Chi Feichi sat at a table with Dr. A Li and the three children. Since Chi Feichi, an insider who is one of the hotel investors, took him, Dr. A Li and the children also got three tickets of different colors. coupon.

Young children are easily excited by the attention of others.

Yuan Tai happily held the ticket in his hand, "We also have the right to vote, it's really great!"

The people around were just whispering to each other, and Dr. A Li hurriedly gestured to Yuantai, " quieter."

"Oh!" Yuan Tai obediently sat up straight.

Mitsuhiko smiled and suggested in a low voice, "Let's vote for Sister Xiaolan, she is so beautiful today, it is not a foul for us to vote for her."

Ayumi smiled and nodded, then quickly shook her head and said, "No, we can't vote for Sister Xiaolan, let's give Sister Yuanzi two tickets, if we only vote for Sister Xiaolan, she might be sad... ..."

Dr. Ali could not help but smile.

These children have already planned to split the votes in advance, isn't it a foul?

"Brother Chi, you want to vote..." Guangyan turned to talk to Chi Feichi, but found that Chi Feichi had torn up the three tickets, and couldn't help being surprised, "Huh?"

Dr. A Li also saw Chi Feichi destroying the tickets, and asked in a low voice, "Feichi, what are you..."

"I don't vote for anyone." Chi Feichi confirmed Dr. A Li's guess.

Mitsuhiko felt distressed for the three torn tickets, and his mind was also in a daze, "Why, why..."

"Probably..." Chi Feichi stuffed the torn tickets into his coat pocket, and looked towards the stage with a normal expression, "Take Hua Conglazi to look back."

"Hey... hey?" The three children asked with question marks.

Can you say something they can understand?

Dr. A Li was stunned for a moment, and immediately understood what Chi Feichi meant, and explained to the three children with a helpless smile, "It's a line in Chinese poetry, and it probably means that when you pass by the flowers in a hurry, you don't bother to look back. The flowers in the sentence refer to beautiful girls..."

Yuan Tai tried to understand, "Does that mean Brother Chi is too lazy to vote?"

"Brother Chi means that you don't care about those beautiful girls?" Mitsuhiko looked at Dr. A Li and asked, seeing Dr. A Li nodded, and sighed, "Then you don't have to tear up the ticket, you can give it to us , let's vote for Sister Xiaolan or Sister Yuanzi."

"Yes," Ayumi agreed with regret, "It's a pity..."

Dr. A Li still wanted to explain, but found that the first Miss Hefeng had already appeared on the stage, and the children had diverted their attention away, so he swallowed what he was about to say again, and chatted with Chi Feichi in a low voice with a smile, "Fei Chi, you like this poem too, but you don’t need to be pure-minded and ascetic..."

In his early years, he heard friends who studied Chinese literature say that poem, and the second half of the line seems to be... half destined for Taoism and half destined for king.

I hurried past the flowers and didn't bother to look back, partly because of the asceticism of the ascetics, and partly because of you.

At that time, he listened to his friend's explanation, and felt that this poem was romantic and free and easy. When he heard his friend say that it was a poem written by a poet in remembrance of his dead wife, he felt that the poetry was full of longing, and he remembered it all at once.

He likes this poem not because he has a dead wife, but because he understands that feeling. He has been single for so many years, half because he is obsessed with research, and half because he misses someone in his heart.

So he immediately understood that Chi Feichi was 'lazy looking back' because there was no one he wanted to see in the 'flower bush', and he also knew that it was impossible to see the person he wanted to see.

"It's just a random quote," Chi Feichi replied softly, "Doctor, don't take it too seriously, I don't want to practice Taoism, and I don't want to be a pure-hearted person."

That may be his personal thought, but after experiencing a life where emotions are suppressed and it is difficult to have violent mood swings, he feels that it is a terrible thing to be pure-hearted and ascetic.

It seems that an invisible barrier has been erected between oneself and others. The happiness factor exuded by others can be passed on to others, but when it reaches him, it is isolated by the barrier... This kind of experience is not very good.

If he has reached the point where he has no desires, he may not think about whether this experience is good or not, but when he reaches that point, it seems that people are no longer living in the world, but can only be regarded as 'existence'.

Even eternity is just an ornament of the world and a tool for certain rules.

"That's good," Dr. A Li reminded with emotion, "Now that you understand what you want, you have to seize the opportunity. Sometimes time advances at an astonishingly fast pace. Before you know it, most of your life will pass by."

"Sorry, doctor," Chi Feichi said softly, "I agree with your other words, but I don't feel that time in this world passes quickly."

Dr. A Li expressed his feelings as a person who has experienced it, "Oh, that's because you are still young..."

Under the stage, the two chatted off-topic in low voices.

On the stage, the second Miss Hefeng who took the stage had finished her presentation and started to walk back.

"Contestant No. 3, the theme of the wedding dress displayed is lotus flower," the host said holding the microphone, "it will be a dazzling lotus flower..."

Without further introduction from the host, when Shou Hualian was wearing a white wedding dress and led by her male companion from backstage to the stage, the eyes of many people in the venue were already glued to it.

The skirt of the white wedding dress is fluffy and the fabric hangs smoothly. It splits from the waist, and the pieces hang down. There are transparent crystals and long crystal chains between the layers. It complements Shouhualian's fair skin and deep and moving eyes. The person and the skirt The outfit fits perfectly, making it look bright and noble.

