Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2404 reasoning is indispensable in life

Chi Feichi looked at the canvas, his hands kept moving, and carelessly left traces on the canvas with the brush, "Recalling things is very smooth, and the speed of thinking is not particularly slow, but some strange ideas or pictures will pop up, follow Conan is talking, I want to clean up the thoughts and pictures that have nothing to do with the topic, so it will appear slow."

Okiya Subaru propped his chin with the fingers of his left hand, looked at the window, and tried to imagine Chi Feichi's state just now.


It's a bit unimaginable...

Koshimizu Nanatsuki also tried to imagine, and asked tentatively, "Strange thoughts and pictures... how strange is it?"

"For example, I thought of a running washing machine, and then I thought of the murder report I read in the newspaper, and then it turned into a flying carp banner, and after that, it turned into Tagore's poem..." Chi Feichi looked. Calmly changed the paintbrush, dipped the new paint in the palette, and waved the brush to draw a long maroon mark on the canvas, "The night will turn white, the sky will dawn, we will look into each other's eyes, and then each other Go your separate ways."

A long maroon mark scratched from one corner of the canvas to the other, as if it was about to cut a slanted crack on the canvas, and fell into groups of blue-green, abrupt and dazzling.

Okiya Subaru looked at the canvas, then at Chi Feichi's calm and focused expression. While silent, he was thinking about how to persuade Chi Feichi to go to the psychiatry department.

"Cough..." Dr. A Li felt a strange aura permeating the surroundings, coughed lightly, and calmed down, "Feichi, you want to see a psychiatrist? If there is a problem, it can be solved as soon as possible." Solve it early, maybe it will be much easier to solve..."

"I want to find Dr. Fukuyama." Chi Feichi changed his brush again and began to draw short green lines on the canvas. "I'll call him later."

The others breathed a sigh of relief.

If you are willing to find a doctor, it is better to find Dr. Fukuyama. After all, Dr. Fukuyama knows the situation better...

"Then you can continue painting," Dr. A Li said with a quick smile, "We won't bother you."

"However, do you mind if we take a look at it?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked.

"I don't mind." Chi Feichi turned his head to look at the four people around him, and continued to draw, "Actually, you don't have to be nervous, I am very clear-headed. When I draw, I feel that my mind is not so chaotic, so I can If so, I want to paint quietly for a while."

His condition seems to be very serious, but in his eyes, this is just a negative state caused by Sanwu Goldfinger, and it will disappear after a while, so there is no need to worry about it. It won't be a big deal.

At the beginning, the original consciousness lacked the desire to survive, he used the body alternately with the original consciousness, and he had repeated delusions and auditory hallucinations. Fukuyama Zhiming had witnessed them all. He had seen many of them. Facing his current state, he would no longer What a fuss.

It was for this reason that he decided to call Fukuyama Chiaki.

If you find a doctor who doesn't understand his previous situation, his psychological endurance is definitely not as strong as that of Fukuyama Zhiming. He may make a big fuss if he finds any problems, so don't scare the people around him again.

After much deliberation, it is better to contact Fukuyama Zhiming.

No matter what, it is impossible for Fukuyama Zhiming to run back from the United States to catch him and hospitalize him.

The worst result is nothing more than Fukuyama Zhiming thinks he needs to take medicine, then he can find a way to hide the medicine, change the medicine, and get away with it.


Before twelve o'clock at noon, Conan and the three children Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi rushed home.

"We're back!"

In the room, the easel was propped up in front of the window. Chi Feichi sat in front of the easel facing the entrance. When he heard the children say hello, he turned his head and looked over.

Dr. Agasa and Okiya Subaru stood beside the easel, and when Okiya Subaru squinted his eyes and turned his head with a smile, he also smiled and turned his head to say hello, "You are back, dinner is about to be served!"

The three children ran to the cooking table.

"Huihara! What are you having for lunch today?"

"Do you have Chinese food?"

"Do you have eel rice?"

Haibara Ai and Koshimizu Nanatsuki stood by the cooking table. Facing the expectant questions from the three children, they replied calmly, "There is no Chinese food, no eel rice, only chicken soup and curry beef rice. Add a dessert."

The three children looked at each other, the excitement in their eyes faded.

"It's just that..."

"It's pretty good, isn't it?" Hui Yuanai felt that Chi Feichi had taken care of the three children, jumped off the chair, looked at the three children seriously, and said, "Anyway, that's all for today, you guys Hurry up and wash your hands!"


The three children were sweating, put away their unfinished complaints, turned around and ran quickly to the bathroom.

Conan stood by the easel, looked back at the three children, and smiled inwardly.

When he entered the door and saw that Chi Feichi was not by the cooking table, and his hands and fingers were still stained with solidified paint, he knew there was no need to go around the cooking table—Chi Feichi didn't cook today.

If Subaru-san is standing in front of the cooking counter, they can still look forward to whether there will be Chinese cuisine.

If it was Nanatsuki-san and Haibara, then there was a high probability that their lunch would be the chicken soup they stewed when they went out in the morning, plus curry beef or fried fish nuggets.

