Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2382 Xiaosai is not easy

The two whispered a few words, and Cohen called Gin, saying that a car had driven into the abandoned factory area.

After confirming that they were sent by Rum, Gin handed over the two corpses to them, arranged for the people on his side to evacuate, and took the initiative to drive Chi Feichi to the street where it was convenient to take a taxi.

Chi Feichi got out of the car and went into the alley, tore off his disguised face and burned it, found an apartment building on the roof, spread his wings, went to the Kabado-cho apartment to get spare clothes, and hurried back when the sky was bright. The attic of the small building in Mihuacho.

When the light was dim, the figure with broad wings fell on the window sill, but it was not so eye-catching.

Of course, there was no one in the park facing the window, and the nearby houses were also quiet. It was rare to see people on the street, so naturally no one would see this scene.

Chi Feichi cleaned the traces on the window, threw a piece of black feather that was brought into the house by the wind out of the window, found a post-it note and wrote a note on the wooden wall at the stairway, and replaced it. Lie down without clothes.

This time I fell asleep, and there were no more weird dreams.

After falling asleep and waking up naturally, Chi Feichi felt refreshed a lot, but he still wanted to lie down for a while, and after opening his eyes, stared at the ceiling and lost his mind.

The curtains blocked the sunlight, and a ray of light passed through the gaps in the curtains and cast on the wooden boards of the ceiling. It was bright and dazzling, but it also had a different kind of beauty.

He finally understood that being lazy and staying in bed had nothing to do with 'didn't get enough sleep'.

"Crack, click, click..."

The second hand of the clock rotates, and the clicking sound sometimes disappears in the laughter sounded outside the window, and sometimes it gradually becomes clearer as the voices outside the window fade away.


Hearing the soft ringing of the indoor clock, Chi Feichi couldn't lie down any longer. He lifted the quilt and stood up. Going up the Yueshui Nanatsuki.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was distracted, didn't look up, and suddenly found a black shadow looming, frightened, she instinctively stepped back quickly, and as soon as her right foot stepped back, she stepped out of the stairs.

Chi Feichi hastily stretched out his hand to grab Yue Shui Nanatsuki's arm, pulling him back.

Yueshui Nanatsuki was especially frightened by the feeling of weightlessness when he leaned back. After being caught, he swished away from the steps that almost made him step on empty space, and grabbed onto Chi Feichi like an octopus. .

Chi Feichi: "..."

Although it was an accident, it's nice to wake up with 'Yue Shui's hug'.

He suddenly felt that it was not easy for the voice in his mind to encourage him to be lazy. Yesterday he was suppressed by his murderous intent towards Charles, suppressed by the sound of the clock hands clicking, and he failed to complain for a minute, and was hugged by Yue Shui again Suppressed...

"Huh..." Yueshui Nanatsuki breathed a sigh of relief, and was quickly stunned for a moment. He looked up at Chi Feichi's calm face with downcast eyes, and then looked down at his hands that were pulling hard on Chi Feichi's body. Let go of your hands like an electric shock and step back, "Chi, Mr. Chi..."

Chi Feichi stretched out his hand to grab Koshimi Nanatsuki's arm again, and calmly comforted him, "The stairs here are narrow and steep, pay attention to your steps, and watch the road before you go."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt the impatience and tension in his heart calmed down a little bit, and felt a little embarrassed, blushing and nodded, "Yes... I'm really sorry, I was too reckless."

Chi Feichi let go of his hand, and waited for Yueshui Nanatsuki to turn around and walk down before following.

"I was about to ask you to eat, but I didn't expect you to be awake." Yueshui Nanatsuki walked in front, and when he was talking, he couldn't help but look back at Chi Feichi, "When I went to the attic to look for you in the morning, I saw I posted a post-it note on the wall saying 'I'm catching up on sleep', and you were in a deep sleep, so I didn't bother you. However, if you didn't eat breakfast, you must definitely have lunch. I made curry rice... …By the way, it’s okay to have curry rice for lunch, right? I bought a lot of ingredients in the morning, and if you want to eat something else, I can make it for you too.”

"Just eat curry rice. The smell of curry can stimulate appetite." Chi Fei arrived late on the second floor and looked in the direction of the open kitchen. "Excuse me, I'll go downstairs to wash up first."


Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt completely relaxed, smiled as she watched Chi Feichi go downstairs, took out her mobile phone from the front pocket of her apron, opened the UL chat software, and lowered her hair to send a message.

[Seven fish in the water: Mr. Chi woke up. When I was about to go upstairs, I happened to bump into him going downstairs in the stairwell. He is going to wash up now, and I am going to serve curry rice. Xiao Ai, let's have lunch too! 】

In the morning, she saw that Mr. Chi was sleeping so deeply, and thought that Mr. Chi was also listless yesterday. She was not sure whether Mr. Chi had a mental illness, so she wanted to contact Mr. Mao Li or Dr. to ask about the situation.

Mr. Maori has an injury on his foot. Xiaolan and Conan are going to school again. No one is taking care of Mr. Maori. She thinks it is good for Mr. Maori to take care of herself. At the same time, she doesn’t want to bother Mr. Maori anymore, so she called Dr. .

