Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2389 You can owe it first

After riding the Ferris wheel, Chi Feichi and Yueshui Nanatsuki went to experience the 'Water Rafting' project again, and they left Duoluobijia Paradise when the sun was setting.

The staff of the amusement park placed a row of pottery pots at the entrance, and asked the couples to untie the red strings and put them into the pots to burn. The staff next to them helped cut the ropes with exquisite small scissors, and kept explaining to the couples around .

"Everyone can take the red rope home or burn it here, and then we will send the residue to the shrine where we pray for marriage, so that everyone's love can be blessed by the gods..."

"Those who want to burn the red rope, if they have tied a dead knot before, they can come here, we will help to cut the rope, and when burning the red rope, they can pray..."

Many couples stood by the side of the road, waiting for the red string between their wrists to be cut, and went forward together to throw the red string into the burning jar.

Some people bowed their heads quietly and prayed when the red rope was burning, and then another couple stepped forward.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, couples came forward, feeling like a ritual of holding church activities.

Nanatsuki Koshimizu lined up at the back of the crowd, thinking seriously, "Let's throw the red string into a jar and burn it, so we don't need to pray..."

Chi Feichi silently listened to Yueshui Nanatsuki's arrangement.

Now when he sees couples untying the ropes, he thinks of those couples who use other red ropes to extend the red ropes, and one person pulls the ropes and guards outside the bathroom door.

He and Yue Shui also had such a "tragic" experience. At that moment, the girls seemed to have unified their views and insisted that "the red rope cannot be broken or untied".

In short, the meaning of the red string plus going to the bathroom makes romantic behavior a little weird.

If the amusement park hadn't thought of this way of handling it, he felt that Yue Shui might really not want to untie the red rope, and would have had a headache for a long time about how to deal with it...

"I'm not very interested in praying now," Koshimizu Nanatsuki saw the staff of the amusement park approaching, raised his hand to ask the staff to help cut the rope, heard the clicking sound, looked at the broken red rope, and his face was pale A trace of distress flashed visible to the naked eye, "It's better to burn the red rope early and find a place to eat..."

The female staff member waited for Chi Feichi to pass her wrist to her body, pulled up the rope with one hand, and helped to cut the knotted rope with scissors with the other hand, and comforted Yueshui Nanatsuki with experience, "Don't worry, the fate of the two of you It has long been bound by the invisible red rope, and it doesn't matter if you cut the red rope now."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki relaxed, "Thank you, I will trouble you."

"It's nothing, it's my job too, I wish you two happiness!" The female staff responded with a smile, and took the scissors to find the next couple.

Chi Feichi waited for the female staff member to leave, and asked aloud, "How was your experience today?"

"It's a good laugh," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a smile as he recalled today's play experience, "The subject of the maze is not difficult, but the murals on the walls are very interesting. The Ferris wheel is more ritual than I imagined. The haunted house In fact, it's quite scary, and rafting on the water is even more fun. If it weren't for the fact that there were murders on the roller coaster before, we can also experience the roller coaster, but I don't want to get involved with any case today. Let’s experience it together another day.”

Chi Feichi patiently listened to Koshimizu Nanatsuki's evaluation before emphasizing the key point, "So, what about your boyfriend's experience?"

"Ah?" Yue Shui Nanatsuki raised his eyes in surprise, met Chi Feichi's calm gaze, sweating, "This, this..."

Chi Feichi began to review today's relationship process in his mind, "Not satisfied?"

"No, no," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said hastily, "I think it's very good, there's nothing I'm dissatisfied with!"

Chi Feichi hit the snake with the stick, and then asked, "Does it need to be renewed?"

"Okay, okay," Yue Shui Nanatsuki's face was flushed red, but she didn't evade the question, nodded in agreement, and then confirmed to Chi Feichi, "Then shall we..."

"We're in an official relationship." Chi Feichi said affirmatively, raised his right hand, which was not holding the red string, and put it on the top of Yueshui Nanatsuki's head, stroking the soft hair under his palm twice more.

Well, you can touch your head openly in the future.

Although he hasn't touched it secretly before, but now he can touch it all the time until his hair falls out.

After all... Yue Shui, who smiled and put his head close to his palm, was very cute.

Yueshui Nanatsuki suddenly sensed that something was wrong, and while annoyed at how she behaved like a pet, she turned her head away from Chi Feichi's palm, took a step back, and tried to keep a straight face, "However, the renewal should be free. Right? I can't afford to pay you for your contract renewal!"

Chi Feichi didn't even think about stroking Yueshui Nanatsuki's hair. He felt that his hand was empty, and he put away the slight discomfort caused by the loss in his heart. He also withdrew his hand and flicked Yueshui Nanatsuki as usual , "It won't be free, but I haven't figured out what to pay, you can owe it first, and talk about it later."

"If you say so, what's the difference between a free contract renewal?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki teased, "If I'm not satisfied with the service, I'll just renege on the bill."

"It's a little different from free, but it's yours, and it doesn't matter if you keep on paying."

Chi Feichi responded, secretly making plans in his heart.

It is necessary for him to let Yue Shui know that if he owes money to anyone, don't owe money to capitalists.

Of course it’s okay to renege on debts, but Yueshui needs to pay interest occasionally, isn’t that a problem? The term of 'debt' he provided to Yue Shui is for a lifetime, so it's okay to have a higher interest rate, right?


Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki burned the red rope, and went to a nearby restaurant for dinner. Afterwards, Chi Feichi drove Koshimizu Nanatsuki back to the small building in Mihuacho, but he went back to the Kabadocho apartment early.

He knew very well that he was not the kind of person who could be satisfied with a hug.

After the two formally interacted, some physical contact would also be acquiesced, and they would continue to be in the same room at night. He was worried that he would not be able to help but want to have close contact with Yue Shui, and then make some excessive moves.

If you want to collect interest, you have to wait until the time for interest collection arrives.

After Chi Feichi drove away from Mihua Town, Conan quickly ran out of the Mori Detective Agency, pedaled his skateboard and drove all the way on the street, frowning and recalling what Mori Kogoro had said at dinner, and rushed to Kubado Town.

Uncle Kogoro said at the dinner table tonight——

‘Do you remember the man who was killed in the park church? The police have found the pistol that killed the man, and the bullet marks found in the SO Hotel are also from the same gun..."

"I heard from Police Officer Megure that I found it in the room of the person in charge of a certain American film and television company. That person's name was Charles, and he was also invited to participate in the All Japan Music Festival and the Miss Japanese Beauty Contest. When there were murders and explosions in the park , he and his bodyguards are also there, and he is also a resident of SO Hotel, so there is indeed a chance to commit a crime...'

'After he and his bodyguard returned to Tokyo, he stayed at the Kubado Hotel and made an appointment for today's lunch with the hotel. But this morning, no one answered the hotel restaurant's internal line. When someone responded, they found that the door was unlocked. When they opened the door, they saw no one in the room. They thought they had something urgent to go out...'

'In the afternoon, his daughter who was far away in the United States couldn't reach him by phone, so she called the hotel and found out that he was missing during the day, so she hurriedly asked the embassy to contact the Japanese police...'

"The police who went to the hotel to investigate at first found that they might have left the room last night and found a pistol in his bodyguard's room, so they handed over the case to the Violent Search Division..."

'Yes, after investigation, the pistol found in the bodyguard's room was the gun that killed the man in the park church. Fingerprints were also found on the gun, which was consistent with the bodyguard's personal belongings and the fingerprints extracted from the bodyguard's room. Looking at it this way, Perhaps the bodyguard killed someone in the park, and when he arrived in Tokyo, the more he thought about it, the more disturbed he became, and he fled fearing the crime...'

"As for Charles, either he instigated the bodyguards to kill and fled with the bodyguards, or the bodyguards regarded him as a hindrance and took him to a certain place to kidnap or kill him..."

He knew something the police didn't know - the person who shot everywhere in the corridor of the SO Hotel that day was Gin!

The gun belonging to Gin appeared in the room of the bodyguard of the person in charge of an American film and television company, but neither the person in charge of the company nor the bodyguard disappeared...

There must be something hidden in this, it is definitely not as simple as Uncle Kogoro said!


When he arrived at the hotel, Conan looked at the police car parked at the door, ran into the hotel with his skateboard in his arms, saw a familiar pink hair at the front desk at a glance, froze for a moment, and ran over quickly.

"Subaru, Subaru-san?"

"Huh?" Okiya Subaru turned his head and looked at Conan who was running in front of him, "So it's Conan, why are you here?"

Seeing Subaru Okiya appearing here, Conan became more and more sure that the disappearance this time was not simple. Because he was not sure whether the surroundings were safe, he did not tell the truth. He looked up at Subaru Okiya and said, "I passed by here and saw someone outside the door. Police car, curious if something happened here, so I came in to have a look..."

"It really looks like something you would do," Okiya Subaru took the change from the front desk staff, said thank you, and walked aside with Conan, with a smile on his face, and his voice was still gentle, "But , Sometimes it’s not a good habit to meddle in other people’s affairs, it’s easy to bring trouble and danger to yourself and others.”

Gently speaking words of disapproval, as well as 'trouble' and 'danger', Fenmao looked like a pervert threatening children.

But Conan knew that Okiya Subaru was not threatening him, but reminding or warning him——

This matter is very complicated, if he intervenes rashly, it may cause him and the people around him to be targeted, causing great trouble and danger!

This also confirmed his thoughts in a disguised form. This matter is really related to that organization.

That being the case, it is even more impossible for him to ignore it.

"Don't talk about me, Mr. Subaru?" Conan asked, pretending to be innocent and curious, "Why are you here?"

"I came here temporarily to catch up with my dissertation. Although my neighbors are not noisy now, if they know that I am writing a dissertation, they will probably offer to help me, but I heard that many people will stay in the hotel. No matter how you think about it, it feels fresh, so I came here to experience it." Okiya Subaru went to the corner, leaned over to look at Conan, squinted his eyes and smiled, and said in a low voice, "I didn't expect the residents on the same floor to be inexplicable. The land disappeared, and I only found out about it when the police came to investigate today..."

Conan: "..."


It's not that there are no hotels in Mihua Town, Mr. Subaru is not in Mihua Town, but went to Kuboto Town to stay in a hotel. It is clear that he received a certain information and stayed in this hotel on purpose.

Mr. Subaru actually lives on the same floor as the missing Charles, which further proves that Mr. Subaru's presence here is no accident.


Mr. Subaru lived on the same floor, but Mr. Charles was still 'disappeared'?

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