After all, Miss Nanatsuki is very good at making curry beef with different levels of spiciness, and Haibara can also patiently stay beside the cooking table and stir regularly for the curry beef to be delicious...

Reasoning is also indispensable in life.

In short, it is not suitable to go around the cooking counter today, no matter what, there will be no fresh dishes, so it is better to come to the easel and see what Chi Feichi and Mr. Subaru are doing.

There is a picture on the easel.

A painting with half-dried paint... a mess.

The whole painting has large and small irregular color blocks, with lines of different lengths and thicknesses, filled with blue-green, reddish-brown, black, green, white and other colors. Law, nature has no sense of beauty.

Conan stared at the painting intently, trying to find out the difference between this painting and the children's graffiti, and finally found that the children's graffiti may be better than this painting, he was silent for a while, and asked speechlessly, "Brother Chi, where are you?" What are you drawing?"

Chi Feichi put down his painting utensils, got up and prepared to wash his hands and eat, "Trees, clouds, mirrors and so on."

Conan looked at the painting again and examined it carefully.

Trees, clouds, mirrors...


"I'm going to wash my hands," Chi Feichi walked to the bathroom, "Hurry up, too."

"Huh?" Conan returned to his senses, "Wait..."

"Yes~!" Okiya Subaru responded with a smile and squinted his eyes, covering Conan's voice.

Dr. A Li gave a dry laugh, and waited for Chi Feichi to go a little further before leaning over to Conan's ear, and said in a low voice, "Xinyi, don't ask around curiously, Feichi's mental state is a little bit not too good……"

Conan looked at the painting again, and thought of Chi Feichi's anomaly during the previous call, "When we were talking on the phone earlier, brother Chi said that his mind was a little messed up, does it have anything to do with it?"

"Yeah," said Dr. Ali with a headache, "he said that some strange thoughts or pictures would pop up in his mind, which were all unconnected things. When I called you before, it was probably because I had to try to put those irrelevant things away. The information from the brain is expelled from the brain, so the speaking speed is relatively slow, and it is not easy to remember what I wanted to say before being interrupted..."

Conan stroked his chin, frowned and thought, "So, when we were talking on the phone today, his speech speed was a little slower than usual. I thought he was recalling the situation of those families, but I didn't expect it to be because of this... ...This should be a relaxation of thinking, right?"

"Not sure," Dr. Ali smiled helplessly, "Feichi said to call Dr. Fukuyama later. Dr. Fukuyama is in the United States. Considering the time difference, he may not be able to call until evening."

"It's also good to contact Dr. Fukuyama," Conan retracted his thoughts, and agreed, "He is Brother Chi's attending doctor, and he understands Brother Chi's situation better. It should be better to find him than to find other doctors."

Dr. A Li echoed in a low voice, "We think so too..."

"Mr. Chi said he was sober, and he didn't seem to be lying to make us feel at ease." Okiya Subaru squinted his eyes and looked at the canvas all the time, watching very intently, "When he was painting just now, the movements of using tools and adjusting colors They were all standard, and there were no abnormal behaviors during the period, which showed that he was indeed sober. As for these graffiti, he might want to use the random graffiti to better clear the brain of those sudden and chaotic thoughts, and use the graffiti as a In this way, he can relieve the load caused by too much abnormal information in the brain, so he can relax a lot when painting."

Conan nodded solemnly.

No wonder Mr. Subaru didn't cook, because he wanted to observe Brother Chi's situation more.

It wasn't easy for Brother Chi either. His thinking remained clear amidst the chaos, and the way of constantly scribbling relieved the load on his brain.

It was a silent struggle, and it must be very hard for those who fight by willpower.

Okiya Subaru looked at the canvas and affirmed with a serious face, "And there are really trees in the painting."

"Huh?" Dr. A Li looked at the messy patterns on the painting in doubt, "Trees?"

"Here..." Okiya Subaru stretched out his finger, stopped some distance from the canvas, and pointed to the green dots and gray-brown curves on the canvas. This is a tree, and those next to it are also trees."

Conan looked up at Okiya Subaru speechlessly.

Hey, besides the color of this color block is related to the tree, what else can make people think of the tree?

It's time like this, please be normal, Subaru-san.

Okiya Subaru pointed to the area in the upper right corner of the canvas again, looked at the white circles falling on the black paint, and said seriously, "As for the cloud, it should be here. I haven't found the mirror yet..."

"Are these clouds?" Conan looked at the messy circle, and said dryly, "It's really good, it looks more like trees."

"Yeah," Okiya Subaru looked at the painting up and down, "Probably because I watched Mr. Chi write the pen, so I can probably guess what he is painting, such as the tree, he used gray-brown and green paint alternately When painting, I always use taupe curves with green color blocks, I was guessing at the time, it should be a tree..."

Conan froze for a moment.

Huh? If you have seen such a painting process, you can indeed guess what those strange patterns are through the painting sequence...

Wait, why are they discussing a messy painting with such seriousness?

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