After hearing her finish, the doctor asked her to wait a while and hung up the phone. She thought that when the doctor called back, he would tell her what to do next and which doctor to contact, but she didn't expect the doctor to call her again. It means—"Xiao Ai is in class at school, and it is not convenient to answer the phone. She said that she will use UL chat software to communicate with you."

She, who didn't want the children to worry, fell into deep thought.

Then Xiao Ai contacted her. The first message was to ask how Chi Feichi was doing. While she was typing, she sent a second message, which read, "Both the doctor and I have read Brother Feichi's previous diagnosis report." , I also know the contact information of the attending doctor, but only I have seen the re-examination report after that. The doctor has not read the re-examination report when he heard that the situation has improved. , So when you encounter this kind of situation, you can’t find a doctor to help you, so you might as well discuss it with me. '

She looked complicated.

Whether it's a doctor or Mr. Chi, they are reliable when they are reliable, but when they are offline, they are really offline.

Xiao Ai is in school and has to worry about her brother at home, and she really can't count on a doctor, so she can contact Xiao Ai and leave the matter to Xiao Ai...

It's not unreasonable for Xiao Ai to mature prematurely.

"Ding dong!"

When Koshimizu Nanatsuki was preparing to serve curry rice, Haibara Ai's reply was sent to the mobile phone, which was also a large paragraph of text.

[Xiao Ai who is also very cool today (remark): We are already preparing for lunch, and Genta and Ayumi are also beside me. I don’t want them to know for the time being, so as not to worry them... That’s Brother Feichi’s current state How about it? When he is not in good spirits, he may not necessarily be listless. He may be as sullen as yesterday. As long as he feels that he is different from usual, he must pay attention. 】

[Seven fishes in the water: I just noticed that there is no bloodshot eyes in his eyes, and his face is not as gloomy as yesterday, he seems to be in good condition, Xiao Ai, you can go to class at ease, I will continue to observe, if he has nothing else If he is busy with other things, I will ask him to go out for a walk to consume more energy, and he will probably be able to sleep better at night. 】

"Ding dong!"

[Xiao Ai who is also very cool today: Exercise is indeed a good way. In addition, I put some of the psychotropic drugs that Brother Fei Chi will use at the doctor's house. Today the doctor will be at home all day. If you need those drugs , You can go directly to get it, the doctor knows where it is, and I know which medicine to take in different situations, remember to contact me when the time comes. 】

Nanatsuki Koshimizu: "..."

Xiao Ai is really not easy.

Mr. Chi and Dr. Chi said, "Let Xiao Ai take care of her in the future." For Xiao Ai, it might really be intimidating...

Just when Yueshui Nanatsuki was full of emotion, Huiyuan Ai sent another message.

[Xiao Ai who is also very cool today: In fact, the best way is to persuade Brother Feichi to take the medicine himself. He knows what to take and how much to take. As long as he agrees to take the medicine, there is no need to worry too much about taking the medicine. . 】

[Seven fish in the water: Got it! If his condition is not good, I will try to persuade him to take medicine. (ˊˋ*)】

"Ding dong!"

[Xiao Ai who is also very cool today: Thank you for your hard work, Miss Nanatsuki. ()]

Will Xiao Ai also send this kind of emoji?

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was surprised, and imagined that Haibara Ai was smiling with her head up, her eyes lit up, and she began to change the note.

Who can ignore a loli's soft smile?

The remark of "Xiao Ai who is also cool today" is changed to "Xiao Ai who is also cute today"...

Koshimizu Nanatsuki changed the note, smiled and hummed, put the phone back into the apron pocket, raised his eyes, and saw Chi Feichi standing beside the cooking counter, staring straight at her, almost scared the kitchen counter Let the cup knock over.

When did Mr. Chi come here? How long have you been staring at her?

It's scary!

Chi Feichi looked at Yue Shui Nanatsuki's pale face, trying to make his tone as natural as possible, "Do you have an appointment with someone this afternoon?"

He didn't intend to scare Yue Shui.

It was Yue Shui himself who was only focused on chatting, typing endlessly, watching the news with a smile on his face, and was so absorbed that he didn't even notice him coming...

Don't ask him how he feels, just ask the 'lazy demon' that exists in his mind and was almost murdered and usurped by a colleague named 'jealousy'.

Don't ask him how long he watched it, he just remembered that Yue Shui laughed three times in one minute, once lasted for one second, and once lasted for three seconds, and then broke out into a brighter smile, which lasted until he saw him the previous day. Second.

"Have an appointment with someone? No, no," Koshimizu Nanatsuki recalled his schedule for today in doubt, and quickly remembered the mobile phone he had just put away, and understood that Chi Feichi was thinking "use mobile phone to contact people = to follow I made an appointment to meet', said with a smile, "Is it the person I chatted with online just now? I was chatting with Xiao Ai..."

Chi Feichi nodded, lowered his eyes and looked away.

It's his sister...

Doesn't mean it's absolutely fine.

But this answer is already considered good. It is better to chat with his sister than anyone else.

He didn't want to get too jumpy, and he didn't want to spoil the atmosphere.

"You were so poor yesterday, and you didn't wake up very late today. I was worried that if you continued like this, your condition would relapse, so I told the doctor. After Xiao Ai found out, she was also very worried about you..." Yueshui Nanatsuki explained Then, he reached for the plate and put rice and curry beef stew on the plate with a spoon, "She has to go to school today, so I can't ask her to come over to play..."

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