At the backstage exit, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Mori Ran and Suzuki Sonoko, who had changed into wedding dresses and put on makeup, gathered together to watch the stage.

Suzuki Sonoko looked at the back of Shou Hualian walking forward step by step, and had to agree with Shou Hualian's beauty, "Although she is a bit unwilling, she is really beautiful."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki observed the postures of Shou Hualian and her male companion, "Not only is she beautiful, the male companion on the 2nd just now is like a entourage serving the mistress, but her male companion is like a knight leading the way for the queen."

"Indeed..." Mao Lilan looked at the back of the man in the tuxedo and nodded in agreement, "Her male partner is very proud. Compared with the second male partner, he seems a little more proud and dignified. She failed to steal Miss Hua Lian's limelight, but made her look like a noble queen. Miss Hua Lian's aura is really not simple, she can actually have an influence on her male partner, and she is like the two people in front of her at once. Widen the gap."

"Looking at the eyes of those men in the venue, it seems that they are also willing to give their lives for her. If they know her true face, those men will definitely be surprised..." Suzuki Sonoko thought that before Su Meimei mentioned Shou Hualian to them, she was actually deliberately hitting her. The inside story of the two contestants, glanced at the obsessed faces, and couldn't help but feel pity for the stunned men. Just looking at the past in this way, they found two representatives of the "debris flow" in the crowd, "Hey, they didn't watch the stage at all..."

In the middle of the front of the stage, Dr. A Li turned his head to Chi Feichi and spoke in a low voice with a smile. Chi Feichi lowered his head to drink, and then turned his head slightly to Dr. A Li, as if he said something in response.

Yueshui Nanatsuki was looking for Chi Feichi before, and he was worried that Chi Feichi would join the army of obsessed people, but after seeing that Chi Feichi and Dr. A Li didn't pay attention to the stage at all, he was a little speechless, so he helped Chi Feichi find him. Excuse, "He and the doctor may be talking about the threatening letter..."

"Really?" Suzuki Sonoko looked at Dr. A Li's expression of sometimes laughing and sometimes feeling, frankly, "How could the doctor say such a serious thing as a threatening letter with a smile on his face? I see, they must be chatting." What irrelevant topic!"

Saying that, Suzuki Sonoko expressed his appreciation for the confidence the two gave him.

"However, this also proves that Ms. Hualian's charm is not so irresistible. Other men are easily confused by appearances, but Brother Feichi is so perceptive. The doctor is also a very powerful inventor, much smarter than those people..."

Although such 'debris flows' are rare in the field.

Although more than 80% of the votes will definitely vote for Shou Hualian.


Suzuki Sonoko suddenly felt that he couldn't think anymore, and added, "It's because that male companion is too lacking in aura. If Brother Feichi were replaced, he would definitely be able to steal her limelight!"

When Koshimizu Nanatsuki heard what Sonoko Suzuki said, the image of Chi Feichi interacting with Queen Isabella in London couldn't help appearing in his mind.

Thinking of Queen Isabella, Miss Hualian on the stage felt less like a queen, and more like a little princess with exquisite and luxurious dress.

If Ms. Hualian in full dress and Queen Isabella in casual clothes stood together, she believed that people would immediately recognize that Isabella was the queen.

Regardless of dress or expression, Queen Isabella has a calm demeanor that can be calm no matter who she is facing.

Sometimes Mr. Chi is temporarily ignored because of his silent personality, and sometimes he is noticed by others because of his appearance and special eyes. When Mr. Chi's gaze is fixed on others, it occasionally makes people feel cold and oppressive It is like tasting food that is too spicy. People can easily ignore the original taste of the food because of the irritating taste. The same is true for Mr. Chi. People are easy to ignore, curious, and uneasy. Like Queen Isabella.

She was also reminded by Suzuki Sonoko, and then she remembered that when Mr. Chi and Queen Isabella were together, the breath was not suppressed or drawn by the Queen at all. It was what it was before, and it seemed to be reversed when it was serious. Overwhelm Queen Isabella in the past.

Just like the time Mr. Chi got in the Queen's carriage before, the two people behind the window sat opposite each other, and the carriage drove slowly past the nearby area, and they couldn't see their faces, but only part of their bodies. When she saw it, I don't feel that the queen is not like a queen anymore, but I just feel that Mr. Chi seems to be able to control the queen...

King's guide?

Thinking back carefully, she wasn't sure if she had added a love filter to Mr. Chi, but she thought about what she heard from others when she went to Jiangshenyuan.

That time Mr. Chi went to Jiangshenyuan, he seemed to be wearing a luxurious old European dress.

British men's dresses emphasize prudence and introversion, which is also popular in other countries. She has never seen Mr. Chi wearing that kind of luxurious dress, but she heard passers-by describe the kind of dress that looks like an ancient nobleman walking out of time and space, and walking in the world like a god descending. She can imagine a little bit of bearing - Mr. Chi wearing that kind of luxurious dress is even more of a disaster.

She felt that Yuanzi was right this time. If Mr. Chi were to be Miss Hualian's male companion, she would definitely steal Miss Hualian's limelight.

That man will not be as restrained and rigid as a manservant like the second male partner, nor will he be proud of being a knight for holding Miss Hualian like the third male partner. Received the little princess Hualian sent by a certain king, and under this influence, Miss Hualian will definitely become someone else's "tool to increase tolerance" just like male companion No. 3.

The worst result would probably be that the two of them would look very suitable, like a newly married couple...

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