Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2441 I am for a consultant

When Toru Amuro's thoughts were flying, Conan's eyes on Mori Kogoro also gradually changed from 'surprise', 'encouragement', and 'expectation' to 'it really is such a speechless'.

Kogoro Mori saw Amuro staring at him blankly, and asked with a proud face, "I hit the mark, so you can't speak?"

"No..." Toru Amuro came back to his senses, and quickly cleared himself of the suspicion, "Mr. Mori said that I went out and killed Ms. Hatsune, but since Ms. Hatsune left the restaurant, I have never left the restaurant. Although the restaurant has a back door, I I have been working all the time. After eight o’clock, I only went to the bathroom once in the middle of the day. I was entertaining guests at other times, and I was always walking around the restaurant. As long as the guests and other waiters in the restaurant noticed, it should be able to prove that I did not leave during this period through the restaurant."

Mori Kogoro touched his chin, "That's when you go to the bathroom..."

"When I went to the bathroom, the consultant had already stepped into the bathroom before me." Amuro looked at Chi Feichi and then at Banba Laitai, "Then Mr. Banba also went in. When he entered, The consultant and I just came out of the bathroom, that is to say, even if I went to the bathroom, there was no time to place orders."

"That's not good," Mori Kogoro continued to look at Toru Amuro suspiciously, "the bathroom in this restaurant has more than one compartment, you can also pretend to go to the bathroom by yourself, and then sneak out of the compartment... ..."

Chi Feichi silently watched the group perform.

Is his Maori teacher pestering Amuro endlessly?

No, judging from the results, his teacher may be considered a righteous extermination...

Look at the smile on Amuro's face, it seems to be saying 'Mr. Mori, you are awesome'!

Toru Amuro smiled at Kogoro Mori and the policemen who looked at him suspiciously, "But neither the consultant nor I entered the cubicle."

Well, it's possible...

"To avoid suspicion," Chi Feichi kept his face unchanged, "Because Ms. Jiamen is Mr. Banchang's new wife, and Mr. Banchang seems to be jealous easily, so I took Conan with me. After all, Mr. Banchang is Mr. Maori. I don’t want him to misunderstand, and I don’t want Mr. Maori to be in a difficult situation because of some disputes.”

Mori Kogoro looked at Chi Feichi speechlessly, "Did you guys just discuss talking to Miss Hatsune in the bathroom?"

"Huh?!" Megu Shisan was a little surprised, and soon stared at Toru Amuro with a serious expression.

"That's what I heard," Conan looked up and explained to Mao Lilan, "I met them outside the bathroom door. After Mr. Anshi said those words to Brother Chi, he left first, and then when I went to the bathroom, Mr. Banba left a little earlier than me, while Brother Chi was waiting outside for me to come out, and then we went back to our seats together. Not long after we sat down, Mr. Amuro came over and told Brother Chi that the grape juice would take some time to prepare, and he would deliver it at that time. "

Banba Laitai nodded in recollection, "At that time I thought he was Hatsune's lover, and I had been paying attention to his movements, and the more I thought about it, the more angry I became. When I found out that he was going to the bathroom, I wanted to follow him. The local government warned him a few words, but Maori's apprentice was in the bathroom, and I was embarrassed to attack, and then the two of them chatted about ordering food and left the bathroom."

"Besides, the ventilation window in the bathroom is very high and narrow. At most, seven or eight-year-old children can squeeze through it. Besides, there is only the main entrance to leave." Amuro looked at Yoita Banba, "Mr. Banba should always Just keep an eye on my movements, within five minutes after I entered the bathroom, he also went in, even if I had other ways to leave the bathroom, that time would only be enough for me to go around to the parking lot..."

Amuro interrupted, "Actually, Mr. Mori was half right. I called at 8:48 to confirm the exact time when Ms. Hatsune arrived at the parking lot..."

"It was at that time that I spent a little time reminiscing with Amuro. As soon as I mentioned whether his client was Ms. Hatsune, Mr. Banchang went in." Chi Feichi put the cigarette butt out in the ashtray and stood up. , Looking at Banba Lai Tai with a calm face, "When we left the bathroom later, when we talked about calling him to order food, he was actually saying that he called Miss Garmen to confirm the arrival time at the parking lot."

These two... ready to talk in the parking lot? No, the question now is, do these two people actually know each other? Why didn't his wife tell him?

"When I gave the sashimi to you, the consultant had already recognized me. I was worried that recognizing him would affect the entrusted work, so I whispered to him that I was working," Toru Amuro recalled with a trace of seriousness. "Before Ms. Hatsune left the store to go to the nail salon, I knocked over the cake on Mr. Banza's pants on purpose. Miss Hatsune winked at me at that time, implying that I would help her keep an eye on Mr. Banza, because Mr. Banchang is jealous of her behavior, I think it is because of her behavior that the consultant guessed that she is my client..."

