Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2403 My mind is a bit messed up

Conan's mind was full of the situation of those four families, and he continued to ask, "Does Mr. Xiangyue have any special connection with the first three families?"

"I don't know, unlike the previous three families, Mr. Xiangyue doesn't smoke, and Mr. Xiangyue..."

While answering Conan's question, Chi Feichi dispelled the strange thoughts or images that popped up in his mind, but a large piece of carp banners waving in the wind suddenly appeared in his mind, and his thoughts were suddenly blocked by the colorful images.

Okiya Subaru looked sideways at Chi Feichi, his eyes under the glasses were still squinted, with a puzzled expression.

What's wrong?

Chi Feichi cleared the carp banner image out of his mind, and searched for the previous topic in a series of complicated thoughts.

Mr. Xiangyue doesn't smoke, and...

On the other end of the phone, Conan was also a little puzzled, "And what's wrong with Mr. Xiangyue? Does Mr. Xiangyue have some secrets that are hard to explain?"

"No, my mind is a bit confused..." Chi Feichi caught the thread hidden in the ball of wool in his mind, ruled out all kinds of chaotic thoughts that popped up suddenly, and stared at Hui Yuan mourning over there. The phone in front of him slowed down for a moment, and he spoke faster, "Mr. Xiangyue is dead. He fell under the steps of the underground sidewalk at about ten o'clock last night. The first person to find out..."

From the other end of the phone, there were three children's surprised discussions.

"W-what? Dead?"

"Did he fall to his death?"

"Just last night, I always felt that Mr. Xiangyue's death was not that simple..."

Chi Feichi: "..."


Those three brats must not know that people's thinking can change from "the first discoverer" to "a daily home-cooking program on Rimai TV" and then jump to "there was a murder of a diplomat before, and the washing machine solved it." '...

"Okay, please be quiet!"

Conan still remembered that Chi Feichi said earlier that 'my mind is a little messed up', and guessed that this was either due to the complexity of the incident or Chi Feichi's poor condition, so he stopped the three chattering children and asked, " And then? Brother Chi, who was the first person to discover Mr. Xiangyue?"

"The first person who discovered it was a young gentleman who was out walking his dog at night. Mr. Chi knew that gentleman and called him Mr. Yagisawa," Nanatsuki Koshimi answered Conan's question clearly, and said to Chi Fei Chi smiled, and said in a soft voice, "I was there last night, so let me talk about it from now on. If Mr. Chi thinks of other things, I'll help you add."

Chi Feichi did not try to be brave, nodded, and cleared out irrelevant details such as "diplomat" in his mind.

Trim trim, trim trim...

"What happened last night?" Conan said on the other end of the phone, "Sister Xiaolan and Uncle Xiaowulang also mentioned that incident to me after they went back. It was an elderly gentleman who fell down the steps. Right? Mr. Yagisawa and Kerr were the first to discover him. I met Mr. Yagisawa and Kerr in an incident before, so I know them too..."

"Since you know them, it's easy to handle," Koshimizu Nanatsuki breathed a sigh of relief, and patiently advised Conan, "There should be police officers near the underground sidewalk looking for witnesses who saw the incident last night Or, Conan, if you want to know the latest investigation progress of the incident, you can ask the police officers there. If the police officers are unwilling to tell you, you can say that Mr. Mori or Mr. Chi wanted to know about the incident, so you asked Yes, the officers in charge of the incident knew them, and if you said so, they should have told you."

"Yes..." Conan often uses the names of the two to understand things, and he doesn't need Koshimizu Nanatsuki to know how to talk to the police, but he is still a little moved when he hears someone give him advice in a gentle and firm voice, "Thank you Nanatsuki Sister Tsuki, let's go and have a look later, if the police investigate anything special, I'll contact you then!"

The best way to express friendship with a detective is to share the latest clues of the case with him as soon as possible, no problem.

"You should also pay attention to safety," Koshimizu Nanatsuki said worriedly, "If you find suspicious people nearby, you must not act rashly, and contact us or the police in time!"

Conan's voice was cute with a smile, "Yes!"

Yueshui Nanatsuki looked at Chi Feichi again and asked, "Mr. Chi, is there anything else you want to say to Conan?"

Chi Feichi collected his scattered thoughts, "Mr. Yagisawa's house is also nearby."

"Mr. Xiangyue, who fell down the steps last night, lives in the same area as the first person who discovered it, Mr. Yagisawa. Mr. Xiangyue hates animals going near his house. Then, he might talk to Mr. Yagisawa when Mr. Yagisawa walked his dog. There was a conflict," Conan pondered, "that is to say, there may be other connections between Mr. Yagisawa and the incident that happened last night, right? There are other pet owners..."

