Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2381 Lak's mouth is really good

Chi Feichi stared at the file download page on the computer, did not look up at Belmode, and responded with a hiss, "Is that important?"

"No, I'm just a little curious," Belmode glanced at the traces on the sofa, "You avoid talking about it... Is it because I guessed it right?"

Chi Feichi decided to tell the truth, "I didn't touch it, it grew like this by itself."

"Really..." Belmode didn't believe it, but he didn't say it, and asked, "Then, the toxin was hidden between your teeth, right? The time you poisoned me, it was through the teeth that came into contact with the wine , mixed the toxin between the teeth into the wine, and as a result, I was poisoned after drinking that glass of wine..."


"Aren't you worried that your teeth will break your tongue and the wound will come into contact with toxin? Even if it is not a wound, it will be dangerous if you accidentally swallow the poison?"

"I have the antidote, I carry it with me."

"Ah, that's the last time you gave me the injection..."

Belmode casually chatted with Chi Feichi, checked the traces in the living room, changed positions with Chi Feichi, and went to the computer to watch the data download.

Chi Feichi took out a gun, carefully wiped the fingerprints on the gun, put it in the hand of the bodyguard Bart, and asked Bart's right hand to hold the pistol to leave fingerprints.

"Huh?" Belmode started to ask again, "Luck, that gun is..."

"The gun used by Qin Jiu before, the police found a lot of bullets at the crime scene where he murdered him, so it is inconvenient to keep this gun." Chi Feichi walked to the second bedroom with the gun, entered the room and found He opened the suitcase of the bodyguard, opened the suitcase, and threw the gun in, "The gun was given to me by Gin. Leaving the gun here can also interfere with the police investigation."

"I see……"

When Belmode thought that Gin often had the task of killing people, he didn't ask any more questions.

Chi Feichi saw that Belmode didn't respond. He guessed that Belmode didn't know about the "chasing Shirley" operation in the park, so he didn't mention it. Contacted Gin, wrapped the two corpses in black cloth, used the night to cover them, and hung the corpses downstairs from the window with ropes.

A large truck with a high compartment was parked downstairs. Vodka and two peripheral members stayed in the compartment. After receiving instructions, they would be responsible for receiving the corpse.

After delivering the corpse, the intelligence information extracted from Charles was also downloaded.

Chi Feichi not only took away the USB flash drive, but also destroyed the computer, and took away the mobile phone, wallet and shoes of Charles and bodyguard Bart, in order to make the investigators not sure whether the two left by themselves.

Belmode waited for Chi Feichi to slide down the stairs with the rope, untied the rope hook stuck on the window sill in the house, cleaned up the traces on the window sill, and went out leisurely with Natsuki Nishikawa's face on his face, avoiding the surveillance The camera arrived at the parking lot, ripped off Yi Rong's face in the corner, and left on his own motorcycle.

In the truck that took the first step, Vodka led two people to transfer the two corpses into the cargo compartment.

Chi Feichi also arrived in the cargo compartment, squatted beside the corpse, and used chemicals to corrode the places where his own tooth marks and saliva were left on the corpse.

Gin remotely commanded the truck driver to drive the truck to a nearby abandoned factory building. In Chi Feichi's earphone communication with Vodka, he could also hear Gin telling Cohen, who was in charge of the release, not to leave in a hurry and continue to help Stare nearby.

The truck drove into the dark and empty workshop, and within a minute, Gin's Porsche 356A also drove into the gate and stopped next to the truck.

Vodka has already opened the door of the truck compartment, jumped out of the car, and greeted the gin in the car, "Brother, both corpses are brought here! Next, where are we going to send the corpses? If somewhere It’s not concealed enough, if someone finds the body and calls the police, Charles’ death will be revealed.”

"Hmph... Throw it to the sea to feed the fish, or throw it to the laboratory for someone to clean it up, no matter what, Rum will find someone to clean it up, so we don't need to worry about it!" Gin was biting a stick in his mouth. Most of the cigarettes were lit, and he walked to the door of the carriage with cold eyes, and turned his head to look at the two corpses in the carriage with the flashlights in the hands of the two corpse movers next to him. He saw the ragged clothes on the bodyguard's shoulders The rotten, exposed shoulder flesh was not much corroded, and he asked aloud, "Has it been corroded by chemicals?"

Chi Feichi had already got out of the carriage. After killing Charles, his enthusiasm disappeared along with the obsession in his heart. He stayed aside smoking a cigarette and distracted. Hearing what Gin said, he looked up at the corpse in the carriage. Before he could explain, vodka He actively spoke up to help.

"Oh, this! This is made by Lak," Vodka turned his head to look at Chi Feichi, with a very serious tone, "He said that the bodyguard's body had his tooth marks and saliva on his shoulder, so he sent the body to the carriage Afterwards, he used chemicals to corrode the flesh and blood from the corpse's shoulders..."

"Why did you bite him?" Qin Jiu turned to Chi Feichi speechlessly.

Chi Feichi stood in the dark at the edge of the flashlight beam, and replied hoarsely, "Poison."

