaining 50% of the score will be awarded by the three judges of the competition. Come out," the host spoke in a very provocative voice on stage, "The tickets in your hands can also determine the ranking of the Hefeng ladies you admire, and each round can only choose one Hefeng lady to give out tickets , please think carefully about it!"

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