"No," Chi Feichi interrupted, taking advantage of his train of thought, "I just want to say that there are quite a few people around there who raise dogs, and those pet owners often exchange dog walking routes, where they can go, and where to avoid." What kind of houses do you open..."

Mitsuhiko guessed wildly, "Could it be that the people who raised dogs nearby felt that the four families were very unpleasant after discussing it, so they decided to join forces and create all kinds of accidents to eradicate all the people from these four families. drop?"

Ayumi panicked and exclaimed, "Ah!"

Yuan Tai's voice trembled, "Okay, it's scary!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

He and other adults should reflect on whether these bear children have been exposed to too many murders, which led Mitsuhiko to have such a guess that is close to the thinking of a perverted murderer.

"I'm talking about you guys... How could a group of people get together and kill people for this kind of thing?" Conan said speechlessly, then said depressedly, "Brother Chi probably wanted to remind us that this map Likely drawn by a nearby pet owner just to mark out places to avoid while walking the dog, it has nothing to do with last night's case or the recent burglary, right?"

Chi Feichi gave an 'hmm', "There is a possibility."

The three brats were a little disappointed, "'s just like this..."

"Anyway, let's go to Eguchi and Fujiki first, and ask them if they have noticed anything strange recently." Conan arranged the schedule, "If they don't find anything unusual, then we will go to Yagizawa Sir, ask him if this map is a dog-walking map of a certain family, and ask him to find out if the other three families have any special connection with Mr. Xiangyue..."

"There is still one hour for dinner," Hui Yuanai reminded, and somewhat intentionally frightened Yuan Tai, and said in a slow tone, "If you miss the lunch time, we won't wait for you, we guarantee a drop of soup—— I won't leave it to you."

"Ah...ah?" Yuan Tai was really anxious, "Wait, wait a minute! We are going to more than one place, there is not enough time!"

"Let's go to Eguchi's house and Fujiki's house to inquire, then go back, and then go to Mr. Yagisawa to find out the situation in the afternoon, so it's okay?" Conan said with a helpless smile, "Don't worry about the group work, go to the library to find those materials to copy, I only need an hour to finish it, it doesn't matter if I go later, and we have another day to do homework tomorrow..."

"That's it, hurry up!"

After Hui Yuanai finished speaking, he hung up the phone, sighed softly, and said to Dr. Ali, "I think we'd better make preparations in advance, use the computer to find out the reports about Kaitou Kidd in the afternoon, and print them at home. Well, I'll cut out the content that needs to be used first, and I can paste it when they are free."

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Chi Feichi leaned over and picked up the painting tools on the ground, intending to paint directly without making a draft.

Dr. Ali felt that Haibara Ai, who was worrying about a group of homework by himself, was really hard, and he mourned for Haibara, "It's really hard work for you, Xiao Ai, but they are also really good. They went to play for two days, and they still have to ask you to do it in advance. Everyone's homework, when they come back, I must tell them well, so that they must arrange their vacation time in the future!"

"It doesn't matter, I'm just doing my part ahead of time. Since I'm in charge of cutting the report, they will do the job of pasting it," Hui Yuanai said with a blank expression, "I will supervise them to finish it. of."

As soon as Dr. A Li heard Hui Yuanai say "supervise well", his scalp tingled and he scratched his head and laughed dryly.

Well, it seems that Xiao Ai does not plan to spoil Shinichi and the other three children...

Seeing that Chi Feichi was painting, Huiyuan put away his phone and surrounded him with Nanatsuki Koshimizu.

Okiya Subaru himself was standing by the easel, and he had been paying attention to Chi Feichi's painting earlier. Seeing that Chi Feichi was directly applying paint, he asked aloud, "Mr. Chi, isn't he going to draw the draft first?"

"I just want to doodle casually, I don't want to draw too complicated."

As Chi Feichi said, he painted the canvas with the adjusted blue-green paint, and the brush left large irregular patterns of different shades on the canvas.

Okiya Subaru: "..."

Mr. Chi really intends to do graffiti casually...

Hui Yuanai came to the side, looked at the clumps of paint on the canvas, didn't think about disturbing Chi Feichi, and asked, "Brother Feichi, when I was talking to Edogawa on the phone just now, You stopped suddenly, and then you said that your mind is a little messed up, what's going on?"

Chi Feichi painted irregular patterns on the canvas, and felt a lot more relaxed. After thinking about it, he still couldn't predict whether his situation would be more strange and serious in the future. In order not to scare others , the decision is still the same as a few days ago, a little bit more thorough, "Thinking about the problem is a bit difficult."

"Did you feel that your brain's response was slow when you were thinking?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki recalled worriedly, "When you talked with Conan on the phone, the speed of speech was normal at the beginning, but halfway through, the speed of speech was obviously faster than usual. Slow down a little bit, and then suddenly stop, it feels like thinking or recalling will be more difficult..."

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