"I also told her, 'I have something to tell you face to face', and I'm sure she will arrive at the parking lot in a minute or two," Amuro said calmly, and his eyes shifted to Chi Feichi, " However, I called to confirm Miss Hatsune's whereabouts for the sake of the consultant, because the consultant told me that he had something important to tell Miss Hatsune."

"Hmm..." Mu Mu Shisan just lifted his chin with his right hand, and quickly reacted, his eyes widened, and he turned to look at Chi Feichi, "Huh?!"

"Hmm..." Mu Mushisan gathered his thoughts, "That is to say, it is impossible for Mr. Amuro to take the opportunity to leave the restaurant. He has not left the restaurant since Miss Hatsune left, and many witnesses can be found to help him prove... "

"But, didn't Conan also go to the bathroom at that time?" Mao Lilan looked around and found a certain elementary school student who was approaching behind Chi Feichi, "Conan and Brother Feichi still came back together later, didn't they?"

Banba Laitai recalled it with a numb face, "It turned out to be that time..."

Mao Lilan was a little surprised, "At that time, Brother Feichi quietly asked you to help contact Miss Hatsune?"

Mumu Thirteen has one head and two big ones.

"I think, when Mr. Amuro mentioned grape juice to Brother Chi, he actually wanted to say that he would contact Ms. Hatsune later, and after confirming that Ms. Hatsune returned here, he would send a glass of grape juice to Brother Chi," Conan said. Talking in a child's tone, he turned his head to look at the bar, "Because at around 8:40, I saw Mr. Amuro on the phone over there, and whispered a few words with him. Juice was delivered to our table, and Brother Chi immediately pretended to talk to me, saying that my detective armband fell outside, and took me out..."

That's right, why he was brought along was also a question he couldn't figure out...

Mao Lilan recalled, nodded, "I remember, Conan, you said you wanted a glass of orange juice, and after Mr. Amuro delivered the drinks requested by other customers, he went behind the bar to prepare..."

"Wait...wait a minute!" Mori Kogoro moved his eyes back and forth between Amuro Toru and Chi Feichi, and asked in surprise, "Why does this matter have something to do with Feichi again?"

Mu Mushisan confirmed to Banba Laitai, "Is that so? Mr. Banba?"

"Mr. Chi," Takagi asked suspiciously, "Since you asked Mr. Amuro to help confirm whether Ms. Hatsune is back, and went to the parking lot to talk to Ms. Hatsune about something, why did you bring Conan with you?"

Mori Kogoro and Megushi Thirteen: "..."

Companion Lai Tai was stunned in place.

Sato Miwako and Takagi Sheru also turned their heads to look at Chi Feichi, their eyes were as surprised as Mu Mushisan.

Banba Laitai also looked at Chi Feichi incredulously, her mind trying to associate "my new wife" with "Maori's handsome apprentice", and for a moment she didn't know whether she should think badly or not.

"No, after that," Toru Amuro said, "After Ms. Hatsune left, I was busy entertaining guests. At around 8:30, when I passed by your table, the consultant got up suddenly and said he was going to the bathroom. I feel like he glanced at me on purpose, thinking that maybe he wants to talk to me, even if not, I can go to him to say hello and catch up on the past, so after delivering the tray to the bar, I Followed to the bathroom."

Why is Conan involved again?

"After we left the bathroom, we met this little brother outside the door." Toru Amuro smiled at Conan, then looked at Mu Mushisan and said, "He also heard our conversation at that time, and he should also remember what the consultant said I said 'just confirm the time on the phone tonight', and I also said 'confirm on the phone and let you know'..."

Conan also looked up at Chi Feichi.

Mori Kogoro looked at Chi Feichi even more speechlessly, "So you are using this brat as a shield."


He also suspected that Mao Li's apprentice had a private meeting with Hatsune, was he too stingy?

Mao Lilan, Mu Mu Shisan and the others felt that Chi Feichi respected and cared about his teacher's feelings, not to mention Mao Li Kogoro. Hearing what Chi Feichi said, their hearts were extremely warm, and they all felt warm and comfortable. illusion.

"I see. However, there is another thing that I find strange..." Amuro looked at Kogoro Mori and asked, "Mr. Mori should be able to guess the time when Miss Hatsune will come back, right? Mr. Banba is sitting at your table. When she left, she said that she would come back in two hours. It was after 6:30, probably in the early 6:40s, so when she came back It will be about eight forty to nine at night."

Mori Kogoro didn't expect Toru Amuro to mention him suddenly, and found that Mumu Shisan was looking at him questioningly, and quickly nodded in affirmation, "When Ms. Hatsune left, she said that she would be back in two hours, but I I only know that the time should be before seven o'clock in the evening, but I didn't pay attention to the specific time, so I can only guess that Miss Hatsune will be back before nine o'clock in the evening."

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