Like Belmod, Gin immediately thought of how Belmod was poisoned by Chi Feichi at the memorial service, and also guessed how Chi Feichi poisoned his teeth with "poison-soaked teeth".

Compared with Belmode, Gin also thought of a certain video of Chi Feichi constantly gnawing on mice and experimental rabbits.

Intuition told him that there might be a connection between the two.

In that case, Lak bit the white mouse and the rabbit in order to... practice the skill of carrying poison with the teeth? Exercise your teeth? Research how to kill people?

Seeing the corner of the stab-proof suit among the bodyguard's torn clothes, Qin Jiu turned to Chi Feichi again to confirm, "Did you bite through the stab-proof suit?"

"Maybe...he bought a fake, and the stab-proof suit has quality problems."

Chi Feichi hissed, threw the cigarette butt to his feet and stamped it out, leaned against the body of Gin's Porsche 356A, stared down at the ground and lost his mind.

The voice in his head urging him to be lazy is really getting more and more outrageous. He actually wanted him to lie down on the spot. After the instigation failed, he was asked to sit and rest on the gin cart first, and then he would take a ride on the gin cart. Go near Mihua Town...

"Hmph... Maybe it's just a problem with the shoulder?" Qin Jiu expressed his doubts and dissatisfaction with Chi Feichi's perfunctory attitude with his yin and yang remarks, and turned around to announce the end of the process of 'confirming the corpse', "Wait a little longer , We will go back after the person arranged by Langmu comes to confirm the identity of the deceased and hand over the body to the other party."

Chi Feichi stared down at the ground, continuing to study the various thoughts in his mind.

He offered to ask Gin to take him for a while, and Gin would definitely agree, but this is Kabado Town.

Kubado Town is next to Mihua Town, and they are not far from Gochome. It won't take long for him to find a place to spread his wings and fly to the small building just like this.

Compared with taking a gin car and then walking back or flying back, it may take him less time to fly back directly, and he doesn't need to change the "transportation vehicle" many times, which is much more worry-free.

The voice urged him to rub the car, it was completely out of the thought of "being comfortable for a while, for a while", could this be the thinking inertia that many people with the "crime of greed" also have...

Gin returned to his car, bypassed the door on one side blocked by Chi Feichi's back, opened the door on the other side, leaned into the car and turned over, turned back to Chi Feichi, and handed a plastic cup to someone A blond fake face, "Luck, try to bite the rim of the cup."

Even if the bodyguard's stab-proof suit has quality problems, it is not easy to bite through several layers of fabric and then bite into the flesh.

In the same way, the same is true for killing mice and experimental rabbits.

Ordinary people can indeed bite these small animals to death, but he remembers that in those videos, some small animals died without struggling for a long time in Luke's mouth. Just watching the video, you can see that Lak's mouth is very 'heavy'.

There was only one thought left in his mind now—Luck had such good teeth.

Compared with continuing to look at the two corpses, it is obviously more meaningful to study Lark's teeth.

Chi Feichi looked at the plastic cup that Gin gave him, and even if he didn't want to move it, he took a step to the side and said expressionlessly, "Don't bite, who knows how many bacteria are on this cup."

Gin recalled Chi Feichi's act of cleaning animals before biting them in some videos, looked down at the unstained but old plastic cup in his hand, and put the cup back without forcing Chi Feichi, "Forget it... Do you want to have dinner in your laboratory in two days?"

If there is a dinner party, maybe Lark can bite a plate, spoon, or raw beef for him to see.

"Is there any other action?" Chi Feichi moved his eyes to the ground again, and refused Sanlian, "No, don't look for me, I will ask for leave."

Vodka: "..."


It can be seen that Lark really doesn't want to go.

Qin Jiu noticed that the mood on a certain blond-haired and blue-eyed disguised face was not high, and he was silent for a while, before throwing the nearly burnt cigarette butt to the side of the car, "The reason? You shouldn't have any in two days." Is there something important to do? After going back today, you will rest for two days, no matter what, you should rest well. Did you decide to give up participating without even asking about any actions..."

Chi Feichi heard that Qin Jiu was using a roundabout way of talking, and considering that he was affected by the "crime of laziness" and didn't know how long it would last, he decided to give Qin Jiu a vaccination in advance, and said seriously in a low voice, "Gin Jiu, I didn't know how long it would last. I slept for a total of eight hours from morning to afternoon, but I woke up as tired as if I had never slept. I am not sure if it will be the same after I go back this morning. If I still can’t sleep well in the past two days, I cannot have the energy to participate action."

Qin Jiu had already guessed whether Chi Feichi had something wrong with his body, and he was not surprised when he heard Chi Feichi admit it, and looked at the three people guarding the carriage, and also lowered his voice, "Hmph... It’s not just that you don’t have the energy to take part in the action. If this situation continues for a few days, I’m afraid you’ll have to seek help from a psychiatrist. The horse was injured, and I didn't hear that you couldn't sleep well..."

"I don't know the reason, and I don't know if this state will continue." Chi Feichi still stared at the ground, thinking about it, "If it's still like this today, I really have to find a way to solve the sleep problem."

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