Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2442 completely justified

"Maybe Mr. Mori didn't pay attention to the time when Ms. Hatsune left..." Toru Amuro looked directly at Chi Feichi, "But when Ms. Hatsune left the store, I saw the consultant take out his mobile phone and take a look. The consultant only attended the banquet. , He only wears a watch when he needs decorations. He usually prefers to use his mobile phone to check the time. He just took a look at it and put it away. Watch the time..."

Other people who were familiar with Chi Feichi recalled it, and found that Chi Feichi's habits were indeed like this, and sighed in their hearts, "As expected of a former personal assistant".

"This is what I find strange. The consultant confirmed the time when Ms. Hatsune left. It should be known that Ms. Hatsune will return to the parking lot around 8:50. Afterwards, Mr. Banba received Ms. Hatsune's email and read the contents of the email. When you come out, you are also nearby, and you will also know that Miss Hatsune will come back here in half an hour." Amuro looked at Chi Feichi without doubt or scrutiny, but only with doubts, "Anyway, the consultant You can estimate the time when Ms. Hatsune will arrive at the parking lot, so you only need to find a reason to go to the parking lot at 8:40, and you can wait for Ms. Hatsune, why do you want me to call?"

Chi Feichi silently praised Amuro Toru's 'difficulty' in his heart.

He asked Amuro to call to confirm the time. First, he was worried that the time would be different and the plan would fail, so he wanted to confirm the time accurately. The second reason was to prevent himself from going out and standing early, which would look suspicious. Others ran out to interfere with his plans.

Sometimes if he acts ahead of time, it may cause things to change instead. It is better to wait until everything that should happen and the development of the situation is basically fixed, and then he will come forward to change the key node that determines life and death. This may not be useful, but it must be safe in the end Some.

He was serious about saving Kamon Hatsune, and Amuro would find some of his behaviors strange, which he expected...

"What worries me is that you suddenly hinted at me to go to the bathroom at around 8:30. At that time, I thought that Miss Hatsune would be back soon, and I felt that time was tight, so I only thought about contacting Miss Hatsune. Thinking about it now You could have told me earlier, so why did you have to wait until Miss Hatsune came back soon?" Amuro looked at Chi Feichi with a smile on his face, "In this way, I suspect that you deliberately made me feel Time is tight, and I deliberately made it impossible for me to think about one thing - 'You can actually go out and wait for Miss Hatsune to come back', it's not strange for me to think like this, right?"

Although Mumu Shisan and the others didn't think that Chi Feichi would kill or harm others, they all looked at Chi Feichi and wanted to explain to him after hearing what Anshitou said made sense.

"The reason why I only came to you after 8:30 is because I was thinking about it—where did I meet Miss Jiamen?" Chi Feichi faced the eyes that were focused on him, and his expression was still expressionless. Changing, she calmly said the words she had thought up a long time ago, "When Miss Garmen and Mr. Companion came to sit down at our table, I saw that she looked familiar, she was the kind of person who hadn't had much contact but had a little impression. Familiarity, I think, we probably just met somewhere, there was something that stuck in my memory, but then we never met again, and it's hard to recall..."

"It's an antipsychotic." Chi Feichi said.

"That's right, Umbrella previously opened two DNA testing agencies in Tokyo, and one of them was in Mihua Town. When I was shopping for fruit near there not long ago, I accidentally saw Miss Garmen walking out of the DNA testing agency. She was Her face was ugly, she was very preoccupied, and she almost bumped into me, so I was very impressed with her at the time," Chi Feichi looked at Toru Amuro and said, "But around six o'clock, I didn't think of her , At that time, I used my mobile phone to check the time to confirm the time to take the medicine. Recently, I have to take the medicine after 7pm every night, and no later than ten o’clock at the latest.”

Mori Kogoro felt that his apprentice understood him, moved his heart, and stubbornly refused to admit it, and complained in a low voice, " really are, since you found out about this kind of thing, you can tell me about it. If you help, maybe you will notice more clues..."

Amuro was sweating profusely, "Yes, yes."

"That..." Gao Mushe asked curiously, "Is Mr. Chi not feeling well recently?"

"Although Mr. Banchang received Miss Garmen's email, I heard his voice reading the content of the email, and knew that Miss Garmen would be back in half an hour, but at that time I was only thinking about Miss Garmen's affairs. I deliberately kept an eye on the time, so I thought, why don't you just go and ask Amuro," Chi Feichi turned to look at Anshitou again, and said calmly, "You can call and confirm the exact time. For the attention of Mr. Banchang and others, first go to the parking lot to find Miss Jiamen, and ask the situation as soon as possible, will it be better?"

Gao Mushe felt that he had mentioned something that shouldn't be mentioned, and he felt a little guilty, "Yu, so that's the case..."

