Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2388 Self-fulfilling prophecy

In the following time, relying on Chi Feichi's understanding of horror scripts, Fei Chi's reminder, and mild mood swings, he completely avoided the exciting experience provided by the haunted house.

Nanatsuki Koshimi was frightened twice, and was soon frightened again by factors other than the haunted house.

After being frightened for the first time, she thought, 'It was embarrassing just now, it's better not to be frightened', but when she entered the operating room and Ward No. 1, she was not frightened at all.

Although there are also horror elements and staff scaring, either she has seen the routine in horror movies many times before, or the staff was seen by her during preparation.

The most outrageous time was when a female staff member pretended to be an undead nurse and came out aggressively. The corner of the skirt was suddenly caught by the props. She was surprised on the spot with an 'ah' and pulled the skirt with her hand, but couldn't pull it out for a long time.

Before she felt the shock, the horror script seemed to be replaced with a funny script.

Until she saw another adventurous couple getting scared together, she felt that being scared was not bad.

In the next second, her ankle was grabbed by a cold hand, so frightened that she immediately backed away and bumped into Chi Feichi's arms.

Afterwards, she tried again and again twice 'do not want to be frightened' and 'hope to be frightened', which confirmed her conjecture - the change of the situation had something to do with what she hoped for, and it seemed that only she and Chi Feichi were involved. Related, or wishes related to today's date, will be able to come true.

When she tried to make a wish to 'let the ghost-dressing staff scare each other', nothing special happened.

Thinking of the green light on the way they came here, and just happened to encounter a couple's event when they got here, she remembered that she had made a wish in front of the angel statue, "A smooth date with Mr. Chi", and she felt a chill in an instant.

The feeling of being manipulated by an invisible force is terrible. It will make her feel unreal like 'today is a dream'. It also means that there are forces in the world that they can't resist and don't understand at all. Today she can wish for a smooth date and tomorrow Maybe someone will make some wishes that are not good for them.

Among them, there may also be fear of the unknown.


When walking out of the haunted house, Koshimizu Nanatsuki's face was pale, just like the other terrified girls.

Chi Feichi held Koshimizu Nanatsuki's hand, and could clearly feel the warm palm turn cold. He took Koshimizu Nanatsuki outside under the sun, and then asked aloud, "Frightened?" gone?"

"'s not because of the haunted house," Nanatsuki Koshimi came back to his senses, his body was warmed by the summer sun, his hands and feet gradually warmed up, he breathed a sigh of relief, and turned his head to look around, "Chi Sir, do you think today is weird? It's just... the date went really well."

Chi Feichi thought about it, "It went very well, isn't that good?"

"Success is of course very good, but..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked up at Chi Feichi with a serious and troubled expression, "Next, what I say may make people feel unbelievable, but... I think the reason for today's It went so smoothly because I made a wish in front of the angel statue in the love theme park! I didn’t think my wish would come true that day, so when I stood in front of the angel statue, I wished that my date with you would go well, and today’s date is really true It went well, whether it was the green light on the road or the couple activities in the park, it seemed to help us date better... I think so, isn't it strange?"

Chi Feichi shook his head, "It's not surprising, it really went well today."

Yueshui Nanatsuki breathed a sigh of relief, but he still couldn't tell that he had some hooligan thoughts about Chi Feichi just now, and quickly frowned again, "If wishing on the statue really comes true, I will think that The angel statue is horrible..."

"It's just an object made by humans. If it's a threat, we can let people smash it," Chi Feichi looked at Yueshui Nanatsuki with a calm expression, "and I don't think there is such an effective thing in this world. Prayer, if it is really so effective, A makes a wish to be with B, and B makes a wish to be with C, then how to deal with it? So, this should be your psychological effect..."

Hearing Chi Feichi's voice, Yueshui Nanatsuki calmed down, and he didn't feel that the angel statue was scary anymore, and he was still able to distract himself from admiring Chi Feichi's calm and focused expression, "Is it just a psychological effect? Isn’t that something psychological can do?”

"Today's luck is very good, and I'm not sure that wishing will have any effect, I just think that the statue doesn't have that much energy," Chi Feichi took Koshimizu Nanatsuki's hand and walked towards the Ferris wheel Go, "The green light all the way, everyone may encounter it in their life, but not everyone has made a wish in front of that angel statue, hasn't it?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded, "Yes..."

"We have encountered a situation that is extremely unlikely to happen, and we all hope that today's date will be successful and that the other party can feel happy during the date. Based on this positive thinking, we will try our best to take care of each other's feelings and cooperate with each other. It can easily lead to the result of 'the date goes well', and you have made such a wish before, when something smooth and lucky happens during the date, you will think of that wish, and guess whether it is the result of the wish. Here comes the success..."