"No, no," Mrs. Banba recalled that her newlywed wife had kept many secrets from her, and she became depressed again, and she also had a sad face while speaking, "She never told me anything, even the fact that she went to the DNA testing agency. , I only found out after hearing what your apprentice said tonight."

"No..." Toru Amuro didn't expect Chi Feichi to have such a misunderstanding. He was stunned for a moment before explaining with a smile, "Because detectives can't just say the content of the commission, so..."

Banchang Laitai has nothing to say, and can only continue to worry about why his wife hides so much from herself.

"That's right, Feichi needs to take his medicine after seven o'clock in the evening," Mori Kogoro chimed in, "The reason why I realized that Miss Hatsune left before seven o'clock in the evening is because Feichi hasn't taken her medicine yet, Xiaogoro Lan and Conan did not remind him, and because he has been taking medicine recently, I am more concerned about the recent changes in the weather around seven o'clock. When I looked at the sky, I knew it was almost seven o'clock, but it was definitely not there yet. arrive."

"That's why I thought, why don't I talk to Ms. Garmen first and tell her directly that I saw her at the genetic identification agency that day, if she is willing to tell me her troubles, you don't have to violate the detective's confidentiality guidelines , and I really want to see if I can help," Chi Feichi said, and then looked at Mori Kogoro, "If Mr. Mori knew that Mr. Banba's new wife was in trouble, he would definitely not hesitate If you choose to help, I will naturally stand on the same ground as him, if Miss Garmen is willing to tell me what's going on, and if the matter is not particularly troublesome, I can help solve it without the need for the teacher to come forward."

"Until I found you, I didn't realize that I met Miss Jiamen outside the gate of the DNA testing institution," Chi Feichi continued, "She had a very ugly face that day, and I remembered that Mr. Banchang said tonight Both he and Miss Jiamen were adopted, and I was wondering if she found her relatives and encountered some troubles, or if her relatives found her and brought her some distress..."

Mao Lilan laughed quickly, "Brother Feichi's condition has been recurring recently."

"Additionally, Miss Jiamen blinked at Amuro before, I guessed that she was Amuro's client, but I didn't expect her entrustment to let Amuro monitor Mr. Banchang," Chi Feichi looked at Anshitou calmly Saying an excuse, "You also refused to tell me the content of the commission, I thought she was asking you to investigate troublesome things about her relatives..."

If the consultant thinks that Ms. Hatsune looks familiar, the reason for checking the time at six o'clock is to take the medicine. After taking the medicine, he keeps thinking about where he met Ms. Hatsune until after eight o'clock... This is completely reasonable.

Toru Amuro sorted out his thoughts, "Then you decided to go to Miss Garmen later because you remembered her coming?"

Chi Feichi looked at Toru Amuro, and continued, "After Ms. Hatsune left, I figured it was almost time. I poured water and took medicine, and I couldn't drink with the teacher, so I just sat there and thought about where I met Miss Guojiamen..."

That being said, there was absolutely nothing wrong with the counselor suggesting that he go to the bathroom at 8:30.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help asking Banba Yoita, "Banba, have you heard Miss Hatsune say these things?"

"A lot of things that are entrusted to the detective to investigate are secrets that are not convenient to be disclosed to the public. I'm not sure whether Mr. Banchang knows about this matter, and whether this matter will cause disputes between Mr. Banchang and Ms. Garmen, so , I want to understand the situation and Ms. Jiamen's wishes first, and then consider whether to tell others," Chi Feichi said, and then looked at Mrs. Banchang, "The reason why I want to go to the parking lot without telling Mr. Banchang, This is also the reason, although I should be on the side with Mr. Banchang, but before the matter is clear, I think Miss Garmen's privacy also needs to be respected."

Toru Amuro remembered that Chi Feichi was indeed sitting in the seat and lost his mind before, and suddenly had nothing to say.

One is that the consultant remembered that Ms. Kamen Hatsune had been to the genetic identification institution at that time and wanted to know the situation, and the other was that the consultant did not treat him as an outsider. The first time I thought of finding him...

"And Brother Chi has been staying with me tonight!" Conan looked up at a group of adults, pretending to be a child, "After entering the restaurant, we sat together. When he went to the bathroom, I went too soon. When he went to the bathroom, even when he went out to find Miss Garmen, I was by his side, so he is absolutely no doubter!"

"No," Amuro quickly waved his hands with a smile, "I didn't doubt the consultant, but I just thought some of his behaviors were strange, and I wanted to figure out what was going on, because something happened now, and sometimes some small details may be important to discover. The key to the clues, I want to try to understand things clearly..."

So, the consultant shouldn't be angry with him, right?

It looked... well, he couldn't tell.

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