Chi Feichi continued to give Yueshui Nanatsuki a scientific explanation, "Conversely, if you met an astrologer two days ago, and the other party told you that the date will definitely turn bad in the near future, then you will reject the date at the beginning of the day." This choice will also cause worry, anxiety, and tension when dating, which will cause some small mistakes, and will magnify the mistakes, telling yourself in your heart, 'Look, today is really not suitable for dating'. When you are very sure of this conclusion in your heart, you will be negative. Thoughts will lead to more bad results, and make the date completely fail... This is the 'self-fulfilling prophecy' in psychology, what you expect, you will get."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki's thoughts were taken astray, and she felt that "good luck" and "both of them hope the date goes well" may have caused all this to happen today, including whether she was scared in the haunted house or not. The psychological suggestion I gave myself was too strong, "You are right... and you are right..."

In front of the Ferris wheel, the two handed over the universal ID card to the staff.

After swiping the card, the staff helped to open the front guardrail and the hatch of the Ferris wheel, and then helped close the hatch after the two sat down.

The two had red strings tied to their hands, so they could only sit on the same side.

When the hatch was closed and the cabin was slowly rising, the two followed the topic and chatted about whether the statue had any effect.

Chi Feichi believes that the statue may be effective, but at most it only increases the completion of 95% of things to 100%, and most of the metaphysical phenomena in the world can be explained by science, which can be the omnipotent magnetic field theory, Such as visual or auditory psychological hints brought to people.

"The project department has asked someone to do research. The shape of the angel statue will make people feel sacred and kind, and it can also make people relax and focus on the feelings brought by their own senses. When standing in front of it and making a wish, it is possible to think of something. This event has a high probability of happening, and I have the confidence to work hard to realize it, which leads to a high success rate of wishing." Chi Feichi observed Yue Shui Nanatsuki's bloody face and asked, "So, you Do you still find that statue scary?"

"I don't feel scared at all!" Koshimizu Nanatsuki shook his head with a smile, and asked curiously, "But, Mr. Chi, are you a thorough scientist? You just believe in science and will not waver no matter what That kind of person..."

"No," Chi Feichi said truthfully, "I just don't want you to be frightened by a statue, and I don't want to be taken away by a statue. In my heart, I am much stronger than it."

"Your answer is really narcissistic," Koshimizu Nanatsuki paused on purpose, and soon lost his seriousness, and rolled his eyes with a smile, "But what a coincidence, I think so too! After all, Mr. Chi It can do more things than it, and it can also be smashed, so it is more powerful than it.”

Chi Feichi was dazzled by that smile, and turned his head to look out the window to restore his ability to think. He silently guessed in his heart whether it was because the viewing window of the Ferris wheel was bright and there was no shelter on the high place to block the light, so he gave Yueshui's face Added a layer of filter, "I heard that when the Ferris wheel reaches the highest point, you can also make a wish. Do you want to make a wish this time?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki followed and looked out the window, "After hearing so much from you, I now feel that making a wish is not magical enough at all, and I'm afraid I won't be in the mood to make a wish in a short time."

Under the bright sun, the sky is so blue that there is no trace of impurities.

As the Ferris wheel rises, most of the nearby buildings gradually disappear from view, leaving only the blue sky and the towering buildings in the distance.

Yueshui Nanatsuki sat in front of the window, looking at the ground getting farther and farther away, his eyes became brighter and brighter, and his right hand also tightly held Chi Feichi's left hand, until the cabin went down, and then slowly relaxed, watching The figure sitting next to him faintly reflected on the viewing window glass smiled and said softly, "I used to think that the Ferris wheel was the most boring ride, and I couldn't understand why couples like it, but now I seem to understand Now, no matter how high the location is, no matter whether there is a strong wind or not, the inside is always peaceful and reassuring, and there is really a happy feeling when someone is by your side as always.”

"It could also be feeling fulfilled by feeling that you've accomplished something with someone."

Chi Feichi looked at the scenery outside the window, said a word and didn't analyze it any further.

There is also a sense of peace and contentment in his heart, and this is also due to the 'sin of laziness'.

The "sin of laziness" will make him reject things that are too complicated and complicated. On the other hand, it seems to make him pay more attention to his own physical and mental enjoyment, and it is easier to feel comfortable and comfortable in his daily life.

But that's no wonder, since it has to compete with the "joy of work", the "sin of laziness" has to show some skills.

If possible, he really hopes that these two kinds of happiness can be rolled up so that he can feel happy whether he is working or not.

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